
Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting? Highlighting and shampooing


Highlighting is one of the most popular ways to change the image, make it brighter, revive facial features. With all the variety of types of such coloring, hair preparation in most cases is the same. And the most frequent question that arises before the procedure is how clean the hair should be and how it will affect the result. More details on how to properly prepare different types of hair for highlighting, to prevent damage, whether you need to wash your hair and for how many days, what secrets of care there are for dyed hair, we will tell later in the article.

Do I need to wash my hair

Doubts in the "wash or not wash" spirit are overwhelmed by the majority of girls before the highlighting procedure. Experts definitely advise not to do this immediately before the procedure, regardless of whether the dyeing will be done at home or in the salon at the colorist.

Most girls are scared of going to the salon with oily hair, but in fact, sebum (sebum), protects the structure of the curls from drying out, brittleness, damage during dyeing. And that professionals recommend not to deprive the hair of this protection.

When washing the natural lubricant disappears, the hair becomes vulnerable, especially when bleaching. Therefore, experienced hairdressers advise not to wash your hair before highlighting for at least 4-5 days (with very oily scalp 3 days is enough). If the client comes with a completely clean head, then most likely, the master will offer to postpone the procedure for several days.

How dirty should the hair be

How much specifically do not wash your hair, you can determine based on the natural fat content of the hair and how quickly sebum covers the curls. The approximate figure is four to seven days.

Attention! Do not be afraid that the paint will fall worse on dirty hair, or the color will not be taken. On the contrary, the coloring will be effective, and at the same time the hair will not be dehydrated, burned out, will retain a healthy natural shine.

Of course, you should not wait until the hair begins to stick together in fat icicles, in all you need an individual approach and a sense of proportion.

Effects of highlighting on clean hair

Highlighting on clean hair can cause irreparable damage to curls. The lightening agent literally “burns” unprotected natural lubrication curls. The structure of the hairs is destroyed, and it will be possible to achieve a healthy-looking hair only by cutting and growing the burned-out strands.

It is the aggressive effect of compositions for highlighting that dictates this preparation of hair, since the risk of damage is almost one hundred percent.

Basic tips

For high-quality highlighting and beautiful effect of dyeing you need to properly prepare the hair:

  1. As mentioned above, they do not wash their heads before the procedure, for oily skin for 3-4 days, for dry 5-6 days.
  2. A month before highlighting, it is desirable to conduct a course of intensive care: nourishing masks, balms, means that strengthen the structure. Due to such care, the aggressive effect of peroxide will be somewhat neutralized.
  3. Before staining, it is advisable not to use styling products: mousses, foams, gels. This may adversely affect the quality of highlighting.
  4. Recently dyed hair is better not to highlight, you should wait at least a week. Also, there should be no damage to the scalp (scratches, wounds, irritation and inflammation). Do not do this staining, if the hair was recently treated with henna, basma, subjected to chemical perm.

Features care after staining

Highlighting is a rather serious stress for hair, therefore, care after the procedure should be complex:

  1. Contrast rinsing.
  2. If after washing you wash your hair with warm, then cool water, then they will be elastic with a beautiful healthy shine.
  3. Do not try to comb wet, especially wet curls. This will lead to the fact that many hairs will be pulled out, and the rest from excessive stretching will become brittle, naughty. It is best to use a wooden comb or comb.
  4. Regular massage with a suitable brush stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and will help to nourish the hair and strengthen the roots.
  5. If possible, minimize the use of hot styling products (hair dryer, curling iron, ironing). If the hair dryer is still used, then it is better to help yourself with a natural brush. We must try to direct the air streams from the hair dryer along the curls, from the roots to the ends - so the upper scales will “close” and the hair will shine beautifully. You can not get too close to the device to the hair, so as not to overdry strands.
  6. Laying tools should also be chosen the lightest and use only as needed.
  7. In the summer, do not stay too long in the open sun without a hat or hat. Headgear will protect not only from sunstroke, but also from burning out and drying out the hair.
  8. Protect the curls and need to chlorine in the pool, wearing a hat. After highlighting the structure of the hair and so suffered from aggressive compositions, it is not necessary to aggravate this effect by the negative effects of chlorine.
  9. Standard care with the help of suitable balms, sprays and masks should be supplemented with therapeutic nourishing oils that will allow the strands and the scalp suffering from dryness to be moistened, nourished and healed. Not only purchased products, but also home-made products (infusions, decoctions, masks) provide an excellent effect.
  10. If a decoction is used where there is liquid vitamins E or A in the composition, then the hair is washed with no shampoo or balm. And dried without a hairdryer.

