
Creative haircuts for girls for long hair


Top-flight and top hairdressing are fashionable haircuts for long hair, which is very impressive. Such haircuts successfully lead among competitors in the hairdressing industry. There are a lot of elongated haircuts, so it’s easy to choose the perfect hairstyle for any type and structure of hair, face shape, color and technique. The first assistant in this situation will be your hair stylist. And if you trust him, and he feels you as much as possible - a successful hairstyle cannot be avoided.

Women's creative haircuts-2018 for long hair with photos and video

The best world hairdressers do not conceal that the theme for their inspiration and appearance in the trends of new hairstyles was the era of the 60-70s of the last century.

Moreover, in their stylistics there is not even a hint of vintage - the image of a luxurious cinema diva, an icon of style, sexual, destroying stereotypes, and at the same time, impeccably elegant - has become the main theme of the season.

And complex layered and asymmetrical haircuts on long curls - his hits.

Creative haircuts for long hair in 2018 are, first of all, an individual design and a spectacularly decorated volume of curls with the maximum preserved length.

It is these hairstyles that can be created on the basis of the classic “cascade”, it is difficult to call it a novice of trends, but thanks to the new versions of this hairstyle, it is he who is one of the best and most fashionable options.

“Cascade” is a source for the imagination of a true professional, who in each individual case creates a unique drawing. But when choosing a technique and silhouette solution, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the density and characteristics of your curls - in each case, you can choose your own unique option.

See how stylish 2018 long hairs look stylish on these photos:

Creativity and originality of the haircut pattern are provided by the technique of its execution. Hairstyle can be voluminous or smooth, decorated with smooth “waves” and asymmetric.

In any case, the layered, complex structure of the haircut allows you to give your hair a spectacular look and, at the same time, a stylish, elegant shape.

The basis of the hairstyle, regardless of its style, remains the design of the strands - the hair is shortened most quickly at the crown and occipital zone - this creates additional volume that can be modeled and beaten depending on the type of face.

Strands can be as short as possible - they can be laid down, slightly entangled, or they can be long, reaching to the clavicles. The top layer of this hairstyle is an exact copy of fashionable short options - “square” and “bob”.

Notice how spectacular the silhouettes of creative female haircuts for long hair in the photo:

The combination of two figures at once: a clear and graphic design of the crown strands and a free one - with waves - the volume of the remaining curls - one of the most interesting and fashionable stylistic decisions of the season.

This hairstyle, even with minimal styling, looks great on naturally wavy or curled hair.

But for absolutely straight and smooth hair there is a spectacular option - the design of the entire external contour is not exactly “along the ticker”, but with the angle, this is how the texture of thick hair is emphasized.

For thin hair, it is preferable to design the contour with cut "feathers" - this technique allows you to add volume curls.

In the trend - asymmetry, and this trend has affected, including, and hairstyles for long curls. This is a great option for owners of absolutely straight and thick hair - only with such a texture, the drawing of a hairstyle will reveal all its advantages.

See how the master performs creative haircuts for long hair in this video:

Creative haircuts with bangs for long hair: stylish hairstyles

These hairstyles, in the first place, emphasize the individuality of the appearance and bring into it nuances that literally transform it. But in today's trends there are practically no radical stylistic decisions, such as shaved whiskey, for example, in combination with curls. Creative haircuts for long hair are very feminine, thought out and done with the help of techniques that allow you to save the "salon" styling with minimal home care.

One of the most feminine options offered by stylists is creative haircuts for long hair with bangs. There is one small but important secret in choosing such a hairstyle: the style of the hairstyle itself must necessarily have a contrasting pattern. For example, long cascade trimmed with long feathers and flat or rounded “school” bangs up to the eyebrows or slightly lower.

Smooth, neatly trimmed and wave-layed curls are combined with "ragged" air bangs, trimmed with thin strands. The asymmetrical long bangs will add originality to the hairstyle design. It looks great both in a shortened version - above the eyebrow line, and in a very long one - in this case, it literally merges with one of the side strands.

Any, but ideally matched bang type, is an extra bright touch that makes the design of the hairstyle unique. Especially stylish they look in the variants of hairstyles on long curls, combining neat "cap", made as "square" or "bob" and long, decorated with deliberately carelessly long strands.

