
Masks with honey for lightening hair


Lighten your hair with affordable and safe ingredients. We have already talked about the brightening of the ox with honey, and now let's take a closer look at how to use honey and lemon to lighten the hair. You will not only bring a light shade to your curls, but also heal, improve your appearance and give a shine. Even if you are very careful about your hair, you can safely try lightening the hair with honey and lemon.

Beneficial features

Honey is a unique product that has collected more than 400 trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Honey wraps give softness, moisturizing and healthy look to the curls. And also the bee product is able to eliminate the peeling and dryness of the scalp, a beneficial effect on the hair follicles.

Lemon is useful for curls due to the content of vitamins and essential oils. It helps to eliminate the problem of fat, dandruff, nourishes the strands and gives them a glossy shine. Effectively works on any type of hair.

How to get brightening

Honey contains a chemical component that, under certain conditions, releases hydrogen peroxide. Oxidants in chemical paints work on the same principle. Thus, honey will not only restore and moisturize the strands, but also make them a couple of shades lighter.

Lemon bleaching properties have been known for centuries. Oriental beauties used lemon to lighten their beautiful curls. All thanks to the acid, which penetrates into the structure of the hair and partially discolor the dark pigment.

These components can lighten the strands both individually and in mixed form. It should be understood that natural components can lighten strands by no more than three shades. Dark-haired girls will get a dark blond color; on blond heads, the method will work more efficiently and will give a more obvious clarification. On black, the result will be virtually invisible. The reaction of each organism is individual, therefore it is rather difficult to predict the final result. You can conduct a trial staining on inconspicuous strands.

Ways of clarification

Honey clarification is made with a course of wraps (preferably at night) of 5–10 procedures. To do this, honey is applied in a clean and naturally dried curls with honey in a liquid state. Next, you need to wrap the strands with a film, wrap a towel and stand for several hours, then rinse with shampoo.

Lemon works best when paired with the sun. Spray freshly squeezed lemon juice and water should be abundantly sprayed onto the strands. Take a sun bath for at least 2 hours. After rinse hair with shampoo and feed balm.

Perfectly brightens the curls at home, essential oil of lemon.

Attention! Lemon has a drying effect. In order not to damage the hair, add a little conditioner to the spray. During and after lightening use moisturizing masks.

A mixture of two products can effectively lighten and heal the strands, improve their structure.

Lemon-honey mixture

For cooking you will need to mix in equal proportions lemon juice, honey and olive oil. The mass should not come into contact with the metal, otherwise the appearance of green shades on the hair. The mixture should be applied with a brush or cotton sponge on the strands along the entire length. Then they need to be fixed, wrap them with polyethylene or foil, wrap with a towel and stand for 2-4 hours. The procedure is completed by washing with shampoo and your favorite care product.

The specified coloring composition is the basis to which you can add other components. This will make the hair even more alive and elastic. Instead of olive oil, you can use another favorite oil. The composition can be entered:

All products are available and easy to use. They should be introduced into the mixture in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons per 100 g of base.

Useful Lightening Tips

Lemon-honey mixture works best with warm temperatures. To avoid overheating, it should be left for 15–20 minutes at the hot plate.

The composition may not be washed from the first time. The remains of the mask can be left on the curls and remove them with the following shampooing. For this reason, discoloration is best done on the eve of the weekend.

You should not use a mask in the presence of wounds, severe irritation. Contraindication is also an individual intolerance to any component.

For naturally dry hair, we suggest using vegetable oils to lighten the hair.

We offer some more effective ways how to turn into a blonde with the help of folk remedies:

For those who doubt the effectiveness of folk methods, we will help you choose the most gentle cosmetic products for bleaching curls: lightening hair cream, rich in vitamins and nutritious components balm for hair lightening or a harmless lightening hair spray.

Useful composition of honey

Everyone knows that honey is the most valuable product, characterized by excellent taste and healing properties. The healing effect of honey on hair is due to its unique chemical composition:

  • vitamins (A, B, C, E) promote hair growth, stabilize the production of sebum, prevent the appearance of early gray hair, eliminate dryness, brittleness and section, give the curls a rich color,
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, copper) counteract the loss of curls, strengthen the roots, restore the damaged structure, normalize greasy secretion, eliminate brittleness and dullness, make hair color more vivid,
  • fructose and glucose moisturize dry and damaged strands, giving them smoothness, softness and silkiness.

The mask with honey allows not only to lighten the hair, but also to have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect on them. The weighty advantages of hair lightening with honey are its absolute harmlessness and pleasant aroma (unlike chemical dyes, the effect of which is extremely detrimental to hair and which have an unpleasant ammonia smell). In addition, the honey mask washes away the old paint from the strands without harming them.

Honey mask allows you to lighten the blond strands, so brunettes and brown-haired women like this blend are recommended not for lightening hair, but for use in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

How to lighten hair

Today, nothing is impossible to change the appearance does not exist. Quickly get rid of black hair is not difficult, but, starting such a procedure, it is necessary to remember about the condition of the hair.

  • Brightening in 2-3 colors. Get rid of black completely will not work immediately, but the spectacular coloring and highlighting of hair can change the appearance for the better.
  • Paint remover from hair. Those times when this procedure was applied only in expensive hair salons and salons, have long passed. A series of professional tools have already appeared on store shelves, in particular, for dyeing hair from hair. Using them is not difficult: you need to apply the cream on your hair for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Hair after this simple procedure becomes noticeably lighter. But it is always necessary to remember that washing has a negative effect on hair, although to a lesser extent than clarifiers.

