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7 best shampoos that eliminate oily hair


Oily hair is always a big problem, as they require constant attention and more thorough and scrupulous care. If you ignore this condition, more complex problems may develop that will already be among the diseases of the skin. People with increased activity of the sebaceous glands have to resort to shampooing very often, sometimes even daily, to provide themselves with comfort and confidence in their appearance. It is possible to cope with the problem in a complex, and special shampoos with directional action are perfect for external exposure.

How to choose a good shampoo from oily hair

Oily hair is a problem not of the hairs themselves, but of the scalp. It is formed as a result of the hyperactive work of the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles. The secretions of the glands, starting from the roots, gradually cover the hairs with a film, which on the one hand even has useful properties - protects the structure from negative external influences. However, the appearance and sensations in such a situation are not the most pleasant and the correct selection of shampoo as a means for cleansing will help to normalize the situation. Of course, the use of shampoo can only eliminate the cosmetic problem, and therefore it is important to find out the true causes of such activity of the sebaceous glands and act directly on them.

When choosing a product for washing the head, it is necessary to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. it is desirable to have antibacterial components in the composition,
  2. the presence of extracts of natural herbs,
  3. The composition must be enriched with vitamins, necessarily A, C and K,
  4. Compounds with zinc, sulfur or tar will be relevant if dandruff is present as a co-occurring problem.

On the shelves of stores you can find so many options for dealing with the problem described, both from popular manufacturers (Dove, Shamtu, L'Oreal, etc.) and from less well-known brands. The final choice when making a purchase is made on the basis of an acceptable price range, but it is worth getting ready right away that you may have to try a lot of shampoos until you find the most suitable one.

How to understand that the selected shampoo really cleanses oily hair? After washing, they should get a healthy, not greasy shine, and also easy to comb. The effect should last at least a couple of days, if the fat content appears in the evening, it is better to look for another option. Light creaking after washing is also a sign of good cleaning.

How to choose a remedy for dandruff and hair loss

Dandruff and hair loss is a very common problem among owners of oily scalp, so many shampoos in this category are usually endowed with additional functions to eliminate them. The best formulations for such purposes are medicinal, sold mostly in pharmacies.

There are several options to achieve the desired complex effect: the inclusion of silicone, natural components or amineksil and other drugs. The first group should be avoided, since such products provide only a cosmetic effect and may even worsen the oily hair. Preferred for daily use are considered compounds without sulfates on natural ingredients (for example, Nature Siberika or Planet Organika). Shampoos with drugs are usually prescribed by a dermatologist and require the use of a specific course.

Top 7 best shampoos against oily hair at the roots

Not every shampoo can not only cleanse the hair of fat, but improve their condition and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands in order to reduce fat. High-quality conventional shampoos can be used for the initial symptoms, but if there are serious problems with the scalp, you will need medical formulations that can only be purchased at a pharmacy. Consider the top most popular products for oily hair, which have a significant positive effect.

Natura Siberica / Natura Siberica

Natura Siberica - a series of cosmetics, whose action is based on the beneficial properties of herbal preparations. For oily hair, several variants of shampoos have been developed in different series, the most popular is the product with cedar elfin and arctic raspberries. The composition is rich in vitamin C, which allows you to restore the natural balance of the skin and improve the quality of hair by getting rid of excess fat. Regular use of shampoo also allows you to make hair more voluminous and radiant natural shine.

Alerana Shampoo / Fat Reducer

The shampoo comes in a 250ml bottle. The tool contains in its composition useful natural ingredients: wheat proteins, extract of wormwood, nettle, burdock, horse chestnut, sage, tea tree oil. Herbal extracts stimulate hair growth, make the scalp healthier, eliminate unwanted fat, help retain moisture in hairs and restore their structure. Thus, with regular use, the hair follicles are strengthened, the sebaceous glands function is normalized, and the hair becomes healthy and strong.

Green Mama / Green Mama Medicinal

To get rid of the problem of fatty roots, you can use the shampoo from "Green Mom" ​​"Black currant and nettle" or "Mother and stepmother and mint BIO". In both cases, natural ingredients provide gentle and gentle care for the scalp and hair. The main herbal ingredients of the first means: nettle extract, black currant, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, cedar. The second shampoo contains mint essential oil to get rid of excessive oily hair, and active ingredients obtained from the leaves of the mother and stepmother. The use of products from this manufacturer helps to give your hair an energetic appearance and get rid of the problem of fat content, automatically extending the period of maintaining clean hair.

Vichy / Vichy Dercos Technique

Patients suffering from skin problems, including the presence of oily seborrhea (the formation of a solid crust from sebum and dead skin particles) simply cannot use regular shampoos, special treatment formulas are needed to eliminate symptoms and comprehensively combat the problem. One of the popular products is Vichy Dercos Technique. It is sold in a bottle of 200 ml, the price for it is quite high, but this is justified by the result. The fragrance is unisex, not sharp, on the contrary - it has very pleasant notes of melon, mandarin, magnolia, sandalwood and violet. The tool has an active therapeutic effect and allows you to completely forget about such problems as dandruff and oily seborrhea.

Professional shampoo Estelle / Estel for volume

It is extremely difficult to achieve a natural volume on oily hair, therefore it is advisable to use special means to achieve a similar effect.

The product from Estel contains lecithin and provitamin B5, which provides a positive effect on the hair structure. It has good cleansing properties, the manufacturer promises a soldering effect on the split ends. After using this shampoo, the hair looks well-groomed and soft, without excess fat content at the roots.

Clean line

The company produces several series of shampoos, each of which has a position for oily hair. Separately, it is worth noting shampoo "Regulatory" for hair that quickly grow fat at the roots and lose their freshness. The composition is based on natural ingredients (sage, yarrow, calendula), which help to neutralize the fat content, without overdrying the hairs themselves. Branded decoction of healing herbs in general has a positive effect on the scalp, regulating the work of the glands, and allows the hair to provide a long state of freshness and cleanliness. The shampoo has a light, unobtrusive grassy aroma, the consistency is not too thick, which has a bad effect on the economy of consumption, but given the affordable price, this factor is not too important.

Dry shampoo Oriflame "Expert-Balance"

The product is available in a 150 ml vial; the composition is sprayed as a spray. Perfectly suits in those situations when it is necessary to urgently get rid of the oily hair at the roots, and there is no time to wash your hair. The effect is beautifully kept for several hours, after which it gradually comes down to "no." Just a few sprays and subsequent combing of the hair - and they look fresh and clean, get a healthy shine. Active active complex is based on the effect of ginger extract and tea tree oil, which have antioxidant properties, help to cleanse and nourish the scalp.