In conclusion, it remains to say that it is better to listen to the advice of specialists, to provide intensive care before shading, not to wash your hair several days before the procedure, and to support hair with oils and masks after dyeing. The result will be beautiful, healthy shiny curls that will decorate any chosen image.

Margarita Odintsova

It is better that the head was not scrubbed for three days. Lightening spoils the hair very much, so excess fat as protection will not hurt - all hairdressers know.

The hairdresser always asks me not to wash my hair before melirovaniyu, says this mild condition for hair.

It is not necessary to wash, but if it is better to wash completely dirty, it’s dumb for people with a greasy head

hellen butenko

when coloring do not wash the head when highlighting, hydrogen peroxide is also added, which will harm the hair and the fat protects the hair from chemical damage as well as during coloring it does not mean that you have to go with a dirty head all the time it is simply desirable that there is no varnish or moisturizer or gel on the hair
and if you go to the salon there if you need to wash your head

Nivkoem case not to wash, but if the parakmacher says that you need to wash, do not go to him, this is not a pro. The head before any painting is not washed, and even more so before the millirovka, the natural fat layer on the hair prevents burning the hair. In any case with miliers. It uses a preparation that destroys the hair's own pigment, and this pigment is deep in the hair flake structure, so that if you wash your hair before a milir, you can come home in a wig. If painting is done by prof. with cosmetics, then after washing off the paint, the hair is washed with shampoo, and then a mask is necessarily applied to nourish or restore (in your case) the hair.

Vladislav Semenov

I have already answered a similar question. Highlighting is best done on the most dirty hair, so it is more convenient to choose strands, because the hair does not crumble, the work is neater, the protective fatty film is nonsense, bleach preparations contain such an amount of alkali that the fatty film dissolves in the first seconds after applying the drug.

Leyla imanova

Small tricks on hair care:

After dyeing: use shampoos, conditioners and masks only for dyed hair - this contributes to the long-term maintenance of color and brightness. It is necessary to exclude all types of shampoos, conditioners and masks with caring, regenerating and therapeutic care, they wash out the brightness of the color scale. Coloring should be updated every 1.5 - 2 months. Wash hair at room temperature, and rinse with cool water for intensity of hair color.

After perm (carving): use a special shampoo and conditioner for curly and curly hair. Attention »To preserve curls after perming, refrain from washing hair for 48 hours.

After clarification, highlighting: hair needs special care. Use shampoo, conditioner and masks with a regenerating, healing and moisturizing effect. Balsams for bleached hair are recommended.

Fat and weak: wash your hair every day, not hot, but only with warm, cool water. This contributes to the narrowing of pores. Use preparations according to the type of hair, they restore, strengthen the hair from the inside, add shine and healthy appearance.

To eliminate the oily hair, it is recommended to use highlights and a light perm (carving).

Dandruff is the result of extreme dryness of the skin. So that the scalp does not dry out, massage as often as possible, this contributes to better blood circulation and release of fat. Use a special anti-dandruff shampoo, rinse thoroughly at room temperature to get rid of the flakes. Use conditioner to keep hair and skin moist for a long time. Remember that the amount of dandruff increases in winter.

Split ends: to eliminate this problem, we recommend the treatment using the Hot Scissors machine, which, when heated to a temperature of 140-150 degrees Celsius, seals the ends of the hair when cut, which prevents their further splitting.

If you have thin hair - use a comb with rare teeth. With its help it is easier to give hair volume. To lay thin, curly hair will help a large large brush with hard bristles. This brush is also needed when drying hair with a hair dryer.

If you have thick curls, use a comb with wide teeth. It is easy to cope with thick hair and beautifully emphasize the "waves".

For thick and straight hair, a flat brush is necessary. It will smooth hair and remove unnecessary volume.

CAN HNA strengthens hair

Yulia Timoshenko

After highlighting and chemistry can be unpredictable bright color. To strengthen and treat, you can take colorless henna, make masks with oils, aloe juice, honey, onion juice. And you can dye your hair with coloring agents, shampoos, tonics or balms. Henna is very resistant, even if you don’t like the red color, you only need to trim it, and the tint is washed off several times and you can be new every week.