Even burning brunettes sometimes want to try on the image of a blonde and see themselves with golden-blond curls. Lightening with chemical preparations helps to achieve this goal, but they severely damage the strands, making them dry, split and brittle. Qualified experts advise to prefer products of natural origin.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Lemon Lightening

Lighten the curls without the help of chemicals - the dream of many of the fair sex. But as everyone knows, the frequent use of brightening dyes causes great damage to vegetation. Unnatural blondes usually have exhausted, brittle curls that look lifeless. You can lighten your hair with lemon by yourself at home.


Lemon for lightening allows not only to achieve results of dyeing, but also to strengthen the hair. In the recipes of homemade masks, this fruit is quite common. In addition to being a natural component, it contains a huge amount of vitamins that are beneficial for the scalp and hair follicles.

Lightening with lemon will not help you to become a blonde, but after the first procedure you will notice that the hair has become 1 tone lighter.

The main effect of lemon is hair lightening, which is due to the high content of organic acids. Brightening hair with lemon helps eliminate the following problems of scalp:

  • weakening
  • lack of shine

Unlike most chemicals, the essential oils contained in lemon juice do not cause any damage to the hair follicle and skin. The only drawback is the drying effect, which is easy to avoid. To prevent scalp and curls from drying out, you need to mix an additional softening component with lemon juice:

For lightening the hair with lemon remedy use different recipes. It is better to choose a suitable version of a mask or rinse, focusing on the features of the type of hair. While preparing the product, the proportions should be kept, but the total amount can vary depending on the length and density of the hair.

Simple recipe

The simplest recipes, how to lighten hair with lemon, is the use of pure fruit juice or its mixture with ordinary water. If you use lemon without other additives, it should be borne in mind that this option is only suitable for people with healthy scalp and strong hair. With excessive dryness of the treated area, you need to choose another method..

To lighten the curls with lemon juice, you need to squeeze the liquid from a large fruit and apply it to the full length. Then wait for the drying of the hair and wash their heads. You can get an instant effect if after applying the product to go to the sun for 1.5 hours. Of course, in the cold season it is impossible to do this, so this option is relevant only in the hot season.

Despite the rapid result that can be achieved, it should be understood that the hair can become very dry from the sun, so you will need to regularly make moisturizing masks.

You can also make a rinse, which will give a light effect of lightness, but will add shine and silkiness to the curls. Rinsing liquid is made with lemon and water (for 1 l of water - 5 tbsp. L. Of juice). Rinse the head immediately after shampooing.

Lightening hair with honey and lemon is one of the most effective recipes for achieving a lighter tone and strengthening of the hair. The mask is prepared from a mixture of citrus juice and honey. The mixture is made with an aspect ratio of 1: 1 and applied for eight hours.

One application of a mask with fruit juice and honey can achieve a lightening result of one or two tones. But after the fifth-sixth procedure, the hair becomes noticeably lighter, and the overall condition of the hair also improves.

Integrated mask

For dyed curls the complex means of lightening and simultaneous healing of the hair is ideal:

  • lemon juice (4 tbsp.),
  • chamomile (25 g),
  • hot water (0.2 l),
  • honey (4 tbsp. l.).

To prepare the remedy begin with steaming herbs with boiling water. The cooled (warm) and filtered broth is supplemented with fruit juice and honey. After that, a mask is applied to dry hair. The action means - at least one and a half hours.

For owners of dry scalp and weakened hair, staining can greatly harm. In order to get the desired tone, you need to perform hair clarification with kefir (0.1 l), citrus juice (4 tbsp. L.), Egg and brandy (0.1 l).

The mask is spread over the entire hairline and a shower cap is put on top. Make the procedure better just before bedtime. Wash their hair, just waking up in the morning.

Kefir and lemon juice - the perfect combination that contributes to the rapid lightening of the hair in two or three tones.

Despite the naturalness of the components, use a product with kefir and lemon should not be more than once every two weeks.

Positive reviews and deserved mask with citrus, olive oil and cinnamon. Each of these components in itself has a lightening effect. In the complex, these products give a unique effect.

Preparing such a tool without much effort and cost. In a bowl, mix cinnamon (3 tablespoons) with lemon juice and olive oil (0.1 l). Six tablespoons of a homemade balm are added to the mixture for application to curls.

Masked cover hair. After three to five hours, wash your hair with shampoo. Additionally

With hydrogen peroxide

Lightening hair with peroxide and lemon has been used for many decades. Hydrogen peroxide gives the maximum result even with the original dark tone. For the procedure, you will need to mix fresh lemon juice (10 ml) with hydrogen peroxide (50 ml). The resulting liquid is poured into the sprayer and evenly cover it with all hair. The hair should be moistened very well. Wash your hair in 20–40 minutes depending on the original color.

All the above recipes, with the exception of the use of hydrogen peroxide, have a positive effect on the condition of the hairline. But is it possible to lighten hair with lemon?

Lightening hair with lemon in most cases requires several procedures to achieve a visible effect. Much depends on the structure of the hair and on how well the recommendations on how to carry out the procedure at home are followed.

To prevent an undesirable result in the form of an unnatural color of curls or their damage, you should use several tips:

  • use only fresh fruit,
  • Do not replace natural citrus juice with citric acid,
  • staining is better in a month or two after applying chemical inks,
  • you can not do the procedure after perm,
  • Before dyeing it is necessary to test the product on one strand,
  • it is undesirable to do the procedure more often once a week.

Lemon juice brightens and strengthens hair, making them real pride. Therefore, if it is possible to avoid coloring with chemical paints, then it is better to give preference to a natural remedy.

