Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to provide care for eyebrows at home


Well-groomed and natural eyebrows add attractiveness and highlight the beauty of the face. Their size, color, shape may vary, but competent care will allow any eyebrows to turn into a decoration. And you can take care of them at home. Beauticians, of course, will tell you how, step by step, following simple recommendations, to keep your eyebrows in perfect condition, but without everyday work on your external data, these tips will not be useful.

Folk care products

The first step on the way to the perfect eyebrows is their nutrition and hydration. To do this, it is useful to use tea or nettle compresses, as well as lubricate eyebrows with ricin oil, which strengthens and gives a darker shade.

Elixir for the growth of eyebrows is very popular. The mysterious composition contains only the yolk of the egg, which is gently applied with a cotton swab or cotton swab on the brow ridges, and washed off after 15 minutes.

The use of natural oils is another good way to improve the condition of the eyebrows. Especially recommended to use castor, almond and linseed oil. They further stimulate hair growth.

Eyebrow massage has no less benefit - it leads to an improvement in blood circulation and causes hair to grow faster. For the procedure, you can use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Dip it in oil and brush your eyebrows several times. Greater effect from the massage can be obtained with a small amount of nutritious natural oils (coconut, sunflower or olive).

Eyebrow correction rules

The second thing that is needed to get the desired result from the care is the correction of the shape of the eyebrows. Despite all the concerns, you can do it yourself. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

  1. Purchase a magnifying mirror and two tweezers (one standard and the second smaller - to remove thin and small hairs).
  2. To degrease brow arc tonic.
  3. Pull the hairs in the direction of their growth, one by one, reducing the thickness of the line to the temple.
  4. After epilation, brush your eyebrows with a brush for your teeth or with a colorless special brush to get the desired shape.

In addition to the classic plucking, waxing can be done. However, such a procedure is quite difficult to perform independently, and it is better to use the services of a beautician.

Prevent pigmentation and irritation of the delicate skin of the eyebrows - helps soothing essential oil, ice cube or aloe juice. A few days after the procedure, a cream designed to care for sensitive skin should be applied to the irritated area.

To reduce the pain during correction before the procedure should take a warm shower or bath.

In the case when the eyebrows are naughty, and the hairs stick out in different directions, you need to comb them with a brush, having previously treated them with a special gel or wax. This will give them a certain shape.

Eyebrow tinting and makeup without harm

Many cosmetologists recommend henna for dyeing, which can be purchased at almost every pharmacy or a special paint for eyebrows and eyelashes. Before painting, you should protect the skin around the brow, smearing it with a fat cream or olive oil. Then you need to mix the preparations in a bowl and apply paint with a spatula or a brush. Leave the drug for 5-10 minutes and rinse.

Elegantly modeled eyebrows emphasize the natural contour of the face and perfectly complement the daily and evening makeup. It is very important that it always ideally matches the integrity of the rest of the image.

Today there is a huge amount of eyebrow cosmetics, so every woman will certainly find something for herself. Shadows, modeling gels, colored pencils, waxes, and even whole styling kits will help you achieve the desired perfect effect.

A pencil may seem like a relatively difficult “tool” for beginners, but if you gain a little experience, you can easily get a gentle, natural effect. Using a pencil, it is important not to press it too hard against the skin. You need to try to create only a subtle shade of color, and carefully highlight the lower line of the eyebrow.

You can use liquid eyeliners, but they must be of good quality, blend beautifully with the skin and stay in place all day. This is perhaps the most realistic and convenient simulator of fine hairs. True, it takes a little more practice to create natural looking hairs. Before applying the eyeliner it is necessary to powder eyebrows - this will make the makeup more resistant.

Shadows are a great solution for beginners. Of course, you need to choose matte shades. In addition, it is important to choose the right tone. In order to get the desired effect, it is better to use a combination of two shades. For example, for blondes suitable cold light beige and gray-brown. For color intensity and line accuracy, the brush should be immersed in thermal water. In this case, the makeup will be more resistant.

Tips for choosing eyebrow cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics and dye, of course, help to create the perfect eyebrows, but often these tools lead to disruption of water balance, and this is fraught with peeling of the skin and hair loss. That is why you should be wary of purchasing cosmetic products.

  1. The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing cosmetics is the expiration date and production date. The longer the tool has lain on the counter, the worse it can be - storage conditions are often violated in stores, and this leads to a loss of quality.
  2. Do not overlook and compliance with sanitary norms and rules. Any cosmetics is subject to mandatory certification and passes tests for safety. Information about this should be indicated on the packaging.
  3. It is far from always that brand awareness and price are synonymous with quality. Before buying, you should read the customer reviews about the product (they are easy to find on the Internet). Such information will allow to know the internal characteristics of the purchased product - viscosity, color intensity, durability.
  4. Today on the shelves a huge amount of decorative cosmetics. Advertising, beautiful packaging, skillful sellers will easily mislead even an experienced buyer. That is why it is so important to choose eyebrow cosmetics deliberately and carefully.

Care for the eyebrows does not take much time, and properly executed makeup emphasizes the beauty of the look. Well-groomed eyebrows have always been a sign of aristocracy and good taste, so today they are another means to emphasize the individuality and beauty of the female image.

