
Feminine, strictly romantic: beam options for any occasion


  1. Washed and dried hair comb. Apply a little foam to make styling easier.
  2. Tie a high tail. At the first turn of the gum thread all the hair, and at the last - make a loop (do not pull the hair completely). The tip does not need to hide.
  3. Make the loop careless - scrape it a little or use your hands.
  4. Be sure to peg the tips of this loop sticking out from under the elastic band.
  5. If necessary, fix all varnish.

Option number 2 - Snail from a spiral

  1. Collect clean and dried strands in the tail at the crown.
  2. Twist it around its axis to get a spiral.
  3. Wrap this spiral around the base of the tail.
  4. Pin the snail with pins.
  5. Lightly fluff it and spray hair with lacquer.
  6. If the styling did not come out volumetric, lift the hair near the roots with a sharp tip of a comb or a simple pencil. To give this effect, you can initially comb a little hair.

Option number 3 - For business meetings and work

  1. Part on the side, dividing the head of hair into two identical zones.
  2. Pick up both strands.
  3. Tie them in a knot.
  4. Repeat until the length of the hair is over. Then tie a rubber band.
  5. Twist this "chain" in the bun.
  6. Hide the tip inside the bundle.
  7. Fix hair with hairpins.

Option number 4 - With a French spikelet

  1. Tilt your head down.
  2. Divide a shock of hair into three equal parts.
  3. Make the first prolet as for a classic pigtail.
  4. For the next prolet, add free thin strands on the sides.
  5. Continue weaving the spikelet to the crown of the head.
  6. Tie the tip with a rubber band.
  7. Collect all the hair and twist it into a bundle.
  8. Plait the bundle and fasten with a pair of studs.

  1. Comb the hair with your fingers and collect on the back of your head.
  2. When you turn the elastic again, do not pull out the hair completely, but form a small loop.
  3. Give it a rounded shape, stretching a little more central strands.
  4. Hide the tips of the strands inside.
  5. To make the beam big and disheveled, pull it in different directions.

  1. Comb the hair with slightly wetted strands of water.
  2. Collect them by hand - hold the very tips.
  3. Twist this tail around its axis. If there is a lot of hair, divide it in half and intertwine the two parts together.
  4. Wrap the harness around the gum, hiding it under your hair.
  5. Hide the tip inside the beam. Pin it down with studs.
  6. It turned out too neat? Pull out a few curls.

How do you like that?

1. Brush carefully.

2. Apply mousse to them.

3. Tie the tail with a rubber band.

4. Stir with a thin comb to get the volume.

5. From the combed hair, make a free bunch, twisting it with a cord and laying it with a snail.

6. Secure the result with either pins or a thin rubber band - just put it on top.

  1. With the help of a thin comb, take a thick strand on the top of the head and mix it well.
  2. Tie a tail on the side - about the earlobe.
  3. Stir the tail a little.
  4. Twist it into a light tourniquet.
  5. Roll it up with a snail.
  6. Hides the tips inside.
  7. Pin all the studs.

Also, see another simple option:

1. Brush well. Separate the wide strand at the top of the head. Spray it with varnish and scrape.

2. Collect all the hair in the tail in the crown region.

3. Make the indentation a little higher than the rubber band and stretch the tip of the tail through it - it should make a loop.

4. To keep the hairstyle from breaking up in the future, pin this tip with a pair of good stealthers and hide it under your hair.

5. Straighten the finished styling and pin the studs and spray with varnish.

Some more tips for creating bundles

How to make a disheveled beam on the head? This advice will help you.

  • Tip 1. A free and easy crook should not collect all the strands - a few curls can fall on the face.
  • Tip 2. The bangs fit perfectly to the tattered version - both smooth and straight, and asymmetrical.
  • Tip 3. For decoration, use pins, ribbons, hoops, colored scarves, decorative pins.
  • Tip 4. It is easiest to make a snail on the hair washed from the evening - they will not decay, but the oily shine will not appear yet.
  • Tip 5. If necessary, use locking means without sharp odors (they interrupt the fragrance of the perfume). If fixing is performed on dry strands, give preference to varnish; if wet, foam and mousse are preferred.
  • Tip 6. Do not moisten the hair with plenty of water - it will stick to your hands and will lie unevenly.
  • Tip 7. Your new hairstyle must be combined with shoes and wardrobe.
  • Tip 8. The figure is also important. So, girls with a long neck are recommended to perform a high beam at the top of the head - it will emphasize its elegance. Visually make the neck thinner will help bun at the back.
  • Tip 9. Another important point - growth. Tall women fit a stylish snail on the back of his head or side.
  • Tip 10. Women of small stature can safely create this styling at the crown. The main thing that it was not too big. A very voluminous hairstyle will make the upper part heavier and make the image coarse.
  • Tip 11. With sharp facial features and wide cheekbones, wrap the strands slightly below the crown and leave a pair of curls to frame.
  • Tip 12. A modern beam can be placed on the back of the head, on the crown or on the side.