Is it possible to lighten the hair with chamomile

To achieve an effect similar to the use of bleaching compositions, it is impossible by means of plants. If you ask the hairdressers whether the chamomile brightens the hair, experts will answer that blondes with its help can give the curls a soft glow and make them brighter by a maximum of one tone under the condition of regular use. Dark strands will simply acquire a golden sheen and shine in the sun.

Chamomile hair rinsing for lightening

To prepare a natural bleaching solution will require environmentally friendly natural raw materials. Chamomile pharmacy is perfect - hair clarification will occur gently and without damage. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the described plant, irritation, dandruff and peeling will disappear.

It is important to do chamomile hair brightening every day - after one treatment, the effect will not be too noticeable. The expressed results will appear at least in a month.

Chamomile decoction for lightening hair

Both fresh flowers and dried raw materials are suitable for the manufacture of the presented product.

  • Chamomile flowers - 30-40 g,
  • boiling water - 220-240 ml.

Washed vegetable raw material to fill with existing boiling water, quickly stir and cover the container with a lid. Wait until the decoction cools, strain it. Chamomile bleaching hair, rinsing them with the resulting solution after each shampooing. It is undesirable to dry the curls under a towel or by means of a hair dryer, it is better to let them dry naturally.

Brightening hair with chamomile and lemon

Citrus juice contains a lot of acid, which has pronounced bleaching properties. The option under consideration, how to lighten hair with camomile, will help to give a golden shine even to dark strands. It is necessary to apply such a mask frequently and for a long time, over several months, in order for the result of the procedures to be clearly visible.

The recipe for lightening hair with chamomile for brown-haired women and brunettes

  • boiling water - 220-230 ml,
  • flowers of plants - 7-8 st. spoons
  • lemon - 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil (any) - 35 ml.

Boil the herbal base in boiling water, then the solution on the steam bath for about 25 minutes. Cover the broth with a tight lid, wait for it to cool. Strain the mixture mixed with fresh juice, extruded from one lemon, and oil. Available means apply on the entire surface of the strands, wrap with cellophane. After half an hour, remove the cap, give the curls a little dry. Wash off the bleaching mask with a mild shampoo.

Lightening hair with chamomile and glycerin

The proposed drug makes blond or blond braids bright and shiny, gives them a healthy glossy shine. Such a chamomile hair clarification can serve as a way of washing them. A mixture of cosmetic glycerin and plant base gently cleanses the strands, often used instead of shampoo. It is recommended to apply it not daily, but in a day or less.

Chamomile mask for lightening hair

  • dried flowers of the plant - 150-160 g,
  • water - 500-650 ml,
  • highly purified glycerin - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Boil the water, pour it with a grass base. Until the solution has completely cooled, do not remove the cap from the container. Strain the chilled composition, mix it with cosmetic glycerin, shake for 8-9 minutes. This tool to wash your hair, carefully massaging the strands. After 1-1.5 months, the curls will get a yellow-golden hue and bright luster.

Brightening hair with chamomile honey and lemon

  • pharmaceutical flowers - 25-35 g,
  • water - 1.25 cups,
  • May honey - 45-55 g.

Boil clean water, steam it plant base. Allow the infusion to cool completely. Filter the solution, squeeze the precipitate in the form of swollen flowers. Mix the resulting liquid with honey. Apply the composition as a standard mask. Leave it on strands for 2-2.5 hours. From above, it is better to wear a warming cap. After the procedure, wash your hair thoroughly with a silicone-free shampoo.

Brightening hair with chamomile and peroxide

The latest technique of bleaching curls is very effective, it provides a change in the shade of even dark strands.

Chamomile and hydrogen peroxide hair lightening

  • vodka (or a mixture of water and alcohol) - 600 ml,
  • flowers (fresh or dry) - 150-160 g,
  • hydrogen peroxide concentration of 3% - 50-55 ml.

Vegetable raw materials washed under the tap. Let the water drain, put the flowers in a glass bottle. Fill the base with vodka, close the container tightly. Put it in a cool room without light. After 2 weeks shake, strain. Add hydrogen peroxide to the alcohol brew and mix the liquids. Saturate a cotton swab with a solution, smear it with strands. Leave on for 30-45 minutes.

After performing the bleaching need to wash your hair with shampoo. It is advisable to use organic hygienic cosmetics that will not damage the curls. Hairdressers are advised to additionally apply a nourishing or moisturizing balm. You can also compensate for the harm from the proposed method of clarification and homemade natural masks.

Top 10. How to wash the paint off the hair at home

There is not always an opportunity and desire to visit salons, therefore effective home ways will come at the right time.

Let's make a performance rating.

  1. Professional tools are recognized as the most miraculous. They will help you quickly and painlessly save you from unwanted color. It is not necessary to use the services of expensive salons. Buy a product with a suitable price in the store and follow the instructions.
  2. Well baking soda mixed with shampoo helps, with proper application and massaging you will get rid of the hated color in one application.

Lightening rules

The procedure for clarification with honey at home does not require special skills and training, however, for its effective implementation, it is necessary to follow several rules:

Rule 1. Before dyeing, you should thoroughly wash your hair with traditional shampoo, without using any masks, conditioners or rinses after washing. You can add a little bit of a half-spoon of soda to the soap solution, which will cleanse your hair of dirt and grease.

Rule 2. It is necessary to properly prepare honey. To do this, take a few spoons (depending on the length of your hair) honey and melt it in a water bath, not boiling. Or simply dilute the product with several spoons of warm water. Do not use a microwave for heating, as the useful properties of honey are lost with this method.

