Hair Growth

Sulsen Oil


I rarely buy ready-made mixtures of oils, because I like to use many oils solo, or prepare my own oil mixture, carefully selecting the components for efficiency.

But this is the case when I didn’t just want to try a ready-made product, but also chased it all over the city.

Now the Sulsen fortified oil can already be found in any pharmacy in the city, but a year ago it turned out to be only in one.

I bought oil for another 173200 Oh, those terrible thousands! that is, for 17 bel. rub now or 9 dollars.

I conquered the composition of this oil. One of the main components is castor oil, and when I see it somewhere, I know that the tool will work. For me, castor oil is the best helper for accelerating hair growth, as well as for maintaining their beauty.

That is why it was so important for me to find this oil a year ago.

We have had several "seasons" with him and I want to tell you about what needs to be done to make this oil work 100%.

Recommended for use:

  • With excessive uncontrolled hair loss.
  • With low reproductive function of hair follicles.
  • To restore and increase the density of hair.
  • To extend the period of active hair growth (anagen).
  • To accelerate hair growth.

Product Overview:


It is available in 2 languages:

You know, this is the coolest product description I've ever seen. Seriously. It is immediately obvious that what was done was not “anyhow,” but, qualitatively, all the points of interest are highlighted on the packaging.

All the active components and the direction of their action are described here, clear recommendations for use are given and the boundaries of their course are outlined, the correct accents are also laid out on what is not worth doing.

It's nice when faced with such a serious approach to business.

As for the protection, the oil reliably protects the cap, which will give out any turn and, as a result, the opening of the means.

Under the lid is a comfortable spout, with which it is extremely convenient to distribute the required amount of oil on the scalp.

Consistency expected but not viscous. If you fear that viscous castor oil will ignite the entire distribution process, this is not the case. The consistency of Sulsen oil reminds me a lot more of the lightness of argan oil mixed with a drop of olive oil. Sufficiently fluid and light mixture, which is extremely easy to distribute.

With regard to absorption - with a massage absorbs quickly, if not overdo it with the amount.


I really like the composition. Straight very. He matched perfectly. The composition has all my favorite oils, which I recognize as extremely effective due to their high penetrating ability, which, in fact, causes the acceleration of growth from their use.

Pleasantly pleased with the presence of pepper. Who would know how I do not like all possible mixtures of burdock oil with pepper. I am extremely glad that now with my beloved kastorochkoy appeared worthy alternative.

Surprised by the presence of mink fat. This is what, but at that time I did not meet him in the composition of hair care products. The story of how I bought bear fat and wanted to make an analog of this oil on my own will be left out..

The only thing you can cling to is preservatives. Parabenchik. I do not like when there are similar components in the products intended for application to the skin, but in this case I understand that it is added to prevent the oils from becoming rancid, therefore, well, there is and there is nothing else. In any case, the tool is not stated as organic, so I will not cling.

Impressions of the application

Application: apply oil on the scalp at partings and rub into the hair roots. Massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes for better penetration of oil, then put a plastic cap on the head, wrap with a terry towel or a woolen shawl on top. After 1.5-2 hours, thoroughly rinse the hair and scalp twice with warm running water and shampoo. For best results, it is recommended to apply the oil warm (heated in a water bath). Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after applying the oil. Do not distribute the oil in the hair.

Do not heat the oil in the microwave!

Here! That's exactly the way to use it in oil, I always wanted to see. All the necessary moments are covered.

The only thing that confuses me is that the manufacturer does not specify how to heat the oil.

I always pour oil in a saucer to put in a water bath.

The spout-distributor pushes to warm it up in the bottle in the bottle, otherwise why would you need it?

I do not recommend to warm up the oil in a bottle before each use and distribute it from there to the roots. Several cycles of alternate heating will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the oil, so be sure to use only heat up the amount of oil you need for 1 time.

And now we will pass to impressions from use.

For the growth of oil is recommended to apply 3 times a week for 3 months.

I wash my head 2 times a week and start washing it 3 times a week, and even for 3 months, I was completely unprepared.

