
Variants of beautiful braids, created by yourself


Previously, the attitude to pigtails on the head was not serious, they were considered to be a quick way to bring order to the head of schoolgirls during the morning chaos in the house.

There are so many options for weaving the spike today that you can create with it a new image every day.

Today, braids can be seen in the hairstyles of adult women. Hair spikelet perfectly conveys the play of color on melirovannyh hair, and a variety of weaves allows stylists to embody bold decisions in creating new images.

The network contains many video tutorials that tell about the kinds of spikelets and how to weave them.

For beginners, it is recommended to choose the simplest French braids, since to acquire the initial skills and understanding of the principles of weaving you need to braid a spike of a simple construction several times.

How to learn how to weave a fish spike itself

Braid spit fish tail is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Not every woman will be able to weave a spike to herself, therefore this work should be entrusted to a helper.

  • The hair is collected in the tail high on the back of the head and is divided into 2 strands. This scheme is also called a spike of two strands.
  • From the edge of one strand a thin curl is separated and spread to another strand.
  • On the same side from where the thin curl was taken, a part of the hair is picked up at the side of the head and connected to a separated strand.
  • The same actions are performed from the opposite side.
  • The characteristic pattern of weaving is obtained by adding new strands to each knot from the side of the head.
  • Correctly weave a spikelet in the event that captured strands will be the same thickness. This type of braid does not imply tight weaving, so beginner flaws will look organically.

In any pigtail looks beautifully interwoven ribbon. In the children's version they use colored crabs, which are stabbed onto each knot.

As you can see, learning to weave a spike fishtail is not so difficult.

Scheme weaving ordinary pigtails child

This is the simplest spike weaving scheme. Many mothers do it automatically and can braid a spikelet in a minute.

The presented step-by-step instructions on weaving the spikelet will allow novice mothers to become virtuosos in the braid of braids soon:

  1. A hair strand is separated from above and divided into 3 identical bunches.
  2. The far left bundle starts at the middle one and is passed under the rightmost one.
  3. The same actions are performed mirror on the opposite side.
  4. After the formation of 2 knots, small curls from the right and left of the pigtail begin to be added to the extreme strands.
  5. The thickness of the added beams should be the same, as the accuracy of weaving depends on it.
  6. In this mode, the weaving of the spike continues to the lower limit of hair growth, and the remaining tips are woven into the usual three-row pigtail.
  7. The tip is fixed with a simple or decorative rubber band.

Important! The ability to weave beautiful spikelets comes with experience. The necessary skills are acquired quickly, and after 5-10 repetitions, even an inexperienced person can quickly weave a French spikelet.

This version of the spit is considered the easiest to learn. After mastering such a technique, you can safely tackle more complex types of spikelets.

French braid weaving pattern for beginners

Weaving a spike inside out is no more difficult than an ordinary pigtail.

  • As with the braiding of other braids, you first need to carefully comb the hair. Combed hair even in inept hands will be obedient.
  • As in ordinary weaving, a strand is captured at the top of the head and divided into 3 parts.
  • A feature of this technique is the transmission of the extreme beams not below the average, but from below.
  • All these actions are alternately repeated on both sides, adding an additional strand from the side of the head after each knot.
  • The braid spikelet weaves on this principle to the ends of the hair, which is fixed by an elastic band.

Important! Weave spikelet should not be tight, as the braid should be voluminous. To do this, separate the nodules a little stretch after the completion of work.

How to make combined hairstyles step by step: two braids, side French braid

Spit does not necessarily have to be located in the middle of the head. It will be easier to spit two spikelets to yourself if they are located on the side. Spikelet on the side will give the image playfulness and romanticism.

  • After combing the hair is oblique vertical parting.
  • First you need to make a spikelet on one side of the head. Use the strand that turned out bigger.
  • The first knots are woven like a regular pigtail, and then tufts are added from the side. For a change, they are separated not in the course of weaving, but alternately above and below. This hairstyle is characterized by negligence, which she will give the "fish tail" at the final stage. Therefore, the side braid does not need to try to do tight.
  • When the braid reaches the ear, it is temporarily fixed with a barrette or rubber band.
  • The beam from the opposite side is rolled by a roller in a circle, pushing it through the back of the head to the side pigtail.