Rule 3. Now, directly, you need to apply the product to the hair. To do this, lightly towel dry your hair, comb them, distribute into equal strands and smear each of them with honey, paying close attention to the tips and roots. After that, make a light massage of the head to enhance the effect of the natural product. Wrap the hair in a plastic bag, and wrap a terry towel over the top. Leave such a mask for at least ten hours. That is why the best option would be to make the procedure of clarification at night.

Rule 4 After the indicated time has elapsed, rinse the honey thoroughly with warm water, and then rinse the hair with chamomile extract or with a solution based on lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

IMPORTANT! To brighten hair with honey at home, you must use only a natural product.

Hair Mask Recipes

For those who want to lighten their hair with honey, but do not want or can not spend on the procedure for ten to twelve hours, you can use amazing honey masks with the addition of various ingredients that enhance the effect of honey.

Mask with honey and cinnamon: Mix cinnamon powder with liquid honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply to hair, then wrap the head with a plastic cap. After three hours, wash off the mask.
Bleaching hair with honey and lemon: mix in a ratio of 1: 1 liquid honey, lemon juice and any oil. Put the mask on your head, as in the previous recipe. Wash hair in two hours.

Lightening honey and chamomile. Before you prepare the mask, you need to make chamomile decoction (2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers pour boiling water, let cool). Then mix chamomile decoction, honey and lemon juice. Put on curls and a half to two hours.

Mask with honey for hair

If you dream of healthy, beautiful hair, then a simple mask with honey will help you. Honey contains many vitamins, minerals, microelements that gently care for hair, strengthens roots, activates metabolic processes, nourishes and restores curls, relieves dandruff, and gives hair a golden hue.

The mask with honey is done 2 times a week, for a half to two months. Then you can reduce the number to one time in 7 or 14 days. For masochki necessarily taken natural, slightly warmed honey. This bee product in its pure form has a rather aggressive effect on the hair, therefore it is recommended to use it together with any other components: egg, natural oils, dairy products, milk, etc.

The classic mask is honey + olive oil. Mix 4 tbsp. liquid honey and 5 tbsp. oils. Apply to hair, wrap, wash in one hour with warm water. If you regularly use such a tool, you will get rid of many problems arising from hair, and become the owner of luxurious, healthy and shining curls.

Hair mask with egg and honey

The mask with egg and honey is probably the most popular hair care product at home. But, besides great popularity, this mask has a miraculous effect on the state of the curls.

Mask with egg and honey:

  • reduces hair loss,
  • normalizes the sebaceous glands, makes the curls less greasy, as a result, the frequency of washing hair decreases,
  • increases volume, makes curls obedient,
  • gives hair a beautiful glow, shine.

To prepare masochka mix 2 eggs with 3 tbsp. honey First, beat the eggs well, and then add a little liquid honey. Apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length, not forgetting the roots. Cover the head with a plastic cap, cover with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, wash off the mask, rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs or a solution of lemon juice.

Hair mask with honey and brandy

Hair mask with honey and brandy, perhaps one of the most effective in combating hair loss, dandruff, oily seborrhea, excessive dryness. Regular use of such a tool makes the curls more docile, silky, elastic, smooth, reduces their loss. Maska is also a great way to restore damaged hair after a perm or frequent dyeing, hair, it activates the growth of hair follicles, nourishes the bulbs with oxygen.

Make a mask with honey and brandy is simple: mix one yolk, 1 tbsp of l. cognac, 1 tsp liquid honey. Put the mixture on the hair, not forgetting the roots. Keep the mask under a plastic cap for about 30-40 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Hair mask yolk and honey

Strengthen the hair, reduce their fat content, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, give the curls a beautiful shine and radiance, you can use a universal mask with honey and egg yolk. To cook it, take: 2 egg yolks mix with 1 tbsp. liquid honey. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. any natural oil (olive, burdock, castor). Apply the product on the hair, including the roots, and wash it off with 30–50 minutes of warm water and shampoo. After the procedure, it is very good to put perfume on wet hair, by the way, perfumery is wholesale in Moscow and therefore it is possible not to save it.

Honey mask with kefir

If your locks suffer from avitaminosis, fall out, break and split, need nutrition, then you will certainly be helped by a honey mask with kefir. It perfectly restores the structure of the curl, nourishes and moisturizes the hair, protects them from mechanical and thermal effects, eliminates dandruff and intense loss, gives the curls a radiant, healthy and beautiful look.

Take 50 ml of kefir or yogurt mixed with 15 ml of liquid honey and one egg. Apply masochka on hair, hold for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo. To get rid of hair loss, conduct a course of procedures: at least ten masks once or twice a week.

Alena, 25 years old
“I recently tasted a little mask with honey and red pepper. The effect is stunning, the hair has ceased to fall out, become thicker, more voluminous, and have a delightful radiance. However, whoever wants to make such a mask, be careful, allergies can occur. If after applying the product, the head will be strongly baked, immediately wash off. Burning when exposed to a mask is possible, however, it must be tolerated. ”

Margarita, 19 years old
“I tried to dye my hair with honey and cinnamon. I have blonde hair, so I didn’t see any particular change in color, however, the curls became shining, they are beautifully golden in the sun. In addition, I lost dandruff and head itching. "

Larisa, 28 years old
“I have very dry hair, therefore I am saved only by honey masks. I make it with various components, but most often I use honey in combination with natural oils - olive, castor, almond. The result can be seen immediately after the first application, however, it is bad that it lasts for a short time, you have to do the mask twice a week. ”