See how to make creative haircuts for long hair in these photos:

The bangs of the owner of long curls are usually wary - one wrong wave of scissors can lead to complete disappointment. But the styles of bangs, trapped in today's trends, force to change this opinion.

The style and design of the bangs are chosen exclusively individually - there are simply no fashionable standards for them. And the fringe itself can change not only the haircut pattern, but also the appearance as a whole.

The only condition is that you can only entrust your curls to a highly skilled master - creative haircuts are complex in execution, and most importantly, are always selected individually.


An excellent example of creative haircuts will be asymmetric styling with elongated strands. In the course of its creation, the master uses the maximum of fantasy, as with the help of such haircuts on long hair, you can get additional volume or, on the contrary, remove it. Asymmetric styling is a great opportunity to create an individual look. But how does the haircut asymmetry on medium hair with bangs, can be seen in the photo in this article.

On a photo - a hairstyle asymmetry:

Each girl can create an original hairstyle, if you comb the fringe on the side and stab her with a beautiful hairpin. And for the most daring, there is a model of a haircut, in which you need to shave your temples.

These models of creative haircuts on long hair will suit those ladies who prefer a bright look and are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. In the packing of this type there are elements of asymmetry. In addition, when creating hairstyles, the master can use different variants of hair coloring.

This may include traditional highlighting or collation. Thus, the hairstyle will look very interesting. Another popular painting option will be the use of several shades that will highlight the strands.

How does weave a braid on long hair with a ribbon, will help to understand the information from this article.

What hairstyles with the help of the corrugation for long hair are the most popular, described in detail in this article.

But what hairstyles for long hair with elastic bands are the most beautiful and quick to make, it is indicated here:

But how beautifully to collect long hair with your own hands will help to understand the information from the photos and videos in this article.

This style is characterized by asymmetry of hair, a long bang, which falls on the eyes, rich shades of hair with bright contrasting strands. Accessories such as a bow and bezel are used to complement these trendy haircuts. Black hair with strands dyed in white, orange and red will look impressive.

Often haircuts in emo style for long hair involve the use of styling tools when styling. Such girls perform bouffant at the crown, and the hair located in front pulls. Bangs can be twisted or fully straightened.

At first glance it may seem that the cascade is a classic haircut for long hair. But this is far from the case, because this haircut can be creative. To do this, you must use a little tricks. For example, the bangs may be asymmetric or oblique, and hotel locks of the hairstyle will turn white or red. This will give the image of originality and creativity.

The cascade differs from the ladder in that the treatment is carried out not only on the tips, but on the entire length of the hair. Their haircut is carried out with the use of gradual transitions. It is being laid at an angle, and lengths may be different. Laying of this type is perfectly combined with any type of person. In addition, it visually gives the volume of hair. Very nice looks on it highlighting. The cascade can be combined with a wave, with a bang or even without it. Whichever version of the cascade haircut you perform, be sure that your image will be creative. But how does the haircut cascade on liquid hair look like in the photo, as well as how difficult it is to make such a haircut, is detailed in the article.

This version of the haircut also looks very impressive and creative on the long head of hair. In addition, the hairstyle is universal. With its help, you can remove unnecessary volume or, on the contrary, create it if necessary.

Suitable ladder for any type of person. The line runs down from short hair to longer. Hairstyle looks very impressive on a little curly hair or straight strands. Laying can be done in different ways, so you can create an unforgettable look. But ka haircut looks like a medium hair, you can understand if you watch the video in this article.

Long caret

This hairstyle has a very stylish and elegant look. Due to the volume that the styling gives, it is possible to stretch a round face, and the elongated one, on the contrary, will visually take on a square or round shape.

The bob can be laid using a hairdryer or curling iron that will create dramatic curls. Haircut can be performed with bangs or without it. What is the hairstyle curly hair on curly hair, as well as how difficult it is to make. help to understand the information from this article.

On curly hair

If a girl has curly hair, then this is no reason to abandon creativity. You can, of course, constantly straighten hair with a flat iron, but then it will negatively affect the state of hair. With such hair cascade graduation looks very good. It will give styling ease, and curl elasticity.

