Work with hair

What is hair blonding


Modern hair salons can offer several types and techniques of blonding. Let's try to consider them in more detail:

  • Platyfries - This is a type of blonding, in which the hair is more attached to a platinum shade. If you do blonding with black hair in this way, you may need to perform this procedure several times.
  • Scandinavian point This is a dyeing technique in which the light color is unevenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. Thanks to such a technique of blonding, hair color looks as natural as possible.
  • Another popular blonding technique is the so-called “lace". With this technique, staining is more like highlighting. Most of the hair is wound on a special cords with paint, choose strands in a chaotic manner. Because of this, such a blonde will look original and unusual.
  • When coloring technique "Zigzag»Strands are selected in staggered order, after which they are wrapped in special strips and painted in different colors.

It should be remembered that after blonding, you will definitely need to restore damaged hair with the help of special masks and conditioners for colored hair!

Home blonding

Undoubtedly at home, you can also do the blondingHowever, we still recommend visiting a specialist who will conduct the dyeing process with the help of special tools for blonding hair.

If you still want to do the blonding yourself at home, then you need to do the following:

  • First prepare the mass for clarification.
  • Now gently and slowly apply the mixture to dry unwashed hair, leaving the area near the roots is not stained.
  • Leave the dye on your hair for no more than half an hour, depending on your original color before blonding.
  • The rest of the dye should be applied to the part of the hair that you have not dyed, and leave the mixture there on 15 minutes.
  • After the specified time, rinse the hair thoroughly with warm clean water, then apply hair conditioner and after 10 minutes, rinse again.

After such a blasting, you may need to repeat the procedure if your hair color was too dark. This blond hair at home will easily provide you with an attractive and unusual hairstyle. More on blonding in the video below.

Paint composition

Blondiroving is a clarification technique that helps to change the color of the inner pigment of the hair, that is, melanin. For the procedure, several products are used: blonddoran and peroxide (1.5%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%), the percentage of which is determined based on the number of tones to lighten the hair. Of course, the easiest way to change the hair color is for girls who differ by 1-2 tones from the desired result. Those who by nature have dark hair will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Before you decide on blonding, think about the consequences. Are you ready to risk the health of hair for an interesting color. Like any coloring, this technique weakens the structure of the hair and skin. True, special products are sold that help to take care of the hair after the blonding procedure.

Dyeing techniques

Blonding is not just getting the right color. You can completely change your appearance, because there are several varieties of this procedure. For girls who want to get a pure platinum color, the Plathis technique will do. It involves the use of a special bleaching powder. In the procedure of plating Platyphys, platinum silver is considered the main shade.

A more original way is the Scandinavian Point, which is incredibly popular among Hollywood celebrities. The meaning of coloring is reduced to the fact that the roots will be very light and the tips darkened, but there will be a smooth transition between them, not a sharp contrast.

The third type is divided into types: “strainer”, “cord”, “zigzag. They are done using a highlight method, but they look more natural. As a result, a kind of glare or effect of strands faded in the sun is obtained on the head. This way of blonding is the most gentle for the hair, as only a superficial effect is applied, which does not damage the structure.

It is worth remembering that the blonding can not be carried out after dyeing in a dark color and chemical perms. It is necessary to abstain and those who have a poor condition of the scalp, dandruff or peeling. First you need to cure the disease. After the procedure, the hair needs enhanced care and minimal mechanical action. Refrain from using a hair dryer and electric tongs.

Harm or benefit

Lightening affects the health of the strands, as the coloring matter eats the natural pigment. After applying the composition, they become dryish, so they will have to be very carefully looked after, making natural masks and using professional cosmetics.

Before coloring hair should be familiar with the contraindications:

  • If you have a dye allergy,
  • Coloring is contraindicated for girls suffering from psoriasis, seborrhea, etc.
  • It is not recommended to do staining if you have sensitive skin or there are wounds and abrasions,
  • If you have recently done a perm, wait a week or two before bleating, and preferably a month,
  • If you used henna or basma - this coloring is undesirable, as it may turn out green strands. Moreover, vegetable paints are a strong pigment that is difficult to get rid of. Read how to lighten hair after henna.

Features of the procedure

Blondirovanie in the cabin - a long process that takes at least one and a half hours. It is better to conduct clarification on an unwashed head, since sebum, which creates a film on the scalp, is able to protect against irritation and straining from exhaustion.