In fact, if you dye your hair, it will be red. But the hair will be beautiful and shiny.

Top 5 common mistakes in staining

Despite the availability of detailed instructions on the packaging of any hair dye, not all spend time trying to read it carefully. Some simply do not want to scrupulously follow the recommendations outlined there.

Many start hair coloring without a test for matching the desired color to the declared. Not always the result of staining coincides with the photograph on the package. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to first color a small curl around the neck and evaluate the result.

Not everyone knows whether you need to wash your hair before dyeing your hair, and therefore apply the composition to dirty and tangled strands. Meanwhile, before painting the hair should be clean. To do this, rinse them with shampoo, but the conditioner is strictly prohibited to use.

Sometimes women arbitrarily increase the dyeing time, suggesting that it will make the color more resistant. The result of such inattention or initiative can be unnatural hair color or damage to their structure.

In an effort to drastically change the image, some desperate women of fashion paint their hair in colors opposite to the natural. In fact, the hair color should correspond to the color type of the person. Therefore, it is impossible to dye your hair with paint that is more than 2 tones lighter or darker than your natural shade.

How to dye hair correctly?

First of all, it is worth considering to entrust this procedure to an experienced hairdresser. He will not only choose a shade of color that matches your appearance, but also dye your hair with the most gentle methods.

If you still decide to prefer home coloring, carefully read the instructions attached to the tube with paint, and carefully follow all the recommendations set out in it. Do not forget to wash your hair before dyeing and dry hair thoroughly. If you did a perm, you can dye your hair only 10 days after it. Moreover, during this period of time the hair should be washed at least 2 times.

Dye your hair correctly and remember that the frivolous attitude to this procedure often leads to lost time and money, damaged hair and a disgusting mood.

Dye your hair on clean or dirty hair: features and nuances of the process

Dyeing hair with modern means will make it more attractive, fashionable, changing our image for the better, and professionals of beauty salons will help us to fundamentally change the color, but maintaining the shade and coloring of the roots is easy to do at home. But which hair is better to dye - clean or dirty?

Hairdressers recommend to strictly follow the instructions attached to the dye, but there is not always an indication of whether to wash your hair before the procedure. Therefore, to restore the saturation of the color in the right time for us, we learn this simple pattern.

The quality of coloring and health of hair depends on the correct solution of this issue.

General recommendations

  • Provident and independent users of coloring means positively decide whether it is possible to dye dirty hair.. That is, stained on the second or third day after shampooing.

On very dirty, greasy, greasy curls the paint will fall unevenly.

  • At the same time, we will dry out the clean hairs, which will make them thinner, brittle and dull.. So, we do such a procedure for home on unwashed curls in about a day.
  • In the salons, we will also be painted on “yesterday's washing” of hair, but if the curls are without any cosmetics. Otherwise, they will necessarily be washed, because painting such strands is ineffective: even a very high-quality coloring composition is enough only for degreasing.
  • In yesterday's washing, the paint already slightly irritates the protected skin.. But the pre-wash before the procedure itself will cause traces of paint on it, excessive dryness, and sometimes an allergic rash. That is why hair is painted on a dirty head.

Before intensive lightening, it is better not to wash your hair for 2 days, so that the sebaceous secretions from the pores better cover the skin.

  • As a rule, manufacturers also indicate in the instructions, it is worth applying dye to wet or dry locks.. The quality of the procedure and the subsequent state of the curls also depend on this.
  • It is necessary and possible to dye your hair: dirty hair only when it is lightened, and in dark colors - only washed.

Light paints

  • With the modern procedure, the color is kept perfectly, for a long time retaining the attractive radiance and play of shades of curls. So, we prefer innovative sparing paints without ammonia - and then there is no difference when our hair is washed.

All natural dyes guarantee the attractiveness and health of colored curls.

  • For natural dyes (for example, basma, henna) clean wet locks are good. Immediately after washing, they are drawn out of all natural dyes more useful and sneak better. Therefore, the question is whether it is possible to dye hair on a dirty head, here is definitely negative.
  • We can further improve the natural mixture with essential oil of ylang-ylang, jojoba for curls of hair and others. They will give aroma and strength to hair.

The nuances of "clean" painting

With a dry type, the curls also suffer from gentle paints.