You can also use carving or long-term styling. It is not so harmful. Wavy hair offers great opportunities for creating creative haircuts. These include soft curls of different lengths, afro, as well as lion's mane. No less impressive looks styling, which combines smooth and curly hair. For those who want to learn how to style curly hair of medium length, it is worth looking at the photos and videos in this article.

Haircuts with coloring

To create a creative haircut for long hair, you can use this painting technique, as coloring. Thanks to this trick it is possible to give styling volume and shine. Innovative coloring techniques used on long strands, can extend to the entire volume of the hair or select only individual strands.

Creative haircuts for long hair can be presented in a wide range. Each of them eliminates different problems and gives the image an original look. You can add a haircut bangs, which is oblique, smooth, thick and asymmetrical. No less attractive will look creative haircut with strands, painted in a different bright color.

Pros and cons of creative haircuts

Before you decide to take such a step, you need to weigh the pros and cons, so that the result will not surprise and please you, and not vice versa.


  • You will always stand out from the crowd
  • Add extra confidence
  • You will look younger, fresher, more modern
  • Ability to hide facial defects using asymmetry
  • A wide selection of fashionable dyeing and styling


  • Mandatory thinning that damages and weakens hair
  • Some haircuts require daily styling.
  • Regular visits to beauty salons to keep haircuts in shape
  • Headwash frequency will increase

Creative short haircuts

Perhaps the options for fashionable creative haircuts for short hair, there is the most. Unusually trimmed or laid in front bangs, shaved temples, asymmetry or a hedgehog in the back, all this can be done on short hair. Clarity or a complete mess on your head will create you a vivid and memorable image.

Pros and cons of creative haircuts

If you are going to unusually cut hair, girls often doubt. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of creative haircuts.

  • look bright and incredibly impressive: This is a chance to show your individuality, to differ from the rest and attract a lot of attention,
  • many variations: based on the basic version of the hair, you can come up with a dozen of its varieties,
  • many craftsmen make good discounts: they want to create a creative, to which ordinary customers rarely agree,
  • ideal for creative people The addition of a bright stage image, its own zest, which makes the "star" recognizable.

There are disadvantages:

  • must be laid daily: just wake up, comb and go "in people" will not work,
  • surrounding reaction: you risk to earn the condemnation of parents, grannies at the entrance, the boy’s disagreement with the change of the usual gray image to a brighter one,
  • discrepancy official dress code: Not all companies are allowed to work with something challenging on their heads.

If you are not afraid of the reaction of others, they are loyal to their appearance at work, and you are ready to spend a certain amount of time on care and styling, you can safely go to the salon and surrender to the master who will create something creative on your head.

For short hair

Modern creative haircut is an exclusive thing that is created and suitable for a particular girl. It emphasizes the shape of the face, hair structure, character, style of dress, physical characteristics, lifestyle.

Quite often, creative hairstyles for short hair suggest some experiment with dyeing hair in different shades or selection of strands. In this case, colors can be in harmony with each other, as well as contrast. Often this is done in order to highlight and clarify the haircut lines.

Creative hairstyles can be made on the basis of classic haircuts. At the same time, one detail can act as an unusual accent - a fringe, a curl, a pigtail, a strand.

Sometimes the main creative feature of the hair is color.It fills it with energy, gives hair a special grooming, luxurious shine.

With the help of coloring and shaving on the hair, you can create ornaments, fancy patterns and even paintings. Shades of color and its saturation is not limited.

Another feature of creativity is disproportionate and asymmetrical forms and strands. The latter can be any length, sometimes they come over each other.

The combination of curly locks and shaved temples looks quite original.

A special piquancy hairstyle gives coloring ombre and styling in the form of Mohawk.

For medium length

At first glance, it seems easy to make an unusual styling - just do anything. In fact, it can only be created by a professional master using special tools, the latest progressive techniques and means of painting and styling.

In this hairstyle may be present parts that seem incompatible:
voluminous bouffant with sharp corners

weaving with clear geometric lines,

symmetrical stepped strands.

