What's better

What is better - lamination or keratin hair straightening?


Today, to care for curls, experts offer a wide range of services. In this list, girls often confuse lamination and keratin hair straightening. At first glance, the result of both processes is similar, but their action and purpose are completely different. What is the difference between lamination and keratin straightening? More information about the differences in services can be found further in the article.

The essence of the procedures

To get started is to find out what each of the services represents.

Let's start with the procedure called Lamination of hair. It lies in the fact that a special composition is applied to the strands, which covers the surface of the curls, filling all the damaged areas. Further, the composition is fixed with an additional preparation without any special effect of heat.

The service performs only cosmetic functions. The essence of this process is that the strands are simply covered with a solution of silicone, and not straightened.

In turn, Keratin straightening is not only aesthetic, but also wellness. In the process, a straightening compound is applied to the strands, then it is sealed using the maximum ironing temperature. Keratin, getting to the surface of the strand, penetrates into the structure, fills it from the inside, glues microdamages. Such actions serve to repair damaged strands, besides straightening, giving shine.

Process effects, at first glance, outwardly identical. But the principle of impact varies significantly.

Keratin Alignment sent for treatment, restoration of hair. Action wears cumulative, the duration of the effect can be up to 6 months. The effect after the service is to make the strands smooth, restore, protect them with protein film. But unfortunately, after keratin leveling hairstyle loses much in volume.

During lamination the opposite effect is created, the hair thickens, therefore hairstyle is increased up to 2 times in volume. The duration of the effect reaches only 3-4 weeks.

Attention! The disadvantage of both services is called hair loss under the means applied. As a result, the strands become heavier, thicken, the bulb does not stand up, weakens.

Differences according to indications

Exist service differences by indications.

For example, keratin straightening often advise girls with naughty, tough, curly hair. With such problems as severely damaged, excessively dry, lifeless strands, split ends, strongly curly strands keratinization will be more effective. After the straightening process, the hair becomes softer, more obedient, healthier, styling is faster.

Laminate strands can be absolutely everyone girls with different types of hair with problems such as thin, unruly curly strands that are subject to frequent dyeing. After this process, the hair will be smooth, shiny, its volume will increase.

Initially, the cost of services varies due to the different cost of drugs.

The price of lamination kits varies depending on the level of popularity of the manufacturer's brand, product quality, area of ​​application, volume. The most popular kits cost between 2,000 and 13,000 rubles. In the salon, such a procedure will cost from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles, depending on the institution's rating, the degree of professionalism of the specialists.

Keratin hair straightening in the salon will cost from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles. The cost of drugs for the process varies from 2 500 to 29 000 rubles.

The cost of lamination is more affordable than keratin straightening regardless of the place of performance.

Performing procedures at home

Duration of services Keratin straightening and coating laminating composition varies significantly. For example, lamination can spend in 1–2 hoursand the procedure keratin leveling can take up to 6 hours.

At home, it is easier to laminate the curls, as there are special kits with a full set of drugs, instructions for the house. But still this job requires skill, experience.

Keratin leveling is a rather complicated, laborious process, it requires certain professional skills and equipment. Make keratin straightening is better in the salon as a professional master.

The composition of the preparation for keratinization contains formaldehyde, which during evaporation adversely affects the health of not only the client, but also the master. The service must be carried out in respirators and in a well-ventilated area.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive sides of lamination serve as:

  • shine hair
  • increase in volume
  • affordable cost
  • ease of doing at home
  • protection from negative environmental factors,
  • ease of installation,
  • antistatic effect,
  • elimination of irregularities, split ends.

The disadvantages of lamination are the following:

  • short duration of effect,
  • hair is not restored,
  • the film is washed unevenly
  • possible hair loss.

Keratin leveling of the head of hair has the following advantages:

  • hair is restored from the inside,
  • protection from exposure to harmful factors of the world,
  • the curls become obedient, smooth, shiny,
  • eliminates the fluffiness of strands, breakage, section,
  • long lasting effect
  • The service has healing properties.