Recommendations for use

Lightening hair with a bee product is a long procedure that requires patience and time. To mask with honey produced a quick effect, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not forget to exclude allergies to honey by testing this product. Smear the ear or wrist with a small amount of honey and watch the reaction.
  2. Honey and other ingredients of the mask must be natural and fresh.
  3. The best option for lightening hair is acacia honey or linden.
  4. Bee product should be liquid and warm (should be heated to 35-40 ° C, no more).
  5. For a quick effect, it is recommended to include other brightening ingredients (lemon, cinnamon) in the mask.
  6. The mixture should be homogeneous.
  7. Wash hair thoroughly with a herbal-based shampoo with baking soda (a quarter of a teaspoon), then rinse well. Do not use any balms, conditioners and other similar products.
  8. The mask is applied to clean, damp hair. Do not forget to massage the mixture into the roots and epidermis of the head.
  9. After applying the mask you need to wrap cellophane and a warm towel.
  10. The duration of the session - from 1 to 10 hours (the longer, the better the result. The best option - applying the composition for the whole night).
  11. To remove the mask, use warm water, then rinse the hair with chamomile extract (or lemon acidified water).
  12. To obtain a visible result of clarification with honey will require at least ten procedures.

Knowledge of these nuances will help make the process of lightening the hair easy, useful and as effective as possible.

Simple honey mask

Smear washed, moist curls with warm honey and warm. Keep the mask for at least 10 hours, and best of all, leave for the night.
In addition to lightening for a couple of tones, the hair will become soft, smooth and silky, its growth is activated.

Mix cinnamon powder with honey (equal proportions) and smear the resulting composition strands. After 4 h, the mask is washed off.
The mixture with honey and cinnamon also allows you to strengthen the roots, improve blood flow in the roots and epidermis, accelerate hair growth, stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands, add shine, silkiness, smoothness and softness to the curls.

Prepare a mixture of honey, fresh lemon juice, olive oil (according to UF). This composition we smear curls, wash off after 2 h.
Lemon-honey mask not only brightens the hair, but also nourishes it strenuously. This composition is recommended for owners of oily hair because of the drying properties of citrus.
Council Olive oil can be replaced with burdock or castor oil.

Mix kefir (two tablespoons) with honey (three tablespoons). Apply the mixture on the hair, wash off after 1 h.
Kefir-honey mask, in addition to the lightening effect, is recommended to combat alopecia, restore damaged structures, nourish and moisturize dry strands, eliminate dandruff.

Honey mask conditioner

Mix the bee product (50 ml) and hair conditioner (100 ml). The resulting composition is used after each hair wash (instead of the usual conditioner).

These simple homemade masks will allow girls with blond curls to get the desired shade in a short time, and it is absolutely harmless, but, on the contrary, with benefit. The condition of a head of hair after application of the clarifying honey masks will considerably improve, its growth will accelerate, she will receive necessary food and moistening, problems of dandruff and split ends will be solved. This is the beauty of lightening curls with honey.

For whom is the method suitable?

Brightening hair with lemon is the choice of those who decided to become lighter by 1-2 tonesAlso, blondes who wish to maintain their color for a long time can use this method. Of course, such clarification requires patience (it may take several procedures to achieve the desired result), time does not promise burning brunettes to be ashy blondes. However, it also has certain advantages: the result obtained after clarification with citric acid will be very natural, which no paint, and not even the most professional master, can achieve.

Moreover, a mask with lemon juice will have a beneficial effect on the general condition and health of hair.

What is the use of lemon?

As you know, this sour fruit has found its use not only in cooking, it is used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, for medical purposes. Lemon juice is even used to clean surfaces.

Lemon is good for hair because:

  • Strengthens.
  • Restores structure.
  • Eliminates dandruff.
  • It adds shine.
  • Struggles with excessive loss.

For this you can thank the essential oils that are in this yellow fruit, as well as vitamin C and ascorbic acid. All this, in addition to these properties, contributes to the clarification of curls.

It is worth noting that improper use of lemon can drain the hair. Therefore, in no case is not recommended its use on the hair in its pure form.

The main method of clarification

There are several ways to brighten the hair with a lemon at home, let's start with one of the most effective.

You will need 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (which takes an average of 4-5 fruits) and a little conditioner or any other caregiver to avoid the danger of overdrying. In addition to such a simple recipe, you will need at least two hours of free time and a pulvelizer. It is best to resort to using this method in the summer or late spring.

  • Mix the conditioner thoroughly with lemon juice and leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
  • Next, mix again and pour the composition into a spray bottle, due to which the distribution of the hair will be more uniform.
  • Spray the mixture onto the hair. Instead of a spray, you can apply the mixture with a brush. If you want to lighten only a few strands, then you can process them with juice with citric acid using cotton wool moistened in it.
  • Then comes the most crucial part - the next two hours you will need to stay in direct sunlight. Therefore, we recommend that you first prepare a comfortable place and spread yourself with sunscreen.
  • After the first hour has elapsed, spray the mixture again.
  • In the end you should wash your hair in the usual way.

You should not expect an instant result, the clarification process should continue for some time. This recipe is easy to implement during the holidays, when you, for example, bask on the beach. In this way it turns out to combine immediately pleasant with useful.

Lightening Mask Recipes

There are other recipes lightening using lemon. All of them are easily made at home and additionally help get rid of problems with hair. Let's get acquainted with the most interesting.

Mask number 1:
Known to lighten hair with honey and lemon. Honey, like lemon, can lighten hair. Mix these two ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and apply on hair for several hours, then rinse with regular shampoo without using a balm.

This recipe is suitable even for dry hair, because honey has a softening property, moreover, it nourishes your curls with numerous useful trace elements.