Before the procedure, the master evaluates the state of the curls and trim the tips. Next, a blonddorant is diluted with 1.5 or 3% oxygen.

The mixture is applied to the strands, to speed up the process they are wrapped in foil. The wash can last from 15 minutes to 45, it depends on the color and structure of the hair.

After washing with blondorant, the head is washed with a special shampoo with balm - color stabilizer, which removes yellowness. After washing, the curls are tinted paint with a low content of oxidant.

The approximate cost of the service in beauty salons is from 500 to 1,500 rubles in the regions and from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles in Moscow and major cities. The price depends on the length of your curls:

  • long - from 1 000 to 5 000 rubles
  • medium length - from 700 to 3 500 rubles
  • short - from 500 to 3 000 rubles

Features of the procedure of fashionable coloring

Choosing Blondia need to know what staining looks best on bright curls. Dark strands painted in such a technique is possible, but difficult. The procedure allows you to quickly lighten hair in several tones. It is possible that the blinding of dark hair will have to be repeated twice, because the strands will not be able to lighten to the desired degree the first time.

There are two main types of blonde:

  • Classic. This is a slight straightening of the strands (2-3 tones). The procedure is performed in one of two ways: using blondoran with peroxide or lightening paint. To even the resulting shade, in the salons spend toning curls. This gives dyed hair a more natural look.

Tinted curls give a more natural look.

  • Radical. This is the complete destruction of the pigment in the hair and their discoloration. The strands take on a white color, which is then painted with the desired shade. The technique of the procedure is complicated, and the curls after such clarification are injured and need long-term recovery. But even this beauty does not stop beauties.

Ways, types and techniques of blonding: toning of light roots

There are many types of classic blondes:

  • Scandinavian point. One of the ways to eliminate pigment, in which the root part of the hair on the top of the head is painted in a light shade. At the same time the tips remain dark.

After dyeing should work with the hair

  • Plathithus. This method gives the locks a pleasant platinum tint (forms the basis). This tone perfectly harmonizes with gray eyes and white skin. Dark and red hair is extremely difficult to dye.
  • The “strainer” technique is an interesting dyeing method that allows you to achieve the amazing effect of soft overflows.
  • The zigzag technique makes it possible to create contrasting tones on the curls.
  • Technique "cord" - the most gentle way. The master simply paints the individual curls, achieving the effect of unclearly defined borders. The technique is quite complicated: the laces, impregnated with a decolorizing compound, are wound onto individual strands.

Medium long blond hair also looks great.

How to carry out the procedure at home for dark, blond and black hair

Blondirovanie at home is quite difficult to implement. It is better to entrust yourself to the hands of a master who knows all the subtleties and tricks of coloring. If you do this procedure at home, the result may be completely unexpected. But if there is a great zeal and desire to paint the house, then you need to act according to this algorithm:

  • Prepare a coloring mixture of brightener and dye.
  • Cover the shoulders with a towel, wear gloves.
  • Lubricate the forehead and neck cream with a high percentage of fat.

Turning to a professional will avoid most problems

  • Apply 2/3 of the composition to dry hair and evenly distribute over the entire length, leaving the roots.
  • Wait a quarter to half an hour (depending on how much you plan to lighten the curls).
  • The remaining paint is applied to the roots, again distributing the composition over the entire length.
  • Wait 20 minutes.
  • Rinse the head thoroughly with water.

After the strands grow back a little and the roots become noticeable, the root part needs to be blonded again. Apply a dyeing compound with a clarifier to the hair roots for 15-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Greater showiness to your hair will give the right makeup

Hair care products

Blondirovanie hair is a kind of stress for the hair follicles and hair structure, so the curls will require particularly careful care. The fact is that this method of coloring destroys the melanin in the hair. Otherwise, all the attractive hairstyle quickly come to naught. It is necessary to carefully select suitable nourishing masks, natural shampoos and balms that are suitable for the type of hair.

Clarified strands should not be permed; this may adversely affect their condition.

For some girls fit twisted curls

You should not also use a hairdryer, curling iron and ironing. Hair should be dried naturally.

Tips for choosing a fashionable shade for short hair

Blond curls - it's almost 10 different shades. Independently choose the appropriate color is quite difficult:

  1. vanilla and ash shades look best on women with short trendy haircuts,
  2. A ruddy blond is perfect for women with fair skin: it emphasizes pink cheeks and softens the cold whiteness of the skin,
  3. honey shades look best on dark-haired beauties with slightly tanned skin and dark eyebrows.

