Work with hair

How to dye hair with henna and basma


Changing the image, improving the appearance and making it more spectacular is a favorite occupation of the beautiful part of the planet’s population. And one of the ways to achieve the goal is hair coloring. Not everyone is ready to sacrifice the health of the hair to a new image. That is why natural henna dyes are so popular. It provides hair tones from golden to rich copper. But so that the experience does not end in disappointment, it is necessary to paint with henna correctly.

How to cook and how to henna hair

Usually for painting medium length hair at home, one standard sachet of substance is enough. Dilute it in water is very hot, adding a little bit of dye to a creamy consistency. Ten minutes are drawn before applying to the hair. To keep it cool, keep on a hot water bath.

Before dyeing the curls should be washed, dried and combed well. The ideal option is to trim the tips before staining. A thick cream is applied along the hairline to prevent skin staining. Begin the procedure from the forehead.

It is recommended to carry out the staining procedure with gloves. Henna strongly eats into the skin and nails, and it is impossible to wash them for at least two days. True, it does not harm the state of the hands, but they look unaesthetic.

A lot of clean hair is divided into parts and a half centimeters into parts and the dyeing mass is quickly distributed on the head of hair until the paint has cooled.

After staining all strands, the head is wrapped in a film with a warm scarf. How much to keep? The exposure time of henna on the hair will determine the original tone, density and the desired result of the color of the hair.

If the color is too dark, apply vegetable oil to the locks, massage it and wash the curls with shampoo. Oil pulls excess henna. Especially effective castor.

Possible shades

Dark hair will paint in shades from golden to reddish. Withstand the paint should be a quarter of an hour to one and a half hours. Light brown hair will be brighter.

Blondes when coloring henna caution is needed. Hue appears quickly. To paint in golden color will need only five minutes. Therefore, the painting procedure can not be left without control. On bleached hair, the effect is unpredictable, so it is best to refrain from self-application.

For greater convenience when applying the mixture on the strands at home, it is useful to add yolk to it. It additionally feeds curls. Natural ingredients change the shade of the hair. So, herbal teas and kefir give a golden tone.

For brown coloring suitable coffee, cocoa, black tea or buckthorn. Reds will add onion peel, cloves, carcade, red wine or cranberry juice. In golden strands paint the composition with chamomile extract, cinnamon or ginger.

How to increase the saturation of the tone

For saturated shades, an acidic substance is added to the powder, for example, lemon, yogurt, or essential oils. Twenty grams of water add grams of citric acid and ten grams of henna. The composition is stirred and allowed to brew. This additive releases the coloring pigment. At forty degrees, the release will take about three minutes. If the temperature is not higher than thirty degrees, then it is possible to paint the strands only after four hours.

You can squeeze four hundred milliliters of lemon juice for fifty grams of powder and hold for ten hours. The paint matures in a warm place faster, but it is recommended to warm it up and mix it regularly.

Of the esters, geranium, tea tree, lavender, cypress, and evensar work best. Twenty grams of powder requires only a couple of drops.

How to avoid mistakes

It is more reasonable to conduct a preliminary test on one strand of hair to determine the time to obtain the desired tone. Wash off with warm water without shampoo until the liquid flowing from the hair is completely transparent. At the end of the curls rinsed with acidified water. Henna will work for another two days, because the shade of hair during this time may change. Rinse off during this time is not recommended.

Henna surpasses other chemical paints in durability. So before the next painting will have to wait a month or a half. Apply the mixture better on regrown hair roots, otherwise the tone of the strand will be darker each time.

If the hair has already been painted professionally, curls are made permed or gray hair more than forty percent, then dyeing hair with henna at home is harmful. Even after washing, it is not necessary to hurry up with dyeing with natural paint: hair of fantastic colors are good in movies, but not in real life. Do not use vegetable paint to change the tone of the different structure of the strands, for example, cut on the tips.

When frequent experiments with the color of the hair should not use henna. It is very difficult to wash it, and such a procedure can cost both spectacular tone and health. Do not use powder on extended and dirty hair. If you plan to use a chemical product after, then it is better not to start painting with henna.

Henna staining rules

Negative reviews about painting at home are associated with errors in the use of vegetable paint. Low-quality henna will ruin the hair, as manufacturers increase the effect of the powder with various additives. Therefore, you should buy paint only in proven places and do not chase for cheapness. And the best options are to paint Iranian or Indian henna of high quality.

Quality paint can be purchased only in a specialized store. It is necessary to look at the composition: any additives in the composition - a signal to refuse from the purchase High-quality product exudes a strong herbal aroma and has a green color.

Be sure to test the possible shades, so as not to be mistaken with the saturation of the tone. An overly bright tone will spoil the appearance, not decorate it.

It is possible to paint with henna no more than once in two months. When mixed with other paints, the results can be sad, not encouraging.

For the first coloring it is more reasonable to apply to the salon. Professionals and the right tone will pick up, and teach the correct use. After evaluating the result and obtaining the necessary information, you can paint the hair on your own.

If the determination to use natural dye is not enough, you can start with special dyeing shampoos containing henna or try colorless henna. The latter will not be able to color the strands, but it will strengthen them by giving a healthy shine. The choice of drug is carried out on the availability and purpose of the funds. But it should be remembered that you cannot save on your own beauty.

Beneficial features

This is a wonderful tool discovered by Native Americans. Even then they tried different mixes of colors and ingredients, it was their recipes that became the basis for modern paints with a natural base. Useful properties of henna:

  • it helps speed hair growth,
  • Henna contains unique ingredients that help to get rid of dandruff, diseases of the scalp and even parasites,
  • she is often treated with damaged hair after chemical dye, but not earlier than two weeks after dyeing.
Before and after dyeing hair with henna and basma

Red shades

Most often with the help of henna girls want to become red beasts. Even with the use of powder without additives, the color will be close to natural, bright and resistant. But what needs to be done to change the color of the paint?

To get a bright red color you need to mix the contents of three henna sachets (the amount depends on the length of the hair) with a half sachet of ginger. Pour boiling water and apply on hair. Little secret: the longer the mixture is drawn, the darker the color will be.

Do you want at home to become a girl with copper curls? Easy peasy! We will need seven bags of regular henna, one third of a teaspoon of ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, mix it all up and pour over very strong black tea. The lighter the shade of natural hair - the brighter will be the color of coloring.