  • Before applying the coloring composition on clean curls, let us remember if we used a balsam when washing them. After all, it will close the scales of hairs and prevent the penetration of the dye, and thus successful staining.
  • Shampoos with conditioners also protect hairs from harmful external influences as much as possible. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to wash their heads with this procedure before this procedure.
  • Very soiled curls with my usual herbal shampoo.

When washing, we try to clean only the strands, without touching the skin, in order to preserve the protective layer of fat on it.

  • If the last wash used cosmetics with liquid silk, then it completely covered the hairs with a shiny film that would prevent the coloring as much as possible. Therefore, carefully wash it off before applying the coloring composition.
  • Lacquer residues are also undesirable on curls: hair and skin are injured from its reaction to the dye, and we will feel a painful burning sensation. In addition, the paint will be taken unevenly, stained. This also applies to any gel and mousse.

Features of staining

  • We have not yet tested chemical dyes only on contaminated locks. In this case, the manufacturers' instructions and the assurances of the sellers about the careful dyeing with this particular dye are often not justified.
  • In fact, restorative balms and hair conditioners attached to modern expensive dyes create only the appearance of health. And the effect of grooming appears from the shiny film on the hairs, only covering their damage.
  • Salon stylists, as well as instructions for many paints, are sure to warn that it is safer to treat unwashed strands with them for 2-3 days.

Even before light clarification, it is better not to wash your head for 24 hours, since the dye components are the most aggressive not so much to the hair as to the skin.
But the natural daily enveloping fat will protect it from irritation.

Ammonia paint

Effective, fast-acting ammonia components burn skin.

On the skin cleared from natural greasy plaque we will definitely feel a burning sensation and we can simply not endure until the end of the procedure. And only a two-day fat from the pores will protect it from such an undesirable negative. And the color after painting with ammonia paints will be good, both on previously washed and polluted locks.

Before staining, matted curls should be well combed first with a rare, then thick hairbrush.
After all, then the hair will definitely become drier and when combing some will break or fall out.

A month before the upcoming procedure, we will professionally prepare our own curls for it: we regularly moisten them with special masks.

Color the curls without damaging them!

If not specified in the instructions, it is better to dye your hair dirty or clean, we ourselves will determine the safe option.

  • Dirty strands from coloring become thinner and dry less, because the fat released by the pores protects them.
  • Pure hairs from staining become dry and brittle, but the color will be smoother. Only on washed reddish curls their orange shade will be muted by paint.
  • The new color will be brighter from painting washed curls.
  • When dyeing a dry loaf, the color lasts much longer.
  • If dye is applied to wet strands, it will wash off faster.

Thus, following these rules, we will preserve the healthy appearance of hair, their density. And looking at the video in this article, we will determine the correct solution to our question.

Can hairs be dyed if hairspray is applied to them?

Hair dye should be applied mainly on dry unwashed hair or according to the instructions. The fact is that in the natural state a protective fatty film protecting the skin is formed on the scalp, which in no case can be removed before dyeing the hair. If you apply the paint to wet hair, the moisture will dilute the dye and reduce the temperature during dyeing, which adversely affects the quality.

In general, you do not need to wash your hair before coloring. Exceptions can occur only if they are very dirty.
********* It is also not necessary to wash off styling products before dyeing, since the paint itself already contains shampoo **************.
Hairspray and lather can be removed with a regular comb, but gels and waxes should be washed off.

Coloring mixture should be applied to the hair immediately after its preparation, otherwise the process of dyeing will occur not on your hair, but directly in the bottle. The duration of the chemical reaction, with which the staining is carried out, is 30-45 minutes, after which the reaction is terminated. The developing emulsion cannot be diluted with water as it will break properties and structure of an emulsion. As a result, your hair may have the most unexpected color.

If even some marks on the scalp remain, they can easily be removed with an alcohol-based tonic, face cream or developing milk. Before you apply a dye mixture to your hair, apply a greasy cream (only non-nutritious) along the growth contour with a thin layer. Clothing during dyeing and clarification must be protected, since stains from paint are very difficult to remove.

If the temperature in the room where the dyeing is carried out is not higher than +20 degrees, it is better to hide the hair with the painted paint under the plastic cap and cover it with a towel, otherwise the dyeing will be less effective.

Do not try to save paint. If you are going to lighten or paint over gray hair, or you have very long hair, it is better to use two packs of paint. To achieve maximum results, it is preferable to apply the paint to the hair in a greasy layer. After staining is not recommended to wash your hair.