The creation of creative disorder on the head looks quite creative and relaxed when the hair is tangled and directed in different directions.

Or vice versa are collected in fancy shapes.

For long curls

On long hair, you can make a lot of creative hairstyles. One has only to experiment with the shape, color, volume or length. The hairstyles look like frozen sculptures.

It is worth trying to create shape asymmetry on long hair using weaving

or even shave some of the hair.

Always original on long hair looks like a game of colors, shades and contrasts. If you do not dare to dye your hair, you can use bright overhead strands. And from time to time to change them.

Many understand the word creativity as extremes and therefore do not decide on such styling. But such are, as a rule, only podium variants of hairstyles, they look defiant and unacceptable for everyday life.

With the right approach, even the most ordinary styling bundle can become creative, just need to creatively approach its design.

If you correctly place accents and emphasize them with the help of a form, then even without accessories you can create a stylish and elegant look.

Quite often, brides become the ideological inspirers of stylists when creating new hairstyles, because every girl dreams of looking unique, bright and original on this day.

For the original design of a wedding hairstyle, sometimes it is enough to use non-standard ribbons, stones, flowers, sparkles.

Haircuts for long hair

One of the most fashionable and beautiful haircuts for long hair is a cascade. It not only looks great, but also helps to solve a lot of problems, as it is easy to fit and gives volume. The cascade is a stepwise smooth transition from the crown and the back of the head to the ends of the hair. The cascade can be laid in curls of different sizes, in a natural or casual style, and an additional advantage is that it will suit both lovers of bangs and those who do not wear them.

Such fashionable haircuts for long hair, like a cascade, have gained popularity due to the fact that they:

  • Perfectly combined with any types of highlighting and brondirovaniya.
  • Suitable for any face shape and hair type - thick, rare, soft or hard.
  • Take a minimum of time in preparing daily or holiday hairstyles.

Tightly holds its position among the popular ways to cut curls and ladder, which is a smooth transition from short to long strands. Most of all, such a haircut is suitable for smooth and even curls, and on curly hair there may be some problems because of their obedience. The ladder, being a spectacular hairstyle, gives the head of hair volume and dynamism.

Torn haircuts

Creative haircuts for long hair with a torn effect are becoming increasingly popular. They can be both symmetrical and asymmetrical. Their main feature is a clear geometry and strict accuracy of the lines. Since these haircuts look spectacular with different types of coloring, they are chosen mostly by younger girls, lovers of highlighting for long hair and coloring individual strands. More stringent options that look great on brunettes and brown-haired women are chosen by older women. This type of haircuts needs careful styling, because without it, a torn hairstyle can look awful.

Hairstyles for long hair

A great advantage of chic curls is that on almost any haircut you can create beautiful and tall hairstyles for long hair. High hairstyle, which with certain skills can be done in half an hour, will look organic at a party or an evening reception. To create voluminous hairstyles with lengthening, you must have a hairdryer, styling mousse, stealth, or other convenient barrettes. First, apply the mousse on the strands and blow dry with the hair tilted down. Then you can leave several strands around your face, and brush the rest of the curls back, dividing it into several strands and twisting. The resulting bundles must be carefully secured. And also with the help of Invisibles or, for example, hairpins with rhinestones, it is necessary to fix the hair on the sides so that the extra strands do not fall out.

If you want to diversify high hairstyles for long hair or make them more striking - the original hairpieces and special pads will not only help you create an incredible hairstyle, but also greatly simplify the process. A great addition to this hairstyle will be highlighting for long hair, but when you raise the curls will not always notice the color. The thing is that most of the time highlighting at a great length is done only superficially so as not to spoil the curls. However, if you wish, stylists will take into account your wish and the internal strands of contrasting color will emphasize the voluminous hairstyle. Approach the creation of your image as creatively as possible, and beautiful haircuts for long hair will help you in this matter!

What is a creative haircut?

Most often, when the words “creative haircut” are heard, pictures of models defiling on the catwalk with extraordinary creations on the head pop up in our heads. However, it is necessary to separate the image of alternative art in the world of fashion and real vivid images for everyday life. After all, creativity is not something vulgar, absurd and pretentious, although it presupposes the presence of original taste and fantasy. The word "creative" is translated as "creation" or "creativity." Therefore, a creative haircut involves the creation, which diversifies your style due to the variety of forms, the contrast of the length of different strands and original coloring.