You can easily braid a beautiful braid independently, without resorting to the services of specialists.

  • Two spikelets are connected and are woven into the fishtail braid.


  • this hairstyle keeps its shape even with strong wind and under a headdress,
  • braids trudge and on medium hair, with proper effort, they come out even more carefully than on long strands,
  • look good with every type of appearance and hair,
  • This is a universal hairstyle that is suitable for any occasion: for every day, for a business meeting, or for a party,
  • braid beautiful pigtails with your own hands will turn out for every girl, if you constantly train,
  • braids perfectly mask the oily shine of hair,
  • hair weaving provides space for experiments and allows you to create original versions of hairstyles (as in the photo).

Editorial Board

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To braid beautiful long or medium braids with your own hands, you will need:

  • a comb, better than wood, so that electricity does not arise,
  • natural fiber brush
  • hairpins, clips, pins,
  • rubber bands and ribbons
  • decorations,
  • means for laying and fixing.

Traditional braid in Russian

  • select three equal shares in the hair,
  • throwing them on top of one another, start weaving a braid in the classical way,
  • Reaching the desired length, secure the end with an elastic band or barrette (the result is in the photo).

"Fishtail" ("spike")

Carefully comb the hair, separate the strand of hair at the crown. Divide it into two equal parts.

Cross the strands. From the total weight of the hair on the right, separate the thin strand and transfer it to the left, connecting it with the left section. Now do the same with the other side.

Keeping this algorithm of actions, continue to weave a pigtail until you have woven all your hair into it.

The remaining length should also be turned into a fishtail. To do this, separate the thin strand from the left section and connect it to the right side. Then separate the beds from the right section and reunite them with the left part. And so on to the very end.

The thinner the detachable strands are, the clearer the “pattern” of the braid will be

Secure the "spike" with a rubber band and gently pull its links in different directions. The hairstyle will become more voluminous.

"Fishtail" can be created as longso and on medium hair.

French weave

  • divide the part of the hair above the forehead into three strands,
  • start the classic three-row weaving, alternately adding side strands to the braid on both sides, as shown in the photo,
  • for the French version, on the contrary, bind them not from above, but from below,
  • reach to the desired length and seal the tip with an elastic band.

Comb the hair and divide the long hair into two halves. From one half, starting from the back of the head, begin to weave a braid in French on the contrary, adding strands from above.

Moving in a circular arrow, weave all the hair into a braid and, reaching the back of the head, go to the classic three-row weaving.

Secure the tip of the pigtail and lay it over your forehead. Pin the "crown" with the studs as shown in the photo.

Greek hairstyle

Tie the tail, leaving two long strands on the sides of the face.

Divide it into 4 equal fragments.

Start weaving fishtail braids from each part.

Slightly pull the strands out of the braids so that they become bigger as in the photo.

Wrap one of the braids around your head and secure with hairpins.

Put the second one next, but in a different direction and fix it with stealth.

The third point is opposite.

Put the last one in the center of the head, fix the result with pins and spray with varnish.

"Waterfall in French"

Split forehead divided into three lobes. Begin to weave in French, moving to the ear.

In the course of weaving, replace the lower strands of the braids with pieces of hair on top.

Secure the result with a rubber band.

"Mermaid's tail"

Divide the curls in half. Fix one part and flip the second part forward and begin to weave in an inverted way.

When finished, secure with tape or rubber. Do the same with the second part.

Slightly loosen the braids, as shown in the photo, and fasten them together with pins.

Tie the tips. A good addition to the hair will serve as a bezel or decorative barrette.

Weaving Tips

  • when weaving braids hair, divide into equal parts,
  • thin, naughty strands constantly pull down to make the braid tight,
  • hair on the sides of the head hold the little fingers.

Creating beautiful hairstyles from braids with your own hands is not so difficult as it may seem at first glance. Calling for help diligence and patience, you quickly learn how to create different options. Pigtails will emphasize your beauty, femininity and give the image a poetic look.

Weaving a single French braid at home

This is the easiest to learn spit.

If you didn’t know how to weave braids out of hair at all, then it’s better to start with an ordinary French classic braid. Hair can be done on medium and long hair.

Spit can be single, double or in any other variation. But here the easiest option is considered - the step-by-step weaving of a single French braid in the middle of the head.