Nuance about the blond color of blond hair

Blondirovanie blond hair should be carried out carefully: do not immediately rush to the bright shades. First, the curls are 1-2 lighter in color, only then, if the result is not satisfactory, they are painted in the desired color.

Hair coloring is a magic with which you can create amazing transitions of different tones and shades. The main thing is to choose the right tone.

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Sooner or later, every woman thinks about radical changes in her appearance. And most often by this is meant a change in hair color. Blondes become brunettes, and brunettes blondes. And if in the first case, to achieve the desired color is much easier, then from a dark-haired beauty to turn into a blonde on their own, oh, how easy it is. The relevance of this type of repainting has led to the fact that the now popular blonde hair appeared. But what is it?

general information

Let's start with the fact that the procedure of blonding is also referred to as a wash. Its essence lies in the fact that a special chemical substance is applied to the hair. Penetrating deep into each hair, it washes out their own pigment. The composition of this substance contains an oxidizing agent, the amount of which will determine the final result. For example, if you plan a light transition from a brunette to a blonde, then the applied substance will contain 1-2% of the oxidizer. Well, if you want a radical reincarnation of hair after blonding, then the oxidizer should be up to 12%.


This process involves the clarification of the hair on a few tones above the original. The classic is made in two ways: by paint or special clarifying agents. After strands tinted to obtain the desired result. Such a technique will emphasize light-colored hair, whereas brown-haired women and brunettes need stronger coloring if dark-haired girls want to become dazzling blondes. Although it looks good warm and muted tones, obtained after blonding dark strands.

Coloring brown-haired women and brunettes

Blonding dark hair is a complex process. If you want to become an ash blonde, then this procedure will need to be repeated many times, with a frequency of two weeks to a month. At the dark hair, they first make a wash, as the paint is suitable only for light and blond curls.

It will look beautiful if brunettes do a classic kind of clarification, so you can get iridescent golden strands of natural hue. You will also be interested to read about lightening dark hair.

Those who want to radically change the image - turn to radical clarification, but the procedure is best carried out in a beauty salon.

Photo of blonding on dark hair

Brown hair

It is convenient to work with brown curls, as they themselves have a bright pigment. Owners of bright hair perfectly suited gentle classical blondirodirovanie using paint. We also recommend to read about the clarification of light brown hair.

Blonde photo on light brown hair

Short hair

The most profitable reincarnation in the blond - for a short haircut, as the tips do not split, and it is much easier to care for a short hair.
Looks beautiful staining individual strand in ashy color. This gives a significant amount of hair, as well as a similar color can refresh the image, making the owner of the hair younger.

Useful video - professional hair blonding at home:


Hair after Californian blonding creates the impression of a naturally burnt strands, like residents of sunny California, whose favorite resting place is the radiant American beach. With this style, the roots remain dark, and the strands will gradually lighten to the tips.In addition, it is impossible to see the boundaries where dark color ends and white begins.

Such coloring creates a visual game with light: peroxide and blondorant are applied to the strands, and various means are applied to the root zone and to the tips. The wizard carefully selects strands for clarification, which are then painted in the selected shade. This technique looks aesthetically pleasing and creates a vivid color and volume effect.

Zigzag Technique

Suitable for those who want to create original overflows that will give volume to curls. Before carrying out coloring, the hairdresser winds strands on different hair curlers and paints them in different shades: cold and warm.

The master winds the curls on the thread with a coloring shade, creating a visual blurring of the borders. The method looks spectacular and is also safe for the health of the strands.

With the effect of regrown roots

If earlier the growing backs of blondes were considered unacceptable, now it is a real fashion! First, the roots are painted in a dark chocolate color, and then the hair along the entire length is lightened.
Home blonding

If you decide on home procedures - it should be done qualitatively. Be sure to test for an allergic reaction before staining. Use gloves and special non-metallic dishes for breeding.

Important! At home, it is better not to do a radical blonding, but to do light on a few tones. For more convenient and uniform application, use someone’s help.

Paint for clarification "Wellaton"

Such a complicated procedure, like blonding, can be done at home with the help of “Wellaton” paint.which is an excellent budget option. The package includes: a bag with blonddorant, a bottle with a manifestation, a pair of gloves, instructions.

Paint is applied quickly and easily. It will be more convenient to use a special brush for coloring.