Now you know how to quickly make a sloppy bunch, and you can create new hairstyles every day.

Select by shape

Before you do, you need to evaluate your figure. There are a number of helpful tips to consider:

  • fragile miniature women better not to do heavy bulk bunches for long hair. This visually enlarges the head, which is undesirable with small stature. It is better to lay the strands tight and curl or curl two small "snails" on the sides,
  • very tall girls will win if they give up their position on the crown itself. Thanks to the curls collected in the middle or lower part of the head, the figure looks less bulky,
  • an ugly neck will help to hide the low position of the twisted strands.

Editorial Board

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Face shape selection

A bundle can be worn by any girl, just need to pick it up correctly depending on the type of person:

  • Oval. Classic, perfect shape. Can be laid at any height and in any version, even careless. Of course, you need to take into account the correctness of facial features.
  • Circle or square. Typically, in such cases, stylists are advised to choose a different style. If the face is completely open, its shape will become too noticeable. But if there is a great desire, then you can accompany the hair with side strands, dismissing them along the face. An important addition will be bangs or long earrings. This will help visually. stretch your face.
  • T is a regon. To visually narrow the cheekbones and make the chin wider, a fringe should be combined with the styling.

Set of tools

To lay a beautiful bundle, you need to have on hand a number of devices:

  • comb with frequent and rare teeth,
  • two mirrors so that you can look at the result from different angles,
  • rubber bands, pins, hairpins,
  • fixing agents (for example, lacquer or spray),
  • "Donut" ("donut"). It is useful to create a volumetric version even on short curls,
  • special hairgami or sophisticated twist hairpins that help to twist the strands into a voluminous hairstyle,
  • decorations: artificial flowers, ribbons, headbands, decorative hairpins, etc.

Necessary length and structure of hair

Although it is believed that a beautiful bun will turn out to be made only on a long or at least medium head of hair, girls with shoulder-length haircuts should not despair. Of course, the longer the curls, the easier it is to make a smooth taut or voluminous version with minimal use of studs, barrettes and means for fixing. In addition, the options themselves are much more diverse.

But still many options available for short strands. They just look different. It is not necessary to achieve perfect smooth hair. For example, you can make embossed strands part of a deliberately careless, romantic image.

For such a hairstyle, the structure of the curls does not matter much. Thick long hair suitable for any styling. Thin hair can be laid in a voluminous bundle with a roller or sock and thus give them the missing pomp.

Simple classic

Strands need to comb and tie a normal tail. Then twist them into a knot and quietly fix the studs. The node can be almost at the neck or on the crown itself. If a high position is chosen, the strands under the beam should not be tightly stretched.


Comb the hair, then slightly tangle with your fingers and lift the whole mass up. Twist and form a thick bundle to form a knot. Secure with studs and stealth. Several strands can be released from the hairstyle to get a poetic creative image. Additionally spray with varnish or spray.

Who is the bundle

  1. Girls with aristocratic features and a beautiful long neck. This hairstyle favorably emphasizes the perfect shape of the shoulders and femininity in general.
  2. But for those who can not boast of a refined neck - on the contrary, it is not worth attracting too much attention to it. The best is a low-located hairstyle beam.
  3. Owners of high growth is not a volume beam, made at the very top. With him, the girl seems even higher, which looks quite comical from the outside.
  4. Slender and petite beauties are also better to avoid any voluminous hairstyles that make the upper part of the body heavier and significantly spoil the whole image, making it coarse and vulgar. In this case, you should choose a tight, neat bunch, especially if the hair is short.
  5. Ladies with wide cheekbones and sharp facial features do not go hair bun at the very top, it is better to make it slightly lower.