How to wash hair prone to strong fat

Immediately it should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, frequent washing of the head does not solve the problem of fat content, and even vice versa. Too frequent flushing of sebum provokes the glands to work even more actively, covering the skin and hair again and again with a new protective film, which leads to a more rapid “salinization”. You should wash your hair not often, but regularly. Another important rule is that you should not use products intended for other types of hair, as this can also stimulate the secretion of sebum.

Choosing the right tool, you can start washing your hair. Oily hair require gentle washing technique, you can use one of the following options:

  • apply shampoo to the roots and massage them well. Distribution along the entire length of the tool is not required - the frothy water will be enough for the tips to drain on them, and at the same time the risk of injuring them is much less
  • The second option is to apply a shampoo that is already foamed onto the hair. So the foam will be distributed evenly between them, performing its cleansing properties and without damaging the hairs. It is necessary to wash off means from hair very carefully.

Recipe for homemade shampoo with clay

Green clay is best suited for owners of oily hair - it will not only help to cleanse the scalp and hair, but also relieve irritation and contribute to a decrease in the intensity of sebum secretion. Preparing the composition is very simple: a few spoonfuls of clay (depending on the length of the hair and is selected individually) is diluted with warm clean water to a state of thin cream. This mixture can already be applied to the hair, but to enhance the effect, you can add a little lemon juice or essential oils (tea tree, oak bark, cedarwood, pine, sage, lemon, bergamot, etc.).

Do tar shampoo do it yourself

For washing hair prone to greasiness, you will need the following ingredients:

  • clean tar
  • soap base,
  • oils as desired.

The main ingredients - base and tar - are heated in a water bath and mixed. The resulting homemade shampoo must be used for three days, during which it is stored in the refrigerator. After you need to make a new composition. Immediately it is worth noting the main drawback of this tool - its rich specific smell.

Olya: I used different shampoos from fat content, and Timotey, and Londa, and Ecolab, and Planet Organic were with me. But most of all I liked Natura Siberika - if not cheap, but very effective!

Liza: Just delighted with the products of the Pure Line! Shampoos are so cheap, but they wash very well and help get rid of the fat content of the roots. I advise everyone!

Margot: Shampoos are, of course, good, but one should not forget that the activity of the sebaceous glands is a systemic problem, and it should not just be masked, but targetedly treated. For this, be sure to consult a doctor.

Rating of the best professional products for oily hair at the roots and dry at the tips that you can buy: Natura Siberica (Natura Siberika), Alerana, Estelle

Special professional cosmetics for washing oily hair is aimed at reducing the secretion of the sebaceous glands. This effect is achieved due to the presence of an impressive proportion of detergents in shampoos. Hair for a long time keeps it clean and fresh.

  • To get the best result, choose a professional shampoo for oily hair, based on the rating of products obtained during an independent study. LifeTex Balanced Anti Grease is an excellent shampoo for oily hair.

In order to choose the right shampoo for oily hair, you should prefer the product on the softest basis, which does not destroy the protective lipid film

How to independently make a good natural healing shampoo and reviews

A wide range of products of the cosmetic industry does not fully replace folk remedies.

Medical shampoos consist of different components that can be changed at will according to the problem.


One of the possible options for the tool looks like this:

  • Baby shampoo or soap base - 100 ml,

Cooking method

  1. The specified number of selected herbs pour boiling water in a convenient vessel.
  2. Insist 30 minutes.
  3. Strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, squeeze the raw material well.
  4. In the resulting base interfere essential oil.
  5. At the last stage, the medicinal decoction is mixed with a soap base.

Homemade anti-oily hair shampoo should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month. During this period, a tablespoon of the funds (for one wash) 2 times a week will eliminate the need to wash your hair every day.

Homemade dry shampoo for emergency cases for oily, normal and combination hair

A modern remedy that greatly facilitates the care of fat curls is a dry shampoo. Convenient drug easy to use. Shop options are presented in the form of sprays. They allow in a record short time to put in order greasy hair.

There are home remedies with a similar effect:

  • cosmetic clay mixed with baby talc in a ratio of 2 to 1,
  • oatmeal and baking soda - components, taken in proportions 2 and 1,
  • cocoa powder and powder of oat flakes, mixed in equal quantities, means for dark hair. Differs in excellent aroma.

For homemade dry shampoos for oily hair to provide the desired result, you need to follow the rules for their use:

  1. Carefully combing curls.
  2. Tilt your head down and apply half a single portion of the mixture along the entire length of hairs, ranging from roots to the tips.
  3. Massaging the head.
  4. We bow to the side and process the new area.
  5. Repeat point 4 on the other side.
  6. Rub the head with a dry towel and carefully comb the strands.

Attention: dry shampoos for oily scalp are not intended for regular use, but in an emergency situation one of the suggested products will definitely come in handy.

How to care for curls that quickly become dirty?

Many owners of the problematic head of hair are in error that frequent washing of the head is the best way out of the situation. But aggressive cleaning elements in combination with hard water destroy the functional abilities of the hydro-lipid film of the skin, and the sebaceous glands begin to work hard to compensate for the lack of moisture. The result - curls pollute faster.

So greasy hair is not a sentence. It is easier to care for them than for brittle, dry curls. The right choice of compositions for washing in many ways will solve the problem. There will be no need for frequent shampooing. The hair will delight with its appearance, shine with purity and health. For representatives of the strong half of humanity, there are special men's shampoos for hair, which differ not only in the brutal aroma. They are made taking into account the physiology of men, whose hair is harder and faster than dirty than women.

Good shampoo for oily hair

Although from the negative effects of external factors such curls and protected much better than dry, but to make efforts to keep an attractive appearance, we also have much more. To cure this type of curls is much easier than damaged and weakened. You only need to follow the rules and know how to care for oily hair.

My greasy hair by the rules

Daily washing is not a solution. According to trichologists, it is important to wash curls regularly, and not every day. It is necessary to use only specialized means. Too frequent washing leads to even more activity of the glands, and hard water with aggressive shampoo ingredients destroys the protective water-fat film and hair gets oily faster, and irritations appear on the skin.

The best solution is to wash the curls every three days. It is recommended to first find out the reason for the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. If it is caused by malfunctions in the endocrine system, then it will not be possible to do some cosmetic preparations, since it will require the help of specialists. Care for oily hair at home consists of cleansing, moisturizing and additional nutrition as needed.