Consider the most popular shades:

  1. Honey - beautiful color with a golden sheen that suits almost every type: light or warm skin tones and any eye color.
  2. Pearl - the most popular shade that suits women from 35 to 45 years old with fair skin and bright eyes.
  3. Wheat - a natural and warm shade that will suit both older women and young fashionable women.

Care after blonding

It is recommended to use special professional shampoos to maintain color, as well as to use violet balms once a week.

Important! Lightened hair becomes dry and brittle, especially if you have resorted to the radical method. Masks for bleached hair will help restore their beauty and strength.

To restore curls, make natural masks and oils from split ends. It is not recommended to resort to constant heat treatment of the strands: try to dry the hair naturally or use a thermal spray.

What is hair blonding?

This is a bleaching procedure. To do this, use a special technology that acts on the hair pigment.

Blonding hair from dark to light can have a different effect. Experts recommend to carry out this procedure on the curls that are light from nature. Blonding dark hair often gives ugly shades. So, when bleaching brunettes you can get yellow or orange hair color. And it looks not at all natural.

This result has an explanation. The fact is that the dark pigment is completely difficult to completely remove. Therefore, the procedure of blonding is suitable mainly for fair-haired women. Reviews about hair blending confirm this fact. Many girls have tried this procedure and evaluated its effect on personal experience.

When can you not do the blonding?

First, discoloration is not recommended for very dark hair. Even after repeated blonding, a pure white color cannot be obtained.

Secondly, discoloration is considered a very harmful procedure. According to experts, only healthy and strong hair can blonder. If the woman's hair is in poor condition or there are problems with the scalp, the procedure should be abandoned. The best confirmation of how hair blonding affects is the photo before and after. Reviews of girls who have made discoloration, often relate to the harmful composition of funds.

Also, professionals do not recommend blonding on already colored hair. In this case, you can get a completely unexpected result. In order not to risk your hair, it is better to wait until they grow back. And then do the discoloration.

The composition of paints for blonding

Lightening hair by blonding occurs due to exposure to hair pigment. To change it, only hydrogen peroxide and blondorac are used, the percentage of which depends on the desired shag.

For women with blond hair, one time is enough to change the color. After using a blondie, their hair becomes 1–2 tones lighter. But those whose hair is dark will need to repeat the discoloration several times in order to achieve the desired result.

Blonde technology

The first question that arises in a woman who wants to try blond hair is: "How to do it?" This procedure is performed on a special technology.

In beauty salons bleaching is done by several methods:

The most popular is the technology of the Scandinavian point. This method of blonding was widely spread due to the result that looks most natural.

The Scandinavian point is as follows: first, the hair on the crown is dyed in a light cold tone, and then dark paint is applied on the ends.

To get a platinum shade of hair, it is better to use the technology of platyphysis.

Very unusual is the technique of "zigzag." The master spins his hair with curlers of different sizes and applies light and dark colors on his hair. The result should be a color with light tints.

The most gentle for the hair is considered a technique "strainer". It is performed in the same way as highlighting. But it has a more natural look. After blasting this way, light strands appear that have the effect of sun-bleached hair. As a rule, to perform this technique, masters use tools that have only a superficial effect. They do not damage the hair structure.

The best way to demonstrate the technology by which the hair is blonded, photo before and after. Reviews - this is the first thing you should pay attention to before deciding to make a discoloration.

Blonde effect with dark roots

Now it is very fashionable to do the blonding, leaving slightly darkened roots. This effect is ideal for women with dark hair, in which the regrown natural color quickly becomes noticeable. But in this case, you should always make sure that the hair does not look sloppy. Beautiful and neat blonding with the effect of darkened roots should be done only by experienced craftsmen.

Recommended Blonde Shades

Brunettes experts recommend dyeing their hair in shades of ripe wheat and light walnut. Women with red hair are best suited to honey-golden and light blond colors. It is better for light brown-haired and fair-haired to use means for blonding in light-beige, nacreous, milky and creamy and golden shades. Natural blondes have a greater choice and can use any shade for decolorization.

How does blonding happen?

Blondirovanie in the cabin takes about one and a half hours. First, the specialist applies an oxidizing agent to dry, unwashed hair, leaving the roots and several centimeters of hair intact. After 25–30 minutes, the wizard covers the remaining parts with the agent and leaves the hair again for a while. Then the oxidizer is removed, and the hair is dyed in a certain shade.