And, of course, a bun, like any other hairstyle, should ideally blend in with the clothes. For example, the evening dress will suit a volume bundle without falling out curls, and a cocktail outfit can be added with the same hairstyle, decorated with unusual rhinestones, hairpins, etc. Lovers of the youth style will surely like a sloppy bunch of hair.

So, now consider in more detail how to make a bundle and what is necessary for this.

Roll with roller

To create this hairstyle with your own hands, you need a special hair roller and several elastics.

  1. Gather the hair in a high and taut "horse" tail. Then put the top roller on.
  2. Carefully distribute the hair over the entire surface of the roller - you should have something like a fountain of curls. Tie them with a thin elastic band, which will later remain at the base of the tail.
  3. Wrap the hair under the elastic band around it in such a way as to hide the tips of the strands.

This option is suitable for long hair. If the curls, for example, up to the shoulders, it is necessary to make a bunch of hair a little differently: put a volume roller on the hair and move it around the circle, tucking it under it, while not forgetting to distribute it evenly.

Bagel bundle

A bagel is an accessory that is often used not only for bunches, but also for creating other lush hairstyles.

  • bagel for hair
  • comb,
  • a small gum in the color of hair and a pair of invisible.

And now try using your own hands to create this hairstyle step by step, following the recommendations below:

  1. Well comb the hair over the entire length.
  2. Collect them in the tail. The latter is located at the height where you want to end up with a beautiful beam.
  3. Put the hair in a bagel, and wind their ends around this accessory (for fixing).
  4. Turn the bagel slightly inside out to tuck in curls and advance to the beginning of the tail.
  5. Spread the hair all over the bagel and secure it with stealth. If desired, you can use hair spray and various decorations (hairpin, rhinestones, etc.).

To the note: it depends on what kind of gum will be at the heart of the beam its pomp - the more voluminous the accessory, the more luxurious the hairstyle will be.

Bundle with a sock

If there is no professional donut, it is easy to replace it with a regular sock - one piece of knitted fabric suitable for the hair color, as well as a few invisible and tight elastic. At the sock it is necessary to trim the tip and twist it into the "steering wheel" - it will turn out no worse than a volume bagel.

  1. Make a tight tail at the top of the head and thread it through the sock,
  2. Bend the head down so that the strands protruding from the tail lie the same over the entire diameter of the sock.
  3. Gently put the elastic on the toe - it should be closed with curls from all sides.
  4. Most likely you will have hair sticking out from under the gum. Remove them using stealth.

Remember that in this case, you can make a bunch for long hair, but for owners of “liquid” and short hair such a set will not work - you can’t close the sock completely.

Ballerina Bundle

Here again, there is nothing difficult. Take the hair in the maximum tight volumetric tail and twist the tourniquet. Wrap the resulting bundle around the base of the tail and secure with the studs. It is necessary to use the latter as the curls are wrapped, otherwise you will not be able to make a hairstyle yourself.

Vanilla bunch

Many will ask why this hairstyle such an interesting name? The answer is simple - she is very fond of sophisticated girls, who are called "vanilla". In fact, this styling is free, soft and careless, which gives the image a special romance and sophistication.

You will need rubber bands, pins, hairpin and a hairbrush.

  1. Carefully comb your hair, and if they are straight and difficult to style, moisten a little.
  2. Make a high tail.

To the note: the vanilla bunch on the middle hair should be very high, while the knot on the side or on the back of the head is not.

  • Once again comb the hair gathered in the tail, divide them into two equal parts, and then intertwine with each other.
  • Wrap the resulting braid around the base of the tail, trying to close the gum to it. Do not tighten your hair too tight - the bundle should be free. If you want to get a sloppy bunch of hair, then pull a few strands out.
  • Remove the tip of the tail under the hair and secure with pins.
  • Bundle with fleece

    Immediately it should be said that the volume bundle, which will keep its shape for a long time, is obtained only on pre-washed, that is, perfectly clean hair.

    1. Tilt your head forward and begin to dry the hair on the back of your head with a hair dryer. Then raise your head and straighten the strands. Repeat this at least ten times - the hair will be very lush.
    2. Remove the curls in the tail and spray them with varnish.
    3. Divide the resulting tail into several separate strands and mix each of them. The pile should be performed from the very roots to the end. It is better to use a special comb with rounded frequent teeth.
    4. Now gather the combed strands together and twist them into a bundle to form a bulk bundle.
    5. Fix hair invisible and once again sprinkle with varnish.

