
How to grow a beard in 90 days?


I have been playing tennis for almost five decades. I really love this game and get the ball well, but I'm far from the level at which I would like to be.

I had been thinking about it over the last few weeks, because for the first time in many years I took the opportunity to play tennis almost every day. The quality of my game has improved and improved. There were several moments when I played exactly the way I have long wanted.

And almost certainly I can become an excellent player, although I’m almost 60 years old. Until recently, I was convinced that this was impossible. For most of my adult life, I took on faith the exceptionally strong myth that some people are born with special talents and skills and that the ability to succeed in a particular business is mainly determined by our genetic code.

Over the past year, I have read at least five books, as well as many scientific works, which convincingly said the opposite. And another one I wrote myself, “The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working”. It provides guidance for systematically improving one’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual abilities based on scientific evidence.

In our work with top managers from dozens of different organizations, we found that a person is able to develop any skill or ability with the help of the same systematic exercises that we exercise our muscles: we stretch them until we leave the comfort zone, and then we relax. William Durant wrote in his commentary on Aristotle that 2000 years ago the philosopher quite correctly understood the simple thing: "We are what we constantly do." When using specific techniques, our clients radically improve their skills in various areas: empathy, concentration, creativity, awakening of positive emotions or the ability to relax.

Like anyone who studies efficiency, I am deeply indebted to the wonderful Anders Eriksson, perhaps the most distinguished high performance researcher in the world. For more than two decades, Ericsson has defended the thesis that it is not innate talent that determines our success in some business, but rather how hard we are willing to work. This he calls "conscious practice." Now many researchers agree that 10,000 hours of this practice is the minimum necessary to achieve mastery in any complex area of ​​knowledge or skills.

This statement inspires us to feats. It assumes that we have a remarkable ability to influence our lives. But at the same time it scares. One of the main discoveries of Ericsson is that training is not only the most important component of perfection, but also the most difficult and least enjoyable.

If you really want to succeed in something, this includes a continuous exit from the comfort zone, as well as frustration, struggle, obstacles and setbacks. And this is not only when you want to constantly improve yourself, but also in the event that you only need to stay the same. But in return, you get a tremendous sense of satisfaction from the fact that you have achieved perfection through hard work.

So, here are six steps to achieve excellence, which we consider the most effective from the experience of our customers.

  1. Go for your dream. Interest is a great motivator. It nourishes concentration, perseverance and perseverance.
  2. Start the day with the hardest work. Our instincts tell us to move towards pleasure and away from pain. Eriksson and other scientists have discovered that the true masters of their work postpone the satisfaction of other needs and are engaged in hard work or training in the morning, before starting other tasks. It was then that most of us work at a maximum with a minimum of distractions.
  3. Practice intensively, without interruption, in short portions no longer than 90 minutes, and then rest. It seems that 90 minutes is the maximum amount of time we can spend in utmost concentration on any type of activity. There is very convincing evidence that great people practice in this or that business or activity no more than four and a half hours a day.
  4. Look for feedback from the professionals, but communicate with them in small portions. The simpler and more specific the feedback, the easier it will be to make changes to the existing mode. Too much and frequent remarks can lead to mental overload and anxiety, which can interfere with learning.

I consciously practiced playing tennis for years, but I never did it for so many hours a day, which would lead to truly high results. But now something has changed: I no longer scold myself for the fact that my game is not perfect. I know exactly what sacrifices will be required to achieve such a high level.

I currently have too many other priorities to pay so much attention to tennis. But I am very happy that I am still able to significantly improve my game (or any other skill). And you too.

The most convenient way to grow a beard on vacation. Or in "unshaven"

The first two weeks of growing are especially difficult. And if you still need to look good at work, then the temptation to quit will be stronger. Therefore, many future bearded men began their journey during the holidays.

For those who had slept on a hot beach, it was as if they had invented “Unbroken”: the global No Shave November movement against male cancers, in support of which men refuse to shave for a whole month. For many, this action became an incentive for themselves and an excuse for those around them: "I don’t shave because I support a charity event." True, the essence of the action is not only not to shave, but also to donate the savings to a special fund.

Step 2: what is given by nature

The decision is made, the oil activator is waiting in the bathroom. Now you need to pull yourself together and not touch the beard for a month. Yes. This is hard. Hair will grow unevenly. Some faster, some slower. Some bunches, some pleshlinkami. A beard will look sloppy. This is normal. You need to show willpower and continue growing.