But the instructions must be followed. There are other requirements.

Read more. Click HERE.

No you can not, your hair should be clean, and therefore the paint will last you a long time))

Do I need to wash my hair with shampoo right after painting it?

If the paint is lightening (blond), then it is better not to wash your hair before dyeing, unless you have poured a kilo of styling on yourself before. But before painting other shades, it is better to wash, dry with a towel and apply paint.
After dyeing, the hair should be washed with a firming (nourishing) shampoo and necessarily a balm or a mask afterwards. So there will be no smell of paint, the hair will be better both in appearance and in quality.

Nature loving me

This is an outdated opinion that you need to dye your hair dirty and greasy. Before painting, it is best to wash your hair with shampoo, dry your hair and apply the paint to damp. After painting fixing means (usually lies in boxes with a good paint), and then (if the hair has not been washed before) and shampoo. Special for colored hair.

I wash, if not wash, the paint is simply not completely washed out with water, and then my hair smells with paint.

I first paint, and then wash and norms

Sexy Lady (Luiza Berseneva)

If the head is too dirty, then highlighting will not work.
If you have fast greasy hair you can in 2 days
If dry hair for 3-4 days before the wash and boldly go!

no, skin will be defenseless

no not my! ! for hair it is better not to wash your hair before dyeing

no, no, only after

In general, before painting the head is not necessary to wash it. (better than three days)

Where does fat come from?

To answer this question, you need to understand the structure of the human hair. In its structure, it most resembles a tree - the visible part of the hair plays the role of the trunk, and the invisible part, which is located in the scalp and ends in the so-called hair sac, is the root of the "tree".

The base of the root is called the bulb or, as it is also called, the follicle. Also in the hair bag are sebaceous glands that secrete a secret. With a heavy discharge, his hair becomes greasy. It is the work of these glands that makes us decide whether to wash our hair before highlighting the hair and in all other cases, or you can still do without a shower.

What are any dangerous hair dye when highlighting?

The answer lies in the dyeing procedure itself. When dyeing hair, the process of raising keratin scales occurs, of which at least the visible part of the hair consists. With the help of oxidation, which will be caused by the chemical reaction of the applied substance, the natural hair pigment is replaced with the one contained in the dye. And the stronger the chemical reaction takes place, the more hair will be damaged.

Why does the question of hair washing arise?

Any planned business does not begin with the realization of the conceived, but with the preparation for the intention to be realized in reality. Therefore, along with the solution of the necessary questions, the following question arises: is it necessary to wash your hair before highlighting hair and when is it better to do it?

Despite its simplicity, it is rather complicated and does not have a single opinion, for which there are reasons:

  1. The question of aesthetics and hygiene. To some extent, it is not culturally for an adult to appear in a beauty salon or a hairdresser with dirty hair, thinking that the master will not notice this fact and will not be so fastidious to do his work.
  2. Head nagging can also be done on purpose, in order to obtain an additional means of protection against potential undesirable effects associated with staining.

This question really does not lose its relevance, and insufficient attention to it ends with such problems as, for example, burned hair strands.

Opinion professionals

The views of the masters on whether to wash their hair before highlighting, also differ from each other. This question is purely subjective. And each master adheres to his opinion, confirming his own arguments. Thus, 2 fronting fronts appeared - supporters of “for” and “against” greasy hair.

“Opponents” of a clean head will say the following:

  • The fat of the scalp, produced by the sebaceous glands, protects the scalp and hair roots from damage.
  • For dirty hair dye lays down better and keeps more stable, which provides a longer effect. And this means that the time between highlighting will pass relatively more, which, perhaps, will please its owner.
  • The basis of any shampoo is alkali, which slows down the chemical reactions occurring in the process of highlighting. Because of this, you can incorrectly calculate the time allotted for the stages of the procedures performed.
  • For any staining, the paint is applied exclusively on dry hair. Therefore, after washing, in order to save time, the hair is blow-dried. With such drying, they are subjected to extreme heat, and the amount of moisture present there is reduced. It also causes them additional harm.