    European beam

    In this case, you need a special hairpin - heagami. It has an elongated shape and easily bends in different directions.

    To the note: with the help of this barrette you can make a bunch only on the back of your head, a high bunch with loose hair at the top will not work.

    1. Bring cheagami to the ends of the hair and start to twist it up (along with the curls of course) until you find yourself in the middle of the back of the head.
    2. Wrap the ends of the haagami inside and bend it so that the circle goes out.

    Stylish styling is ready.


    This version of the beam is more suitable for young girls or even schoolgirls, but, in any case, it looks beautiful and sophisticated.

    1. Make a high "bump" out of your hair.
    2. Secure it with a rubber band, leaving only a small small tail in front.
    3. The hair gathered on the top of the head is divided into two equal parts, and the remaining tail is drawn between them to form a bow and hide under the hair.
    4. Secure everything with the help of pins (a barrette will do).

    Weave bundle

    This style today at the peak of popularity. And although it is a bit like a bunch of a ballerina, it is still more interesting and original.

    1. Tie your hair and divide it into four separate short strands.
    2. Braid each of these strands.

    To the note: braids can be tied tight or not so much - it all depends on what exactly you are creating your hairstyle with your own hands. If you are going to have a romantic date or a walk, then it is better to loosen the braids, but tight braided short braids are more suitable for a business meeting.

  • Then start winding each pigtail separately on the tail following the previous one.
  • Fix hair with stealth.
  • Jewelry and accessories

    To make the beam more beautiful, you can decorate it with various accessories: barrette, comb, unusual studs and even beads. But do not get carried away, otherwise the hair will not just be ugly, but "cheap." For example, if a metal barrette is used, then it is better to do with one, maximum two.

    Some useful tips

    If you want your hairstyle to last as long as possible, fix it with the help of special tools. Gels and mousses are not the best option, as they moisturize the hair, and high-quality styling is obtained only on dry curls. In addition, you should not choose varnish with a smell, otherwise you can kill the scent of perfume.

    Do not wash your hair before directly creating hair. This should be done in the evening, and in the morning to begin laying. Then the strands (both short and long) will not stand out from the hairstyle.

    Refuse the use of low-quality accessories to decorate hair (barrette, comb, etc.), otherwise you risk seriously ruin your hair.
    And, of course, remember that the first time, not everyone has the perfect bundle. But do not worry. A little workout and you will surely surprise those around you with their stylish and original hairstyle!

    Photo lesson: how beautiful to make a bunch

    Retro hairstyles are a kind of classic female image. Retro styling is suitable not only for black-and-white movie actresses, but will add extravagance to residents of the 21st century. The bundle is interesting because it can look great both with an evening dress and with a style of “casual”.

    So, in addition to any onions recommended.

    Step by step photos: how to make a beautiful bunch

    It is necessary to divide the hair into two halves: upper and lower.

    The upper half must be fixed with a barrette in such a way that it does not interfere with the work. The second half of the hair is collected in a low tail.

    At the base of the tail we divide the hair into two strands, so that a small space is formed.

    In it (through the top) we pass the tail.

    We brush a tail a hairbrush for increase in volume of hair.

    Twisting the hair around your finger, we twist the hair in the bun.

    Fix invisible and barrettes our bun. The bottom of the hairstyle is ready!

    Dissolve the second half of the hair. Parting

    We give volume - we wear upper part of hair.

    Take a strand and, winding it, pull back. Gently fix the twisted strand over the bun.

    Do the same with all the other strands. The main thing is that the twisted strands are well fixed.

    Optionally, you can leave or release from the hair a few strands. They will give the image more tenderness and femininity.

    Is it suitable for everyone?

    Oddly enough, a bunch least of all goes to women aged, especially if their hair is gray. This hairstyle simply turns them ... into grandmothers.

    Therefore, those who have no desire to become “Avdotya Nikitichna” or “Veronika Mavrikyevna” ahead of time, experts recommend to make a short, fashionable haircut, even if they chose long strands and a bundle when they were young.