Mask number 2:
The following mask implies clarification of the head of flower with chamomile. The recipe is as follows: 25 g of the plant should be poured 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour, add 4 tablespoons of honey and lemon juice, then apply to the hair. The mask should affect the hair for at least one hour. Next, you will need to wash the composition from the hair with regular shampoo.

Chamomile lightening, among other things, also gives a soft golden hue to hair (like in blondes and brown-haired women), which undoubtedly is an additional advantage of this medicinal plant.

Mask number 3:
To make it, mix turmeric with chamomile at home in a ratio of 1: 3, add the rind of one lemon, cover with 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator and applied daily to the hair.

In combination with chamomile, there are still many recipes for lightening hair, which opens up a large space for you to experiment. So, with chamomile mixed in various oils, lavender and even saffron.

Mask number 4:
If you are not afraid to get a light red or golden hue, then the following mask, cooked at home, is your choice. In the usual mixture of honey and lemon, add 1 spoon of olive oil and 1 spoon of natural cinnamon. Apply to the hair mixture is necessary, like any other of the above mixture.

Valuable advice

To avoid possible mistakes during the hair lightening with lemon, and also to learn some new things, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some of the nuances and interesting facts below:

  • Do not use citric acid in bags or juice, which is sold in the store.
  • You can substitute a lemon with lime, which will show exactly the same result.
  • Apply lemon should not be on the hair, which was previously painted with chemical dyes.
  • Before and after clarification (for several days) refrain from visiting the pool. Hair that came into contact with bleach may turn green after masks with lemon.
  • Burning brunettes are recommended to first lighten only a thin strand, since the result can be completely unpredictable: from light clarification to turning into red.

The influence of lemon and honey on the condition of the strands

Honey contains a huge amount of macro-and micronutrients, vitamins. It makes no sense to list them - it’s not for nothing that they say that this beekeeping product contains the entire periodic table. One has only to say that honey is especially rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for metabolic processes in the body, tissue regeneration, and therefore, for the growth of strands. There are extremely many minerals in it, without which the formation of new cells of integumentary tissues, which contribute to the preservation of moisture in the cells, is impossible. Additionally, it should be noted that this product sticks together the scales of the hair shaft, thereby restoring it.

Lemon is known to be extremely rich in vitamin C, which enhances the body's defenses and promotes regeneration. But this fruit also contains vitamins B1, B2, A, E, as well as other valuable elements, including organic acids. Due to this, lemon juice moisturizes the strands, making them radiant.

It is less known that both honey and lemon have a lightening effect, but it is nonetheless a proven fact. Especially this property is enhanced by mixing products.

Thus, a mask based on lemon and honey is capable of:

  • restore the structure of the hair rods,
  • eliminate greasy strands,
  • give the curls a healthy glow
  • strengthen hair from the roots, moisturize them, make obedient,
  • slightly lighten the curls.

With proper application and a well-chosen recipe, a mask based on the above-mentioned products will benefit any type of strand, and for greasy curls it will be a real salvation. It is only important to observe elementary precautions - to test products for the presence of allergies to them, because honey causes an allergic reaction in many.

Mask for shine or lighten hair

  • honey - 70 g,
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.

  • Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of it. The result should be about 50 ml.
  • Mix the juice with 70 g of natural honey - these are about two large spoons. If honey is candied, it will first have to be warmed so that it becomes thinner. To preserve all the vitamins contained in this product, it cannot be heated very much, therefore it is best to melt it in a water bath. This applies to the preparation of any masks with him.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly so that the honey and lemon juice form a smooth mass.

Spread the honey-lemon mass in curls. Remove the curls under the polyethylene beret. Wrap your head with a warm scarf or towel. The time to leave the mask on the hair depends on what effect you want to get: to lighten the strands it should be more than two hours, you can even leave the mask for the night, and to make the curls shine without lightening you should not hold the mask for more than an hour . It is desirable to apply the mask on clean wet strands. If this requirement is met, then it can be washed off without shampoo, although it can still be used. For dry hair, this tool is suitable only if it add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil. The best effect will be in this case, olive and castor.

Mask to restore the strands

  • lemon - whole for oily hair, half - for dry,
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.,
  • honey - 100 g

  • Squeeze out the right amount of lemon juice. For dry hair, it is enough to take the juice from half of the fruit; for oily hair, its amount should be doubled.
  • Mix with honey juice. Honey is taken a lot, so the mass will eventually come out quite thick.
  • Pound yolk with honey-lemon mass. It should be completely homogeneous.

This mask can be applied not only on the curls themselves, but also on their roots. Creating a "greenhouse effect" with a hat and a towel will increase the effectiveness of the mask. It will restore the structure of the hair shafts and restore the former beauty to the curls. However, for this it should be applied regularly (once or twice a week) for at least one and a half months. The maximum course duration is 2 months. The mask also has a moisturizing effect on the strands, stimulates their growth, especially if you add a spoon of burdock oil to it.

The mask with honey and lemon is easy to prepare, pleasant to use. At the same time, its effectiveness for the restoration of curls at home is proven. Even with a single application, it will give them a vibrant glow. However, lasting results will be achieved only with regular use of the tool.

Masks with natural ingredients

Most often from the listed components do the clarifying masks. A lot of recipes, consider a few of them.

Chamomile recipe:

  1. Made a strong decoction of chamomile: 250ml. water, 50ml. glycerin, it turns out the mask.
  2. The resulting composition is applied to the head.
  3. It is better to cover it with a film or a scarf.
  4. It must be kept for an hour.
  5. After the allotted time, the head washes.