Photo - Red hair before and after painting

Henna is not only a coloring agent, but also an excellent cosmetic product that cares for hair, gives it volume and strength. To care for curly hair you need to mix Iranian henna (take the amount needed for your length), two spoons of avocado oil, 10 drops of rosemary oil and two spoons of cocoa. All this stir and dilute with boiling water. Stir once more. Before you dye your hair, make sure that there are no lumps in the mixture. We smear hair and hold it for 2 hours under cling film.

To dye your hair in a deep red color with copper notes, you need to dilute four sachets of henna to a slurry state, then add two spoons of warmed flower honey and a spoon of cloves to it. If the hair is very dry, then you can also beat the egg in the mixture. Mix thoroughly and apply on strands, hold for 2 hours.

We are painted in chestnut color

To get the desired shade of chocolate on your head, you need to use basma and henna in equal proportions. If desired, in addition to paint, you can separately make the same mixture that will strengthen the hair. The paint should be mixed with nettle or burdock broth, add just a few drops of nutmeg essential oil. For the strengthening solution, you need to prepare black coffee or very strong tea, jojoba oil and mix well. The first mixture is recommended to be applied to the roots, and the second - along the entire length of the hair. A very important point about coffee: to find the right concentration, you need to mix the powder with water until you get a dark color. With this recipe, you can also give your hair a slightly red tint, just add a decoction of onion peel instead of burdock broth.

Photo - Henna dyeing in chestnut color

Very beautiful color is obtained by mixing ground cloves, red wine and henna. If you experiment a little with concentration, you can get a beautiful chocolate color, close to natural.

It is believed that if you dye your hair after dye, you get some crazy tint, which then will be very bad to wash off. This is nothing more than a prejudice. This was the case with girls who incorrectly maintained proportions or used henna in less than two weeks after using chemicals.

In order to get a very dark color, almost black, you need to mix Iranian henna in proportions of 2: 1 with basma, and pour all this with dry red wine. Wash off after an hour, this tool does not have to be washed from the hair when using shampoo, you can do fine without it. The result will be a dark chestnut color.

Want to become a mysterious brown-haired woman? Then mix two parts of basma with one part of henna, add cinnamon on the blade of the knife and dilute it with strong coffee. Wash off in an hour.

Iranian henna sometimes dries hair very much, so you can buy some professional, for example, “Lash: bitter chocolate” instead. It's very cool that this tool is already mixed with the right ingredients and you will not need to play with the ingredients to get the desired color, as they say - just add water.

The recipe for how to dye your hair brown:

  1. natural ground coffee. On four spoons we take a glass of water, it is a proportion for one bag of henna. If you dye hair with coffee, it will come out very deep color, which will last about a month,
  2. strong black tea. It is used by pouring a few spoons of tea with hot water.
  3. cocoa, brewed like coffee,
  4. the buckthorn, it is used not only in color natural shampoos, but also during dyeing to give color depth. Half an hour we boil 100 grams of berries in a glass of water, then pour in henna,
  5. nut leaves and nutshell. For a glass of the mixture we need a spoonful of funds
  6. amla This powder can be purchased at the pharmacy, mixed in equal parts with henna.

It is worth remembering that henna is not a dye, but rather a tint that can be used in the elimination of hair. With its help, you can very beautifully shade dark hair and emphasize red, without any harm for the strands to lighten them or just to heal the curls.

Photo - Henna dyeing in brown

To get red, which will most likely go to the Bordeaux palette, you need to mix Egyptian henna (250 grams, dilute it with vinegar), half a liter of beet juice, two spoons of madder powder, four spoons of amla powder, and thirty drops of essential oils of burdock, ylang-ylang and carnations. It will be difficult to apply this oil mixture yourself, so it’s better to ask someone. Keep on the hair for at least three hours, and then depending on the desired shade.

Before you dye your hair with henna, if they are gray or after chemical exposure (lamination, curling or dyeing with chemical agents), you should consult with experts. The reaction of the strands is unpredictable, and instead of brown you can get bright red.

We get a light brown color

To paint hair at home in light brown color with henna is even easier than with special paint. And the point is not only in lightness, but also in the fact that this way you can light up a few tones on your own without harm to your hair.

To get a light blond color, we need to buy two bags of red henna and one bag of Basma, mix, dilute with water (although it is better to mix with chamomile), and apply to strands, distribute evenly, using a wide comb, wash off after 1.5 hours.

Light brown color will also, if henna pour broth onion peel. We need to get a creamy mixture. This method can be easily dyed with henna in light tone dark brown hair or even brown, depending on the exposure time.

A beautiful natural light brown color is obtained if Iranian henna (8 bags), mixed with two bags of Basma and a mixture that consists of barberry, karkade tea and cloves, if you wish, you can also add cinnamon.

You can combine the efficiencies of kefir masks and henna by mixing these funds. At observance of all proportions the mix will not flow and will be quickly absorbed. To get a dark blond color you need:

  • 4 spoons of henna,
  • 2 spoons of cocoa
  • whipped yolk
  • spoon of peach oil for hair,
  • four cedar oils,
  • one ampulka of vitamin E,
  • a glass of kefir, not cold.
Photo - Henna painting in light brown color

All this is mixed, nothing needs to be heated. It is very important to apply the product not on wet hair, but on slightly damp, so our paint with kefir will hold better. Wash off after an hour and a half.

Paints with Indian henna are brighter. They give more red color than light or brown. Therefore, girls who want to get light blond hair with light redhead need to mix Indian henna and ginger powder (1: 3), some lemon juice, one cup of low-fat kefir and essential oils of flax and burdock. Everything is mixed and set to warm up in a water bath or battery. Depending on the needs of the paint to withstand the hair from half an hour to two.

If you need a little brighten hair that has recently been exposed to chemical coloration, then you need to use colorless henna, mixing it with a decoction of chamomile or lemon juice. This tool will not lighten the brown strands, but the blond ones will become a couple of tones lighter.

What to add to henna for receiving light shades:

  • you can simply dye your hair with white henna along with a decoction of chamomile,
  • natural flower honey,
  • cinnamon helps fight redhead on blond hair,
  • hair dyed turmeric, get a golden hue,
  • white wine brightens strands
  • rhubarb also with henna gives light shades.