The most unpleasant minus is itching. The beard will itch. Moreover, the hairs will grow to such a length that they begin to tickle and tingle the skin. Especially in the neck and under the nose. Wearing scarves and collar items can aggravate discomfort. Start using scrub and beard oil from the first week of growth.

Beard oil - every evening

At the initial stages of growing a beard, oil can be used daily: in the morning or in the evening, as you like. Beard oil is a special blend of skin and hair oils, often enriched with vitamins. The oil will soften the tough hair, moisturize the skin, and itch less. The oils in the mixture are selected in such a way as to bring the maximum benefit to the beard, but at the same time not to make it unpleasantly greasy and not to clog the pores on the skin. And vitamins, most often, it is vitamin E, strengthen the beard and help it grow faster. Do not try to collect the oil yourself, if you do not want to clog pores and get acne.

A month later it becomes clear that you are actually given by nature. Someone grows a beard faster and thicker, someone slower and less, someone almost does not grow.


In the model range of men's jewelry skipper beard occupies a leading place. Its feature is:

  • in the hair shaved on the cheeks,
  • in a small length of bristles, repeating the contours of the cheekbones,
  • in a strip of hair, located from one ear to the other, passing through the lower part of the chin,

A strip of hair, located from one ear to another

  • the skipper's beard is combined with a mustache, the length of the hairs of which should be slightly longer than on the main element of the image,

Caring for the bristles on the face of men is simple and consists of regular trimming to a certain length with scissors.

Beard requires constant care

How to make a beard and mustache your own hands

To independently make a skipper's beard, you first need to grow it in its full form, without performing any operations with it.

Full beard

Successful modeling of the English element of style requires the gradual implementation of activities.

  1. Growing the bristles to the length of hairs in one centimeter.
  2. Cutting the bristles across the entire face to a length of four millimeters.
  3. The formation of the upper and lower edges.
  4. Shaving the bristles under the lower lip
  5. Shave stubble on cheeks and neck.
  6. If the image provides for a mustache, then it is necessary to form them and correct them for the chosen shape.
  7. It should be borne in mind that this element of appearance is suitable only for men whose bristles are growing rapidly and evenly.

The beard is suitable only for men whose bristles grow quickly and evenly.


Care for the bristles and skin of the face involves no less effort than regular care for the hair of the head.

Facial hair requires regular trimming of the contours with scissors or a razor with a special nozzle, and in the necessary places and shaving

Unshaven neck causes unpleasant associations, so it is necessary to pay attention to it first.

All procedures are recommended to be carried out at least twice a week. In the case of the model with long strands for their washing should use emollient and moisturizing shampoos.

Features classic beard

Short full beard is released throughout the growth zone of facial hair. Thick bristles should cover the cheeks, chin, part of the neck, connecting with the mustache and whiskers. The ideal length of vegetation for a short variation of the classic beard is 1.5-2.5 cm. Depending on the intensity of hair growth, the necessary length of bristles to create this model grows within 10-15 days.

A full short beard, densely covering the face, should have clearly defined contours, a correct semicircular base and form a bundle with whiskers and whiskers without any breaks and transitions. Men highly appreciate this model due to its naturalness, moderate brutality and not particularly capricious care. Also important is the fact that, according to surveys, it is this type of beard that attracts the overwhelming percentage of women.

Who is short full beard

First of all, this model is suitable for those men whom nature has awarded with thick facial hair. If you have a good growth of bristles and a mustache with a beard form a single bundle, then you are a suitable candidate for this model.

The second no less important point is the shape of the face. Every beard holder should strive to ensure that the vegetation helps in creating attractive outlines of the facial oval. Traditionally, such is considered to be square or oval.

For men with a triangular face, a full beard will be a real find. It will help to visually compensate for the volume in the lower part, thus expanding the chin, giving it extra masculinity.

A favorable visual effect of such a beard will bring to the appearance of men with a pear-shaped face, which has the inverse problem - too massive chin. A full beard, turning into thick sideburns, visually smooths the dominance of the wide chin, creating the correct shape of the face.

Beard shaving technique and aftercare

The basis for the creation of such a model is a thick bristle, a length of at least 6-7 mm. Shaving, trimming and trimming sideburns should be completely abandoned for the period of growing. The bristles should naturally lie down over the entire growth zone of the hair. The algorithm of shaving classic Russian beard is simple.