Lemon Recipe:

  1. You can not just use lemon juice, it must necessarily be diluted with other components to soften. Pure lemon juice can damage the scalp.
  2. The following composition is made: the juice is squeezed out of one lemon, diluted with water 1: 3, a decoction of chamomile is added (the decoction is made from half a pack of medical chamomile and a glass of boiled water), and castor or olive oil is added 2 tbsp. spoons.
  3. The mixture is applied to the scalp.
  4. It should be left on the hair for 1.5 hours.
  5. After, the head washes.

Cinnamon Recipe:

  1. A mixture is made: take ½ cup of honey, 4 spoons of table cinnamon or conditioner with it, all components are mixed in a wooden or glass container, this is done to avoid oxidation.
  2. First, wash your head.
  3. The resulting composition must be distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  4. Head need to cover up something.
  5. The mask should hold on the head for at least 1 hour.
  6. After the allotted time, you need to wash your hair.

Rhubarb recipe:

  1. Initially, you need to prepare the composition for clarification: the root of the clarifying component is taken, its pair of sprouts, 500 ml of boiled water or white wine.
  2. All ingredients are mixed in a small saucepan. It should be put on a slow fire.
  3. You need to boil the ingredients until the liquid is half the size.
  4. The resulting mask is cooled.
  5. Then everything is done as in the previous recipes, only the mask is left for 30 minutes.
before and after lightening the hair with honey

Honey recipe:

  1. Honey for clarification can be used in its pure form, without mixing it with anything.
  2. First, wash your hair, only in a shampoo you need to add ¼ tsp of soda.
  3. Honey is applied to still dry hair.
  4. Head covering for something.
  5. This mixture is made overnight.
  6. After sleep, you need to send in the shower and wash off the honey.

before and after kefir mask

Kefir recipe:

  1. The mixture itself is prepared: 20-40 g of fresh kefir, cognac or room temperature water are taken 2 tablespoons, 1 chicken egg, 1 teaspoon shampoo, juice is squeezed from half a lemon.
  2. All ingredients are mixed and whipped.
  3. The composition is applied to the surface of the scalp.
  4. It is left there for 8 hours, so the procedure is best done at night.
  5. After sleep, the head washes.

Nettle Recipe:

  1. From the nettle, a decoction is made rather than a mask.
  2. Takes 1 tbsp. spoon chamomile and nettle and cooked decoction.
  3. The resulting broth is filtered.
  4. They can rinse hair after washing.

Beer recipe:

  1. You need to take 500 ml of any live beer.
  2. It should be applied to the entire length of hair.
  3. The composition is left on the head for 2 hours.
  4. Beer is better to use without dyes and preservatives.
  5. After 2 hours head wash.

Hydrogen peroxide:

  1. First you need to buy it in a pharmacy, it must be 3% interest.
  2. Pour it into the fan.
  3. Spray their hair regularly.
  4. This recipe is suitable only for the fat type, as hydrogen peroxide is very dry.

How many tones brighten the mask?

  1. A mixture of chamomile brightens one tone, with constant use of 2.
  2. The composition of lemon is able to clarify the tone.
  3. Cinnamon can slightly shade hair.
  4. Rhubarb brightens by 1-2 tones.
  5. Honey not only brightens the hairline by one tone, but also nourishes it.
  6. Kefir can lighten hair by almost 2 tones.
  7. Beer brightens for 1-2 tones.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide lightens even dark hair, by 3-4 tones.

The composition and properties of honey

If there are still people among the readers who are skeptical about honey, then we will give an invincible argument in his defense - we will list the useful honey properties:

  • Vitamin C to maintain the body's defenses at altitude.
  • Folic acid to enhance growth and improve the quality of tissues, including hair.
  • Vitamin E - an indispensable fighter for the beauty of nails, skin and hair.
  • Vitamins of group B - natural hair growth accelerator.
  • Vitamin K - A serious assistant of the circulatory system, ensuring its smooth operation.
  • Beta carotene - A natural antioxidant, filling every hair with power and beauty.
  • Fructose and glucose for nutrition and vitality.
  • A whole complex of minerals, trace elements and natural resinsbeneficial effects on the female body.

Such a rich assortment of useful elements is able to provide simply magical effects on female beauty. Consider honey in more detail as a cure for hair.

The mechanism of lightening hair with honey

Even in ancient times, Russian beauties achieved wheat-colored hair with honey masks. True then, they did not think about how this happens and what is the magic secret of their sweet dye.

Literally in recent decades, scientists, thanks to high-precision analyzers, have managed to confirm their long-held conjecture: honey contains hydrogen peroxide.

Where does it come from? This is not the easiest chemical process. But briefly, the iron contained in honey interacts with oxygen with the participation of glucose oxidase. In the course of these interactions, it is hydrogen peroxide that is known for its antibacterial and whitening properties.

It is important to note!Different types of honey contain different amounts of peroxide. Its highest content is noted in lime honey, the least - in sunflower.

Every woman, who has never even used hair lightening, knows about the effect of peroxide on pigments and hair dye. From this substance, especially when creating a favorable environment with a pH of not more than 4, there is clarification or even bleaching. All honey masks for hair clarification are based on this principle.

Pros and cons of honey lightening

Much has already been written about the benefits and benefits of honey. If you want to lighten your curls, at the same time give them health and natural shine, then of course, yes, and yes again, honey brightening! 🙂

However, it is worth remembering that this procedure is far from fast. If you are not distinguished by titanic patience or the possibilities of your free time are limited, it is better not to take up the hair lightening with honey.

Note!Honey brightens the hair in an extremely gentle way, so it must last for a visible result.

Honey compositions are applied to the clock, and even the whole day or night. Moreover, depending on the initial shade of hair, it may take up to 10-15 procedures.