In order to professionally dye hair in the desired color with henna, you must first check the selected concentration on a small series of curls. This is especially important for hair with graying or previously dyed.

Good or bad?

It would be right if you write the opinions of experts about henna. Many trichologists are not thrilled by the fact that women have again actively begun to use this tool. In their opinion, henna spoils the hair structure, gives it fluffiness, stratifies the scales, which then leads to a cross section of the tips and the need for daily hair care.

Whether or not to use this tint is up to you, but when choosing, also pay attention to the manufacturer. Many who complain about the bad color, simply took advantage of low-quality products, which are actively smuggled into our country.

Also, finally, you need to be reminded that before dyeing hair with henna, carefully read the instructions, watch the video on the topic, learn how to dye your hair, get stencils and do not go too far from the recommended proportions.

What is henna?

Henna is a natural dye in the form of a dry powder that is extracted from the leaves. Lawson. This plant is grown in many countries of Central Asia and North Africa. The most popular manufacturers of natural dyes are India, Iran and Pakistan.

Not only natural hair dyes are made from Lawsonia, but also paint that is used for Indian Mehndi body painting techniques, textile dyes and essential oils. The young leaves of the plant are used for the manufacture of industrial paints for fabrics, as they have the most strong coloring properties. Old lavsania leaves are dried and processed into henna. From the stalks of the plant are made colorless henna - a unique drug. It is used for the treatment of dermatological diseases, as an antiseptic and analgesic drug.

Editorial Board

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use.

A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer.

We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems.

We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Benefit and harm

Among hairdressers, there is still no consensus on natural dyes, in particular henna. Some people say that this dye greatly dries the hair, while others say that it not only does not harm the curls, but also contributes to their restoration. So, on whose side is the truth? Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of henna.

  1. The leaves of lansania contain a lot of useful substances: yellow-red lavson (a natural coloring pigment), hennotanic acid, which also causes the coloring properties of the plant, and organic acids. In addition, vitamins C and K, polysaccharides, fatty substances were found in the composition of lavsania.
  2. Henna, in contrast to artificial dyes, provides gentle hair coloring. It does not destroy the natural pigment (melanin), but only opens the scales and envelops each hair.
  3. Makes curls stronger and more resilient. Natural paint penetrates the damaged areas and fills them, and also creates a protective layer. Due to this, hair is less susceptible to the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays and other environmental factors.
  4. Powder from lavsania leaves has a gentle tanning effect on the scalp. This substance normalizes blood circulation in the scalp, stimulates the nutrition of hair follicles and the sebaceous glands.
  5. Henna hair coloring is absolutely safe. It is a hypoallergenic substance, safe for adults and children, and an indispensable tool for allergies to artificial colors.
  6. After dyeing, the hair becomes more dense, bright and shiny.
  7. Lansania leaves have disinfectant and antiseptic properties, so their powder can be used to treat skin diseases (including seborrhea).
  8. This remedy is effective in treating hair loss. Substances contained in its composition nourish hair follicles and strengthen them.

  1. With frequent use, henna dries hair. However, this problem has a simple solution: when painting, it is recommended to add moisturizing vegetable oils (burdock, olive or coconut) or egg yolk to the paint.
  2. With regular use, henna makes hair heavier. To avoid this effect, it is recommended to paint curls no more than 1 time in 2 months.
  3. With frequent use, this paint can destroy the hair cuticle. As a result, the problem of the split ends may occur.
  4. Henna becomes discolored over time, as a result of which additional staining may be necessary. However, this natural dye cannot be combined with artificial paints, since the result of this interaction is very difficult to predict.

In general, the paint from the leaves of lavsania is very useful for hair. However, with frequent use, it gives the opposite effect. Therefore, hairdressers do not recommend regularly dyeing hair with this tool.

How to choose the right dye?

Henna is plant producttherefore, her choice should be approached responsibly. The use of poor-quality and spoiled dye can greatly harm the curls. So, how to choose the right henna?

  1. Buy only fresh product. First of all, pay attention to the information on the shelf life of the dye.
  2. Note that fresh powder from the leaves of lavsania has a gray-green tint. The red color of the paint indicates that it has lost its beneficial properties and is unsuitable for dyeing.
  3. Pay attention to the consistency of the composition. The better the leaves are crushed, the brighter the color will appear. In addition, the finer powder is more quickly washed off the curls.
  4. Pay attention to the manufacturer of the product. In domestic stores most often you can find dyes from India. However, higher quality henna is produced by Pakistan and Morocco.
  5. Do not buy black henna. On the shelves of shops you can find many varieties of this dye, as well as formulations with additional ingredients. Black henna contains paraphenylenediamine - a substance that can provoke allergic reactions.
  6. Remember that high-quality henna has a pronounced smell of herbs. The product should not smell like paint.
  7. Make sure that the henna quality is quite simple. Pour the contents of the bag in a white ceramic pot and fill it with boiling water. If after half an hour the piece does not stain, it means that the product is of high quality and natural.

What is basma?

Often, to obtain more saturated dark shades, henna is combined with basma.

Basma is a black vegetable paint that is made from the leaves of indigo. This tool is rarely used in its pure form, as it gives the curls a blue-green tint.

However, dyeing hair with henna and basma gives you the opportunity to get rich dark shades.

In addition, Basma has many other advantages:

  • The leaves of a tropical shrub indigo contain a large amount of nutrients: tanning components, minerals, vitamins C, wax and organic acids.
  • Basma has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and astringent properties.
  • This tool helps to restore and strengthen curls, and also slows down the processes of dying off of hair follicles and hair loss.
  • Basma is used for the preparation of therapeutic masks and decoctions for hair. Due to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of this substance, products based on it contribute to the elimination of dandruff and hair growth.

Basma is a potent coloring matter, so when painting it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients. Failure to comply may result in a completely unexpected shade (for example, green).

How to get the desired shade?

The result of staining primarily depends from natural color hair. Light brown curls after painting henna become bright red. At the same time, gray hair under the influence of hennotanic acid becomes fiery red. Chestnut and dark brown strands become light red after the procedure.