Cons keratinization following:

  • high cost of the procedure
  • possible hair loss under the influence of the applied composition,
  • hair loss
  • the procedure requires certain professional skills
  • the inability to conduct alone at home,
  • rapid contamination of curls,
  • the composition of the drug contains a dangerous substance - formaldehyde, which can cause cancer.

Peculiarities of care

The differences in the processes are that keratinization is cumulative, that is, after each subsequent session, the curls will be healthier. Laminating strands too often is not recommended, as when flushing the composition leaves nutrients from the hair structure.

Care curls after keratin straightening, coating with laminating compounds is similar in the following points:

  1. After completing the service headwashing is not recommended for the first 48–72 hours.
  2. For the care you need to use sulfate-free shampoos.
  3. It is not advisable to tie the hair with a rubber band, pin it up with clips.

Differences carefollowing procedures:

  1. After lamination, it is not recommended to use a hairdryer, iron or curling iron for styling your hair. Alignment of the curls with keratin composition allows styling using straighteners, pleyos, etc.
  2. Keratin leveling is not recommended to do before a trip to the sea due to the fact that under the influence of salt water composition quickly wash off the curls. Lamination, on the contrary, is recommended to be done before a trip to the sea to ensure greater protection of curls from UV rays and salt water.
  3. After keratinization, it is recommended to dye curls only with ammonia-free dyes. Lamination of curls allows you to paint the strands with any paint.

Before going to the salon for a particular procedure, you need to find out for yourself: what effect is needed after the session, what composition will suit the type of hair. Both procedures in total will show a similar outward effect, but they will differ in their effect on curls.

For treatment, restoration of curls better alignment with keratin. But, if a girl wants to get only aesthetically beautiful straight curls without the subsequent restoration, then lamination is a more suitable service. It will help to finally determine that it is better to lamination or keratin hair straightening is only a master when examining the type of hair, the problems that need to be solved.

Find out which products with keratin are best used for straightening hair:

Useful video

Lamination of hair at home.

Keratin straightening from Inoar.

Main problems

To choose the salon procedure correctly, you must first understand why you are doing it: to improve the appearance of the hair or to restore it. Or maybe you want to combine both of these effects? After all, most often women seek help from specialists who have one or more of the following hair problems:

  • strong dry hair,
  • its dimming, lack of shine,
  • loss of elasticity
  • very fragile
  • disobedience, difficulty combing,
  • dry split ends
  • friability and porosity of hair.

And only after the correct prioritization can a truly effective procedure be chosen. But first it is important to find out how similar, and what is the difference between lamination and keratin hair straightening.

Types of procedure

Depending on the used means and technology of its application, there are several types of lamination:

  • classic - it is a colorless compound, often containing substances harmful to the hair, it is often called Botox,
  • biolamination - the hair is treated with a composition based on natural cellulose or dandelion juice, the procedure is completely harmless to hair,
  • phytolamination - a type of biolamination, in which the composition is additionally enriched with vitamins and plant extracts, has a healing effect,
  • glazing - lamination of hair with tinting effect - colored pigments are added to the product, which allows to preserve the brightness of the shade for a long time,
  • eluting - resistant toning with deep penetration of the pigment due to the creation of a very acidic environment, not too useful for hair procedure,
  • shielding - can be called deep lamination, because during the procedure there is an intensive heating of each strand, which fixes the result.

Naturally, only phyto-and biolamination procedures can be recommended for damaged and weakened hair, since in other cases more or less aggressive formulations are used.

Please note - the longer and more significant the result is promised by the manufacturer, the more high-tech chemical components in the tool for processing the hair.


As is clear from the name of the procedure, the composition for treating the hair contains liquid keratin, which can be embedded in the voids formed and, thus, restore the damaged structure of the upper protective layer of hair. The tool fills the missing keratin, strengthening the hair and making them stronger.

Features of the procedure

In contrast to lamination, the keratinization procedure is standard, and the technology of its implementation must be strictly followed - the result obtained depends on it 100%.

Even the compositions of different manufacturers are not too different from each other. This is not surprising - after all, the main active component in them is the same, only the excipients that ensure its delivery change.