    For other representatives of the fair sex, including for very young, this hairstyle fits perfectly. The main thing is to choose the desired version of the beam:

      tall is good for a girl with slender features and a graceful neck,

    low (at the base of the neck or on the back of the head) - suitable for tall young ladies and those whose neck is not so elegant,

    on the back of the head - those whose head shape is not perfect (the back of the head is too flat),

    neat, not very voluminous - fragile ladies of small stature,

  • shifted a little to the side - tall girls.
  • How to stack a beam

    A beautiful bunch of long hair with their hands is easy to do. The easiest way is to collect the curls gently brushed with a brush into the tail, stick it into the gum, and then twist them with a roller.

    There are options in which the strands are twisted with a cord or braided into a braid, and after that they twist something like a snail out of them. In any case, to succeed, you need to keep in mind a few tricks:

    1. a bunch of freshly washed hair (especially if they are not long enough) crumbles quickly, but if you wash your hair the day before, it will be much easier to deal with curls,
    2. gum should not be used "apothecary" (it injures the hair), but intended specifically for hairdressing purposes, besides - suitable for color,
    3. You can add a stylish touch to the image using original hairpins, a scarf, a ribbon.

    This option hairstyles, like no other, allows us to achieve diametrically opposite goals. You can, for example, create an image of an aristocratic, if you apply special styling tools, or you can “fashion” a mischievous girl, if you build two funny bunches in the form of horns on a charming female head.

    Types of beams

    Experts warn: bunches on long hair can visually add to their mistress a few extra years or seem not stylish if the technique of their manufacture is unsuccessfully selected. For example, if the hair is thin and not very thick, then the bundle will be very small and will aggravate the problem.

    Fortunately, this does not mean that the idea of ​​such a hairstyle will have to be abandoned - there are so many options that almost every woman and girl will be able to choose the right one for herself.


    It is also called classic and smooth.. To perform it will need a rubber band and studs. First, the strands are carefully combed and treated with an iron. Then collect them in the tail, while choosing a point on the head, which will become the center of the beam.

    The hair is bound with a rubber band, and if they are not very obedient, they are treated with gel. The tail is twisted with a cord and placed in a spiral around the elastic band. So that the construction does not crumble, they are fixed with studs and varnish.

    Bundle of harnesses

    In contrast to the traditional method, the tail is divided in half and each of the parts is twisted with a cord, wrapping (in turn) around the elastic band. Secure with invisible hairpins and pins.

    Also interesting is the option of using mousse for volume. It is applied to the strands, after that, fluffing up the hair with your fingers and letting them dry out, make a central parting. On each side they take strands, fold them with a cord, directing them to the back of the head and attaching them with hairpins.

    After that, all the hair is collected in the tail and form a bundle from it, trying to make it more airy and careless than in the traditional version.

    Bulk bundle

    For this hairstyle it is very important that the hair was not “first freshness”, but “second”. If, however, to bundle freshly washed and dried strands, it is advisable to process them with a texturing paste or similar means that will make the curls more docile.

    Instead of the traditional gum use invizibobl (something like a piece of telephone cord) - he will hold the strands together, but will not pull them too tight, otherwise the volume bundle for long hair will not work.

    The hair is divided into parts and intertwined with each other.

    If the curls are weak and not too thick, you can pre-slightly increase their weight due to the pile.

    Having laid a bunch, fix it hairpins. It is important that it is soft, which means - voluminous. If the result is not entirely satisfactory, with careful movements the beam is stretched so that it becomes more magnificent.

    Sloppy bunch

    He is only called careless and gives the impression of being made hastily, but in fact every detail of it is thought out and it makes sense - the asymmetry of the layout, the loose strands.

    As a rule, this type of beam is low, not fixed with an elastic band, it is not tightly twisted, so that a feeling of naturalness remains. Hair must be perfect - clean, shiny. They are twisted into bundles counterclockwise, the tip is fixed invisible.

    In this hairstyle all the hair should not be collected, be sure to leave a couple of curls that fall from the temples on the face and may be slightly curly.

    Wavy hair

    This hairstyle is from natural hair or curled with forceps. To make it more convenient to work with curls, foam or gel is applied to them, dried and curls are formed. It does not hurt and easy bouffant on the front of the hair, which will give the hair extra volume.

    The tail is divided into several locks, each of them, turn by turn, wind around the gum and fixed with pins. As the final "chord" of the finished hairstyle gently pull two thin strands to frame the face.

    Bundle with roller

    This hairstyle is done in almost the same way as the previous one, only a donut is used together. the roller is a device that is also made of foam rubber of a different color, and the design is slightly more complicated - it is “equipped” with a clasp in the form of a button.