  1. Comb your hair, if it is soft and fluffy, slightly wet it with water.
  2. If there is a bang, then separate it, leaving free. Long bangs can be woven into the braid.
  3. Stand behind your back and ask to tilt your head slightly.
  4. In front of the head, collect a small tuft of hair, divide it into 3 parts and begin to weave an ordinary pigtail.
  5. For each successive weaving, add to the tuft of hair in your hand strands from the sides, alternately, from one and the other.
  6. Spit should gradually begin to thicken.
  7. Finish weaving a free falling pigtail and tie it with an elastic band. Optionally, the tail can be left flowing.

Step-by-step weaving of such a braid is shown in the photo:

How to braid your hair in a beautiful braid- "snail" (with video)

Difficult-looking, but easy to learn hairstyle "snail" is very comfortable in the summer. Hair collected, does not interfere, it will be easy and cool.

If weaving a little fix with varnish, then you can bring the "snail" for several days. Hairstyle is hardly suitable for too sparse and thin hair, but it will look great on thick.

Instructions for weaving with their hands spit- "snail":

  1. Comb your hair and moisten with water, it will be more convenient to make it out of the sprayer.
  2. Distribute the hair so as to open the middle of the crown.
  3. Separate a small strand in the very center of the head, from which weaving will begin.
  4. Begin to weave a thin braid, moving clockwise. You will have to move around your head.
  5. Weave in a circle spiral, grabbing hair from only one, the outer part. Adjust the thickness of the pigtails at its discretion. The thicker the hair, the more turns can be.
  6. Finishing weaving, tie the tail with a rubber band and fix the tip of the hair with an invisible hairpin or any other barrette.

Watch the video, how to braid your hair in a beautiful braid- "snail":

What kinds of braids can be braided at home

Easy hairstyles at home are gaining popularity among a large number of women. These experiments include spit braiding. You can come up with new hairstyles every day, using different types of weaving. A little time is spent on creating braids, with their help any image is obtained - from romantic to business. Any girl or woman has a great chance to transform without visiting expensive beauty salons.

Three-strand classic braid

Weaving braids at home is a very simple process that any girl can learn. Description of a simple classic splicing method:

  1. Comb your hair.
  2. We divide them into three equal parts.
  3. Without much strands, we shift the left part through the central part, and then the right part too.
  4. We dangle to the ends, we fix it with the help of a hairpin.
  5. For a more lasting effect, you can fix the braid with hairspray.

French braid

This kind of braid weaving at home is desirable to use for thin hair. The French method of weaving strands visually adds volume to the hair. The scheme of creating a simple, but beautiful hairstyle will be clear even for beginners:

  1. On the crown, select one strand of hair of medium volume, divide it into three identical parts.
  2. We weave these 3 parts together in a classic pigtail.
  3. We take a strand on the right side, attract to the base, which is in the left hand. Weave a new strand with the central part of the main braid.
  4. We do the same with the lock taken from the left side, but the main braid must be in the right hand.
  5. With the help of the left hand, choose a new hair strand on the left.
  6. Repeat this process until we sink to the back of the head. From this point on, your hair is woven in the classic way. The end of the finished French braid is fixed with a rubber band, tape, barrette.

Simple braid harness

Another simple variant of weaving a braid at home is a tow. Thanks to this hair styling scheme, you can build a variety of unusual hairstyles.Spit-braid, made of two strands, you get a more spectacular and voluminous, than the same hairstyle with three or four parts. Hairstyles from braids to medium hair and long curls, made with the help of weaving-harness, are relevant to the attire of any style. Description of the method:

  1. Hair collected in the tail and fasten.
  2. We divide it into two parts. Strand one tightly twist the bundle in one direction.
  3. We intertwine the “strands” between each other, but we do it the opposite side of the initial twisting.
  4. Fix the finished hair.

The next type of hair is a pigtail. Make it easy, but the result will surely please. Spit is suitable for young girls and older women. In any case, the hairstyle looks stylish and gentle. Weaving algorithm:

  1. Hair is collected in a bun, divided into two identical halves.
  2. On the right side of the beam we separate a thin strand, we enclose it under the main part of the hair on the left. After that, take the hair on the left and place it under the right base.
  3. Repeat the process of weaving alternately, until we reach the tips of the hair.
  4. Fasten your hair with a hairpin or a rubber band.
  5. Tip: to get the perfect hairstyle, you need to separate very thin strands, tightening them as much as possible.