For a variety of shades of henna can be combined with other vegetable dyes. So, consider the most popular combinations.

  • To obtain a rich golden color, henna can be combined with dry rhubarb leaves and dry white wine.
  • To get a cool golden hue, Lonsonia powder is mixed with saffron.
  • Cinnamon gives curls a delicate dark golden hue.
  • To obtain dark saturated colors, henna and basma hair dyeing is performed.
  • To create a bright chocolate shade, coffee, black tea, basma, powder of powder, buckthorn or a decoction of walnut shell can be added to the coloring composition.
  • To obtain a rich red color, henna is combined with red wine, beet juice, madder tea and crushed cloves.
  • "Mahogany" - a popular shade, which can be obtained as a result of adding to henna cocoa or cranberry juice.
  • You can mix basma and henna in a 2: 1 ratio to get a “blue-black” shade, and 1: 2 to achieve a bronze color.

Stages of staining

Henna hair coloring takes place in several stages. Consider each step in detail.

Stage 1. Preparation of the coloring composition.

Before starting the procedure, prepare a special enameled vessel and a flat brush. Then open the bag of henna and pour its contents into the pot. Add hot water to the powder. In no case for the preparation of the composition can not use boiling water. In boiling water, henna is brewed and loses its coloring properties. You can add a bit of lemon juice. Citric acid contributes to the release of coloring pigments, so the color will be brighter and more saturated.

In the paint, you can add additional vegetable dyes to obtain a certain shade. In addition, the composition is recommended to pour vegetable oil (olive, peach or coconut). These substances moisturize and nourish the hair.

Stage 2. Applying the composition to the hair.

To achieve the maximum effect of dyeing paint should be applied to clean curls. Also, before coloring it is necessary to lubricate the forehead and ears with a fat cream that protects the skin.

Apply the coloring composition should be a brush. This will provide a uniform shade as a result. After applying the paint wrap your head with a plastic bag.

Stage 3. Washing head.

Dyeing time depends on the natural color of the curls and the desired result. So, to get a delicate shade of red paint, you need to withstand 20 minutes. To achieve chestnut and bright red - not less than an hour. And to get rich black colors - at least 2 hours.

Rinse henna should be warm water. Use shampoo can only be a day after the procedure.

Important recommendations

  1. After dyeing with natural substances it is not recommended to dye hair with chemical dyes.
  2. Remember that henna can not be washed off the hair to return the natural shade.
  3. Do not forget that this is a very durable dye, so the procedure with its use should be carried out in gloves.
  4. Note that the color will be more saturated 3 days after dyeing. In 3 days, due to the effect of oxygen, more coloring pigments are released.
  5. It is important to know that the “white henna”, which can be found on store shelves today, does not exist in nature. Under the name of "white henna" are implemented chemical clarifiers.

Henna hair coloring: the main stages

1. My head with my usual shampoo and a little dry hair with a towel.

2. The line along the growth of hair must be smeared with a cream that acts as a protective barrier of the skin against red spots.

3. Cooking henna. For this we mix the henna mixture in warm water and stir well. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream.

4. Using a brush and a brush, paint each strand evenly. Everything should be done very quickly, as the henna cools down and as a result may not give the expected result. To make henna easier to apply on your hair, you can add one raw yolk to it.

5. After the painting process is completed, we wrap the head with a bag or film, and then with a towel. The exposure time of henna depends on the color and thickness of the hair, and thus, the process must be kept under control. 15-20 minutes will be enough for light hair, from 40 to 60 minutes for dark hair.

6. Next, under running water without shampoos thoroughly wash off henna. At the end it is recommended to rinse the strands in acidic water: water + lemon or vinegar.

After dyeing hair with henna, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 2 days, since the process of dyeing and changing the shade lasts another 48 hours.

How to get a shade when staining with henna

Today henna is already on sale with the addition of colored components: a hue of chestnut or chocolate, mocha. But you can add different henna components to your shade yourself.

1. Auburn tint: it turns out without any additives. If you want your strands to shine with glitter, then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

2. Chocolate shade. To achieve such a shade in henna, you will need to add: ground cloves, strong coffee, black tea, cocoa and basma, in proportion 1 part of basma to 3 parts of henna. Recall that Basma is a grayish-green powder, which is obtained from indigo leaves.

3. Golden honey shade:

■ turmeric and weak coffee,
■ decoction of chamomile,
■ Saffron tincture. As in the case of chamomile, and with saffron, we adhere to the proportion: 200 ml. boiling water 1 teaspoon herbs,
■ decoction of rhubarb.

4. Red tint:

■ carnation and hibiscus,
■ red wine, but only natural, can be homemade,
■ cranberry juice and onion peel decoction.

5. Blue-black shade:

■ Basma: 2 parts to 1 part henna,
■ very strong black coffee.

If, after all these experiments, your hair color is not what you would like to see, then it will not be easy to wash the henna off your head. To do this, you need several times to make special oil hair masks, which we will discuss in the next article.

Dyeing gray and normal hair with henna: a procedure without harm

Dyeing with natural henna dye is an excellent way that many of the girls choose when they want to dye their hair red or copper and don’t want to harm the health of their hair.

Henna preserves the hair structure, strengthens it, making the hair more voluminous.

Unlike store paints, henna does not reveal the scales of the surface layer. She envelops him, covering the protective film, which gives a red tint.

Depending on how the original color was, as a result of dyeing, the color can become as bright orange if the mixture was used on clarified curls, or saturated chestnut or brown with a copper tint, if the original color was light brown or dark brown.

The resulting color tone depends on the exposure time, the state of the curls and additives used during the procedure.

Dry and thin areas absorb paint more. The longer the mixture is kept on the head, the richer the result will be. To achieve a darker or even black color, add basma in various proportions.

Advantages and disadvantages: about henna and basma

Henna is a hair-dye of plant origin, which has beneficial properties that help make the scalp healthier, increase hair volume, prevent hair loss and provide a rich shade without harm to the structure.

The plant composition heals minor injuries of the scalp, has disinfecting and antibacterial properties, helps relieve irritation.

Natural dye expels chemical pollution from the inner layers of the hair, covers it with a protective film, creating the effect of lamination and protecting the surface of the curls from damage and aggressive external environment.