Anyway, I prefer to carry out activities to accelerate growth for one month, so I decided to cheat and use vitaminized oil together with essential oil beat for a month, making masks 2 times a week.

I warmed up the oil in a water bath, added a couple of drops of essential oil, beat, wore a shower cap, over which a woolen one and went for at least two hours.

By the way, in spite of the presence of pepper, the oil does not bake at all and in no way is felt on the head.

What was my surprise when a month later, I saw the usual increase. Not a millimeter more!

I decided that the blame for the essential oil beat, which spoiled my whole raspberries.

Castor oil has always worked extremely efficiently for me and I was not ready to believe that Sulsen oil is another failed product.

And I gave him another chance.

This time I decided to use it 3 times a week, though not for 3 months, because there was nothing left of it, but until the oil runs out.

After the season with a beat, the vitaminized oil is less than half a bottle and I had enough of it in this mode of use for 2 weeks.

The most interesting thing is that during this time I have grown exactly as much as a month of full course with essential oil. I think that if I continued to use the oil further, the changes in growth would be more pronounced, but I have already run out of oil, and I did not buy a new bottle and continued the course by another means.

Also, I was surprised by the fact that when combing significantly reduced the amount of hair that I removed from the comb. Despite the fact that I didn’t really complain about falling out, Sulsen’s oil has greatly strengthened the roots.

Overall, I was pleased with this oil.

I will recommendboth to accelerate growth and against loss, but only if used strictly according to the instructions.

I put 5 stars out of 5.

It is possible that I will buy it again.

You can learn about other methods of accelerating growth and fighting loss. here.

Operating principle

Sulsen Vitaminized Firming Oil is a natural product that contains a set of natural oils and extracts, helping hair to return its former thickness and strength, stimulating growth and enhancing the quality of the hair.

This is achieved by stimulating the blood circulation of the skin of the head, in the area of ​​the hair follicles, and the rapid delivery of nutrients there. Moisturizing effect also helps the roots and bases of hair.

Composition and useful properties

The composition includes natural ingredients that do not contain any chemical impurities:

  1. The basis of this cosmetic product is olive oil, thanks to it, the active substances quickly get to the hair follicles, nourishing and restoring the scalp and hair roots.
  2. Castor oil and mink oil contain vitamin F, important fatty acids (Omega-3,6,9, linoleic acid, arachidine, etc.). They increase the moisturizing and nourishing potential of the olive base, help to restore all the life processes of the bulbs and roots.
  3. Lavender essential oil also helps to establish blood circulation in the skin of the head, able to balance the metabolic processes.
  4. Geranium oil eliminates free radicals, which cause hair loss. It fixes the hair follicles in the skin tissues, activates the blood supply.
  5. Sea buckthorn extract containing natural vitamins E, A, lipids, carotenes, is responsible for increasing the number of hair follicles in the hair growth zone, increasing the density of hair. About the benefits of sea buckthorn oil for hair growth, read on our website.
  6. Red pepper extracts are a particularly valuable and effective component of the product. Due to the capsacin contained in it, the scalp warms up, the useful components of Sulsen easily penetrate into the deep skin layers, helping nutrients get to the hair follicles. Fast hair growth begins, their quality improves, as does the appearance. Strands become shiny, stronger.
  7. Chamomile extract, restores the roots and skin of the hair zone due to natural tocopherol and bisabolol.

Improving blood circulation in the root areas helps prevent follicle depletion and death, gives hair a stimulus for growth and development, it becomes thicker and healthier.

Important! Before use, be sure to make a test on the sensitivity of the scalp to the product.

What problems eliminates

Sulsen oil solves the problem of hair loss, helps to cure weak, dull, lifeless hair, has a positive effect on their structure, stimulates the formation of many new follicles.

There are many products in the Sulsen series, they are used to prevent hair loss, fight dandruff, and restore hair.

Excellent tandem - the use of oil gives cream Stimulin, the same series. It fixes and accelerates the action of the oil. The cream adds even more shine and volume to the strands.


