
Retro haircuts and their photos


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60s hairstyles

Thanks to the human habit of romanticizing the past, retro-chic is always on top of popularity. In our modern life to the past refers or hairstyle, or clothing, or accessory. One of the variants of retro style is hairstyles from the 60s.

Sixties style

In the sixties, our mothers and grandmothers were young and beautiful, they carefully watched fashion, and built complex and tall designs on their heads. Their style is crazy volume, unearthly futuristic and smooth lines.

Complex haircuts and styling took more than one hour and more than one bottle of hairspray was spent. The fleece to the skies and flirty curls at the temples became an integral part of this style, to which both foreign stars and our domestic women were loyal to the official policies of the Soviet Union.

Short hair combed high on the top and curled at the ends, lifting up. Long hair, laid in a high hairstyle, also fell or loose, or collected in a ponytail at the back of the head.

Often, high bouffants decorated with ribbons, which became the main accessories of this period.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.

Brigitte Bardot

It all started with the fact that Babette went to war in a comedy French film, where Brigitte Bardot played the main role. The whole film her character named Babette proudly wears a complex high hair, which has gained wide popularity and is named in honor of the character.

This style was adopted by Soviet women, who in an attempt to build something like that on their heads mercilessly combed their hair, glued it with sugar water and fixed it with hairpins.

50s haircut and their photos

The fifties were the era of the real flowering of the new look style - very feminine, refined and refined. The unconditional icon of the style of that era Marilyn Monroe made the world hit a rather short square with a side parting, arranged in neat, strict and at the same time playful curls.

Open neck, mop of curls and a flirtatious bangs falling on the eyes ... The most fashionable haircut of the 50s was quite simple to perform, but it required clever styling. Marilyn, by the way, had a slightly wavy brown hair by nature, but it was she who made the fashionable canonical blond curls.

Additional volume in the area of ​​the crown and cheekbones was created not only by curling, but also by combing. Today, such techniques are considered obsolete and even dangerous.

Modern stylists create the silhouette of such a hairstyle in the process of cutting - with the help of graduation, filing, and in some cases - easy biowave. Today's fashionable women do not have to suffer with a nail polish curler!

Pay attention to how feminine 50s haircuts are on these photos:

A more sophisticated and aristocratic version of the retro hairstyle was introduced into fashion by Grace Kelly - not only a Hollywood star, but also Princess Monaco.

The elongated four-piece, also laid on the side parting, in its version is accompanied by a soft, delicate styling of curls.

Short retro haircuts

But a completely new style was introduced into fashion by Hollywood debutant Audrey Hepburn, who in 1953, according to the plot of the film “Roman Holiday”, made a very short haircut revolutionary for those times. Both the film and the hairstyle instantly became iconic.

Audrey Hepburn, right “in the frame,” made a haircut, which today is called “garcon”, literally from French - boy. Very short, without flirty curls, bold and bold hairstyle surprisingly brightly emphasized the exotic beauty of the face of the actress and the fragility of her image.

Audrey, by the way, introduced fashion and natural shades of hair - she herself had been a convinced brunette all her life.

Short retro haircuts have rapidly become a significant trend in the fashion world. The open back of the head, neatly underlined temples and the complete rejection of the standard feminine features of the hairstyle made me re-evaluate the sexuality of the image.

Haircut in the style of the 60s photo

The sixties turned over all stereotypes, new standards of beauty came into vogue, and with them original hairstyles. The star of the era was the English fashion model Twiggy - "twig girl", as it is still called in the fashion world.

While preparing Twiggy for another shoot, the stylist quite involuntarily designed her hair in the form of a short and neat hat with a long bang covering half of her face. The touching strands on the back of his head and temples only added to the image of angelic tenderness.

Shooting was decisive in the career of Twiggy, and haircut - the canonical, which became the prototype of fashionable hairstyles for decades to come. She received the name "Pixie", so called fairies and elves in English mythology.

Such as in the photo haircut 60s set the tone in today's fashion:

No fashionable haircut in the style of the 60s is complete without beautiful, expressive bangs. Short - to the middle of the forehead "French" bangs, which was taken gently podviviv inside, became mandatory for all variants of a short square and garson.

The long, covering eyes and asymmetrical perfectly complemented all the options of the square and, of course, the pixie.

In the same decade, bob hairstyles appeared for the first time, the shortened versions of the bean “on the leg” were especially well fitted into the style trends. The style of the 60s was completely denied by feminine flirty curls and neatly arranged “waves”.

Clear graphical forms, smooth and smooth volumes focused on the face and, above all, on the eyes. Reproducing such a hairstyle, it is worth remembering the active make-up that was fashionable in that era.

A beautifully designed nape in combination with a long and thick bang gave the image tenderness and zest. Smooth, neatly cut contours, as if in a line, created a graphical, clear silhouette.

The length of the mini, tight-fitting silhouettes and fashion slimness perfectly support the dynamic, but at the same time very feminine hairstyles of that era.