    After the tail strands are wound on a roller, the button is fastened, and the fastener is masked with hair and fastened with pins.

    This option is usually used by women with thin hair. The bundle is made as in the classic version, however, the hair is pre-combed, and before it is collected in a ponytail, it is smoothed with a brush.

    An interesting image can be obtained if you do not take a pair of side strands into the tail, but leave them to frame your face.

    Low beam

    Thinking about how to make a beautiful beam for long hair, women often turn to images of recognized beauties of all times and peoples. So, the owner of the low beam was the goddess Aphrodite. What is not an example to follow?

    From the classic version of this hairstyle is different in that the hair fastened with a rubber band in the lower part of the head. According to experts, for the result to please a woman, the minimum length of her hair must reach the line of the shoulder blades.

    Low beam can be both festive and everyday. You can create it in different ways, for example

      with rubber bands

    More sophisticated do-it-yourself styling

    When a woman masters the technology of a beam, she can afford experiments that will make her image especially expressive, emphasizing her individuality. As a "hint" you can offer several options.

    Festively, the combination of weaving and beam can look, it is not so difficult to make it:

    Instead of a classic bundle, try to build a bow or even two bows on your head, as in the photo:

    The secret of the bow of the hair is that the tail, fastened with an elastic band, is not pulled out completely into its hole, but is left folded in the form of a loop. From it, then, dividing in half, and form a bow, and the remaining tips mask, hiding under the gum and securing with invisible hairpins, as well as varnish.

    This video shows in detail how easy it is to do a spectacular bow with your own hands:

    Another interesting image can be created by collecting only a small part of hair in a bundle (it will be small, neat), and the remaining strands should be spread over the shoulders, twisting them slightly and achieving a beautiful wave, or, conversely, straightening them with an iron.

    You can arrange the beam where it will look better - on the back of the head or on the top of the head. Complete the "picture" thick straight bangs.

    Those who are used to surprising may like the cosmic accent, peeped in the famous "Star Wars" by George Lucas: there the heroine had a cylindrical bundle.

    Make this at home, you can use a few "terry" gum.

    They are threaded through the tail and (due to the number of rubber bands) achieve the required height.

    Then the "terry" rings are wrapped with hair.

    With weaving

    After collecting all the strands in the tail, divide them into several parts and braid a pigtail from each. Pigtails in turn to wind around the tail (each next superimposed on the previous one).

    Bundle - universal hairstyle, suitable for any situation. With it, you can look strictly and formally or gently and romantic, but always feminine. Its versatility is combined with uniqueness. It can be smooth or careless, modest or variously decorated. Strands, even twisted and laid in the same way, on different women will look different.

    Bundle for a date

    Wrong opinion that you should wear all the best for a date, visit a hairdresser and make-up artist. The emphasis on naturalness, regardless of what kind of beauty is popularized in magazines and on television, is always in fashion.

    If the hair is of medium (or longer than average) length, a volume bundle is collected as follows:

    1. The hair framing the face is smoothed by the styler so that it can be laid as smoothly as possible.
    2. Below the neck, hair is collected in the tail (including straightened strands).
    3. Hair slightly combed from the base of the tail.
    4. On each side are separated two thin locks.
    5. From the ends of the hair a little twisted, to the base of the tail, forming a soft (but not fluffy) pad of hair.
    6. Under the tail, it is secured with stealth stems and hairpins.
    7. Side strand beam framed in a circle cross method.
    8. Depending on the severity of the hair, the hair should be fixed with pins.
    9. You can sprinkle with varnish to keep your hair longer.
    10. It is very important to secure the base well, otherwise with careless movement the hair will unwind in the tail again.
    11. Small silk handkerchiefs are often tied up on top of the beam, but this is true if the whole girl is referring to a retro image.

    Evening or holiday option

    If you look at most evening hairstyles, you may not understand that many of them are based on a bun. They are suitable for the most part either to young ladies who are not afraid of weighting the image, or middle-aged ladies, because this type of women is suitable for the volume of the face along with the hair gathered back.

    Negligent bun made just as a hairstyle for a festive event. But not to do without bouffant and hairspray. The main recommendation for removing such beauty is not to try to comb dry, freshly spilled hair.