According to the instructions, the product has no contraindications. But we must bear in mind that the following points may arise:

  • individual reaction to the oil,
  • Perhaps there are some substances that cause allergies,
  • caution should be experimenting with the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, there may be reactions to individual components,
  • Do not use oil to treat eyelashes or eyebrows, as the skin of the face and mucous eyes may react unpredictably.

Terms of use

It is necessary to apply the drug with care so that it does not get into the eyes, on sensitive mucous membranes.

  1. Before the procedure, you can wash your hair under warm water, so the pores will open, and the penetration of oil will go faster. If you do not wash, then you need to comb, untangle the stray strands, so that it is easier to separate into partings.
  2. Splitting into frequent partings, apply oil to the scalp, rubbing it into the roots.
  3. Massage the scalp and hair roots for a few minutes. So the oil is better absorbed, penetrates deeper into the pores. Try not to rub the oil on the hair.
  4. On the head you need to wear a plastic cap or wrap a film. Top wrap with a towel or any warm scarf.
  5. To sustain a half to two hours.
  6. How to wash your head 2 times with running warm water and shampoo (take it a little). As with any oil mask, the composition is poorly washed out, so if necessary, you can repeat the wash once again, or a few hours after the procedure.

For maximum effect, it is better to heat the oil before application in a water bath. After using the oil, wash your hands with soap and hot running water.

Important! Sulsen oil contains extracts of red pepper and sea buckthorn, so fair-haired people can detect an orange tint of the strands after the procedure. But you do not need to worry, it is easy to wash it all off.

Effect of use

As a result of applying Sulsen oil, the condition and vitality of the hair follicles and the hair itself is significantly improved, the root system is restored, and hair loss is reduced. The appearance of the hair also changes for the better.

Apply oil according to the system, courses, but depending on the goals:

  • If the desired result is intensive growth and strengthening, then use oil up to 3 times a week, for 3 months (the next course is necessary)
  • For prophylactic masks use Sulsen once a week for a month (repeat courses after six months).

The effect of applying Sulsen oil depends on the initial state of the scalp, but usually, after a week or two, the result is already quite noticeable.

We recommend to read: how to accelerate hair growth, useful tools and tips for care.

Grow long and luxurious hair will help growth promoters:

Useful videos

Sulsena for hair growth.

Reviews of the doctor about the drug Sulsen: efficacy, features of use, prevention of dandruff.

Indications for use

Oil is used for problems associated with hair growth. It is used with strong hair loss and a short phase of their growth, to increase the density and accelerate the growth of hair. To achieve the best effect, it is advisable to use oil with shampoo.

To achieve the best effect, it is advisable to use oil with shampoo.

Properties of fortified Sulsen oil for hair growth.


  • the basis of the product is olive oil, which guarantees the delivery of all the biological components of the product to the hair follicle,
  • Additional ingredients are castor oil, mink oil, essential oils of geranium and lavender, sea buckthorn and chamomile extract, red hot pepper extract, propyl paraben, butyl hydroxytoluene.
All additional ingredients are distinguishable biostimulants for strengthening and enhancing hair growth. Red pepper warms the surface of the skin, which leads to a deeper penetration of oils and plant extracts.

The overall effect of this tool is to tonify and strengthen the hair follicles, stimulate the growth of new hair, prevent premature hair loss, prolong the active hair growth cycle.

How to use Sulsen oil for hair growth.

Immediately draw your attention to the fact that the manufacturer categorically does not recommend heating this medium in a microwave oven before use (which can often be found in recipes for homemade hair masks based on oils). To warm it up a little, use a water bath.

Sulsen applied to the entire scalp, it is very convenient to do when dividing the hair into partings, do not distribute the oil over the entire length of the hair. To get the oil better and faster absorbed into the skin, perform a gentle massage with fingertips, after which you must wash your hands with soap and water. Put the shower cap on your head (it comes complete with oil), wrap it with a towel or a warm scarf on top (you can wear a bath cap). Leave the agent for exposure for one and a half to two hours. Rinse off the mask and wash the hair with shampoo.