Washing your head is important correctly, twice. Shampoo foaming, diluting with water. Liquid is better to take a little cooler than warm. Hard moisture soften or take boiled. If it is impossible to wash the hair in such water, then it should be applied at least during rinsing.

When rinsing, the water is acidified for dark curls with one large spoonful of regular vinegar per liter of liquid, and light ones - with a couple of tablespoons of chamomile color half a liter of water with citric acid or lemon juice. To keep the hair from getting greasy, cold water is used, which narrows the pores and prevents fatty release. It is permissible to rinse with mineral water with a pH below seven.

If the curls get fat too fast, you can apply shampoo only to the roots, so that the tips get injured less and less. Rubbing into the skin means should not, and it should not be washed away immediately after foaming, but after waiting five minutes. Extra stress will be frequent shampoo changes. For confidence in the effectiveness of the means it is wiser to purchase everything for care in professional stores. If you can purchase a probe, it is better to use it.

Main selection criteria

  • Avoid buying the first product marked “for oily hair”. Most funds are too aggressive. Their use often causes the opposite effect. Immediately after washing, the hair looks clean and free from fat, but the sebaceous glands will react to the harsh effects with an even greater release of sebum. A good shampoo is in contact with the scalp gently, trying to cope with the cause of the problem, but not with the effect.
  • The composition of anti-fat should necessarily include herbal extracts and vitamins. If dandruff is added to the fat content, then components such as sulfur, zinc or tar will not be superfluous.

  • Healing remedies clean the curls of fat and do not allow the problem to be repeated. After applying the right product strands comb well, creak, do not grow fat by the evening.
  • Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands by virtue of only quality shampoo, which has an appropriate price. There is no place for savings. For professional advice you can contact a competent hairdresser. The master will advise the tool, as well as talk about the special rules for the care of oily hair.
  • The transparent color of the shampoo indicates less chemical availability.

It is important to know! Even the best shampoo against oily hair can not cope with the problem if the reason for the violation of the body. It may be worth contacting the trichologist who will prescribe the treatment.

Most popular anti-fat shampoos

Sleek and Shine Shampoo by Mulsan Cosmetic. Unconditional winner rating. The highest quality composition. No - SLS, SLES, as well as their substitutes, parabens, silicones, dyes! By most experts, the composition is recognized as unique, as are all products from Mulsan Cosmetic. You can view the full list of products in the official online store Affordable price of 389 rubles.

  • Estelle Shampoo is incredibly soft. It gently cleans the curls of fat, making them light, airy and voluminous. The secret weapon is the Butterfly complex and panthenol. "Estel" refers to the category of professional tools. Economical consumption compensates for the high price of the product.

  • Shampoo "Siberika" well proved himself in the fight against the problem of fat. The agent is able to restore the natural balance of the skin and normalize the production of fat. Good results are achieved due to the presence of arctic raspberries and cedar elfin in the composition of the arctic.

  • Means "Schauma" is different affordability, but not inferior to the effectiveness of professional series. Schaum copes well with regulating the function of the sebaceous glands in the early stages of the problem. With running situations, shampoo does poorly.

Tips from professionals to help you choose the right shampoo for oily hair:

  • “Green Mama” is a natural shampoo containing nettle, black currant and a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, P). The use of the product leads to a decrease in fat content and dandruff care. Price availability of the product is its added advantage.

  • Professional Series "Vella" allows you to adjust the sebum secretion as carefully as possible. Curls do not dry out, they become clean, strong and healthy. Vella struggles with the very cause of the problem.

  • The company "Schwarzkopf" has long earned a good reputation in the cosmetic market. The tool is well cleaned from fat curls and scalp. The product is suitable for daily use and does not cause addiction, whereas other shampoos are recommended to be changed 1 time in 2-3 months.

  • Professional tool "Vichy" normalizes the sebaceous glands, soothes and softens the scalp, strengthens the curls. "Vichy" refers to the category of therapeutic agents.

  • Herbal Shampoo is based on herbs, which allows the agent to gently work on the skin of the head. As a result, fat metabolism is restored, and sebum begins to stand out in a normal amount.

Which shampoo is best for oily hair can only be determined after testing, because each case is different. Additionally, you can take advantage of the experience of traditional medicine and get expert advice. To treat the problem of oily hair should be only in the complex. Revise your diet and lifestyle.

See also: Choosing the best shampoo for oily hair.

How to choose the best shampoo?

A huge range is able to confuse even an experienced buyer. Shampoo for oily hair must meet the following requirements:

  • Purify sebum from the hair and scalp due to the formation of abundant foam,
  • Do not weigh the volume of hair, making them bulky, not sleek,
  • Improve the appearance of the scalp,
  • Include antibacterial ingredients that protect against dandruff.

Note! Means designed for oily hair should not include a large number of nutrients. This may contribute to the allocation of even more greasy secret. You must choose a product that would allow not to wash your hair at least a day or two. Daily washing irritates the scalp, and sebum is secreted even more. Vicious circle.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • The package should be marked that the product is intended for oily hair. In addition, it must be indicated that the product can be used daily,
  • Pay attention to the composition of the product. It should not be silicone, and preferably sulfates,
  • If you have a combined type of hair, then choose a product that eliminates greasy roots, but does not overdry the tips.

10 best shampoos for oily hair

On the shelves of products for oily hair is much less common than for dry. Trademarks in different price categories have a good effect. Both professional funds and budget ones have a good reputation. "Clean Lines". We should also note pharmaceutical shampoos. In its composition, they include gentle detergent components, sulfate-free. They are aimed at long-term results, do not dry the skin, even with prolonged use.

Find a universal shampoo that would fit all impossible. However, you can select a list of funds that have a large number of positive reviews.

Introducing the top 10 shampoos for oily hair:

  • Natura Siberika

The company Natura Siberika produces shampoo for oily hair "Volume and balance." It includes natural plant extracts. They are aimed at restoring the hydrobalance of the skin and the sebaceous glands.

Natura Siberika is famous for its natural composition. Silicone, parabens and sulphates are not included. Does not contain dyes and fragrances, well washed off. By purchasing this product, it is worth being prepared that a natural product is different from the usual one. Such natural shampoos do not lather well.

In addition to shampoo, this line includes conditioners designed for greasy hair. In combination, these products even better deal with the problems of oily hair. The cost of one bottle of shampoo does not exceed 200 rubles.