The standard procedure looks like this:

  1. Hair is deeply cleaned and degreased with a special shampoo.
  2. The composition for keratinization is applied to slightly damp hair, retreating 2-3 cm from the roots.
  3. Without wrapping the head with a film, they are kept for 30-40 minutes so that the product is absorbed deeper.
  4. Hot iron (temperature 180-220 o C) carefully warm each strand to imprint keratin into the hair structure.
  5. After the hair has cooled, the remnants of the composition are washed off and a softening mask is applied, fixing the result.

In principle, nothing complicated. If you buy a professional composition, then keratin straightening can be done even independently at home. But if you do not warm up each strand thoroughly, the tool will quickly wash off, and the result will be very short-lived.

Please note that the keratinization agent contains aldehydes and formaldehydes, which evaporate when heated and can cause allergies or asthma attacks if inhaled.

Reviews and contraindications

As you can see, the difference between keratin straightening and lamination of hair is quite large. Therefore, to say unequivocally that it is better - simply unrealistic.

Stronger alignment is obtained after the keratinization procedure by compacting each hair. But perfect smoothness and amazing shine, according to most women, gives only high-quality lamination. So it’s up to priorities, especially as for the price both procedures differ slightly.

There are categorical contraindications to both of them:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • super sensitive or damaged scalp,
  • any active form of alopecia, severely weakened hair,
  • fungal and purulent diseases of the scalp,
  • serious chronic or oncological diseases.

Remember the formaldehyde released in keratinization processes - it is best done in a well-ventilated room. If you do deep lamination or keratin straightening yourself - make sure that the iron evenly slid along the strand, otherwise it can be damaged in places where it stops.

In general, such procedures are better to be trusted by specialists - they have a number of subtleties that you can simply ignore, and the result will be far from what is expected.

Lamination of hair

Such a procedure as lamination of hair in recent years has become very popular. This fact is explained by the fact that it is possible to carry out lamination in almost any beauty salon or specialized hairdressing salon.

The first thing you need to know the fair sex - the procedure involves the impact on the hair with a special tool that creates natural and organic protection.

This layer is able to pass oxygen molecules, while preventing the rapid evaporation of fortified particles. It is important to note that the resulting film also has in its composition of excipients (herbal supplements), which contribute to a more lasting effect.

Many experts noted the fact that lamination is ideally combined with average statistical curls in length and density. This is explained by the fact that more rare and thin hair after the procedure can look even rarer, and thick and oily, under the weighting effect of the applied substance are prone to loss.

In rare cases, there may be painful scalp, as the load on the root system increases.

Lamination requires advance preparation, associated mainly with reinforcement and recharge. To do this, use modern masks and balms. It is important to know that the problem with dry hair is not treated in this way, as this is a temporary procedure, which has more cosmetic properties than healing. When applying the necessary substance to damaged hair, they can become even worse.

The maximum durability of lamination is 6 weeks.

Hairdressers and makeup artists this method of improving the appearance is recommended after dyeing the hair, as it favorably affects the durability and durability of the paint. Nowadays, so-called color lamination is also often practiced.

In contrast to the colorless, color occurs under the influence of the magnetic field of positively charged particles.While the colorless takes time only about half an hour and occurs due to the application of a special mask. The durability of lamination is the direct quality of the applied agent and further care.

In lamination can be noted the following advantages:

  1. Makes your strands more thickened,
  2. Allows a hairstyle to look healthier, more shiny and voluminous
  3. Resists weather conditions (high humidity, stability of laying in windy weather),
  4. It allows you to protect from the negative effects of hot pleyok and all kinds of cosmetics (varnishes, gels).

It must be remembered that the above positive factors act only during the period of the protective layer.

Keratin hair straightening

This manipulation is associated with the Brazilian company QOD Cosmetics. It was she who brought out and proved the positive effect of cocoa beans on the scalp.

In the modern world, this technology is actively reproduced by the international community and is considered to be curative. Thanks to QOD Cosmetics, we know that the main molecular component is keratin and that the basis of problem hair is precisely the lack of this substance.