Spit "fishtail" looks great on thick straight hair. This original weaving technique creates the effect of transfusion on the light. Hair can be done for a special occasion, for example, prom or wedding, decorating the braid with beads, rhinestones or ribbon. Also, it is suitable for business negotiations or walking with friends. The scheme of weaving "fish tail":

  1. Well comb your hair, process them with any special means for styling.
  2. Devide into two parts.
  3. We choose from which level the weaving will start (from the back of the head or the top, in front of the level of the temples, on the bottom of the hair).
  4. Select the strand of small size on the left side, shift it through the left side of the base, combine it with the right main part.
  5. In the same way we combine the right strand with the left.
  6. To get a braid durable, it is better to tighten the strands a little while shaping the hairstyle.
  7. We weave the “tail of the fish” to the end, fix and lightly draw out thin strands for the volume of the hairstyle.

How to make an unusual weaving itself

There are many unbanal variations for those who prefer to induce beauty on their own, without resorting to outside help. Hairstyles created with various types of braids take a bit of free time, but give amazing results. Every fashionista gets a chance to stand out thanks to an unusual, fashionable and individual hair styling. Here are some interesting ways to weave braids at home, which will help create an image for any event.

4-strand square braid

A pigtail made of four strands always looks interesting and trendy, and it is very simple. This hairstyle goes well with many styles of clothing and is suitable for women of any age. Algorithm weaving "square" braids:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hair, apply a means to fix the volume on your hair, dry it with a hairdryer.
  2. We comb the hair back, we “hide” the parting.
  3. We divide our shovel into four equal parts.
  4. Take the extreme strand on the right side, shift to the next part.
  5. We perform the same action in relation to the third strand, throwing it on the left edge.
  6. Intersect the central strands.
  7. To securely weave, we cross the strands located at the edges (1 with 2, 3 with 4), as stated in paragraphs 5 and 6.
  8. We continue work, focusing on the alternation of paragraphs 5, 6, 7.
  9. It remains only to fix the hairstyle.

Volumetric braid of 5 strands

An irresistible image will help create a unique braid, which is woven from 5 parts. If you exactly follow the advice from the instructions, you get a beautiful and original hairstyle. The weaving scheme is as follows:

  1. Well comb your hair, lightly moisten with water.
  2. We will weave from behind, so you need to comb the hair on the back of your head and divide it into five parts.
  3. Formation start from the left side.
  4. Right strand from the edge (5th) must be carried out over the central (3rd) and fourth strands.
  5. Firmly hold this area of ​​hair. We start to weave on the left side: we hold the outer strand over the 3rd and lay it under the 2nd.
  6. We need to return to the 5th order, to put it on the 4th and run it under the 3rd.
  7. Perform the above-described manipulations until the spit is fully ready.

How to braid a lace braid

Kosa- "lace" is created on the basis of different braids, which are woven from the side. Openwork hairstyle can be given by pulling individual tufts of hair. The technique of lace weaving depends on the number of strands in the braid: the basis of 3, 4, 5 parts. Here is the simplest and most beautiful option in which 3 strands will be involved:

  1. Divide hair into a side parting.
  2. Separate the first strand near the parting, the one that is located closer to the forehead. We divide it into three equal parts.
  3. Weave a braid, according to the principle of the back spikelet, slipping hair strands under the bottom.
  4. Additional new locks we take on one side (along the hairline).
  5. When the braid is ready on the crown, we will select new holders from the loose hair at the back of the head. Carefully weave the strands that are located on the other side of the parting.
  6. At the time of formation of the hairstyle, we pull out some strands, freely holding the braid (we do not clamp the ends).
  7. After that, when all the loose hair is collected, we braid the openwork braid using the “bottom-down” method, sometimes remembering to pull the strands.
  8. We fix the finished hairstyle with a barrette or ribbon.