Working with a clean head has the following advantages:

  • It takes less time to dye hair, as it is not necessary for the coloring pigment to overcome the layer of fat contained in the dirty hair fibers.
  • The flow of hot air really hurts the hair, but with cold air you can return the keratin scales to their places. And it completely solves the problem.
  • Before highlighting, washing the head is also important, especially when applying modern methods of dyeing. These methods require accuracy, hard work and increased accuracy in applying paint to the strands. When working with dirty hair is unlikely to succeed.

Important points

Any of the experts, regardless of their point of view about the dilemma, whether you need to wash your hair before highlighting or not, will still ask when the head washing was performed the last time, and if you do not express your wish, it will be repelled by its own reasoning the issue.

All the arguments about the features of working with unwashed hair are pure truth. However, this will not prevent a good, skilled and experienced master from highlighting on a clean head.

Since working with dirty and clean hair has its positive aspects, there is still no unambiguity in the question of whether you need to wash your hair before highlighting. But it should be borne in mind that the master, who prefers to work with clean hair, can refuse to start working, so in these circumstances it is recommended not to wash your hair only on the eve of dyeing.

How to wash hair after highlighting?

Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting, we figured out, but can it be done after staining? Now find out.

Washing the head is an important procedure and without highlighting. If there are no problems with hair, then it is not necessary to wash them every day - it is quite acceptable in a day or even less. Hair that is prone to the rapid appearance of oily shine, you need to wash every day with the use of shampoo.

After washing, after washing the hair is a bit more complicated, as they are weakened after this procedure and need to be replenished. Therefore, you need a special shampoo for melirovannyh hair, because he, thanks to the components included in its composition, is struggling with excess alkali. You will also need a gel for straightened strands, which will provide them with proper care.

Apply the same shampoo with massaging movements over the entire length of the hair, and then wash it off with water.

Putting hair in order before highlighting

If the hair is in a deplorable state, then it is necessary to purchase a conditioner in order to wash it with a head even a month before highlighting. The positive effect will also have the application of various nutritional masks.


To wash or not to wash hair before highlighting is a personal matter. There are cases when even professionals advise not to wash your hair before painting for 3-4 days. And some require coming with a clean head. Therefore, when highlighting, it remains to rely only on the experience and knowledge of the master, which, although they do not provide an absolute guarantee of success, is calmer with them.

Effect of dye on hair

To understand why any lasting dye spoils the hair, you need to know their structure and at least in general terms, imagine how the process of dyeing proceeds. Then you will understand which mistakes it is important to avoid and how easy it is to find ways to protect your hair from damage.

Human hair is a tubular structure, the surface of which is formed by closely fitting keratin scales.

Keratin is a protein that is produced by special cells located in the scalp. In a healthy person, it is colorless. But when smoking and taking certain medications, it may have a yellowish tint.

Colored hair make pigments produced by other cells (melanocytes) that have two shades: light and dark.From their combination and depends on the individual natural color of the hair. Hair becomes gray when, for some reason, they stop producing pigments. Melanocytes are located in the hair shaft, under the keratin layer.

To lighten the hair, it is necessary to raise the keratin scales and neutralize the natural pigment with the help of a chemical oxidation reaction. For persistent staining simultaneously with discoloration, the natural pigment is replaced with an artificially selected shade. The higher the percentage of oxidizer and the longer the durability of the ink, the more damaged the hair.

After the first hair dye is not loosened much. But if the procedure is repeated frequently, then its smooth, healthy surface becomes similar to an opened fir cone. After that, she:

  • cannot reflect light, therefore losing shine,
  • does not retain moisture, so the hair becomes dry,
  • strongly loosened and at the slightest tension breaks.

And even a fresh pigment can not hold on such hair for a long time, therefore it is quickly washed out. The new color loses its original brightness, becomes dull, the hair seems faded.

To wash or not to wash?

The question of whether you need to wash your hair before highlighting, girls are often treated, as it is believed that the layer of sebum can protect hair from severe damage during dyeing. There is some truth in this. But if everything was so simple, then no one would go after clarification with burned strands.

Arguments against"

Most old-school hairdressers are opposed to washing their hair before highlighting or staining with permanent paints. They substantiate their opinion with such arguments:

  • on unwashed hair, a layer of sebum forms, which partially neutralizes the harmful effects of dye,
  • when washing, an alkaline solution is used (the basis of any shampoo), which slows down the rate of oxidation that occurs during dyeing,
  • while drying with a hair dryer (and the paint is applied to dry hair), the hair loses moisture and is loosened, which means it is damaged more.