Start using the product three times a week for three months.If you are satisfied with the result of the application, then to maintain the result, use Sulsen for hair growth once in half a year (once a week for a month).

This tool has a positive conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological expertise of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 11.10.2012. № 05.03.02-04 / 99712

The composition of hair products

The main substance in "Sulsen" is selenium disulfide. This substance has a very good effect on the skin: it soothes it, restores the structure, makes it elastic, eliminates peeling, irritation and smoothes wrinkles. But for the treatment of seborrhea, especially its neglected form, this is not enough, so manufacturers added sodium cetearate sulfate, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, ethyl, stearyl, cinnamon, extract of burdock root, potassium cearate sulfate and citric acid. The main effect of the drug is to fight the fungus that affects the scalp. "Sulsena" from hair loss not only eliminates dandruff, but also helps to restore the structure of hair. It also contributes to the resumption of the normal functioning of fatty secretion of the scalp.

What problems does hair care help get rid of?

So, to summarize: under what problems does the tool “Sulsena” help in different forms? Let's start with the most difficult and unpleasant hair pathologies, as well as the skin of the head.

  1. Seborrhea - a pathologically large number of dead cells of the epidermis.
  2. Increased sebum secretion, as a result of which the hair quickly grow fat.
  3. Reducing the protective properties of the scalp, in which there is a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi and other harmful microorganisms.
  4. Increased hair loss.
  5. Fading and brittleness.
  6. Tip dissection.

If you look closely at the full range of action of the drug, you can see that its various forms restore hair, starting from the beginning under the skin and ending with the tips.

Customer Reviews

Few people take the problem of dandruff seriously, but this is the first time. Many people say that only after the hair starts to fall out, itchy and white flakes falling on the clothes appear, you want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible.

People of all ages say that Sulsena dandruff is an effective way to overcome scalp problems. Reviews of many buyers indicate the high effectiveness of this drug. Someone he helps immediately, someone has to periodically return to its use. But everyone is united in the fact that the tool really helps. It should be noted that it is "Sulsena" that allows in a short time to get rid of dandruff, which has disturbed a person for more than one year. To consolidate the result, experts recommend that people suffering from seborrhea and brittle hair, eat right. After all, obedient, voluminous and healthy hair need sufficient intake of trace elements: minerals and vitamins.

Why is Sulsena sometimes not as effective as we would like? The fact is that people have different scalp skin. For some, it is too susceptible to various environmental influences and cosmetics, while others find it difficult to find a suitable shampoo. Often there are problems with drying the hair and skin (when using a hair dryer after each shampooing). In addition, the constant use of such tools and accessories as hairspray, dye, gel, foam, curlers, curling iron and much more causes great harm. All this contributes to the emergence of previously identified problems. In order to preserve the health of your hair for a long time, it is better to avoid harmful chemical and physical effects for them. And for the purposes of prophylaxis, it is recommended to use such a miraculous and irreplaceable remedy as “Sulsena”.

For treatment

If the main factor in the use of oil is the treatment of the scalp and restoration of damaged hair, then the drug should be used regularly for 3 months, with each wash of the head.

How to use: Apply a small amount of oil on the palm and rub it between your hands, for heating. Then apply evenly on the scalp without touching the hair. Avoid contact with skin. Put a shower cap on your head and wrap it in a warm towel for 2 hours. After a time, rinse off with Sulsen shampoo. Then apply a hair mask without touching the roots, and rinse with warm water after 5 minutes.

Apply the drug evenly on the scalp without touching the hair. Avoid contact with skin.

For hair growth

If your goal is to grow a long and beautiful hair, then Sulsen should become a permanent resident in your bathroom for at least six months.

Use the product three times a week for 5-6 months. A useful addition would be to use a moisturizing mask or serum for hair during the course.

Side effects

In some cases, the drug can cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, irritation of the scalp, eczema and dermatitis.
Sometimes a remedy can cause a slight change in hair color. This is due to the sea buckthorn and pepper extracts contained in it.