How to weave a braid around your head

The bezel around the head, made with the help of a neat, woven braid, looks very tender and elegant. It is also called the Greek braid. This type of interweaving is always relevant and is suitable for diverse appearances. Algorithm for creating a braid rim:

  1. Wash your hair, dry your hair a little.
  2. Comb carefully.
  3. Creating a kind of wreath is similar to the spike weaving scheme. New strands are added exclusively from the side of the bang, because otherwise the bezel just will not work.
  4. Choose from the side next to the temple three thin strands.
  5. The first strand on the back of his head fits on the second. You need to carefully separate them with your fingers and hold, gradually adding a new portion of material in a pigtail.
  6. We repeat such movements to the second temple. Weaving should be free, no need to strongly tighten the hair.
  7. Starting from the second temple, weave the braid down, adding strands on both sides.
  8. When you get a braid of the required length, fix it with hairpins or studs. For a lasting effect, you can fix the hair with lacquer.

Diagram of weaving a waterfall spit with a ribbon

With the help of an unusual waterfall spit, every girl or woman can create a light, romantic image. This hairstyle is like a snake braid. Weaving with a ribbon is performed according to such a simple scheme:

  1. Make a classic parting.
  2. Separate the "square" next to the parting, divide it into three equal parts.
  3. The ribbon is tied to the central strand, and its short end must be hidden in the process of creating hairstyles.
  4. We proceed to the formation of a spit of a standard type, laying the side strands under the middle one. Right strand and ribbon must be at the top.
  5. The main "trick" of this method is wrapping the center locks with tape. The extreme lower part of the hair is left free, replacing it with a new strand and continuing the process of weaving.
  6. So move down to the other side of the head.
  7. After the spit-waterfall reaches the level of the ear on the other hand, we finish the weaving with a classical scythe, without adding new strands.

Find out more about how easy the hairstyle of Waterfall is for long, medium and short hair.

Step-by-step video instructions for weaving braids at home

A simple, but stylish and original hairstyle can be done without visiting the beauty salon. Weaving braids at home is a good chance to create an interesting composition on your head using your own strength. Training with available and detailed, free video lessons from YouTube, placed below, will help you learn how quick step-by-step weaving of different types of long and short hair occurs. As a bonus, we offer a detailed master class of weaving afrokrosichek.

We braid a basket at home

Another very original hairstyle created by weaving.

"Basket" will also be a good option for hot weather.

It can be performed as a festive hairstyle. A pigtail is suitable with any thickness of hair and long from the shoulder blades.

We braid a basket at home:

  1. Comb your hair carefully.
  2. At the crown, collect the tail from the center of the hair. If you want the “basket” to be voluminous, you can wear a thick elastic band on the tail.
  3. Begin to weave the usual French braid around the circumference of the head. It is better to start from the side or bottom. Alternately weave into a braid a strand from the outer border of the hair and from the tail.
  4. Having closed the circle, dock the free braid to the end. Pin it to the “basket” with invisibles, or gather it into a lump, decorating it with a hairpin.

This photo shows the weaving with your hands braids "baskets":

How to braid braid- "heart"

Girlish cute braids made of hearts in the form of braids will suit fashionable women of any age.

Hair for such weaving should be long from the shoulder blades and longer. Weaving itself is simple, but will require some skills. It is easy to fulfill those who have already learned how to weave "dragons".

Instructions on how to weave a braid “heart”:

  1. Comb your child's hair.
  2. First, make a flat vertical parting.
  3. On each side of the middle, part on the diagonal, going up a little. Tie each of the 4 resulting zones with rubber bands so that the hair does not interfere with weaving and the partings do not fall apart.
  4. Start weaving a pigtail from the upper part, from the inner corner to the outer zone of the hair.
  5. Coming to the edge, do not complete the braid, and, making a smooth bend, go to the bottom of the hair.
  6. Drag the braid diagonally to the middle of the parting and fix it with an elastic band.
  7. Do the same on another part of the head.
  8. Connect the resulting pigtails. You must have a heart.
  9. It is not necessary to weave all the hairs into the lower braids, you can leave them behind them loose. And you can collect the entire lower part of the hair and in a single braid.

See diagrams and photos how to weave beautiful braids:

Pigtail in a hurry

Cute pigtail, woven in a few minutes in a hurry, will suit even the crumbs. Hairstyle can be done on hair of medium length.


  1. Comb your hair and make a side parting on the top of your head. From the small part of the hair, collect the tail.
  2. Starting from the middle of the forehead, weave a small pigtail, moving diagonally.
  3. Complete the braid at the level of the existing tail.
  4. Collect the second tail of the remaining part of the hair.
  5. As a result, you will have two lovely tails and a pigtail, woven in front.