    It is necessary to remove all the hairpins and hairpins, wash your hair with shampoo, hold the silicone containing the balm 2 times longer than usual, rinse with warm water, only after that, after drying your hair a little, you can comb them.

    Otherwise there is a risk of breaking the ends.

    1. Hair combed from the roots, covered with hairspray.
    2. They are assembled in a high tail, with the exception of two side strands. On the last curl of gum, the hair remains twisted in the form of a loop, without finally threading the ends of the hair.
    3. At the bottom of the tips are fixed studs.
    4. The ends of the resulting loop of hair are connected invisible below.
    5. Loose strands are braided into volumetric braids or they simply wrap a fixed bundle around them.
    6. A couple of thin strands on the edges of the face can be twisted up, covered with a face and left as an ornament.

    Fan bundle

    This option has 2 features, depending on the wishes: It can be done at the bottom and top. The bottom one is suitable for girls who are not afraid of the effect of wet, “licked” hair, the top one is more typical for women of the older generation.

    1. The hair is straightened by styler, divided into even parting.
    2. They are divided into two parts horizontally: upper and lower.
    3. The lower part is taken into the tail, leaving a loop of hair that is not stretched in the last turn of the elastic band.
    4. If the bundle is lower, it remains to lie, if the upper one, it must be fixed so that the fan itself looks up.
    5. The upper strand, divided by parting, wraps the bundle in a circle.
    6. Gel strong fixation strands in the beam are divided so that the hair looked separately, and not a monolith.

    Asymmetrical sloppy bunch

    The idea of ​​such a hairstyle was born in America in the distant 30s, it was then that the ladies fell in love with asymmetrical hairstyles on their heads, and over time this fashion has reached our days. This design is suitable for all ages, for any type of person, due to the fact that there are an incredible variety of options, and they are all more festive.

    Negligent bunch to do on straight hair will help their curling. This volume gives airiness to the image.

    1. Hair slightly combed at the roots.
    2. If they are straight, then near the ends of a little twisted.
    3. Going to the side tail down near the ear.
    4. Wrapped up or down, depending on what position it will be more convenient to fasten.
    5. Mounted at the base and in a circle of the beam, if the hair is very light, then sometimes one method of attachment is enough.
    6. In addition to curly hair, which will be knocked out of the general bundle, you can slightly pull out the curls (but not completely) from the hairstyle.

    Surround option

    If you want to collect hair, but absolutely no time for a long time to "conjure" over the image, a simple volumetric bundle will help out in this situation. At the same time, it is important not to straighten or smooth the hair; the more careless, the better will be the onion.

    This option is suitable for young girls of all types of faces, looks best on non-uniform hair (light blond with a transition to the roots, coloring balayazh), due to the game not only the texture of hair, but also color.

    1. Hair is collected in a medium-sized tail with a rubber band.
    2. It is twisted around the base directly, not connecting into a bundle, or braiding in a volumetric braid, if length permits.
    3. Fixed by stealth.

    Bundle with a sock or donut

    "Bublik" - a device for collecting hair in a bun, sold in all hairdressing stores. It can be of different widths, depending on the required volume and length of hair. They are dense, like foam rubber, but consist of a fine mesh. Men's socks are considered analogous (because they are longer): the nose is cut off, the socks are twisted into an elastic bagel.

    It is advisable to choose socks and bagels to match the hair, otherwise under the strands that have come out of the bundle, the fabric of the opposite color will look ugly.

    Bagel for long hair:

    1. Hair is collected in the tail, either tight, or moderately strapped.
    2. A bagel (or sock) is placed 3-4 cm further than the tip of the hair.
    3. Two hands bagel with hair twisted to the base of the tail.
    4. Thus, the hair is collected in a bun, which can be held without pins, however, if the “arm is not full,” it is better to additionally fix it with several invisible sticks.

    Bagel for medium hair:

    1. Hair going to the tail.
    2. A bagel is put on the base of the tail so that all hair passes through it.
    3. Hair wrapped bagel, securing the individual strands at the base.

    A bunch of braids

    The careless bunch of braids is the most youthful option of collecting hair in a bun, it is used both for everyday wear and for a ceremonial exit.

    Step by step instructions on how to make a sloppy bundle with braids.