She can dye gray hair without harm to their health: if the usual hair dye is harmful, then the natural composition, on the contrary, has a healing effect on the scalp.

Cons of natural dyes for dark, light and brown hair

There are natural dye and negative properties that are the reverse side of its positive qualities:

  • Since the plant composition forms a very dense film on the hair, it protects it not only from harmful substances, but also from moisture. Therefore, frequent hair coloring using this natural dye leads to a dry scalp.

  • Henna is a very reliable dye: it is difficult to wash it off, it dyes hair in a bright color and lasts for a very long time, sometimes dyeing the water even after several procedures of washing the head. Therefore, this paint is not suitable for those who like to frequently update the color of hair.

  • Due to the properties of the plant, which allow to displace chemical impurities from the hair, it is harmful to dye the hair with the help of a herbal mixture if a chemical perm or coloring has been done recently in the salon: henna will destroy the entire effect, make the hair dull and lifeless.

  • Hair dyed in a natural, natural way is not amenable to professional dyes: to change the color after it you will need to grow your hair again.

How to conduct staining yourself at home

To dye your hair without harm at home, you need to buy in the store henna powder.

Now on sale can be found as inexpensive paper bags, and modern versions with the addition of other natural dyes that provide a darker or reddish tint.

There are several shades of henna for hair, so you can choose the one that suits you

Henna itself can have both bright red, close to orange, and red color.

  1. The composition is applied to freshly washed wet hair. The conditioner or the balm is not used: the surface must be clean in order to provide better adhesion to the paint.
  2. The powder is diluted in non-metallic dishes, filling it with hot, but not boiling water, having a temperature of about 90 degrees. Pour water, henna stir thoroughly, you can add a tablespoon of olive oil or a few drops of essential.
  3. After that, you need to wait a few minutes until the henna swells and acquires the consistency of sour cream.
  4. Apply the composition with gloves, avoiding its contact with surrounding objects: it is almost impossible to wash the henna if it gets on the floor or clothes in the process. It is recommended to apply a fat cream on the skin of the forehead and ears in order to protect them from staining.
  5. The mass obtained during brewing is carefully applied with a brush or an old toothbrush over the entire length. You can make staining on strands or to divide the head into sectors and carefully rub the paint with your hands. It is important to ensure that henna is evenly distributed.
  6. After painting is finished, a polyethylene cap is put on the head, and a towel or knitted cap is placed on top. Henna is left for 30-90 minutes, depending on how much intensity you want to get. To dye your hair without harm, you can leave the paint on all night and wash it off only in the morning.
  7. Wash the henna with warm water, carefully washing the strands and ridding them of grass residue. At the same time, neither shampoos nor conditioners are used. For better staining results, it is recommended not to wash your hair after applying henna for two to three days.

What is lovesonia?

Lawsonia is a plant from which leaves produce henna for purposes known to us. The plant grows in the Middle East and North Africa. And for this, take the lower leaves of the plant, grind them and the resulting powder is packaged in a special vacuum method. They do everything quickly, because the properties of the plant can lose their qualities.

For centuries, women have used this type of paint. Shades with the help of this dye can be achieved very different, but, let's face it, the final result is influenced to a greater extent by the natural color of the curls. Colorless henna is used in cosmetology, but for dyeing hair, a color variant is used, which has a strong coloring ability.

However, it is not always able to block the natural color. For this reason, women with different color strands get a completely different result. It is possible to paint in different shades, using natural additives.

Why Lawson?

Every girl makes this choice for herself. Natural origin and reasonable price - these are the main criteria that affect the fact that women are increasingly choosing this tool for painting. Moreover, the red color always attracts the attention of men, not without reason, red-haired girls are known as real heartbreakers.

Another positive point is that henna hair is not only colored, but also strengthened. Those who chose for themselves this method of coloring, say that the curls have become stronger, shiny and smooth. There is a huge number of recipes for masks using this extract, the action of which is aimed at improving the strands.

But that is not all:

  • colorless and colored henna is an excellent antiseptic of natural origin,
  • prevents dandruff,
  • It is able to have a beneficial effect on the scalp and is an excellent means to combat itching and irritation,
  • prevents strands from falling out
  • contributes to the restoration of hair,
  • strengthens brittle and damaged hairs, accelerates their growth.

Precautionary measures

Dyeing hair with henna at home is a simple matter, but it requires accuracy. As we have said, the final result of dyeing affects hair color. With extreme caution it is necessary to apply such paint on streaked or dyed strands.

The fact is that a reaction can occur between the plant pigment and artificial colors. Such coloring can provoke an unpredictable shade and unexpected result. If you still want to experiment on dyed curls, then check the effect on a small strand.

Care must also be taken when dyeing a perm with chemical perm. Chemistry is not recommended after you have already used this coloring agent. Remember that by its nature lavsoniya is a strong dye and on very light hair this remedy can create a bright orange thick color. If you would like to avoid such a shade, then do not leave the paint for a long time.

The same applies to gray hair. If you want to paint over gray hair with colorless henna, then we recommend doing it in several stages, short in time. But it will not be possible to completely paint over gray hair - only women, the percentage of gray hair which does not exceed 40%, can boast of an excellent result and well-painted roots.

Remember also that for some time you simply can not repaint after applying henna. It is also impossible to remove the paint. She will soon wash off herself, at the same time the color will change: it will become lighter by several tones.

It is about these moments that you should remember when you decide to dye your hair with the leaves of lawsonia.

Preparing for staining

In order to dye hair with henna, you will not need any special knowledge and skills. The procedure can easily be carried out at home. All you need is the dye powder itself, which is usually sold in sachets, each weighing 25 grams. If you are the owner of lush hair of medium length, then you may need 7-8 bags. But it is better to buy a few more bags, so that the paint was enough for sure.

You will also need a special brush in order to collect paint. Brushes are purchased in the shops of cosmetics or household chemicals. It should be a brush with a long thin handle and stiff bristles on the other side. It is very convenient to apply henna with it, besides, all roots are sneaking in like this. Long end you can distribute strands. Be sure to buy gloves, as colored henna tints not only the hair, but also paints the skin and then long and with great difficulty washed off.

It is best to dilute the powder in a glass or ceramic dish. Do not use plastic containers for this purpose. To create a thermal effect, you will need a food film or plastic bag, so it is recommended to prepare the necessary items in advance.