The basis of keratin straightening does not lie in the application of a protective layer, but in the impregnation of hair with the missing molecules that contribute to their maximum recovery.

The procedure itself consists of the following step-by-step steps:

  1. Thanks to special means they make your curls more delicate and susceptible to keratin molecules,
  2. Direct application of the composition,
  3. Full drying of the hair is performed,
  4. The hair is divided into separate strands,
  5. Each individual strand is straightened with a special rectifier.

As you can see - important are the high temperatures. When they are exposed, keratin collapses and falls into the problem areas of each hair.

If you follow the subsequent recommendations of a specialist, within two hours the positive effects of keratin will become noticeably and visually externally.

Before the procedure, there are some limitations: at least one week should pass after perm and dyeing. Keratinization procedure is allowed at the age of 13 years.

The main positive points of keratinization of hair:

  1. Durability (guaranteed up to 6 months of positive results),
  2. It allows you to carry out the usual manipulations and perform all kinds of hairstyles
  3. At the end of the term of the protective layer, there is an opportunity to carry out the correction procedure, which greatly saves time and money.

What is better lamination or keratin hair straightening is a personal matter for each girl and financial factors and individual circumstances are important here. I also advise you to read the article "How to choose the right shampoo for hair."

The difference between the procedures is very noticeable, given the fact that one type of straightening has only cosmetic properties, and the second is healing.

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What's the point?

What is the lamination of the hair? Each curl is covered with a special composition that can fill any damage or void, glue keratin scales, and also cover the surface of each hair with a thin film. It should be understood that lamination is a procedure that cares for curls and maintains their normal state. It in itself does not bear any medical effect!

What is the difference between keratin straightening and lamination of hair?

Keratin hair straightening or lamination - which is better? This question is asked by many girls and women who decide to improve the appearance of curls. These procedures are completely different both in the technique and in the impact on the hair, so their comparison can not be called correct.

Lamination of hair has only cosmetic properties. The essence of the procedure is not to straighten, but to affect the surface of the hair and cover it with a layer of silicone. The cumulative effect in this case does not take place, so the curls will return to their former state after 2-3 weeks.

Keratin hair straightening is a procedure of a therapeutic, cosmetic and health-improving nature. A good keratin can saturate the hair and nourish it from the inside. Immediately after the first procedure, the curls become much more healthy, supple, silky and smooth. Keratin straightening is valid for up to 6 months and has a cumulative effect.

Ways to straighten hair

The owners of elegant elastic curls, naturally flowing on the shoulders, of course, very lucky, but the girls who got unruly hard hair, sometimes do not know how to cope with them. Hairdryer and curling iron severely damage the hair structure.

Then the question arises before them: "Keratin straightening or lamination of hair - which is better?"

Both can get rid of the following problems:

  • badly damaged and lifeless hair
  • excessively dry curls,
  • constant negative impact of external factors
  • split ends
  • very curly locks.

Hair straightening at home

How to straighten hair for a long time? This question is often asked by the owners of fluffy or curly locks. At the same time, almost everyone wants to avoid the use of any thermal device, and also to save the result for a long time.

In order for a long time to perfectly straighten hair, it is not necessary to run to a professional or use a special device. After all, you can resort to one of the following folk recipes:

  • Vinegar-rinse (this tool should be found in every kitchen). First you need to dilute the vinegar with water, and then rinse the washed hair with the resulting solution. The use of a hair dryer or iron is not recommended. Fully straighten curly hair is unlikely to succeed, but an impressive effect will still be able to admire. Equally important is the fact that the hair becomes much softer and more docile.
  • Beer. Apply 0.5 liters of beer to a clean, wet hair with a comb. It is better to start the moisturizing procedure from the back of the head and, using massage movements, to rub the composition from root to tip. This popular method can significantly reduce fluffiness.

The benefits of keratin straightening

Not only to eliminate fluffiness, but also keratin hair straightening can cure curls. The consequences - a beautiful and well-groomed hairstyle. In addition, there is no limit to the lifestyle or daily routine. Keratin straightening is not only harmless and absolutely safe, but also a very useful procedure, so the curls are not in danger under any circumstances.