1. Using a trimmer with a nozzle, the bristles on the entire face are evenly trimmed to 5-6 mm.

2. All the same trimmer, but without a nozzle, or a regular razor on the neck creates a border of hair growth.

3. Lower neck smoothly shaved.

4. Similarly shave unwanted hair on the cheeks, forming a straight line on the border of their natural growth.

As the hair grows, the beard is neatly trimmed, clipped protruding hairs and maintain the cheeks and neck in a tidy condition. With a small length of bristles, a beard, as a rule, retains a symmetrical shape in a natural way.

Peculiarity of the skipper's English beard

In the model range of men's jewelry skipper beard occupies a leading place. Its feature is:

  • in the hair shaved on the cheeks,
  • in a small length of bristles, repeating the contours of the cheekbones,
  • in a strip of hair, located from one ear to the other, passing through the lower part of the chin,

A strip of hair, located from one ear to another

  • the skipper's beard is combined with a mustache, the length of the hairs of which should be slightly longer than on the main element of the image,

Skipper's Beard

Caring for the bristles on the face of men is simple and consists of regular trimming to a certain length with scissors.

Beard requires constant care

How to make a beard and a mustache with your own hands

To independently make a skipper's beard, you first need to grow it in its full form, without performing any operations with it.

Full beard

Successful modeling of the English element of style requires the gradual implementation of activities.

  1. Growing the bristles to the length of hairs in one centimeter.
  2. Cutting the bristles across the entire face to a length of four millimeters.
  3. The formation of the upper and lower edges.
  4. Shaving the bristles under the lower lip
  5. Shave stubble on cheeks and neck.
  6. If the image provides for a mustache, then it is necessary to form them and correct them for the chosen shape.
  7. It should be borne in mind that this element of appearance is suitable only for men whose bristles are growing rapidly and evenly.

The beard is suitable only for men whose bristles grow quickly and evenly.

Secrets of care

Care for the bristles and skin of the face involves no less effort than regular care for the hair of the head.

Facial hair requires regular trimming of the contours with scissors or a razor with a special nozzle, and in the necessary places and shaving

Unshaven neck causes unpleasant associations, so it is necessary to pay attention to it first.

All procedures are recommended to be carried out at least twice a week. In the case of the model with long strands for their washing should use emollient and moisturizing shampoos.

There are special shampoos for washing beards

The choice of style, depending on the appearance of a man

Initially, the English skipper beard characterized belonging to the maritime profession.

Currently, this element can be used by any man who wants to emphasize his individuality and uniqueness.

Especially this beard is suitable for a trapezoidal face, the masculinity of which will be emphasized by a strip of hair passing along the border of the cheekbones. In this case, the lower part of the jaw will appear visually smaller. It can visually reduce a sharp or square chin.

Gaining popularity in wide circles of beard requires care and adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

Proper nutrition with essential elements in the diet in the form of fruits and vegetables

How to make a beard grow faster and thicker at home

In order for it to grow quickly, it has healthy and shiny hair. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of hairdressers:

  • Compliance with the mode of the day. Sleep should last at least eight hours. This is enough for the follicles of the hair follicles to recover.
  • An active lifestyle provokes the production of a male hormone - testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of hair on the body of a man.
  • If possible, eliminate stressful situations from life that adversely affect the body as a whole, including the hair.
  • Refuse from the harmful effects on the body of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Regularly care for the skin of the face, using emollients and moisturizers.
  • To increase the rate of hair growth, you can use castor or burdock oil, rubbing them regularly into the skin of the face.

To increase the speed of hair growth, you can use castor or burdock oil

Jabot beard can be intact after growing. In some cases, taking into account the individual features of the oval of the face, the shape and location of its elements on it: eyes, lips, cheeks and lips, shaving of hair in the cheek area is allowed.

Shaving hair in cheek area

When creating an image with a full beard, the upper part of the cheeks and the area above the lip is shaved. Neck hair is removed everywhere except under the lower jaw. Haircut is done in oval or round shape.

This style is suitable for owners of a thin face. The shaved skin area on the cheeks can be of various shapes and sizes, depending on the size of the hair on the face and its width.

Finishing an element of a fashionable trend, stylists recommend holding a shading, which has its own characteristics on hair of different colors. On dark hair shading provides a smooth transition, and on light hair a sharp break is made. Possible option information scissors hair to "no."

Also, depending on the hair color, stylists recommend choosing the appropriate form of shaving of facial hair. For dark - use a trapezoidal shape, and for light - oval or round.

The owners of dark hair is not recommended to apply the style of a full beard. In such situations, a necessary element in the formation of a brutal image is shaving the cheeks.


Watch the video: Beard Growth Time Lapse of 90 Days. Greg Berzinsky (July 2024).