    1. Hair is collected in two tails of medium height, below the crown, so that they are next to each other (not on the sides, like the usual two tails).
    2. From each braids on the volumetric pigtail.
    3. Spit intertwined with each other in a circle, forming a wide three-dimensional beam.
    4. It is important not to tie them together.
    5. Hair fasten hairpin and stealth.

    Bundle with bangs

    Bundle is a universal hairstyle that is suitable for all types of face. It looks most elegant with bangs, and with all its kinds.

    There are a number of recommendations for hairstyle:

    1. The higher the beam, the better it will be in harmony with the bangs.
    2. Straight bangs remain unchanged, and it is better to twist the beveled slightly.
    3. On the sides you can leave small twisted strands. They will be a continuation of the bangs and give the image more tenderness.
    4. In order to "shade" short hair on the forehead, it is better to do a volume bunch.

    High option

    A bunch on top is not for everyone. He harmoniously dilute the image of fragile young girls with subtle features. Larger ladies will be complete, and older ladies will add years.

    At the same time, a triangular type of face with a slightly extended chin is more suitable.

    1. It is best to make a high beam free, without strained hair.
    2. Too smooth, combed hair, suitable only for official hairstyles.
    3. Work better with a donut.
    4. The wider and tighter the beam is obtained, the more harmonious they will look on your head.
    5. Looks better on curly or curled hair.

    How to decorate a bun: decorations and accessories

    A sloppy bundle will look even more natural if you pick up a good piece of jewelry. In everyday versions, the decoration is used to complement the image, and in the evening it is almost a mandatory attribute.

    For decoration use a lot of beautiful gizmos:

    1. Flowers (artificial or alive) are perfectly inserted between the strands. Artificial, as a rule, already planted on a hairpin.
    2. The bows are attached at the top, side, but the classic version is at the bottom of the bulk beam. In this case, their size should be in harmony with the collected hair. If the bundle is small, a huge bow does not fit, and if big, then a small bow on its background will be lost.
    3. Thin silk kerchiefs are wrapped around the bundle of hair one or several times and are tied with a bow from the bottom.
    4. In hairdressing shops a huge amount is sold with a comb of an average size up to 10 centimeters, slightly rounded to the shape of the head. They are decorated with a scattering of crystals, flowers and other decorative elements.

    Hairstyles are solemn or casual, even the most conservative girls periodically like to change their image. Collecting hair in a sloppy bundle, you can make different variations of it, and within the same hairstyle always be different.

    Useful video tutorials on creating careless beams for different hair lengths

    10 variants of careless bunches:

    Wedding Asymmetric Wisp:

    This is perhaps one of the most versatile hairstyles! I adore bunches, I do both for work, and for walk with friends. It seems that the hair is collected, but at the same time feminine and free!

    2. A bundle with two braids

    If you go tight smooth hair and you do not have time for training, then feel free to do this bunch. To create the perfect look, Ursula used a styling spray and evenly spread it over her hair with a comb. Then, with the help of a toothbrush and hair spray, she smoothed all the "roosters."

    • Make a high ponytail. Ursula first smoothed all the nervousness in front, and then at the back of the head.
    • Spread the mousse (the size of a tennis ball) over the entire length of the hair.

    • Divide the hair into two parts and weave two braids, then fasten them with a thin elastic band, preferably matching the color to your hair.
    • Put the braids on the back of the head, in the manner shown in the picture.

    • Take the ends of the braids and wrap them around.
    • Transfer the ends forward and continue to wind them around the bundle. Hide the tips inward and secure with studs. Give the beam any shape and secure with studs.

    3. African bundle

    If you have no time to do hair, then think about the African braids. They can be worn for 3-4 weeks, just wrapping your hair at night with a handkerchief, so that they are not disheveled. Pigtails will help save your hair and not waste time on styling. The famous stylist from Brooklyn - Sasha Harris recommends this hairstyle and demonstrates a step by step guide on how to do it.

    If you like the idea of ​​a hairstyle, but you are not burning with the desire to braid African braids, braid ordinary ears.

    • Prepare your hair with mousse. Spread it over the entire length of the comb.
    • Determine the area on the back of the head where you will make the ponytail and begin to weave pigtails.

    • When finished weaving, collect the hair in a ponytail with a thick elastic band that can withstand them.
    • Keep all your hair together and wrap it around the center to get a tight bun, then fasten it with hairpins.

    Share interesting hairstyle ideas with your girlfriends!

    Fashionable staining in 2019, see here


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