Decent shampoo, which combines the cleansing and moisturizing action. It consists of active ingredients:

  • Glycerin, lecithin and vegetable oil - are aimed at preserving moisture,
  • Zinc pyroglutamate and salicylic acid - drying, purifying and antibacterial action,
  • Kaolin.

This shampoo has a pleasant jasmine scent, evenly distributed through the hair, carefully cleaning them from dirt. Product consumption is minimal. The ruler also includes air conditioning. In the complex, these products work better, double the effect of each other.

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  • Elseve Balancing Shampoo "Elsev, 3 Valuable Clays"

The shampoo of the brand can be used for oily and normal hair prone to fat. As part of no silicone, they include: citrus extract and vitamin complex.

Elseve cleans hair from grease and dirt, evenly distributed and actively foaming. Any impurities and sebum are washed away the first time due to abundant foam. Therefore, the visible result after the first application. This product is perfect for washing off heavy oil-based masks. It has a pleasant and unobtrusive smell.

The average cost of one bottle is no more than 200 rubles.

  • Loreal Professional Pure Resource

This is a professional brand shampoo. It is based on an aqua-crystal formula that does an excellent job in the fight against skin fat. It normalizes the sebaceous glands. Does not irritate the scalp. Permanent use allows you to wash your hair less frequently, while they look fresh and clean. Foams well. Makes hair bulky, clean and airy.

Be careful with this shampoo. The active formula can dry out the tips. Therefore, the product is not suitable for the combined type of hair or hair prone to cross-section.

Loreal Professional Pure Resource Shampoo is hard to find on the store shelves. Price - from 500 rubles.

  • Garnier Natural care with linden

Shampoo is suitable for washing oily and normal hair. After the first use, you can notice the effect. Garnier thoroughly cleanses the hair, keeping it fresh and clean for several days.

Nice and fresh smell. The consistency is average, it foams well. Hair becomes light, not tangled, easy to comb.

Could not please the price - from 70 rubles.

  • Lush exotica

This shampoo is aimed at deep cleansing of oily unruly hair. It contains only natural ingredients: fruit extracts and lemon oil. Due to this, it has an exceptional fruit aroma that lasts throughout the day.

Shampoo perfectly foams and cleans hair. Its consumption is minimal, so a 250 ml bottle will last you a long time.

Important! Shampoo Lush Exotic due to the excessive activity of its components is only suitable for very oily hair. Its use on normal hair can lead to a cross section of the tips and excessive dryness.

Cost - from 300 rubles.

The rating also includes a budget shampoo from the "Clean Line". In addition to the price, it attracts buyers with an adequate composition. It consists of a large number of active plant components.

It is recommended to use it only in the presence of very oily hair. And even in this case, the shampoo can be used periodically, as it dries hair very strongly.

Be sure to use the balm or hair conditioner in conjunction with the shampoo from “Pure Line”. Otherwise it will be impossible to comb the hair.

Price - from 70 rubles.

  • Oriflame dry shampoo

If you have oily hair, then you can not do without a dry shampoo. It is not intended for daily use, and as a replacement for normal. However, dry shampoo can help you at any time.

It consists of the following components:

  • Menthol for freshness,
  • Glycerin to protect hair from external influences,
  • Vitamin E.

Dry shampoo can be used in situations where there is no time and opportunity to wash your hair. He will refresh his head in a moment and give her a beautiful appearance. It is a spray that is invisible on the hair.

One bottle is enough for a long time. It is easy to use: just shake and put on the roots, comb.

The cost of 200 rubles.

We recommend to read: We strengthen thin hair with masks, mask recipes


Another dry shampoo in the ranking. This magic wand. It includes such a component as the absorbent. He quickly absorbs excess fat. Adsorbent particles are easily cleaned with a comb. For blondes and brunettes, the company produces various dry shampoos. So that the absorbent does not stand out on the outside of their hair.

In addition to the main purpose dry shampoo contributes to the volume. With it, you can do styling. It does not dry the skin and does not cause burning and itching.

The average cost per spray is 400 rubles.

  • Bioderma node

Provides professional care without allergies. Suitable for super sensitive skin. It neutralizes itching and the presence of dryness. This shampoo can be called one of the best. Its quality characteristics do not cause doubt. The only downside is the high cost.

As part of a mild detergent base, amino acids, herbal extracts. Excellent foams and cleans hair. With frequent use does not cause itching and irritation. Therefore suitable for daily washing. Restores the lipid balance of the scalp. This hypoallergenic product is universal and suitable for everyone. Hair after it looks healthy, shiny, not confused and easy to comb.

Find it on the shelves is unrealistic. Sold exclusively in pharmacies. Cost - more than 1000 rubles.

A clear formula of the perfect shampoo was not invented, and hardly ever will be. Someone will approach the cheapest pure line shampoo. Someone, he only aggravate the situation. All this is individual. Unfortunately, the perfect shampoo can be found only through trial and error. Do not let a high price guide you. As you can see, in the ranking of the best shampoos for oily hair, various price categories are presented. Manufacturers produce a wide range of products. And the best product for yourself can be found even in the nearest store!

Why hair is greasy?

This question is quite relevant among all residents who have greasy hair. The cause of oily hair is the production of secretion by the sebaceous glands, which are in the zone of the roots and on the skin. This conception leads to a huge amount of sebum secretion; it is this which gives the hair fatness. There are several reasons why hair becomes greasy:

  • Metabolic disorders due to malnutrition,
  • Lack of vitamins in the body,
  • Dehydration,
  • Frequent use of cosmetics, various thermal devices,
  • Invalid hair care,
  • Wrong selection of cosmetics for hair.

Active Cleansing and Mild Effects

The “right” cleanser for oily hair should meet several requirements:

  • it is good to bind fat, to clean the epidermis and strands of all types of pollution,
  • regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, restore water-fat balance,
  • do not contain aggressive ingredients that dry out the skin, weighting the hair (sodium lauryl sulfate, silicones),
  • keep the hair fresh for at least a day after washing the curls,
  • contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Indispensable for the fight against high fat zinc oxide, seaweed extract,
  • do not contain bright dyes that cause irritation of the epidermis,
  • Do not cause excessive dryness of the skin and hair.

Check if plant extracts are included in the selected product. Medicinal herbs provide gentle care, regulate the production of sebum. The best herbs for oily hair: oak bark, calamus, chamomile, mint, nettle, field horsetail. The presence of aloe vera extract with anti-inflammatory action is another plus in the treating box of the cleansing product.