The product may cause a slight change in hair color. This is due to the sea buckthorn and pepper extracts contained in it.

Drug interactions

The manual does not indicate whether the tool produces any negative effect on the human body during its use with other drugs. Since Sulsena is intended for external use, the oil cannot affect the internal organs of a person and does not harm the health of people suffering from chronic or acute diseases and taking oral medication.

Features of the use of oil Sulsen

Sulsena is intended for external use only. If you hit it inside, you should consult a doctor. The main treatment is most often repeated gastric lavage.
In case of contact with the skin of the face or eyes, immediately rinse the affected area with warm running water.

Analogues of Sulsen Oil

There are cheaper counterparts which have a similar effect.

Sulfuric ointment is the most inexpensive analogue. It has antifungal and antibacterial effects and helps in combating skin diseases, but does not affect hair growth. The cost of ointment in pharmacies from 10 to 15 rubles.

Nizoral shampoo is also able to help in the fight against dandruff and other diseases. Its cost in pharmacies varies from 200 to 400 rubles.

Mycozoral shampoo is prescribed for various types of seborrhea. It has antifungal and moisturizing effects. The cost in pharmacies - from 210 to 250 rubles.

Tatyana, 25 years old, Yekaterinburg: “I applied the drug for 3 months. Hair greatly increased in length and volume, it became easier to comb and stopped to push. "

Marina, 46, Omsk: “I used oil and shampoo on this line for 2 months, 3 times a week. It helped get rid of dandruff and excessive fat content. Hair has grown back.
Because of the low price, I did not initially believe in the tool, but now I changed my mind. I will definitely still use it. ”

Alina, 17, Moscow: “I have naturally fragile and weak hair, so I only had to dream of a long head of hair. Somehow my mother's friend advised Sulsen. I decided to try. The result appeared after the first month of use. Decreased hair loss, less splitting and shining. I will continue to use the tool. ”

Sulsen Hair Oil: composition and beneficial properties as applied and effect of use

The dream of every woman is a thick, shiny, lush head of hair, and hair care products are chosen very carefully. Those who want real results - increasing the density and speeding up the hair, should have Sulsen oil in their arsenal. This drug consists of natural ingredients, while very effective and effective. It will be interesting to anyone who wants to quickly grow long hair or noticeably heal their hair.

Sulsen Paste for hair growth: effectiveness, ingredients, reviews

Sulsen Paste is considered effective against dandruff. At the same time reviews about it often contain information about a hair growth stimulator. Using a paste, you can remove dandruff from the scalp, additionally eliminating the root cause of occurrence.

Sulsen Paste effectively works with the destruction of the fungus, which is most often the root cause of dandruff on the hair. She has excellent antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Judging by the results of research, Sulsen paste is able to eliminate a variety of causes, due to which there is dandruff. In particular, it is about:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • active hair loss.

Most often reviews of the tool are strictly positive. Many say that dandruff disappears, and hair loss stops, which is followed by growth. However, some reviews emphasize the high effectiveness of the product and even the best result compared to expensive shampoos.

Paste Sulsen for hair at the same time has a low cost, so it can be considered an affordable item. To make the effect the most stable and fast, the manufacturer recommends using it simultaneously with shampoo from the same series. Confirm the greater effectiveness of this pair and reviews.

Product efficiency

The Sulsen Paste consists of a sulfur compound selenium disulfide, which acts as the main therapeutic and prophylactic agent to eliminate dandruff and itching. Thanks to him, Sulsen paste is able to overcome excess fat secretion, stop the formation of exogenous type toxins, which lead to the destruction of hair in the root part.

Paste Sulsen helps to add growth to hair, further strengthen them by preventing destructive processes in the area of ​​hair growth. Addition to this is the improvement of skin cells, improving the physiology of hair follicles, giving the entire length a healthy look and shine. Reviews additionally emphasize the increase in the interval between washing the head, reduced hair loss.

Sulsen Hair Paste can be purchased at any pharmacy. Vacation is without a prescription. However, it is different. There is a paste containing selenium disulfide in the amount of two and one percent. The one percent option is recommended for preventive measures, while the two percent option is focused on hair and scalp treatments.