Variety of bright haircuts

We have outlined the general idea of ​​creative haircut as hairstyles using various extraordinary techniques and colors in a burst of creativity and imagination. But sometimes such a haircut requires creativity not only from the master, but also from the user himself.

Creative haircuts for long hair

When hair grows back, there is the problem of giving it volume. Here you can find out how to make volume on long hair. The solution may be volumetric styling, styling, and gentle blow-drying.

Creative hairstyles for long hair

For decoration of long haircuts, there is a mass of creative solutions that will allow you to freely change the image and adapt to these or other circumstances: daily walks, work, social events or dinner with parents. But in truth, little has changed: all the same classic cascades, elongated squares, ladders and others. But in fact, their appearance from each epoch is improving and striking in its originality. Stylists and hairdressers complement the hairstyle with various bangs, graduations, layers and other nuances:

A long "ladder", or "steps", provides a huge number of options for laying:

  • Gives to rare and thin hair of volume, pomp and dynamism,
  • Curling strands in or out, which will give the image a flirty character,
  • The front curly locks that fall freely and the rest of the hair in an elegant bun at the back are great for an evening event,
  • Straightened hair can lengthen a face
  • Thick curls will make a narrow face proportional.

Long ladder, or steps, on long hair

Long ragged haircuts due to razor-cut hair tips create the effect of lightness:

  • Does not fit thin and sparse hair,
  • Original looks with thick hair,
  • Effectively combined with brightly or contrastly colored tips,
  • Of the hairstyles, the hair looks best on the side.

Long, ragged haircuts

Slanting haircuts are always created with the help of specially designed elongated bangs.:

  • Require careful maintenance
  • It is based on any classic hairstyle,
  • The hairstyle is chosen strictly according to the shape of the face.
  • “Cascade” with oblique bangs is considered the most popular option.

Slanting haircuts for long hair

Long bob and bob haircut for long hair are suitable for many:

  • Laying takes no more than 15 minutes
  • Thin hair look bigger
  • Small curls will have to straighten,
  • It is harmoniously combined with light split bangs.

Long hair with thick smooth bangs look great:

  • Bangs up to the eyebrows focuses on the eyes,
  • Milled bangs with jagged strands soften facial features,
  • Asymmetrical bangs below the eyebrows visually rejuvenate the face.

Unusual coloring

When you want to change so much, but you don’t want to make radical changes with the length of your hair, creative hair coloring is ideal. The most popular are two options: block and stencil dyeing. With the right selection of shades and appropriate location, some images look very elegant and delicate:

  • Block dyeing for long hair occurs by dividing them into blocks and dyeing the upper layers in different colors with durable paint,
  • Stencil dyeing, or futuazh, best emphasize your originality, giving your hair a semblance of feathers, lace or leopard spots.

As you can see, there are beautiful haircuts for long hair in various geometric and color versions, especially if you are ready to say goodbye to some of your long curls. There is no limit to fantasy.

Photos about the creative coloring of long hair

The photos show various variations of interesting dyeing of long hair.

Ombre staining

Contrast staining

Curls coloring


Geometric staining

Pearlescent staining

Graduated haircuts

Stylists claim that on long hair, always look great graduated haircuts, which, on the one hand, allow you to add extra volume (his long hair is often deprived), and on the second - make the image a little bold, making it more dynamic and fashionable.

These haircuts perfectly complement the layered bangs. However, you should always pay attention to the features of your face. If it is round, choose oblique bangs, but if the face is oval, then experiment with straight, short or long bangs - choose the one you like, because the ideal face shape allows it.

Today, in a trend torn graded haircuts - thanks to them you can do all sorts of hairstyles in the style of "Grand." However, such hairstyles require an appropriate style, which should be manifested in a general way: in clothes, shoes, accessories, make-up. Then the haircut will look natural, but not ridiculous.