Find out the ranking of the best professional hair masks.

The nuances of use and reviews of shampoos Red line, read this page.

TOP – 10 shampoos for oily hair

Are strands getting too bad? By the end of the day does the hair turn into sloppy icicles with a stale smell? Without a quality cleanser is indispensable.

Trichologists recommend shampoos without sulfates and parabens. Pay attention to the pharmaceutical compositions with a complex of active ingredients for the treatment of increased greasiness of the skin. Healing shampoos have a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, provide proper care for oily hair.

Natura Sibirica Series Volume and Balance

Popular Russian shampoo without sulfates. The line of organic cosmetics Natura Siberika with healing herbal extracts has earned a lot of positive feedback. Pleases enough volume - 280 ml, a nice price - 280 rubles.

Means well washes strands, has a rich composition. Amino acids, glucosides together with plant components provide active care for fatty locks, protection, hydration.


  • lush, volumetric strands after washing are not always easy to comb,
  • quite liquid consistency
  • occasionally the skin dries out, irritation occurs.

Green Mama Blackcurrant and Nettle

Great combination of value and rich composition. The cleanser does not contain silicones, curls stay fresh for a long time. At a reasonable price, you get high quality, respect for the hair, delicate cleansing of fatty locks.

The product contains sodium lauryl sulfate, but a high percentage of plant extracts soften the effect of active surfactant. With regular use, the epidermis remains soft, dandruff does not appear.

Cleansing product contains extracts:

The volume of the bottle is 400 ml, the average price is 200 rubles.

Healing and professional shampoos against oily skin

Nettle extracts normalize the balance of the skin, and the curls will stay clean longer when used with Korres nettle shampoo and licorice. Carita's Crystal Jelly product gently cleanses the skin, soothing it. To add volume to curls, you can use L’Occitane shampoo for oily curls. If the skin is oily and the curls are dried out, Rene Furterer oily skin shampoo is suitable. This is a good shampoo for oily hair, judging by the reviews, it gives the head of hair volume and lightness, effectively eliminating all pollution.

Changing the shampoo is desirable every couple of months so that there is no addiction. The presence of herbal extracts of horsetail, calamus, nettle or algae, as well as trace elements and vitamins is desirable. High-quality shampoos for everyday washing is better to choose on a mild basis: preferably softer. It is advisable to use professional tools.

Natura Siberica is very productive. "Natura Siberika" contains neither dyes, nor parabens, nor sulphates. The normal balance of the skin is regenerated much faster due to the use of arctic raspberry juice, and the cedar elfin wood makes it bulky and soft.

Desert Essence was created specifically for fatty hair. It restores the balance of the skin due to the natural ingredients of the composition. Oily hair is suitable and any burdock shampoo. The composition of such funds a lot of bioactive substances, great care for the skin and stimulate metabolic processes.

The regulator from Wella and LifeTex "Balance Anti-Fat" will help to get rid of fat content. They do not dry hair. How to shampoo wash oily hair? Productive "Schauma seven herbs." In just a month of use, the skin becomes drier, and the hair becomes healthy. Thanks to the extract of calendula, the fat content can be controlled by the shampoos of the Pure Line. Delicate aroma of herbs and only natural ingredients - this is the secret of the success of the line of products.

Tar shampoo will help to get rid of fat. But the scent of tar is able to last up to a day. Much nicer Sante with almonds. D-panthenol cleanses and nourishes the skin. Effective shampoo for very greasy hair - Green Mama “Currant and Nettle”. It will soothe irritated skin and reduce the production of fat for several uses. Quite good results are given by shampoo-lotion of the same manufacturer with dogrose and yarrow.

Alerana against loss and high fat

Shampoo solves two problems: it fights against excessive grease of the strands, prevents hair loss. The remedy at an affordable price (360 rubles per 250 ml) perfectly cleans the hair, strengthens the roots, reduces hair loss. Frequent use does not cause dryness of the skin and curls.

Active ingredients:

  • nettle extracts, horse chestnut, cedar, wormwood, burdock,
  • provitamin B5,
  • panthenol,
  • hydrolyzed protein.


  • after the start of treatment, the thinning of the hair increases in some patients. After a certain period, the reverse process begins: hair follicles are strengthened, lost hairs are getting smaller,
  • therapeutic effect is noticeable with constant use. After six months, replace the shampoo with a different composition to avoid skin getting used to the action of the components.

Dual Effect Shampoos

Clarifiant shampoo is also effective for oily hair. It normalizes lipid balance, cleansing the skin. Goldwell's skin balance and cleansing products from Schwarzkopf Professional with a Keune range and a double-acting shampoo bath will help restore hair structure.

From the unpleasant feeling of greasy and after washing hair will help get rid of a lot of money, the main thing is to choose what corresponds to the type of hair and suits her. Be sure to use balms and conditioners to make curls more docile. But be sure to apply them without affecting the roots.

Well-acting shampoo with a single series of balm. Examples - Klorane, Dercos, regulating shampoos with firming soft balms, as well as natural products from "Siberik" line "Volume and balance."

Dry shampoos

Quickly eliminate fat without washing help dry shampoos. They will help to quickly put themselves in order, if there is no time for washing. Spray in the form of powder is applied to the hair, spreading evenly along the length. Excess fat is absorbed by the particles, and the curls look less fat.

But you should use such express means only when absolutely necessary, since it is impossible to replace a full-fledged wash with dry shampoos. The products are offered by Oriflame Expert-Balance, Syoss Anti-Fat, Sephora Dry Shampoo Express.

Cosmetics for moisturizing curls

After washing the head should be moisturizing. It is necessary for the excessive activity of the glands, as it helps to redirect their activities in the normal direction. To cope with the problem of fat content only by the right means. For this reason, pharmaceutical shampoos and professional series have gained the greatest popularity.

Professional series

Products Nouvelle prevents the clogging of the hair, perfectly cleansing curls. Tonic has anti-inflammatory effect.

Pharmacy series "Vichy" is a development specifically for oily hair Vichy oil control. The product soothes irritations, restores lipid balance. You can use it only a couple of times a week, leaving for an impact of two minutes.

If, in addition to bold curls there is dandruff, a therapeutic shampoo with EX Moltobene clay content will help. It contains the most necessary components: healing herbal extracts, sea salt, vitamins and silk proteins. Fat content is noticeably reduced after a weekly use of a natural remedy.