Doing weaving, do not forget that the braids should not cause discomfort to the child.

Do not weave them too tight. All the hairstyles described above can be easily mastered at home on your own in a couple of tricks. With any of these braids your baby will look irresistible.

Here you can see step-by-step photos of weaving simple braids:

Weaving curly French braids for beginners (with video)

French weaving, although very simple in its technique, still allows you to create incredibly beautiful curly braids. If you have already learned how to weave such a scythe, then it's time to switch to a little more complicated options.

Create an unusual collected hairstyle, which will envy others.


  • We slightly moisten hair with water so as not to fluff, comb.
  • In the middle of the parietal zone we make a flat horizontal parting, we brush the part of the hair forward, the rest can be stabbed with a clip so as not to interfere.
  • We start to weave from the side, take a comfortable position relative to the temple, separate the strand from the edge and proceed to weaving.
  • We gradually weave into the braid all the separated hair from the front, moving from one temple to another.
  • When you come to the opposite edge, pin a braid with a clip to prevent it from discharging, and separate part of the hair in the middle part of the head, while you can put the rest into a rubber band.
  • Take the braid again braid and continue weaving, making a reversal and moving to the middle part. To do this you will have to change your position, moving around.
  • Make the same turn of the braid, moving to the lower, third part.
  • Finishing the braid on the side, continue free weaving to the ends of the hair.
  • Raise the spit up to the top, putting it to one side, and slaughter invisible.
  • Decorate your hair with decorative hairpins - and elegant weaving is ready! At will, you can leave the braid free.

Spit "vice versa"

All the same simple weaving technique can be varied, if you make the braid "vice versa".

Watch the video for beginners on weaving curly French braids, which shows all the nuances of work:

Braid weaving option

You can use the following step-by-step braiding.


  1. Hair should be clean. Moisten them a little with water, comb.
  2. Make a horizontal parting along the entire line of the head at the crown. Stir one part forward, hammer the lower part or tighten it with an elastic band so that it does not disturb you.
  3. Weave must begin with the temporal part. Separate a small order on the side and start making a braid, but only vice versa, that is, inside out, inward. If you are doing this for the first time, then at first you may not be able to do it, although overall, there is nothing complicated about it. Do not be discouraged, if the braid falls apart, dissolve and start anew.
  4. Continue to move to the opposite temple, weaving strands of braids along the sides of a separated part of the hair. Such a braid turns out to be convex, more pronounced than if it were a classic weaving.
  5. Reaching the edge, weave a braid to the tips and tighten the elastic band.
  6. From the bottom of the hair, collect the tail on the back of his head and tie a pigtail into it. Decorate the tail with a beautiful hairpin or decorative rubber band. Hairstyle is ready.

Evening hairstyle with weaving

Such weaving is suitable as an evening option. The hairstyle looks amazing.

It is quite simple to make it yourself; the whole sequence of such weaving is clearly visible in the photo.

Instructions on how to make the most beautiful braids:

  1. Comb your clean hair, dividing them in an even parting on the parietal zone.
  2. From the parting, choose a thin strand and weave the braid right along the edge line of hair growth to the temple. At the same time weave into the braid strands only from one outside.
  3. After reaching the temple, continue free weaving until the length of the braid reaches the middle of the head.
  4. Holding the braid in your hand and pulling it to the middle, separate the thin strand from the other side and weave it into the braid. In the middle, the hair remains loose.
  5. Continue weaving, wrapping in a spit on a thin strand on the opposite side.
  6. Approaching the back of the head, unfold the braid and begin to separate the same strands now from the other side, wrapping them in weaving.
  7. Do these turns as many times as the length of the hair allows.
  8. Fix the tip with a thin rubber band. Gorgeous hairstyle ready. A minimum of effort, and the result is excellent!

The more often you will weave various pigtails, the easier it will be for you. A little patience, and you will not need the services of hairdressers to always amaze those around you with charming hairstyles.

A neat hairstyle with weaving is always comfortable and beautiful. Braided hair does not interfere, which is especially important for the student.With the collected hairstyle cool in the summer, it can be worn for a couple of days without unwinding, which is very practical.