The difference between keratin straightening and lamination

What is the difference between hair lamination and keratin straightening? The latter does not make the hair heavier and allows them to breathe. Long curls require good care. Lamination of hair is not less effective procedure for straightening (by the way, at cost it is much cheaper than keratin).

Stylist recommendations

Experts in the field of beauty advise:

  • Do not use the flat iron for laminated strands. The minimum time interval that must be sustained is 2-3 days, although quality work usually does not require additional leveling.
  • Only a few days later, you can wash your hair after keratin straightening. Reviews suggest that water treatment is better to start no earlier than after 3 days.
  • Chemical and biowaveing ​​are those manipulations that can greatly harm laminated spit.

Who needs lamination?

A set for lamination of hair must be in the house if one of the following cases occurs:

  • regular coloring or highlighting,
  • the curls are naughty and strongly pushes,
  • injured, damaged or heavily curled hair,
  • split ends.

What is lamination?

The process by which hair is covered with a thin cellulose film that creates the very "Silk effect" and protects hair from exposure to the external environment (polluted atmosphere, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, dust and debris in the air), as well as from sudden temperature changes. The film has a porous structure that allows hair to breathe and does not violate their natural life cycle. Transparent and color lamination is carried out.

Remember how in the cold season, hair stick to the cap when we take it off. This phenomenon is called "static electricity". This is due to the fact that the hair has an electric charge.

This physical property is used in color lamination: ion staining is performed, during which positively charged hair attracts negatively charged atoms of the laminating substance. As a result, we get brighter, more resistant staining that can last up to 3 months.

Indications and Contraindications

The procedure has no contraindications, does not harm the health. Not surprising, since lamination is, at most, aesthetic in nature. It is shown to girls who want to impress others, improve and protect their hair. Quite a few women, purely out of interest, try the newfangled trend.

Duration of the result

Lamination, unlike keratinization, lasts only 2-4 weeks. After the time the procedure is worth repeating. Keratisation, on the contrary, allows the girl to forget about problems for 6-7 months.

When lamination is used special solution, which only covers the hair with a special thin film that does not have a healing function. It protects against external factors that adversely affect the healthy appearance. And during the straightening keratin is applied, it does not form a film, but it penetrates deep into the structure, thereby restoring it.

To make your hair look healthy and thick, several lamination procedures are necessary. Only after that the girl will get beautiful and shiny hair.

The average cost of lamination in the salons is 1000-3000 rubles, keratin straightening is much more expensive, its average price is 7000-8000 rubles, the high cost is due to the use of therapeutic keratin.

It all depends on what result you need to get:

  1. Keratin straightening is considered therapeutic and a wellness procedure, during which the curls are filled with a special component, restoring their structure.
  2. When straightening keratin does not need to worry that the useful elements will wash off shampoo or other soap compositions, they are deep in the structure of the hair, so do not wash out, affecting the hair follicle for a long time.
  3. If exposure occurs on curly curls, then with keratin straightening, you can forget about them for six months. At the same time during this time will not need hot tongs or rectifier.
  4. After the keratin straightening, the hair becomes wetted they are not deficient in useful substances and components.
  5. Lamination is also considered a good procedure. Thanks to its implementation, the hair is protected from harmful external factors using a thin film of a certain composition.
  6. Lamination copes with secant tips, eliminates unhealthy and lifeless appearance of hair. Hair becomes smooth and shiny.
  7. An important advantage of lamination is to preserve pigment dyes on hair after dyeing. This procedure contributes to the preservation of color for a long time.
  8. It is not necessary to carry out lamination on thin and sparse hair, because you get the effect of a sleek hairstyle, which is not the case with keratin straightening.

What is the difference?

Despite the apparent similarities, there is a huge difference between the two procedures.

First of all, it is important to note that Keratin straightening affects the deeper layers of the hair.

With proper care of the strands, the effect of such a procedure can last up to 6-7 months.