EX Moltobene Mask Shampoo regulates the production of fat. Extracts of clay, citrus, rosemary and red juniper will help to cleanse the dirt and nourish the curls.

Moisturize help with hydrolipids and moisturizing natural ingredients. Among them, KADUS Sebo Control shampoo, as well as L’Oreal, Revlon and Redken cleansing shampoo Oil Detox keeps leading positions.

Sulsen paste will also help, but not everyone likes its specific flavor. Not all are suitable for the products of the “Aleran” line, although when they coincide with the type of hair, they demonstrate a very good result.

How to care for oily hair: extra care

Additional funds are applied as needed. But to use such hair on greasy hair is important correctly. Masochki, fluids, creams, serums and sprays are distributed on the fingers before applying to the hair. They distribute the care products not on wet, but on well wrung curls, but they cannot be applied to the skin or the roots.

How to apply

Wash off the composition hold no more than the stipulated time, then carefully washing away. The length of the hair determines the amount of the product used, but the surplus is unacceptable in any case. Usually quite enough pea.

On stained or damaged curls can not use shampoos against fat: the skin is not able to accept such an abundance of nutrients. And before staining to do cleansing masks, peels and apply creams is not recommended.

You should not be carried away without the measure of mousses, foams and sprays: they weigh down curls, absorbing all the dirt. But a high-quality lotion for controlling sebaceous excesses will not be superfluous in care.

If you do not want to get a “bonus” and brittleness in addition to fat content, you should not use the hot mode when drying. The function of cold air is most preferable in the care of oily scalp.

The tips of long strands should preferably be regularly cut and treated with special means. It is better to choose indelible. It is better to refuse massage of the head, as well as from frequent combings by brushes. It is advisable not to comb oily hair or to do it as seldom as possible, using soft and rare teeth.

Additional care is not considered mandatory, but it often becomes necessary for fat locks. Specialized creams, serums, balms and sprays contain many nutrients, acids and vitamins with seboreguliruyuschimi components. They reduce the release of fat and improve the appearance of curls. The hair gets dull and longer remains attractive.

Apply to serum curls important in small doses twice a week. Flush funds do not need. Naturica, Biomed Naturica Mask for Oily Scalp regulating serum is well suited. Masochki applied before washing. After the holding time is complete, they should be washed off with warm water. It is recommended to apply on curls twice or three times a week.

Salon care at home

Cosmetic concerns offer peels and scalp care. The best ones are those that are applied before washing. These include sebaceous control cream Kadus, a deep cleansing peeling in front of Schwarzkopf Professional shampoo, skin tonic. After using these tools be sure to wash the curls with a specialized shampoo.

A good solution is to use a remedy for sensitive skin. It is possible that this is the best homemade shampoo for oily hair. You can use and facilities-salon procedures. They are usually produced in a single dosage: L’Oreal Professionnel Cleansing Soft Peel Care, Revlon Professional Peeling Clay to Prevent Dehydration, or Kerastase Specifique Masquargil Clay Mask to ensure freshness.

Cosmetic oils are also shown for fatty curls. It is necessary to use them just before washing. Peach, grape seed oil, argan, almond, sesame oil, after rubbing into the skin, are left for a dozen minutes.

Means well washed out and contribute to the reduction of fat production. After use, the curls become shiny and smoother. You can add the tool in shampoo, after squeezing the last on the palm and enriching it with a couple of drops of burdock, cedar, lemon, grapefruit, sage or cypress oil.

Popular care products

Balsams, conditioners, masks do not apply with oily hair on the skin. Means should give smoothness and obedience to hair. If there are silicones in the composition, then it threatens the curls with a complex washable film that aggravates the problems. With assurances of full compliance with the balsam code, it is better to carefully read the composition, so as not to harm yourself.

Melvita conditioner with sage, rosemary, magnesium will help ease the installation. With restoring balm L’Occitane with sweet almond and five oils, special care is provided to greasy hair.

Keune Scalp Lotion Liposomes will give strength to the locks, regulate the production of fat. After washing, the product is sprayed onto the skin, gently rubbing it and, without washing it away, begin styling. After several uses, the curls will become less greasy.

Stimulating serum Carita and skin cleanse and enrich the cells with oxygen and improve microcirculation. Apply the tool before professional shampoo.

Folk recipes

Rinsers will help to reduce the fat content and help the hair to return the beauty. For birch, a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped tree leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour, filtered and rinsed twice or three times a week for a month.

Rubbed after each wash, a decoction of oak bark from three tablespoons of its powder and a liter of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour and filtered, can also be used as a rinse.

It is advisable to remember that women use men's shampoos for oily hair is not recommended. Do not forget that the curls are affected by weather conditions. That is why it is necessary to wear hats.

Fat curls - the problem is solved. Too dry skin, as trichologists believe, is a much more serious problem. With an integrated approach to the solution, you can make sure that everything can be fixed successfully and fairly quickly. And curls from the main problem will turn into the main decoration.

Oily hair care

To get rid of excess sebum can be - the main thing is to choose the right shampoo, which will help correct an unpleasant situation. Using only shampoo, you are unlikely to get rid of oily hair, you still have to follow some rules:

  • Do not wash your hair often.Many people wash it several times a day, without even thinking that they can only aggravate the situation. Properly wash your hair with greasy hair about 3 times a week. Thus, sebum is not excreted in large quantities,
  • It is necessary to apply together with shampoo also means helping to reduce the oiliness of hair, it can be balsams, masks, lotions, etc. They should not be used often and applied only half the length of the hair, without touching the part of the hair near the roots,
  • During the treatment of oily hair, you should not use different sprays,
  • You should choose only high-quality shampoos that will interfere with a large selection of gland secretion,
  • If you do not help shampoo or other means, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will give you the right shampoo that will help heal the hair.

How to choose the perfect shampoo for yourself

It is known that finding shampoo for oily hair, which is suitable for any person without exception - is unrealistic. Selection of shampoo is an individual lesson, to pick the right one does not always work on the first attempt, rather the opposite. For the selection of shampoo for oily hair will help you to know some of the nuances:

In the event that after washing the hair:

  • Creak
  • Look healthy, not fat
  • Easily comb,
  • Do not pollute in a few hours.

If all of the above is present, then the shampoo you probably chose suitable for your hair. If you do not see this, you should buy a new shampoo and try it first.

