
Braids and braids for all occasions


Hairstyles from braids are relevant for any occasion: be it a business meeting, a party, a romantic date, a visit to the gym or lectures at the institute. And it’s not at all necessary to go to a stylist - with the help of this book you can do any hairstyle yourself. Braid weaving is a fascinating and simple task. Sometimes five minutes is enough to transform, add zest, create mood, hide flaws. Here you will find a selection of hairstyles based on simple weaving, options for combining various types of them, all sorts of stylization ... And no matter how long your hair is, whether you have experience in creating hairstyles, you can repeat each of them without the help of hairdressers, thanks to step-by-step instructions. Here you will find examples of hairstyles for every day and for the holiday.

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Annotation to the book "Braids and braids for all occasions"

Today braids and hairstyles are incredibly popular. This is not surprising, because with the help of braids you can create an unusual image. Make it easy with the book you are holding! It contains a variety of weaving techniques and step-by-step illustrations that will help you quickly and easily create an amazing hairstyle suitable for any occasion.

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We will send a letter about the bonus received as soon as someone uses your link. You can always check the balance in the "Personal space"

How to weave a beautiful braid with the gum itself

A five strand braid is one of the magnificent types of weaving, which is easy to make if there is a desire and the necessary length of strands. The main thing is patience, training and your efforts, which in a matter of minutes turn into an amazing hairstyle that fascinates everyone around.

The process of weaving braids

What is the peculiarity of weaving the French braid from 5 or 4 strands

It is difficult to braid a five-strand braid after the first attempt. Even the most skilled hairdressers, having encountered such a variety, practice a little, there is nothing difficult in the technique, just look at the scheme and after several attempts you will understand what's wrong.

Five strand braid

Tip: before you start weaving a five-strand braid, first practice for the lighter options. Not having the skills of weaving simple options, you will hardly succeed.

Long and straight strands are ideal for this type of weaving, if you have curly hair, align them with a special device and try to make this interesting braid. In order to make it clear we give a few examples.

Long hair is perfect for a braid of five strands.

How to make a girl's hair: step-by-step instructions for beginners

Weaving a braid of five strands is not easy, we will provide you with a simple option that you don’t have to mess with for a long time:

  1. We carefully comb the hair so that they do not get confused and do not create difficulties in the work.
  2. We divide into five strands, and number them in the mind.
  3. Take the 1st and put it under the 2nd and 3rd, and the 5th skip to the 4th and 3rd.
  4. We number the strands in our mind again and start all over again.
  5. Weave to the end and fix the rubber band, tape or with a hairpin.

Weaving on the head: a picture with the scheme

To make your hairstyle perfect, and some hairs do not stick out of it (due to fragility or in connection with a haircut), apply a little mousse before starting, and after finishing work, spray it with varnish.

Braid weaving instructions

The option is more complicated: a waterfall and a fishtail for long strands.

  • To make a braid of five strands as well as in the light version, the hairs must be combed and divided into 5 parts. First of all, do the left bundles, take the 5th strand, skip under the 4th and over the 3rd,

Hair should be combed before braiding

  • Now, the same work process is only from right to left: we take the 1st strand, skip under the 2nd and 3rd,
  • Repeat each action, first from left to right, and vice versa
  • Weave to the end of the hair, fix it with a rubber band or barrette. Spray varnish.
  • Braid weaving pattern

    Important! The diagram shows that weaving a spit of five strands is not as difficult as it seems. Just practice and you will succeed.

    A few tips for creating holiday styling with ribbon

      It is not easy to weave braids with a pick-up, but if after a few times you don’t get anything, try to distract for a while, find step-by-step photo or video lessons on the Internet, and then try again.

    Examples of spit Exercise often, but little by little, so as not to leave the hunt in case of frequent failures. You will spend a lot of time, but if you do it every day for 30 minutes, then the equipment will be given to you without difficulty.

    Spit of five strands will decorate any girl

    These tips and tricks help anyone who has not mastered the technique of weaving a checkerboard. We hope you have succeeded, and you can not take your eyes off your hair!

    Simple rules for easy braiding

    1. Before you braid a braid of any type, you should thoroughly wash your hair. Spit will look more volumetric and elegant.
    2. To keep pigtails on medium hair tighter and do not fall apart at the most crucial moments of life, use the usual styling products: mousses, gels, styling waxes, and also lacquers for fixing hair.

    Feel free to vary and combine weaving techniques! Beautiful pigtails for medium hair easily woven into various hairstyles, making them bright and unique. And the addition of bright contrasts in the form of hair accessories will help to create your everyday, festive or business look.

    On top of that, weaving braids can be not only your hobby, but also a source of steady income. Learn to create beautiful hairstyles based on braided hair of any length and earn your pleasure! There will be no shortage of customers.


    Description: Lovely girls, I offer you my services in creating hairstyles for all occasions and weaving braids of varying complexity. A beautiful and stylish hairstyle is an integral part of our image. I will be happy to help you choose a hairstyle especially for you! Show full story ...

    I have a certificate of completion of the courses "Weaving braids of various degrees of complexity. Lace weaving from 5 to 18 strands", as well as experience in the studio weaving braids.

    I also teach braid weaving. The cost of training depends on what you want to learn.
    1) the basics of weaving openwork braids up to 5 strands - 800r
    2) weaving openwork braids from 5 to 18 strands and creating hairstyles of any complexity - 2000r

    Step 1. We start to weave like a French pigtail. Separate a small section of hair. Show full story ...
    Step 2. We divide the section into three strands, we make the first weave, first from the top, then from the bottom.
    Step 3. That strand from below, which should go into a braid, is left, and instead of it, a strand of similar size is taken and woven into the braid. New strand is taken almost from under the strand that we leave.
    Step 4. Then we repeat everything. All locks from above are woven around like a classic French braid, with locking locks, and all locks from below are left (not woven, they are thrown down), and new locks from the outside are taken instead.
    Step 5. When you fly to the length you need, turn the pigtail into an ordinary Russian three-strand braid, fly to the ends of your hair and secure with a rubber band. You can hide the invisible tail under the hair.

    # Braids # Curls # Hairstyles
    5 most effective ways to quickly grow hair:

    1. Nicotinic acid is often present in hair care products. This acid has nothing to do with cigarettes, Show full ... but it perfectly moisturizes the hair and stops the loss. Nicotinic acid is sold in a pharmacy.

    2. Mustard mask. Mustard "bakes", warming the scalp, and causes a rush of blood to the hair follicles.

    3. Olive and castor oils are also famous for their properties to strengthen hair and enhance their growth. Apply these oils to the roots and the entire length for two weeks before each wash.

    4. Hair growth requires the energy that the hair follicles receive from the body. Those who wish to grow a luxurious head of hair should first of all think about a balanced and healthy diet, the basis of which is protein. This means that the daily diet should include foods such as meat, fish, eggs, yogurt, milk, and nuts.

    5. Regular peeling of the scalp using special scrubs or cane sugar. This improves blood circulation and the more nutrients the hair follicles receive, respectively, the hair grows somewhat faster and their quality is much better.


    Watch the video: Box Braids Hairstyles. Special Occasion (July 2024).