Another point is the golden hue. Honey gives the hair a soft warm color, it is able to eliminate the unpleasant chemical yellowness resulting from store staining. But ashen blond or blond from the cold gamma, using honey clarification can not be obtained.

Indications and contraindications for hair lightening with honey

The use of honey is desirable

Honey masks are prohibited

If you are firmly resolved to brighten hair with honey, then it is worthwhile to competently approach the choice of a sweet brightener. In addition, to increase the intensity of exposure and to obtain a faster and more obvious result, experimentally, beauties selected components that perfectly complement honey.

How to choose honey to lighten hair

To get a good result from hair lightening with honey, you need to pay attention to the quality and freshness of honey. The more fresh the honey, the more hydrogen peroxide it contains, so it will be better to lighten it. The composition preferably choose lime or acacia collection.

Ways to check honey:

  1. Fire test. When heated on an open fire (for example, on a spoon over a candle flame), natural honey will only become thinner, while the surrogate product will begin to caramelize or burn with the characteristic aroma of burnt sugar.
  2. Iodine drop will reveal a fake, if when it is added to honey, it will change its color.
  3. Hot water test. Quality honey dissolves in water without residue. Any sediment is an extra impurity.

Best friends for lightening hair with honey:

  • lemon,
  • cinnamon,
  • distilled water,
  • hair conditioner,
  • kefir.

To achieve the best result and receive gratitude from your hair, you must follow a number of honey clarification rules.

General recommendations for the procedure of hair clarification with honey

  1. Step one : hair cleansing

Which is easier than washing your hair. Some do it several times a day. But to further brighten the hair with honey, there are a couple of important nuances. Hair shampoo should be as simple as possible, let it be a tool from the lower price segment (the one that stands in the corner on the bottom shelf of the supermarket). This shampoo will contain the smallest amount of auxiliary components (silicone, dyes, etc.). To the usual portion of shampoo, you will need to add a pinch of soda (about a quarter of a spoon), stir and thoroughly rinse your hair with running water. It is this cleansing that will completely remove greasy dirt and chemical residues from previously used hair products. At the same time, soda will soften and open hair scales.

  1. Step Two : hair drying

That's right, we have not forgotten anything. After washing the hair, it is immediately dried. Additional use of balsams and conditioners is prohibited! They create a protective film that will negate the effects of honey.

Hair is dried quite a bit, only with a towel - no hair dryer! Curls should remain slightly wet for easier application of the honey mask, but do not drip or leak.

  1. Step Three : honey preparation

Sweet oxidizer is heated to body temperature. Optimally do it in a water bath. The microwave is not desirable because of the controversial influence of the waves on the quality of honey, the breeding of honey with boiling water is strictly forbidden (high temperature kills everything useful in it, and its concentration also decreases).

Heated honey becomes more liquid and convenient to apply on hair.

  1. Step Four : honey wrapping

Lightening hair with honey begins with the full application of honey on the prepared curls. Honey is distributed evenly over the entire length. For a better “staining,” it is worth combing the strands with a frequent comb. Particular attention should be paid to the root zone and the scalp. Here honey is applied with massaging movements. After the honey is distributed throughout the hair, the hair is stabbed into a bun and hiding under a plastic cap (or a bag). From above the head is covered with a towel.

  1. Step five : patience and patience again

Honey clarification will take at least 6 hours - this is subject to the addition of lemon to the honey and fairly fair hair on their own. Traditionally, the procedure lasts about 10 hours, so the most optimal time for it is night. Just take care of the cleanliness and comfort of the pillow, so as not to turn the race for beauty into painful torture.

  1. Step Six : enjoying the result

Honey mask is carefully washed off with warm running water and then applying a balm or conditioner that is usual for you.

The effect of lightening the hair with honey and lemon, or cinnamon is felt immediately. Hair literally come alive. To achieve the same clarifying effect, a series of such spa treatments will have to be carried out.

Fragrant duet - brightening cinnamon and honey

Brightening hair with cinnamon and honey occurs as a result of applying to the curls a mixture of sweet clarifier and ground cinnamon, taken in equal shares.

Note!Cinnamon can cause a strong burning sensation. Do not tolerate extra force, beauty is not worth such sacrifices!

Tandem of science and nature

On the basis of the purchased conditioner for hair and honey, you can create a wonderful composition for the treatment and clarification of curls. They are mixed in proportions of 1: 2. This tool is used not as a mask, but as a balm for hair after each shampooing. This composition is well stored in a bottle from under another shampoo.

It is also important to remember the following.

  • Honey hair lightening - course procedure. To obtain a shade of hair, a couple tones lighter than the original, sometimes it takes up to 10-15 repetitions, held after 3 days.
  • To honey it is easier to put it can be slightly diluted with water, but you need to take only distilled, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of peroxide. Apple cider vinegar is also suitable for this purpose.
  • If you want to speed up the process of lightening hair with honey, you can additionally pour a couple of caps of hydrogen peroxide into honey. But this is a risky event, because the color can get too yellow and ugly. It is better to try this tool in advance on an inconspicuous strand on the back of your head.
  • To add red notes to the hair, you can add henna or ground coffee to the base brightening honey composition.

Lightening hair with honey and lemon, or cinnamon, or other compounds on this base is a very good tool for connoisseurs of popular beauty advice. The healthy shine of blond curls can be achieved without chemical dyes, one has only to afford to spend a favorite little time on yourself.

Video review on the use of masks based on honey and cinnamon.


Watch the video: How I lighten my hair with honey, cinnamon and olive oil! (July 2024).