When exposed to heat, the color will be deeper, more saturated and the coloring will take less time. You can cover your head with a towel.

Dyeing process

How to dye colored henna hair? Everything is very simple.

Here are a few recommendations from cosmetologists.

  1. Apply the dye on clean, dry curls. You should not use masks and balms before the procedure, one shampoo that you use traditionally is enough,
  2. Prepare everything you need in advance to make it convenient to apply paint. Powder poured into a container and pour boiling water. Water needs to be poured little by little. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream. Some advise henna to add lemon juice for thickness and color intensity,
  3. And in order to moisten the strands, add a little oil, olive or any other,
  4. Remember that the product is heavily laundered, so immediately take this moment into account and put on such things that it will not be a shame to get dirty,
  5. So as not to stain the skin, use a cream - apply it along the hairline,
  6. Dividing the curls into partings, you can proceed to staining. To begin with, paint the roots, and then distribute the paint over the entire length. Having finished painting the strands of one section, you can twist them and start the next zone. Wind the strands into a bundle and cover with film, then a towel.

Secrets of giving shade

If you want the color to be not just fiery-red, but with a certain shade, we recommend you to use our secrets.

If you add a small amount of cocoa to the mix, the shade of the hair will be reddish.

Adding karkade tea or red wine instead of water will make it possible to dye curls dark red with a copper tint.

Darker hair helps to make kefir, and with the help of ground coffee, the shade will be close to brown.

There is no shading henna, all that you find in stores under the guise of the means you need is a cheap tonic that is part of the natural pigment.

The use of such paint can not just be a surprise for you, but also turn into troubles for the skin.

Henna hair coloring

Coloring occurs on the principle of accumulation of pigment in the upper layers of the hair - in the cuticle. The dye pigment does not penetrate into the structure (inside) of the hair, but despite this it dyes the hair for a long time and does not wash off completely (like chemical dye), although it does not have such a strong coloring ability to completely replace the natural hair color. Henna is more tinting agent than paint. It gives hair a shade, and it differs depending on the original tone of the hair.

Henna can dye hair only in - orange-red, - red-brown, or - red-red tone, because It is these colors caused by the main dye of henna - lavson. A variety of colors can be achieved only by mixing henna with various herbs and additives. Any other color (ruby, titian, eggplant, etc.) other than the true color of the henna is either a mixture of henna with other coloring plants (for example, with basma) or with synthetic dyes.

Henna is Indian or Iranian. Unlike Indian, the color gamut of Iranian henna is much wider, and when mixed, you can get a lot of gorgeous shades (intensity depends on the original natural hair color).

There are also such rare varieties of henna, which absorb color - slightly lighten hair (by one and a half or two tones).

Henna damage to hair

Henna harm manifested with too frequent staining with henna. It can dry hair (due to the content of acids and tannins in it). As a result, the frequent use of henna causes harm and the opposite effect - hair becomes dull. With repeated penetration of henna dye into the hair cuticle, its protective layer is broken, and this can cause the hair to split. With the loss of moisture, they become weakened - lose their strength and fall out. Hair oversaturated with henna becomes dull, unruly, dry, it loses its elasticity, becomes stiffer, difficult to style, and does not hold it well. They are difficult to give volume.

Henna has a habit of fading.

The resulting hair color after henna dyeing is almost impossible to change with the help of artificial dyes. Due to its enveloping properties, henna protects the hair from any penetration - coloring pigments will not be able to penetrate into the hair. Vegetable dyes are very poorly combined with chemical. Do not use artificial dyes until henna-colored hair has fully grown. The reaction of chemicals and lawson can give a completely unpredictable result, up to radically blue, orange or green hues. Chemical paint may lie unevenly, and the color will be non-uniform.

Herbal hair-dyes do not combine with chemical ones; for this, henna cannot be used if the hair has recently been dyed with a chemical-based agent, bleached, permed, or streaked.

Henna masks gray hair and roots, but it will not be possible to completely equalize the color of gray strands with the rest of the hair mass when dyeing with henna for the first times - gray hair is porous, it touches the paint more and faster. As a result, against the rest of the hair gray hair looks much more reddish than the rest - carrot (fiery-red) color. For good effect, it will be necessary to dye gray hair with henna not once, but somewhat, so that the color is fixed and becomes darker.

Henna can also be harmful if applied with the addition of artificial colors. This may cause an allergic skin reaction.

The result of henna staining is not always predictable, becausethe final color will depend on the original hair color, dyeing time and method of brewing henna powder. Henna hair dyeing requires a certain dexterity (experience) - brewing the powder, applying it.

Henna is not always easy to wash off the hair. This requires a large amount of water. Rinse the paint should be very long and carefully, until the water becomes transparent. Orange spots after henna are not easily washed out from under the nails.

Henna treats hair

The action of henna, which is mostly gentle compared to synthetic permanent paints, when special agents are used to penetrate cuticle scales to penetrate the dye into the hair. When dyeing, it does not destroy the existing natural pigment, but simply envelops the hair, aligning it and giving volume, as well as creating a thin protective layer. Henna-colored hair is protected from the harmful effects of the sun, and even sea water is not a threat to color - one of the risk factors for chemical dyes. If you follow the instructions for use, henna gives the hair a rich color, makes it more dense, thick, fluffy and elastic.

Henna protects the hair from the harmful effects of the sun, gives color stability that does not fade in the sun and tarnishes much more slowly than with ordinary coloring.

Henna helps with split ends, dullness, brittle hair, excessive oily or dry hair.

The effect of henna on the hair and skin is expressed in a slight tanning effect, in the regulation of the sebaceous glands, and water-fat metabolism is normalized. Henna contains tannins that tighten the outer scaly layer and give the hair shine. As a result, damaged hair is restored, and the hair scales are completely closed. All this allows the formation of a protective film for the hair, which gives the effect of density. In addition, the mixture stimulates blood circulation, nourishes the scalp, strengthens the hair roots, promotes the growth of hair shafts, relieves dandruff.

The result is visible even after the first procedure - even brittle and dull hair gets shine, becomes denser and appears thicker.