The effect of the paste is fast enough. Often, only a few applications are missing. However, the course should last for four weeks with a repetition after six months.

How to use

Paste Sulsen applied very simply. To begin with the head is washed with shampoo. You can use the usual or the same name of the same company. After washing the paste is rubbed on wet hair into the scalp. Some reviews emphasize that the paste is hard enough to squeeze out, but this is unlikely to be a significant drawback.

At the same time, the smell of pasta is quite pleasant, resembling a peach. Hair paste is aged for 15 minutes, then rinsed with running water, and the curls are dried naturally.

For prophylactic purposes, one-percent paste is used. It is recommended to use it twice a week for a month with a break of six months. If we are talking about the treatment of seborrhea, it is better to give preference to the two percent option. This paste is applied twice a week for a three-month period. In the case of relapse, the treatment course is repeated.

Do not forget that pasta, like any other product, can bring with it not only positive effects. Despite the fact that reviews of pasta positive, there are references to the negative effects on hair.

In particular, allergic reactions and irritations. Most often this is an individual reaction, from which no one is immune. Stored pasta must outside the bathroom. For short hair, one tube usually lasts up to ten uses.

Other means of Sulsen

As mentioned above, Sulsen produces not only paste, but also shampoo. It is used in the same way as usual; no pre-washing is required, which reduces the time of use. The shampoo is applied to moisturized hair and is rubbed into the hair and scalp with regular massage movements. That active components could act, it is necessary to hold means for about three minutes.

For washing used normal running water. If you want to enhance the therapeutic effect, the tool can be used twice at a time.

According to the manufacturer, this is confirmed by the reviews, after a week we can expect a significant result. In particular, the hair is characterized by a decrease in the formation of sebum, they become more shiny, dandruff passes. The maximum effect can be achieved with regular use or combination therapy.

One of the latest developments of the company is Sulsen fortified oil. In the cosmetic base is used olive oil. It has a high penetrating ability, due to which components that differ in biological activity are quickly delivered to the hair follicle. This provides nutrition on a complete basis for both the roots and the scalp. In the composition there is a number of nourishing and caring oils.

Before using the oil, the head is rinsed with warm water to open the pores. The oil is applied to the root areas on the partings and rubbed with massaging movements for two to three minutes.

To enhance the result, preheating is recommended. Further, a polyethylene cap is worn, and the head is wrapped with a towel. It is necessary to withstand the remedy up to two hours. For washing it is used usual shampoo.

Combined therapy with Sulsen helps to overcome dandruff, as well as to enhance hair growth. Additional bonuses will be the strengthening of the structure, increased brightness and overall improvement.

Paste, shampoo and oil "Sulsen": how effective is the popular series of dandruff and hair growth. Dandruff can safely be considered one of the common problems with hair.

Dosage forms, composition and principle of action

Shampoo, oil and pasta "Sulsen", despite the common name, have a completely different composition. That it allows you to solve certain problems, whether it is to fight dandruff, therapeutic and prophylactic effects or stimulate the growth of strands. Therefore, before choosing a suitable tool for yourself, you should be familiar with the contents of the components.

The active ingredients of the paste and shampoo are the selenium disulfide component. It is he who provides the fight against dandruff. The oil solution does not contain this substance. It is replaced by castor, olive and mink oils.

Against the "flakes" on the head

Selenium disulfide, which is part of the paste and shampoo, provides a comprehensive fight against all the underlying causes of dandruff. Depending on the amount of the active substance, the drugs produce 1 and 2 percent. Trichologists indicate three areas of work component.

  1. Cytostatic effect. One of the causes of dandruff is the active work of the sebaceous glands.They intensively produce a secret that is mixed with sebum, the scales of the stratum corneum. Selenium disulfide helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Fungicidal effect. Another fairly common source of dandruff is considered infection of the hair surface by yeast fungi. The active ingredient, getting on the skin, completely destroys the favorable conditions for the reproduction of such microorganisms. This leads to the death of the fungus.
  3. Keratolic effects. Dandruff may form as a result of increased exfoliation of dead cells of the dermis. Sulsena reduces the ability of the epidermis to flaking. So the tool helps to prevent the formation of dandruff.