Features care for blonde hair

Any blonding technique causes great harm even to the most powerful hair. Therefore, their recovery will require special care. Basically the wizard tells you what tools to use after blonding. As a rule, care for bleached hair includes various regenerating and nourishing masks. What exactly you need to buy - it is better to consult with a specialist who did the blonding. He is better able to assess the level of damage to the hair and help you find the most appropriate means.

Well, if the blonding was carried out independently, in this case, you can use different nourishing home masks.

It is also important to bear in mind that hair is constantly growing and the regrown roots will quickly become noticeable. Therefore, maintaining a light color requires regular visits to the salon. In general, blasting requires a lot of time and money. These nuances should be considered before the transformation.

The best argument that influences the desire to do blond hair is a photo before and after. Reviews of women who decided to discoloration, differ. Therefore, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons before you go to the salon.

Blondirovanie hair from "Wellaton"

The modern market of hair cosmetics is saturated with lightening paints of various brands. Not the last place is occupied by the German means for blonding “Wellaton”. This paint is very popular and has a lot of positive feedback. First, the bleaching agent “Wellaton” is suitable for different hair types. Secondly, it effectively brightens them the first time. The composition of the paint includes nutrients that allow hair to discolor with minimal damage. In addition, the kit comes with serum provitamin B5.

Beautiful hair shine and uniform color - this effect gives hair dye "Wellaton" (blondirovanie). User feedback also relates to color fastness after use. In addition, the paint is well painted over gray hair. Therefore, this tool is suitable for women of different ages.

An important feature of the “Wellaton” blonding facility is the ability to lighten hair by 4–5 tones. Many women confirm this fact. According to the reviews, the dye perfectly bleaches even dark hair. But we must remember that the natural color of the hair of each woman is different. Therefore, the effect of blonding by the same agent may differ.

General reviews about blonding

Before you decide to change the image, it is recommended to study the reviews on hair bleeding. The photos below illustrate how the hair should look after professional blonding. It is immediately noticeable that women’s hair is beautiful and not very damaged by the procedure.

In order to have the same result, it is better not to do the blonding yourself, but to trust a highly qualified specialist. For this reason, reviews about discoloration are different. Most women recommend that you carefully consider all the pros and cons of blonding. But you can often find negative reviews. So, some dark-haired girls as a result of the procedure were not blondes, but red. No master can guarantee pure white hair color. Sometimes this result requires more than one staining.

The best informative base, allowing to evaluate hair blonding - photo before and after.

Reviews also relate to the harmful effects of bleaching agents. So, some women regret that they decided to change the natural color. Due to the constant blonding, their hair is badly damaged. The most positive reviews are from women with natural blonde hair.


Photos of hair "before" and "after" blonding indicate that through the procedure it is possible to repaint even the most intense brunette into a blonde of any shade, from cold to warm tones. This is convenient in that you can successfully choose the shade of hair in accordance with the color type of the girl.

In this regard, the blonding of hair is divided into several types:

  1. Scandinavian point. A distinctive feature of this technique is that it involves the use of two shades of blond - light and dark. The first is applied to the ends of the hair, and the one that is darker is distributed in the root zone. With this technique it is possible to recreate a more natural color. Also to the advantages of the Scandinavian point is that it makes the hair more voluminous.
  2. "Shnurochek" - blonding technique, which is considered the most gentle. Its essence lies in the fact that the master takes selective strands of hair, winds them on special laces, soaked in a brightening substance. Ultimately, the effect is similar to highlighting, but it looks very natural.
  3. "Zigzag". The method consists in the fact that before coloring the hair is divided into strands, each of which is wound on large curlers. After that, each resulting curl is painted in blond colors of different shades (mainly in 2). The output will turn iridescent color of two light shades, the transition between which is completely invisible.
  4. The effect of platinum blonde, or platifiz. Creates the image of "a la Merlin Monroe", when the curls are almost whitened. Platinum colors are taken as the basis for blonding. Of course, it is impossible to call such a final color naturally, but this does not detract from its attractiveness.
  5. "Strainer" - a method involving the layering of oxidants on different parts of the strands. First, a substance with a high content of hydrogen peroxide is applied to the root zone. Then the entire length of the hair - powdered oxidizer. After the peroxide is applied, and at the end they produce toning with the chosen shade of the client.

How is blonding done?