Henna has no contraindications for adults or children. Henna is hypoallergenic, which makes it indispensable for allergic reactions to chemical paint. For pregnant and lactating women dyeing hair with natural henna paint is approved by doctors. After birth, the hair becomes even thicker and less fall out.

Henna is also dyed eyebrows and eyelashes - the color will last longer than with chemical staining, and hair follicles will strengthen. After staining the eyelashes become longer and thicker.

Henna is used for applying temporary tattoos. The active ingredients of henna cleanse and nourish the skin, and also have antifungal and astringent properties.

Henna is affordable.

How to dye hair with henna

It is necessary to choose the frequency of henna use for your hair so that henna doesn’t harm the hair structure. If the hair is oily or normal, it can be painted with henna up to 3 times a month, and if it is dry, then no more than once a month, and someone once every two months.

When using natural henna (without synthetic additives) no more than once every 2-3 months drying effect should be minimal.

When dyeing hair with henna, especially for sensitive scalp, it is advisable to use it in combination with moisturizing and nourishing masks, cosmetic oils for hair and scalp, such as grape seed oil, wheat germ (1 to 2 spoons), etc. You can even use henna once or twice a week if you add oils, honey, yolk, milk, dairy products, etc., which noticeably soften the binding properties of henna, thanks to them you can increase the exposure time of henna masks and even adjust the degree of coloring hair.

Henna is more suitable for dark (brown, black) hair, their dyeing time is 1–1.5 hours. With blond hair, you need to be careful - the exposure time is two or even three times less. Light, also gray hair is painted with henna very quickly, as a result - an unnaturally bright red color.

After opening, under the influence of air, henna powder deteriorates rather quickly, so reusing stored powder may give a weaker result. Fresh henna has a gray-green color. When henna acquires a brown color, it means that it has deteriorated and has lost its coloring properties.

You need to make paint in ceramic or glassware. Metallic is not suitable, since the acids contained in the paint can react with the material of the dish. During the application of henna on the head, it is desirable to wear special gloves on your hands.

How to make henna

In order to “release” the dye (hennatoninic acid), henna must be brewed in advance — for several hours (you can spend the night or day) at room temperature (approximately 21 ° C). The surface of the paint should darken a little - become slightly brown, which means that the coloring pigment is released and is oxidized by air. The higher the temperature in the room, the faster the pigment will be released. If you put the henna paste at + 35 ° C, it will be ready in 2 hours. Then, if desired, you can add various additives, oils.

Henna is better manifested in an acidic environment.

Henna is not recommended to brew with hot (boiling) water, as this will give a faint and unsaturated copper-orange, very slightly pronounced shade. In order for the color to be bright and saturated, an acidic environment is necessary, since Henna releases pigment more actively at an acidity level of 5.5 - slightly sour. Therefore, you need to dilute henna (to the consistency of sour cream) acidic liquid:

  • Lemon Juice
  • Kefir
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Dry wine
  • Lemon Herbal Tea

When henna interacts with an acidic medium, the coloring is deeper and more expressive - dyed hair will gradually darken to a rich dark red color. Hair gets color under the influence of oxygen, and this process can take several days. The true color of henna usually manifests itself only after two, three, four days. Especially in the sun, or in the solarium.

Henna and essential oils

Adding in diluted henna essential oils (a few drops) with a high level of terpenes (monoterpenes) helps to get a more saturated color. Mono-terpene alcohols and oxidizing agents together with henna best affect the brightness of the hair after dyeing.

  • The high level of terpenes (monoterpenes) in tea tree essential oil, eucalyptus, also has a pronounced effect on incense oil.
  • Rosemary, geranium or lavender essential oils have a weaker effect.
  • Lavender oil, added to henna, makes the color saturated and of all the essential oils will not cause skin irritation, which is very suitable for children or pregnant women.

Do not use shampoo when washing off henna after dyeing hair.

How to wash the paint off the head

Since henna is not a chemical drug, it takes time to gain a firm hold on the hair. Therefore, the head should be washed 2-3 days after henna dyeing, then the color will be deep and intense, and only the roots will need to be tinted. If you wash your hair the next day after dyeing, the paint will not fix, and the dyeing will have to be repeated more often.

Feature of henna - in the gradual saturation of hair color. With each new application to the hair, the intensity and depth of coloring is increased. The longer henna is kept on the hair, the richer the shade will be. The result will also depend on the color of your own hair, their structure, porosity.

Reddish spots on the skin after dyeing with henna are washed with any detergent (soap, gel).

To neutralize too bright a color, you need to warm up some vegetable oil and carefully rub it into your hair. Blow dry, rinse with shampoo. Oil absorbs henna. After some time, the procedure can be repeated.


Henna shades

With henna you can get a lot of shades - from fiery-red to bright chestnut.

Henna is combined with other herbal ingredients. In combination with them, you can get a wide range of hair shades:

Saturated golden yellow shade

Rhubarb, or turmeric. 200 g of dried rhubarb stalks are combined with a bottle of dry white wine and boiled until half the liquid boils away (you can also use plain water). In the remaining composition add a bag of henna. Mass is applied to the hair and hold for about half an hour.

Old gold color

Saffron. 2 grams of saffron boiled for 5 minutes, add henna.

Chamomile. Brew 2 tablespoons of chamomile, filter and add henna.

Red cherry with lilac glow

Beet Juice Heat up to 60 degrees juice, add a bag of henna.

Mahogany color

Cocoa. Henna is combined with 3-4 tbsp. cocoa spoons. Brew the mixture with hot water, and immediately put gruel on clean and dry hair.

Red gain

Madder, or hibiscus. Madder root (2 tablespoons) is boiled in a glass of water, henna is added.

3 parts henna and 1 part basma.

Rich - chestnut with reddish tint

Ground coffee. 4 teaspoons with a slide of natural ground coffee pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. Cool slightly. Add a henna sachet to the solution.

Dark chestnut with red tint

(proportions for long hair) 100-150 g. henna, 2 tablespoons of coffee, cocoa, matsoni, olive oil. The longer the mixture is kept, the richer the color.

Walnut shells. The crushed shells are boiled for a long time (about 2 tablespoons), then a henna bag is added.

Walnut leaves. Boil 1 tablespoon of leaves, add a bag of henna.