To strengthen the strands

Sulsen's fortified oil is not able to fight dandruff. It is intended for completely different therapeutic effects, such as acceleration of hair growth, protection against loss, restoration of the core structure. The detailed mechanism of the effect of oil is presented in the table.

Table - Composition and effect of the components of fortified oil on the body

Indications for appointment

If we are talking about the fight against dandruff, then the most demanded paste "Sulsen" for hair. For the prevention of more often resort to shampoo. But in advanced cases, the combined effects of both agents are recommended. Trichologists recommend "Sulsen" for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • ringworm of diverse nature,
  • excessive synthesis of sebum,
  • painful itching
  • lichen colored,
  • seborrheic dermatitis (or common dandruff),
  • diseases of the sebaceous glands.

Feasibility of use in other pathologies

The drug is not a panacea for all dermatological problems. Therefore, it is not necessary to think that he will save from any troubles. In the treatment of the five pathologies listed below, it is completely ineffective.

  1. Vitiligo. An extremely unpleasant disease associated with impaired skin pigmentation. The reason is insufficient production of melanin. The mechanism of the appearance of the disease is not fully understood. But there is an assumption of genetic heritage, endocrine disorders, exposure to chemicals. Fungal infection is not the cause of vitiligo, therefore neither paste, nor shampoo, nor oil can help in the treatment of pathology.
  2. Psoriasis Externally, psoriasis of the scalp is very similar to seborrheic dermatitis. It provokes the appearance of red scaly spots that cause severe itching. The development of psoriasis is associated with excessive division of particular cells. And since the immune system is involved in this process, it automatically triggers inflammatory reactions. Antifungal agent "Sulsena" will not bring relief. For the treatment of psoriasis, immunosuppressants and anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.
  3. Deprive. The drug "Sulsena" is able to help with pityriasis versicolor or multi-colored, since this pathology is caused by the same types of fungus as seborrheic dermatitis. But if we are talking about the ringworm or deprived of Giber, the drug is ineffective.
  4. Demodecosis. So called parasitic disease of the dermis, which is the carrier of the mite Demodex. It affects the sebaceous ducts, hair. Mite releases toxins that trigger excessive sebum production. Visually, it may look like the appearance of dandruff in the hair or the appearance of rosacea on the face. The drug "Sulsen" does not have antiparasitic effects. Therefore, to apply it in the fight against demodicosis is inappropriate.
  5. Acne . To combat acne, pimples and comedones, a special mask “Sulsena Anti-Acne” is produced. This tool contains components that can normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, arrest the activity of pathogenic microorganisms that trigger the process of acne formation. This tool can be applied to the face, back and other skin areas that have acne. The mask eliminates inflammation, disinfects the skin, cleanses and tones it.

To determine the effectiveness of "Sulsena" in the fight against the pathologies that torment you, it is best to seek the advice of a doctor. Do not forget that in the guise of normal dandruff can hide quite serious diseases.

Instructions for use paste "Sulsen" ...

Features In the pharmacy, there is a 1 percent paste and 2 percent. Which one do you prefer? It depends on your problem. If paste is needed for prophylaxis, stop the choice on a 1% drug. And for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, use only 2 percent paste. If you decide to make peeling at home with the paste "Sulsen", spend the procedure on clean hair. Start by washing your head. You can use any detergent for strands. In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is better to resort to using the Sulsen shampoo.

  1. Apply paste to clean, wet roots.
  2. Massage the scalp with light movements, evenly distributing the product over the surface.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash it off with plain water.

Recommendations on the frequency of use of drugs and the duration of treatment are indicated in the table below.

Table - Frequency of therapeutic and prophylactic procedures using paste


Watch the video: How to get rid of Dandruff, Best Anti Dandruff Shampoo, Selsun Blue Shampoo Review & Price (July 2024).