Lamination is directed to the outer structure of the curl, and the effect of this procedure is terminated after 5-6 weeks.

In addition, the lamination in the cast from keratin does not straighten the hair. It only returns them a healthy look for a while. The choice depends on your desire. What do you expect after the results? If you need to straighten the strands, it is better to make keratin straightening, but if you want to give them a healthy look, then it is better to choose lamination.

Contraindications for each procedure

Regarding lamination, there are practically no contraindications to this procedure. It can be carried out on hair of any length and any type. But still, if your hair is weakened, then you need to treat it before the procedure by consulting a trichologist for consultation or using homemade masks.

As for keratin, here the situation is a little worse.

  1. The composition of all drugs for keratin straightening includes such a component as formaldehyde. When this substance is heated, toxic fumes are formed, which can cause headaches, and also have a negative effect on vision and the central nervous system. That is why keratin straightening is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as patients in precancerous condition.
  2. If the hair is dry, weak and thin, then it is advisable not to do the procedure, since after covering with keratin the hair becomes heavier and thereby affects the follicles, which results in even more weakening of the hair. Also, if the hair falls out, then the procedure is absolutely contraindicated.
  3. If the scalp has wounds, scratches, as well as with various skin diseases, keratin straightening is contraindicated.
  4. Individual intolerance to the components of keratin-containing agents.

Why do I need lamination?

Let's look at why and how hair lamination is done:

  • After the procedure, each curl becomes shiny, radiant, well-groomed and beautiful. The reason for such a stunning effect lies in the fact that a film is formed on the surface of the hair that reflects light and gives shine.
  • Recuperation. Hair looks healthy, because the film glues scales and gives the surface smoothness, and also eliminates split ends.
  • Volume increases by at least 10%.
  • Greatly easier combing and styling.
  • The film blocks the negative impact of external factors.

Lamination damage

Keratin hair straightening or lamination - which is better? In some cases, the latter procedure may conceal not entirely pleasant consequences, namely:

  • Depletion, impaired metabolic process and deterioration of the hair, due to the fact that the film blocks the penetration of oxygen or natural breathing.
  • Lamination of hair can cause imbalance.
  • Frequent procedure leads to the destruction of the structure of the locks. The reason is that the film can not be washed off, over time it will simply begin to fall off itself, along with particles of hair tissue.

Types of lamination

In an effort to resolve the issue of how to straighten hair for a long time, many women resort to lamination.

This procedure can be:

  • colored and transparent
  • cold and hot
  • bio and ordinary.

For color lamination, substances are used that contain coloring pigments.Reviews of this procedure are mostly positive in nature: the hair looks healthy and shiny, and the shade remains for a long time.

The basis of hot and cold lamination is one principle. The only difference is the moment that the first involves heating the hair with an iron.

Advantages and disadvantages of lamination

The main positive aspects of lamination include:

  • elimination of irregularities
  • healthy shine hair
  • smoothness,
  • volume,
  • facilitating the process of combing and styling,
  • protection from the negative impact of the external environment.

A little about the shortcomings:

  • the fragility of the effect
  • hair is not restored from the inside.

Laminated hair should be washed with a nourishing shampoo, not cleansing. Firming effect and significant protection brings home the procedure with gelatin. After that, the hair looks bulky, thick and shiny, because the main component of gelatin is protein. And protein collagen is able to create a protective film.

What does the procedure do?

Protective layer not rejected by the body. Rejection can occur only in case of intolerance to the components of the composition of the laminating substance. Getting rid of split ends.

Anyone who has seen hair under a microscope will understand what it is about: our hair consists of a base (a hard rod consisting of calcium, chitinous compounds and protein structures) and scales directed towards the growth of hair.

During lamination, the film covers the scales and they are pressed closer to the rod, which makes the hair smooth and elastic.

The hair surface becomes smoother, accordingly, it reflects light better. In the case of color lamination, the paint will last much longer, because it will be under a protective layer that protects hair from the main factor of hair color loss - UV radiation.

Myths and truth about lamination

Myth: Lamination increases the weight of the hair, it becomes heavy and falls out.