All of the above is absolute truth. But experience teaches that unwashed hair does not save the master from mistakes. And an experienced hairdresser can ideally make highlights on a clean head. So what is the secret and what is really able to protect the hair?

Arguments for"

Another part of hairdressers to the question of whether to wash your hair before highlighting, responds with a categorical "Yes!". And lead no less convincing counterarguments:

  • in order to discolor or repaint the hair, it must be loosened, but on the dirty head it takes longer to keep the paint, because you must first dissolve the layer of fat,
  • if after washing you do not apply a conditioner or conditioner, then alkali remains still on the head of hair especially when using cheap shampoos, which contain a lot of sulphates,
  • hot air jet really loosens the hair, but keratin scales return to their place from the cold.

In addition, it is just inconvenient to work with dirty hair stuck together with fat. Most modern highlighting techniques require careful staining of thin strands. And how can they be distinguished from the stuck together mass?

Do not make highlighting on a dirty head through a cap. California may be uneven or Veil technique may turn out.

No experienced specialist in a good salon will work with heavily soiled hair. The maximum that is permissible is not to wash your hair the day before the procedure, even if there is no varnish or other styling or fixing tools on the head of hair.

Care and care

If your hair is already in poor condition, but its color is natural, think well about whether you need highlighting at all. And even if the answer is positive, you must first put the hair in order, and not try to mask the defects by additional injury to the strands.

Approximately one month prior to dyeing, it is necessary to minimize all thermal effects - put aside the curling iron and the iron, and less often use a hair dryer.

Buy a good shampoo - sulphate-free or enriched with useful additives and oils. Be sure to use a balsam conditioner after each wash to restore the natural acid-base balance.

An important element of care that is needed both before and after dyeing are nourishing masks. You can use professional tools of your choice or prepare them yourself according to “Grandma's recipes.”

If the tips are badly split, it is better to cut them and follow them, regularly using a special vitamin oil.

An experienced master knows well how to protect hair during dyeing:

  • lightening compound is applied at a distance of at least 1.5-2 cm from the roots,
  • Special oils are added to professional paints, which add shine and soften the aggressive effect of an oxidizing agent.
  • the master will never overdo the paint for longer than the required time, but will wash away as soon as the desired effect is obtained,
  • at the end of the procedure, a restoring balm or mask must be applied to the hair,
  • Immediately after highlighting, it is impossible to dry your head with hot air and do it with ironing and curling.

A good master will always give advice on home care, as well as tell you how you can brush color with a tonic to avoid having to tint too often. Qualitatively done shading is adjusted once every 2-3 months, and the hair after it remains soft and docile.

How many days should I not wash my hair before the procedure?

This will depend on the fat content of your hair and how quickly they become covered with sebum.

On average, this period should be from four days to a week.

Dirty hair, to some extent, will protect themselves from the harmful effectswhich gives discoloration.

If you do not wash your head for a week, there will not be much harm to the strands and scalp.

Natural grease in the form of sebum in this situation is useful because it protects the strands from dryness and damage from paint.

Expert Training Tips

In order for the highlighting procedure to bring only positive emotions, You should listen to the following recommendations from professionals in the field of hairdressing:

  • No need to wash the hair before the straightening. If your scalp is oily, refrain from washing for three or four days. If the skin is dry, then you do not need to wash your hair for five to six days. Remember that sebum protects the hair structure, and in this case it is your ally.
  • A few weeks before highlighting, pay more attention to your hair, use balms and masks that strengthen their structure. They must have nourishing and moisturizing properties. This will reduce the harmful effects of hydrogen peroxide, which is a component of the lightening agent.
  • Entrust the procedure to an experienced master. He can correctly identify the ingredients for lightening, as well as the exposure time of the coloring composition specifically for your hair type. It is not uncommon for a bleached locks to fall out after a scratch after a mistake by a hairdresser. Be careful with the choice of a professional!
  • Consult with the master about the care of the hair after lightening exposure. Focusing on your hair structure, he will help you choose the right care products.

Hair needs care and attention. Especially it concerns the clarified strands. Follow all recommendations for preparing for highlighting, as well as for hair care after this procedure. This will help you avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of brittleness, dryness and split ends. And then you will have the opportunity to fully enjoy your new way!


Watch the video: How to Highlight Hair : Washing Hair After Highlights (June 2024).