Basma. Basma without henna dyes hair in a greenish-blue shade. For the “bronze” you need to take 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma.

Henna and Basma in equal quantities. First, dye your hair with henna - hold for at least an hour. Wash off. Then apply basma.

For shine hair

1/2 cup henna, 1/4 cup water, 1 raw egg. Leave the mixture for 15-45 minutes.

For dry and brittle hair

1/2 cup henna, 1/4 cup water, 2 tbsp. yogurt Leave the composition for 15-45 minutes.

For shining color and flavor

1/2 cup of henna, 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 of a coffee spoon of spices (ginger, nutmeg, black pepper, cinnamon). Leave the composition for 15-45 minutes.

For golden shades

1/4 of a coffee spoon, 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. Leave the composition for 15-45 minutes.

If you have blond hair, it is enough for them to get a red or light yellow color from 5 to 10 minutes, dark hair needs 30-40 minutes, and black ones will require at least 1.5-2 hours. 1/2 cup henna, 1/4 cup tea broth (black tea for brown-haired women, chamomile - for blondes, or coffee for black hair).

Frequently asked questions and basic misconceptions

What color is natural henna?

Let's start with the fact that natural henna, it is Lawsonia, is a herbaceous plant, the leaves of which contain a natural coloring pigment - lavson. He dyes his hair a reddish-copper hue, always! There is no other pigment in henna.

Indeed, shades of henna may vary slightly in the red-copper range. That is, Arabic henna gives a stronger red outflow, while Indian is more red, with a characteristic orange subtone.

What color will be in the end?

We remind you that when dyeing hair with natural henna, the pigment is superimposed on the natural hair color, and does not overlap it. Therefore, if you have naturally blond hair, then after dyeing with henna, it will become reddish-copper of medium saturation, and if you have dark hair or black, then you will get a deeper natural color with a characteristic chestnut tint to the light.

Does natural henna paint gray hair?

No, do not paint over. Gray hair will always be lighter on tone than pigmented. This is especially evident on dark and black hair. However, if by nature you have blond or blond hair, then variations in color when dyeing with henna will be almost imperceptible.

How to achieve a brown and dark brown shade with henna staining?

If you want to get a darker and more intense brown color on your hair, then you need to mix henna with basma. Basma is also a natural paint and has a dark purple, close to black pigment. Henna with basma should be mixed at least in the 1: 1 ratio and go to a higher percentage of basmy injections if you want to get an even darker color.

It is worth remembering that the Basma pigment itself is very unstable on the hair and is quickly washed out of their structure, therefore, as an independent natural hair dye, it cannot be used. However, mixed with henna, Basma works fine. Henna seals basma deeply in the structure, preventing it from leaching out, and their mixes give a noble brown color when mixed.

Does henna dry hair?

Yes, indeed, henna dries hair due to the high content of tannins and tannins in it. That is why if your hair is very dry and your scalp is gaunt, then it is better to add hair oil to the mixture before dyeing, and the hair itself should be 1-2 days of freshness. In this case, its own sebium and butter in the composition of henna will reduce the drying effect to a minimum.

For this reason, we do not recommend dyeing only washed hair, because with shampoo you wash your own protective lipid mantle. Therefore, even if you have normal hair, you risk overdrying it if you become dyed immediately after washing.

Can I dye hair colored with henna chemical dye?

No you can not. You need to take a break of at least 1 month before henna staining, otherwise the result is unpredictable. This condition is valid bilaterally. That is, hair after henna to dye with paint does not make sense, it simply will not color them.

Instructions for cooking henna

You need to take the container and pour into it the required amount of dry henna powder (you will need 50 - 60 grams for the average length of the shoulders). Then in the powder in small portions, constantly stirring, you add hot water. Instead of water, you can take an infusion of herbs, such as chamomile, oak bark or nettle. It is worth remembering that the liquid should be warm, not boiling water! You need to add water until the mass of the consistency begins to resemble sour cream or yogurt. After the mixture, it is necessary to let it brew so that the particles of the leaves are swollen, and the mixture itself is cooled and suitable for application to the scalp.

At this stage, various basic and specialized oils can be added to the mixture (coconut oil, amla oil, argan oil, usma oil, etc.)

If you want to achieve a darker color on the hair, then henna should be diluted with strong coffee or tea, as well as adding basma to it!

If you want to get a brighter, fiery-red color, then henna is better to be diluted on kefir with the addition of 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Coloring Instructions

Before applying henna, treat the line of hair growth on the face with a greasy cream so that the henna does not color the skin and the hair dye line is imperceptible.

So, henna insisted and cooled. Now you need to comb the hair, divide them into 3 parts (lateral temporal zones and posterior temechkovuyu) and fasten each hairpin, wear gloves. Each zone needs to be painted over by strands, moving from bottom to top and in no other way. In the process of dyeing, henna will dry out slightly, and therefore if you are a beginner and start painting from top to bottom, the upper strands will lose plasticity and it will be very difficult to get to the bottom.

Having painted the whole head on the strands, you can put on a shower cap and wrap a head with a towel. In this case, henna will not crumble on clothes and soil everything around, and the thermal effect will be enhanced by coloring.

But if you just twist your hair in a bun and pin them with a barrette, leaving no hat or towel, nothing terrible will happen.

By time, henna on hair must be kept for at least 1 hour, on average, the dyeing process can last from 3 to 5 hours, it makes no sense to hold longer, you will torture not only your hair, but also yourself.

Having henna on the hair the right time, you need to wash it off with warm water. It is necessary to wash the henna from the hair until the water becomes maximally transparent and practically not pigmented, respectively, all small particles from the scalp should be washed.

Never wash your hair with shampoo. Otherwise the color will not be intense and will not catch on the hair. To facilitate combing, you can apply hair balm and also wash it off afterwards.

The final color will form a day after dyeing. During the whole time it will acquire saturation and depth.

Do not forget that once every two months it is necessary to do a full hair coloring to revitalize and even out the color. And so, in general, you can only tint regrown roots for a month.

Henna hair dyeing not only gives them an exquisite color, but also incredible strength and brilliance. In addition, such staining is absolutely safe and can be used at any age, and even suitable for pregnant women!


Watch the video: How To Dye Hair with Henna And Indigo My Henna Hair (June 2024).