True: The thickness of the film is measured in micrometers, and the total weight of the film does not increase the weight of the hair by more than 3%. For comparison, greasy hair, unwashed for 2 days, weighs 20% more than clean.

Myth: The film covers the skin of the head, as a result, it also becomes covered with a film and does not breathe.

True: The skin does not have a static charge, and based on the porous structure of the epithelium and dermis, it rejects any foreign matter.

Myth: Hair weakens after the procedure, lamination will have to constantly.

True: Our body is constantly updated, every day new hairs fall out on the head and grow, After the laminated layer has completely subsided, the body will eventually restore the structure and allocate more resources of the immune system to protect the hair. A couple of weeks of application of nourishing masks and balms - and your hair will shine even more than before.

Lamination VS Keratin straightening

Keratin is a protein synthesized by our body that is responsible for the transport of vitamins to the tissues of their density and elasticity. Its quantity is pledged from birth and decreases with age. Keratin straightening procedure will help to make hair smooth without chemical interventions.

First you need to wash your hair to enhance it. absorption properties. While they are still a little wet, they apply a solution (keratin complexes, as a rule, contain vitamins and oils). When the hair is dry - they straighten iron. The procedure can be carried out at home.

The main plus method - The natural structure of the hair remains unchanged.

But this is harmful only for masters who are constantly in contact with the substance. The price of $ 100-150 per procedure, due to the high consumption of the substance.

The bottom line: the method cannot compete with lamination due to too high a price.

Lamination VS Botox

Botox is a drug consisting of protein fractions. It acts at the cellular level, creating a framework for the base of the hair, makes the structure more dense, improves the elasticity of the hair, and makes it shine. The composition of the medicine includes: vitamins of groups A, B, D, green tea leaf extract, keratin, amino acids, aloe vera extract.

The procedure can be done in two ways - by injecting the drug into the scalp, by injection, or applying it as a mask.

The first method showed high efficiency, so it is used more often.

The procedure lasts about an hour. Cost from $ 20 to $ 50 per session.

Bottom line: a painful way, the consequences of which are little studied. Given the complications of the introduction of Botox into the skin, it is not known what he can do with his hair.

Lamination VS Shielding

This method is an improved form of lamination. In the process, nutrients penetrate the hair from the inside, and a film is also formed on the surface.


  • Moisturizing hair.
  • Simplify the styling process.
  • Thickening of the hair shaft.

Minuses :

  • Increased stiffness.
  • Short duration - 3-4 weeks.

Escaping creates a cumulative effect, which is noticeable after only 5 sessions.

Stages of the process:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hair with means for deep cleaning.
  2. Apply moisturizing balm.
  3. Do not completely dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  4. Apply a screening agent, spreading it evenly over the entire length.
  5. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  6. Blow-dry hair in hot work mode.
  7. Apply a fastening agent to the hair.
  8. Dry with a hairdryer if necessary.

Price $ 30 - $ 60, depending on the length and means for shielding.

Bottom line: the method is not suitable for all hair types, but this is the only negative, so it can easily compete with lamination. Besides, the whole process can be done at home by yourself.

Lamination VS Polishing

The procedure allows you to remove protruding, dry, split ends along the entire length of the hair, thereby returning the shine and silky structure to them.


  • A little volume of hair is lost,
  • Not suitable for thin and damaged hair.

Polishing procedure

Hair washed, moisturized and dried. Then put a heat-shielding layer, pull and, strand by strand, placed in a device for polishing. His nozzle moves in the direction of hair growth and cuts off all split ends. The whole process takes about 2 hours.

The cost is extremely low - $ 4, for almost any length.

The result: the method can be considered as an alternative to lamination, it is not expensive, does not harm the hair, but is not suitable for all types.

Everything new is well forgotten old. This catch phrase will summarize our conversation. Lamination has proven to be a universal, reliable, inexpensive, and, most importantly, harmless, way to make your hair shining and smooth, a long time to save you from such a long routine of styling.


Watch the video: My Hair Transformation. Keratin Complex Smoothing Treatment. Eliana Jalali (July 2024).