Haircut "Ladder"

It would seem that the ladder is a classic, traditional version of the hairstyle. However, it can also be performed in various ways. As in the first case, the ladder gives the hair volume, making it more lush. You can curl your hair, curling it either up or down, depending on the situation.

Are you going to an evening event and want your hairstyle to become more elegant? There is nothing simpler and at the same time advantageous than to tighten the hair in a tight tight bun, leaving a few loose curls in front. Despite the fact that this hairstyle is performed in a couple of minutes, it adequately beautifies any look.

"Torn" haircuts

Continuing to talk about current hairstyles today, it is worth remembering about all kinds of "torn" haircuts. Today, when the hairdressing art amazes with an abundance of creative, non-standard and incredible ideas, it's a sin not to try to make a stylish masterpiece on your long hair!

To perform a ragged haircut, the master cuts off the ends of the hair with a razor, thereby creating the effect that the hair was deliberately carefully cut off, thus making it easier. Of course, this option is not a hairstyle for thin hair - on them a haircut will look poor and scanty, but if you are the owner of thick hair, then this is just your option. You can comb your hair to the side, paint the ends in contrasting bright shades - with such a haircut you will always be the center of attention.

Slanting haircuts

Oblique haircut for long hair is performed due to the long bangs of oblique forms, which are especially popular today. Exquisitely decorating bangs, you can create a holistic, elegant image, combining classics and notes of insolence. By the way, this haircut is suitable for almost all owners of long hair.

However, do not forget that long hair with bangs of a similar shape need special attention. In this case, you need to focus on the shape of the face. As mentioned above, in such haircuts, the emphasis is on bangs. Make sure it blends in with your face. By the way, the classic cascade hairstyle with bangs looks radically new, unlike its standard version.

Haircuts with long bangs

If you have long straight hair, they will look amazing with thick, smooth and straight bangs. This option is especially suitable for girls whose face is perfectly oval. It is desirable that the length of such bangs was approximately to the eyebrows, because it draws attention to the eyes, making the look deeper, softer and more expressive.

Another option is a bang with torn strands of different lengths. This contrast allows you to soften facial features, giving it femininity and tenderness. Bangs of this form hides disadvantages, if any. Choose oblique or asymmetrical, stepped or graduated bangs - your image will be not just feminine, but also playful, youth and trendy.

Round face: features haircuts

A round face has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account when choosing a haircut. The first option, which is absolutely suitable for a round face, is hair combed back. In this case, the bang is better to comb to the side or not to leave it at all. Increase the back of hair, starting from the chin. On the sides, leave large curls.

Ordinary straight hair in a cascade hairstyle can extend a round face. This is just that multi-layered haircut that allows you to leave absolutely any arbitrary length. If the ears are covered, the bangs can be either short or longer. Pay attention: if you have a round face, then, choosing a bang, stop the choice on multi-level options.

The face of the oval shape: features haircuts for long hair

The owners of the oval face, perhaps, should be envied - any hairstyle and any length of bangs will be suitable in this correct form. If the forehead is wide and the chin is long, slightly wavy large curls will help make the face more proportionate.You can twist hair on hair curlers or put them with a hair dryer and a large comb.

Perfectly fit an oval face and bulk luxury strands on the sides. A high “horse” tail will further emphasize the correctness and accuracy of the features and lines of your face. But direct parting is not recommended - it is better to choose a parting of an asymmetric shape or a scythe, in the form of a zigzag.

Long hair: the rules of competent care

Of course, long hair is very demanding in the care. They are often tangled, their tips are split and broken, and the hairstyle is devoid of volume. How to do so to avoid these problems? It is very important that the hair retain its thickness and volume. To help you come masks, rinses, sprays and balms. There is a huge arsenal of folk remedies that will help maintain long hair in excellent condition. This will be discussed further.

The first rule, which is important to never forget - shear the tips every six weeks. In this way, you will allow your hair to get all the beneficial ingredients from the care products. In addition, cut hair "breathe", thereby accelerating their growth.

The second tip - stop the choice on cosmetic preparations, which are based on oils, extracts and nourishing creams. Do oil masks several times a week. Get macadamia and coconut oil for your hair. No less useful is shea butter and olive oil. You can apply one of them or combine oils. It is recommended to apply oil for several hours, warming the hair with a plastic hat and a towel.