First of all, focus on the shampoo in the composition, which is not chemical impurities. Chemistry usually washes away both the fat from the head and the protective layer, which also has a bad effect on the skin. Better to choose shampoos with the addition of natural ingredients, they will help you get rid of sebum and tidy your hair without a negative impact. Note that oily hair does not need exposure to various chemicals, but on the contrary, you need a smooth treatment with natural ingredients.

How to choose shampoo for oily hair, so as not to regret?

The difficulty in choosing the right shampoo for you is that they are currently produced in huge amounts. Not always and not all shampoos can help you. Which shampoo is better to trust, professional, store or pharmacy? High-quality shampoo must meet certain requirements:

  • He has to clean his hair and remove all fat from it,
  • It should not make the hair heavier, and because of the fat, it looks slick,
  • It must contain antibacterial ingredients. This is to prevent dandruff.

High-quality shampoo for oily hair should not contain a large amount of nutrients. If you still get this shampoo, you risk getting even more oily hair.

In order to choose the right shampoo, you do not need to read the labels and ask your friends, just contact your hairdresser. An experienced hairdresser will assess the situation and advise shampoo that suits your hair type exactly. You can also buy professional shampoo at the hairdresser or beauty salon. If this opportunity does not turn up, just buy the one that the barber advises you.

Which shampoo is best for oily hair?

For oily hair, the main remedy you need to pay attention to is shampoo. Many brands offer a choice of many shampoos for greasy hair. But you should not choose the first one. Before buying this shampoo, you should familiarize yourself with some:

Therapeutic shampoos from the brand Vichy in the composition have a seboregulatory formula with thermal water Vichy, which in turn guarantees proper and productive hair care. Using any shampoo for greasy hair from Vichy, after washing your hair several times, you will notice the first positive results. This shampoo slows down the production of sebum. Therapeutic components of this brand of shampoo, which are included in its composition help to calm the scalp and normalize the natural balance. Shampoos of this brand can be used on all people without restriction.

Following the use of this shampoo, you will feel how your hair has become light. Also, it will give your hair silky and well-groomed, you can easily go to the people, and are not afraid of a slanting look. The feeling of healthy and well-groomed hair will follow with you from a few days to a week. This shampoo will allow you not to think about how to quickly wash your hair.

Bioderma node

Therapeutic shampoo gently cleanses oily skin, opens clogged pores, regulates sebum secretion. Regular use restores the water-fat balance of the epidermis. Excellent tool for the care of combined and fat strands.


  • does not dry the skin,
  • perfectly removes grease, dirt,
  • suitable for sensitive epidermis,
  • does not contain sulfates, silicones,
  • amino acids, glucosides maintain the level of moisture in the cells of the epidermis,
  • after applying itching, no irritation.


  • quite liquid,
  • high cost - 1200 rubles for 250 ml.

Kerastase Specifique

Quality product from France actively cleanses the skin, curls, fights dandruff, regulates the activity of sebaceous glands. Prolonged use does not dry out the hair.

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Positive points:

  • restoration of the water balance of the skin,
  • thorough cleansing of sebaceous excretions, dust, epidermis scales,
  • noticeable result after two or three weeks of use,
  • freshness, purity of curls lasts a long time.

Exfoliating shampoo is suitable for the care of curls in patients suffering from seborrhea, dandruff, excessive sebum production. The cost of the product is 1300 rubles, the volume of the bottle is 250 ml.

Schauma 7 herbs

The name reflects the active ingredients that have a beneficial effect on oily hair. Tannins in the composition of herbal extracts normalize the function of the sebaceous glands. Rosemary, chamomile, horsetail, mint, and other medicinal herbs protect the epidermis from irritation, delicately remove fat, dirt, dead scales.

Regular use gives the curls shine, freshness, prevents strong greasiness. Hyporallergenic cleanser with natural cocktail restores the structure of weak hairs.

The average price of a 400 ml bottle is only 100 rubles.

Le Petit Marseillais White Clay and Jasmine

Hypoallergenic cleansing product with moisturizing ingredients. Stop on this tool if you buy shampoo in a store, not in a pharmacy.

A product with a delicate effect on fatty strands has a wide spectrum of action:

  • cleans hair well
  • dries strands
  • moisturizes oily hairs
  • gives the curls freshness, additional volume,
  • prevents inflammation of the epidermis.


  • glycerol,
  • zinc pyroglutamate,
  • kaolin,
  • salicylic acid,
  • vegetable oil,
  • lecithin.

Loreal Professional Pure Resourse

Excellent remedy thoroughly cleanses oily and normal strands. The list of ingredients is not long, but the effect on the skin is delicate and, at the same time, active.

After applying the strands easily combed, do not dry out. Thick liquid is consumed economically, foams well.

For very oily skin, choose a different shampoo: the tool does not prolong the freshness and purity, you will often have to wash the hair.

The cost of a 250 ml bottle is 600 rubles.


Anyway, everyone has his own shampoo. It is necessary to select individually. If he was at least 10 times good and advertised, it would still be impossible for you. I did not send any "for greasy hair." I use Syoss GLOSSING. And the fat content decreased and the dandruff disappeared, although it seemed that it wasn’t stated in it. Just this “my” shampoo turned out to be all. For three years I have only been using it.

I learned from my experience that for oily hair the best shampoos are with clay (or kaolin, as the manufacturers write). There is such a shampoo - La Petit Marseillaise. But I would add Garnier Ultra Doo with clay and lemon - after it my hair is after 3 days on the 4th, and Elsev Balancing is about the same result. And from folk remedies just super - decoction of burdock root. After it, the hair is generally 4-5 days clean and will not lick.

I learned from my own experience that for oily hair the best shampoos are non-sulfate type Hempina website organicsharm recommend

And I came up with a shampoo based on my oat pharmacy base, he has a series horsepower, started to wash hair much less often, about two times a week, and earlier every day it was necessary ...

Here are just a detox shampoo and helped normalize the sebaceous glands of the scalp. And then it became impossible, just wash my hair, an hour later already greasy. At first, I used to wash hair all the time, and now I use it only for prevention. Thanks to the manufacturers.

As I started using horse brand force shampoo, I began to wash my hair less often, I buy from a limited edition, there is Daineko on the shampoo package, the smell is just amazing in shampoo.


This shampoo is presented by the domestic manufacturer of the Russian Federation, he does not think to lag behind other brands of shampoos. Natura Siberica shampoo is quite popular for oily hair. The full name of this shampoo is Natura Siberica “Volume and Balance”. In this shampoo there are no various harmful components that are found in most other shampoos, these are mainly those components that irritate the scalp. Cedar elfin, which is represented in this shampoo, helps to restore the structure of the hair, which will help you to find voluminous and luxuriant hair.