The procedure of lightening hair to the level of a blonde still has a detrimental effect on the structure of each hair, because aggressive chemicals are used. But this would not be a particular problem, if the hair bleating was not required to be updated every month, and even more often. This is not the only warning, you can also add that it is better not to carry out blonding at home, if there are no skills. Otherwise, you can not only not get the desired result, but also seriously damage the hair.

And yet at home, you can hold the hair blonding by following the following sequence of actions:

  1. In a glass, ceramic or plastic container, an oxidizer and a blonding paint are mixed.
  2. The neck and forehead area is smeared with a fat cream to protect the skin, and they put some kind of cloak over their shoulders so as not to spoil the clothes.
  3. 2/3 of the total composition of the blonde substance is applied to the entire length of the hair, without missing a single area.
  4. Spot 15-20 minutes (depending on what effect they want to achieve).
  5. Then the remains from the tank are applied to the hair roots and wait another 20 minutes.
  6. Wash off paint from head with warm water.

After 20-30 days, the procedure will have to be partially repeated. The roots will grow, and they will have to paint over. To do this, also prepare a coloring agent (in a smaller volume than for the whole head of hair), put it on the roots and wait 20-30 minutes.

Hair care after the procedure

So, since the blonding of the hair is not a harmless procedure, after it is carried out, special care is provided for the hair:

  1. To wash your hair is only professional shampoos - color stabilizers.
  2. 1 time in 7-8 days to use purple balms.
  3. Once a week to make masks for bleached strands.
  4. It is necessary to abandon the perm and thermal procedures (curling, ironing, hair dryer). It is better to dry the hair in a natural way, and if you still need to use a curling iron, then you need to remember about thermal protective equipment.

Photo "before" and "after" hair blonding

It is best to understand how effective lightening hair, you can look at the photo. Below is an example of blonding “before” and “after” on dark hair.

The effect obtained from repainting with the presented procedure of light brown hair looks somewhat different. The result is shown below.

Turn into a platinum blonde is possible after the first procedure. You will look something like the photo.

Service cost

The price of hair blonding depends on several factors:

  • the region where the salon is located,
  • hair length.

For example, in Moscow and the region, the cost of the procedure is from 1,000 to 6,000 rubles. In the regions - from 500 to 2000 rubles.

As for the ratio of hair length and price, then (the average cost in Russia):

  • the procedure for short hair costs from 500 to 1500 rubles,
  • Blonde on medium hair - from 800 to 2500 rubles,
  • for long - from 3000 rubles.

Customer reviews

Reviews of blonding hair can be found different, but in the overwhelming amount of positive. Negative statements regarding the procedure speak of the following:

  • not the first time you get the desired result,
  • yellowness is present,
  • possible overdrying strands, their fragility,
  • once a month you have to paint the roots.

Those who performed the procedure at home for the first time without skills are talking badly about blonding. This is another confirmation that it is better to contact the master.

According to reviews, the following advantages of clarification are revealed:

  • it is possible to become a blonde, even as a previously zealous brunette,
  • You can repaint as a platinum blonde, and give strands the effect of highlighting.

Nevertheless, in spite of the harm from the procedure, blonding remains in demand among women. And with proper care you will avoid all possible problems with the hair.

Suitable color for short hair

Blondirovanie on short hair should be thought out carefully, because you need to choose a color so that it looks beautiful and spectacular.

  1. Vanilla and ashy are considered to be winning shades.
  2. Honey blondes are suitable.
  3. Pearlescent tones are also suitable for short-haired women.

From light brown to blond: what you need to know?

Predominantly, dark-haired women turn to the lightening procedure, but redheads and girls with blond hair can expect the desired effect. Blondirovanie on light brown hair implies the observance of some nuances. So, for example, it is categorically not recommended to immediately transform from the blond beauty into a 100% blonde. Otherwise, the hair is easy to damage, as well as get an awkward shade in addition with yellowness. Professional masters recommend carrying out the first blonding by 1-2 (not more) tones lighter than the original color. And if the end result is not pleasant, then it is possible to carry out repeated coloring.


Blondating hair is a procedure, although it does produce an amazing result, but still requires:

  • long time for a staining session,
  • substantial financial investments
  • mastery of coloring
  • decent care after blonding.

But to turn into a blonde is much more effective with the help of this particular procedure, rather than through simple repainting with ordinary paint.


Watch the video: I Bleached My Virgin Hair Platinum Blonde. Hair Me Out. Refinery29 (July 2024).