Take note of a good folk recipe that fights split hair. To do this, you need egg yolk and lemon juice, just a few drops. Mix these ingredients and apply the mixture on slightly damp hair. Work the ends well, then roll the hair with a braid. Leave such a mask for about thirty minutes, then wash it off and rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs.

You should not constantly use a hair dryer - use it only when you have really little time, and you are in a hurry. Performing daily hairstyles, you do not need to tightly tighten your hair and bandage them with hard rubber bands - it is better that they are covered with textiles.

Long hair is a wonderful decoration given by nature. Not so easy to keep it in excellent condition. So that the hair is always healthy, silky and soft, it is very important to eat and get enough sleep - lack of sleep and vitamins and stress adversely affect the overall condition of the hair. And properly selected creative haircuts for long hair and competent care will allow you to always look amazing.

Ripped cascade

This version of the creative haircut is now at the peak of its popularity. The usual cascade of order fed up: but the same hairstyle due to the trimmed ripped strands is transformed beyond recognition.

The only caveat: stacking a haircut cascade on long hair is a must. We'll have to wash my hair every day, and then priests with a hairdryer or iron. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look careless and untidy.

Particularly impressive is the ragged cascade with strands dyed using the coloring technique. It can be symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Hairstyles with shaved temples

Now female haircut with shaved temple on long hair is at the peak of popularity. This hairstyle is very functional, because depending on the type of styling, you can drastically change your image.

The master shaves his temple on one side, and you can wear a haircut in different ways, changing the parting. Even parting in the center of the head - and you are an ordinary long-haired girl, and your shaven temple is not visible to anyone. Side parting - and you are a creative Madame with long hair on the one hand, short - on the other. Looks particularly impressive when combined with suitable outfits daring image.

Coloring, as addition of unique style

Creative haircuts themselves look very vivid and memorable. But in order to look even more spectacular, you can paint curls in modern techniques. For example:

  • ombre technique: staining with two contrasting colors from dark to light with a smooth transition,
  • highlighting: the main part of the hair is not colored, only fine strands are brightened, evenly, around the entire perimeter of the head,
  • shatush: the hair is lit up randomly, with separate strands all over the head,
  • Coloring: coloring individual strands in different colors - from soothing brown hues to extravagant bright ones,
  • stencil: paint on the strands make a certain pattern on the stencil, it looks very unusual, ideal for short haircuts and shaved areas of the head.

There are very extreme options: curls make blue, green, purple and any other colors of the rainbow. You can dye your hair in one tone, or make a transition from one color to another.

It is better to discuss coloring options with a professional master: we do not recommend trying to arrange your haircut yourself.

Features of styling and care

Putting most creative haircuts necessary. Otherwise, they will not look stylish and non-standard, but rather badly. It is best to use for this hairdryer and brushing - a round brush. In order not to harm the hair, the bristles should be natural, and for combing you need to use a wooden comb.

You will definitely need styling products: wax, gel or mousse for styling. They securely fix hair, and it will look perfect throughout the day. Do not forget to use thermal protective equipment: it is necessary. Otherwise, with time the hairstyle will turn into a pitiful sight: the hair will begin to split, fall, lose shine.

Simple weaving for long hair: types and techniques of creation

Read more about the palettes and the use of hair colors Ciess here.

As a finishing touch to make hair shine, use professional indelible means with silicones: serums, emulsions, oils. They will protect strands from wind, cold, mechanical damage, due to the formation of the thinnest invisible "silicone" film.

Regularly make nutritional masks: for dyed hair it is better to buy professional products, natural cosmetic oils are suitable for natural hair. Proper care and styling will ensure the beauty of hair for a long time.

An example of creating and styling a creative haircut for long hair, look at the video


The beauty of a woman begins with the tips of her hair. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable haircut and coloring, which will fully correspond to your lifestyle and image. Creative hairstyles - a godsend for creative, active girls who love to stand out and are always in motion.


Watch the video: Easy Hair Style for Long Hair. TOP 26 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Compilation 2018 #Part 25 (July 2024).