This video demonstrates the option of weaving an evening hairstyle with braids with your own hands:

Pigtails - not old-fashioned?

There are ladies for whom styling with scythes is old-fashioned or childish. But such an opinion is wrong, firstly, they will never go out of fashion, and secondly, they have many variants of weaving. Even a schoolgirl will cope with the simplest types of braids, but there are some models that are difficult to braid for themselves, but possible. And if you can not braid them with your own hands, you should contact a professional hairdresser, he will make your hair attractive in minutes.

The choice of weaving by type of person.

Like any other hairstyle, they require the correct choice of the geometric shape of the hair, length and color. Braiding is suitable for all types of hair, and depending on the shape of the profile, you should choose the following options:

- For an oval face of the correct form, absolutely any pigtails will do.

- Girls with a round profile should pay attention to those options that originate above the level of the top of the head. In this case, the pigtail should be woven all the hair to the tips. The ends of the hair can be slightly curled or attached to the top of the head with the help of stealth.

- The fair sex with a square face hairdressers advise to give preference to the spit-dragon. It starts as high as possible, lags along the entire length of the hair. Thanks to the soft lines, it is able to soften the sharp and rough contour profile.

- Girls with a triangular face shape should pay attention to the beautiful spikelets. You can diversify such a modest head of hair with different bangs: oblique, asymmetrical, filleted. Hairdressers are advised to not give up the bangs for girls with an elongated rectangular or triangular face, she will visually correct the shape of the profile.

Popular types of braids that can be made by hand.

Even the most experienced hairdresser doesn’t know how many types of weaving exist, but most of them a girl can braid herself. The algorithm of actions, as a rule, is simple, one only needs to understand the basic weaving technique. Before you get down to business, you should carefully comb your hair, they should be clean and dry. Everything you need - combs of different sizes, hairpins, rubber bands and stealth should be at hand.

- The first thing is to divide the hair into three strands.

- Throw the right strand over the middle one, do the same with the left strand.

- Remember this simple technique, it is relevant for most types of weaving. Continuing to make alternate throwing of the outermost strands over the central part, each time add a small amount of hair to the right and left strands to each of the three initial parts. The thickness of the added strands should be the same, so the hairstyle will look more attractive and neater. The volume of added strands and their tension directly depends on your wishes regarding the result. If you like a tight and thin braid - their tension should be strong, if you want to get an air braid, then relax them.

- When you do such movements with all the hair, tie the tip of the tail with an elastic band or a hairpin so that the pigtail does not become tangled.

- In general, the technique is the same as in the previous version. But strands almost do not drag out, but only are fixed by the neighboring ones. The main difference is that strands are added not from above, but from below, thus creating the effect of “inverted braids”.

- This braid will be a real salvation for girls with very thin hair. But there is one important nuance - the pigtail will look a bit shaggy, but if you are ready to sacrifice excessive neatness in favor of hair density, then this beautiful option is perfect for you.

- This is an original hairstyle for a romantic evening or a festive event. She looks elegant and at the same time strictly. To create the desired effect, before weaving, you need to apply a small amount of mousse on the hair, so that the fluffy strands do not become disheveled ahead of time.

“After that, you can start weaving a standard pigtail, but it itself should be on the left side of the head, and the additional strands should be on the right side. Conversely, if the braid itself is on the right, then the strands are taken from the left.

- Then it is worthwhile to slightly extend a few upper hairs from each wedge of the braid along the entire length of the hair. Assure the pigtail varnish. You can leave such a lace braid in this form, and you can be smart and lay it on top.

- A girl with long hair has braided her hair at least once in her life. The technique of weaving is the same as that of a conventional braid, only the direction of twisting of the harnesses changes - not outward, but inward.

- This type of braid is very light in execution and does not require much time, even for long hair, 10 minutes is enough.

- Beautiful volumetric braids look very original on the bride's head, in combination with the veil, they create a gentle look. They were so called because of their popularity among brides, but any girl can braid them with her own hands. In fact, these are ordinary braids, but only much more luxuriant and laid on the head with a beautiful shape of a crown or circle.

“This year even the bizarre pigtail in the shape of a dragon has become fashionable for brides, it looks spectacular even on thin hair.


Watch the video: #194. Stitch Braids 4 BEGINNERS (July 2024).