Such as in the photo, retro haircuts have become part of the new style in today's fashion trends:

Sixties hairstyles now

High fleece and flirty curls did not leave anywhere. Many women have retained their loyalty since that time, but young people can try on this bright and high style. The degree of imitation varies. You can repeat Babette Bardo exactly, and you can create a hairstyle that will only remind of Babette from afar.

High nachos

It is enough to confine a high bouffant so that the hairstyle does not look too defiant.

    Hairstyle begins with the creation of parting: side or straight.

It is important to remember that only the front strands will be separated by this parting, the rest of the hair will be directed back, where they will have a serious bouffant.

Plot, which is planned to lift, you need to collect in one hand, and combed the other hand, starting with the back strands. Each of them should be taken separately, and the thinner the strands will be for the pile, the longer it will turn out.

At first, a pile may seem sloppy and uneven. But then the entire raised area must be slowly and carefully combed, and then the top of the head will look smooth and voluminous. To increase the pile you can use a comb-forks with rare and long teeth.

  • Then one side strand is taken from each side, retracted and fastened with pins or barrette. Thus, the pile is framed by the front side strands.
  • When the top of the hair is ready, it's time to do the tips. They quickly curl curling.
  • If a raid of carelessness in a hairstyle is preferred, it is not necessary to fix it with varnish. Any fixing means make the hair heavier, so the curls fall off after a while. However, if you wish, you can “cement” the lacquer pile so that it retains its primordial pile throughout the day.

    High hair, decorated with a bow

    A high hairstyle decorated with a bow is another variation of the style of the sixties.

    1. Hairstyle begins with the separation of hair into three sections, the central of which is tied in a high tail at the crown, and two side sections are fixed with clips.
    2. The tail must be thoroughly combed, because it is on it that the whole volume will be held, and varnished.
    3. Next, you need to put on a bagel for the beam and fasten with pins.
    4. The tail curls around the donut and turns into a bun.
    5. Around him wrapped strands in front and sides. They are fixed with studs.
    6. Behind the hairstyle is decorated with a hairpin.

    "Hive", a modern version

    The modern version of the classic sixties hairstyle called "beehive". The style is called so because it looks like a bee house.

    1. The hairstyle begins with a deep side parting.
    2. The front strands are twisted into a bundle in the direction of most of the hair and fixed with a clip.
    3. On the other side, a small side strand is separated, and a high tail is collected from the remaining strands.
    4. It is divided into strands, each of which is subjected to serious bouffant.
    5. The combed and varnished tail becomes the basis for the entire hive. It rises, folds in half and is fixed behind the studs so that a huge bundle is obtained.
    6. The front strands from the part where there is more hair are released from clamping, combed, varnished and covered with a bun.
    7. The side strand from the part where there is less hair is turned back, framing the bundle, and fixed with pins.
    8. The same actions are performed with all the strands, and their rear ends are lifted, wrapped and combined with a large bundle.
    9. The front side strands, if desired, may remain unused in the bundle. Then they fall freely framing the face. They can be left straight, but they look better curled.

    High tail with volumetric bouffant and curls

    The high tail with volumetric bouffant and curls also refers to the era of the sixties, and at the same time it looks quite relevant in our days. The hairstyle is easy to perform - it begins with a pile, followed by fixing the hair in the tail, whose locks are separated and curled by a curling iron.

    Jennifer Lopez

    With her head held high and her hair as highly raised, Jenny appears at various ceremonies. She smoothly combed the hair on the top of the head, because this is how the contrast with the high beam can be traced most favorably. Behind the hair hold hairpin and hair spray.

    Mischa barton

    Adorable American actress shared with the world her love for high hairstyles, wearing a sixties style bouffant. The front strands are separated by a side parting so that the face is beautifully framed, and the back hair is curled into light curls.

    Nicole Scherzinger

    The beautiful singer raised her luxuriant and luxurious hair upstairs to attract the attention of the public to the earrings and the swan neck. Her hair is maximally raised by a serious pile, and all hair is involved in the beam. Not a single strand hangs down, but everything is neatly tidied.

    Lana del rey

    Romantic singer with a languid voice has always been a fan of retro-chic. Her hair is always curled, and the top is combed. Sometimes the singer literally imitates the style of the sixties, and sometimes slightly deviates from the mainstream, trying other options.

    Gwen Stefani

    Luxurious singer is true blondie and scarlet lipstick. In this case, her blonde hair, she styles completely differently. She did not pass by and the style of the sixties. Her beautiful face is adequately framed with a high pile. All front strands are directed back, combed, assembled on the sides and freely fall behind.

    Hairstyles in the style of the sixties are very modern women with different face shapes. For example, if the face is square, too wide, freely falling side strands will hide the excessive width. If the face is triangular, the raised hairstyle will smooth out the contrast between the broad forehead and narrow chin. With an oval face, all hair can be raised without leaving loose strands.

    In this style, you can appear at the corporate party, graduation party, at the wedding as a bride or a guest. High hairstyles with a serious pile are not recommended for each day, because it is too much stress for the hair. But for the holiday is a great option.


    Watch the video: 30 Amazing Vintage Photos of Big Hair During the 1960s (July 2024).