If you need additional care, you can use several shampoos “Volume and Balance” and “Sea Buckthorn Siberica” in turn. Siberian sea buckthorn is also used for oily hair, it helps the hair and skin to cleanse and strengthen. In addition, this shampoo helps eliminate unwanted dandruff and inflammation of the scalp.


This shampoo is also domestically produced, but its cost is much less than the previous shampoo. It includes:

These ingredients help to fight high-quality oily hair. It will help strengthen the hair roots, reduce brittleness and cross section. After washing your hair, you will be surprised, as you get low-fat hair with a wonderful shine. The result lasts about 2 days.

There are many professional shampoos, Estel's OTIUM Butterfly Air-shampoo is one of them. In this shampoo there is a complex of substances in the content, which is called Butterfly. It is very rich in B vitamins and amino acids. With this complex of substances, the head is soaked with a huge amount of nutrients.

Estel shampoo helps to strengthen hair, gives thickness to each hair. This shampoo is suitable for many people with oily hair, as it:

  • Easy to clean oily hair roots,
  • Promotes moisturizing dry hair,
  • Adds shine and volume to hair.

This shampoo as well as the previous one is professional. Shampoo produced specifically for oily hair. Its full name is L’Oreal Professional Pure Resource. This shampoo is aimed at improving the skin of the head and hair, which in turn has exhausted the water-lipid balance. This shampoo is characteristic for deep cleansing of hair and for absorbing excess fat.

It will help to give freshness, purity and natural beauty to your hair. Oily hair shampoo from the L’Oreal line will help your hair to clean up the sebaceous glands and rationalize metabolism.

When choosing a shampoo for oily hair, look carefully at Alerana shampoo. This shampoo does a very good job with sebum secretion. It will help the skin to go to rest and heal it. In addition, this shampoo copes well with the task of hair growth. Using this shampoo, you can get healthy and strong hair, with the effect of the result up to 3 days.

This shampoo is made in France. In this shampoo there is a certain substance with a huge complex of vitamins, it is called beer yeast. They help prevent hair loss and reduce sebum secretion. Using this tool for oily hair, you will find light and clean hair. The use of this shampoo is not daily, enough to wash your hair only a few times a week.

This shampoo comes with the addition of tar. It is predestined to cure oily hair and dandruff. It removes hair greasiness well and quickly. The tar in this shampoo is added so that bacteria and microbes do not get on the scalp. This shampoo is made from natural ingredients. While using this shampoo you will not notice the smell of tar on your hair.


This brand of shampoo is designed for oily hair. It is mainly available in the supermarket, rather than in the pharmacy. It helps to cleanse hair from fat, helps to dry hair a bit and adds volume to your hair. This shampoo is best used along with balm. This is explained by the fact that the shampoo gives a large volume and the hair can be very tangled.

Homemade oily hair shampoo

There are also many popular recipes for oily hair, as not everyone can afford expensive professional shampoo. Many people do not trust these shampoos and make their own homemade shampoo. Many recipes for homemade shampoos have been invented that easily remove all the excess fat from the hair. Here is an example of one of these shampoos:

Ingredients: dry mustard, water.

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard and stir it thoroughly in water
  • Wash your head with this concentrate using massage.
  • Wash your head with non-hot water.

Masks for oily hair at home

Recipes of folk hair masks, like shampoos, there is a huge amount. They are also in demand among those people who have oily hair. They can be prepared at home without any difficulty. Masks are made from natural ingredients. After using such masks, the result can be seen immediately and it lasts for several days. Here is one recipe mask from many existing ones:

Ingredients: live yeast, water, egg white.

  • On 1st. spoon live yeast, add 1h. a spoonful of water, mix to a uniform consistency,
  • Then add protein, mix well,
  • Rub into the hair roots until the mass dries completely,
  • Rinse well with hot water.

Thus, to choose a shampoo for oily hair should be consulted with a doctor or hairdresser. If you choose your own shampoo and it does not help you, but on the contrary irritates your scalp even more, consult a doctor immediately. Also note that the effect will be much better if used in combination, such as shampoo and hair balm.

  1. I use shampoo brand ESTEL. Good shampoo helps to remove fat from the hair. But if you often wash your head, then no effect. The remaining brands do not help at all.
  2. My mother and I tried many different brands of shampoos, and chose two brands ALLOTON and L’OREAL. These are very good shampoos, the main thing is to help cope with greasy hair. We use them in turn. I advise these shampoos.
  3. Good day. I have to say that I tried almost all possible shampoos, but VICHI shampoo helped for my oily hair. It softens the skin well and the hair remains clean for a long time. This shampoo was recommended to me by a good friend, but I was not sure about its effectiveness, as I tried many shampoos on myself. But now I know which one is right for me.
  4. All my life I have been struggling with greasy hair that I haven’t tried everything to no avail.Recently bought a shampoo Pure Line it is cheap, if not suitable, throw it away. But after several uses, the hair did not get fat for about 24 hours, and with the constant use of it alone, the hair does not get fat for several days. This is a cheap and more or less suitable option for me.
  5. I bought NATURA SIBERICA shampoo, I liked it so much that I bought it in reserve. Perfectly copes with all functions, the main thing - removes grease from the hair, and gives them a healthy look.
  6. I came across a FREEDERM shampoo with tar in a pharmacy, it is written that it is for greasy hair, I am the owner of just such. I tried it once, and I liked it, my hair straight out. I will use it now regularly.
  7. I saw the LE PETIT MARSEILLAIS ad and decided to test for myself, although the price for me is high. Very pleased with the result, it is better than any popular shampoos and masks. Hair straight, bloomed on the eyes, the volume was twice as large. I will use it only, I have not had such well-groomed and not greasy hair for several years.
  8. I decided to grow hair and took ALERANA shampoo in the store. Said that helps with hair growth. Over time, she began to notice that the hair not only began to grow well, but also that they ceased to be so fat. Read on the label, and they also from the fat. Satisfied with the result, not knowing helped her hair get rid of fat.
  9. I believe that many shampoos can prevent excessive oily hair, but the best one I think is NATURA SIBERICA consisting on a natural basis.


Watch the video: Hair Care - How To Treat Oily Scalp & Greasy Looking Hair (July 2024).