List of required tools

In order to provide the eyebrows with proper care at home, first of all, you should have all the necessary devices with which you can give them the desired shape and appearance:

  1. Tweezers. Surely this metal object is present in every girl. It is most convenient for removing excess hair. A quality tool should be made of metal, preferably of medical steel. When choosing attention is paid to the tips: they must fit snugly to each other, be sharpened, flat. This will allow the hair to be well grabbed and removed along with the bulb. Do not forget to disinfect the instrument after each use.
  2. Eyebrow wax. This tool is designed to quickly remove all unwanted hairs, but when used at home should be as careful as possible so as not to eliminate a lot or even the whole eyebrow. In addition, a sensitivity test is performed prior to use, as an allergic reaction may occur.
  3. Gel. This tool is designed to give and maintain the desired hair shape. When choosing attention is paid to the degree of fixation. Low will give the eyebrows a natural and neat appearance, while a strong one will keep its shape for a long time.
  4. Oils. Used to give shine to the eyebrows and replenish nutrient deficiencies. It is advisable to apply oils before bedtime; castor oil gives an excellent effect; olive or burdock will also work. You can buy them at any pharmacy kiosk.
  5. Pencil or paint. These cosmetics will give your eyebrows the desired shade, which is selected taking into account individual characteristics. The pencil is used daily, paint application will allow to keep color throughout long time.

This is not all tools that are used to care for eyebrows, but they are used independently without much effort and extra time.

Daily eyebrow care

To preserve the beauty and density of the eyebrows you need to give them at least a few minutes every day. Eyebrows, like hair, need constant brushing, for which a special brush, a soft toothbrush or a well-washed brush from under the carcass is used. In the process of combing you can put a little oil.

A beneficial effect on hair growth and massage, it can be performed daily. In addition, do not forget to remove makeup every evening, for this purpose it is desirable not to use soap, but a special milk that does not contain aggressive substances in the composition.

After such simple procedures, the effect will always make you happy, the main thing is not to stop making them regularly.

Plucking tweezers

Most often, girls form an eyebrow with tweezers, because it is very easy to use, the main thing is to have a good tool and appropriate skills. To make the procedure less painful, you can do a steam bath before applying or apply a moderately hot compress.

To give the eyebrows the desired shape, you should follow simple rules:

  1. To determine the beginning of the eyebrow, a pencil is applied parallel to the wing of the nose.
  2. Kink is determined by the notional line drawn from the nostrils through the pupil.
  3. It is also easy to determine the end of the eyebrow: it is enough to draw a line from the nostrils to the hairs through the outer corner of the eye.

Care should be taken when removing hairs, since an irregular shape can be changed only when the hairs grow back. It will take at least a month.

Wax correction

If you want to quickly remove unwanted hairs, you can use wax, it should be remembered that their length should be at least 0.5 cm. Previously, the skin around the eyebrows is smeared with a special cream.

The tool is applied to the necessary areas in the direction of hair growth, while the eyebrows are given the desired shape. A special strip is placed on top of the wax, which breaks down after the medium has hardened. This should be done carefully, so as not to injure the delicate skin.

After manipulation, a soothing cream is applied to the skin to prevent possible irritation.

Eyebrow tinting

Give your eyebrows the necessary tone, which will please for a long time, will help staining. Make it quite possible at home, following some simple rules:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools and materials in advance: brush, paint, cotton pads, cream.
  2. Strictly following the instructions, prepare the paint. It is not necessary to increase the coloring pigment, even if it seems that the color was very light. Over time, it will become darker.
  3. Before staining, the skin around the eyebrow is treated with a cream to prevent staining of unwanted areas.
  4. Pigment is applied in the direction from the temple to the nose, while it is important to treat only the eyebrow.
  5. Do not paint both eyebrows at the same time.
  6. Keep the paint should be about 5-10 minutes, the range depends on the desired shade. The paint is removed with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

If it happens that the tone of the eyebrows turned out to be darker, it is necessary to wash off the paint again using soap or gel.

How to apply oil

Professional cosmetologists recommend not to disdain the application of oil on the eyebrows. This will help not only to compensate for the lack of vitamins, but also to make them thicker. In addition, the procedure is simple and does not require much time, but the effect of it is amazing.

After the evening scratching, a cotton disc is moistened with oil and placed on the eyebrow; it should be kept for 10-15 minutes. After this time, the skin is wiped with a napkin, and eyebrows are combed. To achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure is repeated at least 2-3 times a week.

How to use the gel

If the hairs are naughty and constantly stick in different directions, a modeling gel is indispensable. It will help give the eyebrows the desired shape and fix it for the whole day. The tool is available in a bottle with a brush. With its help, the gel is applied first upwards, and then give the desired look to the eyebrows.

The gel can be transparent and colored. The latter allows you to give a more saturated color. In the evening, the remnants of the gel are removed with a cloth moistened with warm water.

General recommendations

Perfect eyebrows are an integral part of beautiful makeup. To achieve this effect, you can effortlessly at home, enough to devote 10-15 minutes to care daily.

The condition of eyebrows depends not only on individual features, but also on environmental factors. So, in the summertime they are subject to discoloration due to the influence of sunlight, and in the autumn-winter period one can often notice a slowdown in hair growth, which is caused by a lack of vitamins.

Regardless of the time of year, to maintain a good appearance, eyebrows should provide proper care:

  • carefully choose any cosmetics, including paint, you should never use dyes designed for hair,
  • If reddening is noted after plucking the eyebrows, you should apply a piece of ice so that the skin calms down,
  • a positive effect on the condition of the eyebrows massage, it should be done with light pinching movements in the direction from the nose to the temples,
  • when applied to eyebrows cosmetics must comply with the measure, the excess pigment will make the appearance of vulgar and unnatural.

The above recommendations will help to always remain attractive and will allow you to feel confident under any circumstances.

Necessary tools for care

To gently remove excess hair, bring eyebrows in order, you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • Metal or plastic tweezers. It should be good to grab hair, be comfortable and clean. The tips can optionally be pointed, beveled or straight. The main thing - they should close tightly and hold the hairs.
  • Oil for eyelashes and eyebrows. It can be bought at any pharmacy at an affordable price, a small bottle costs from 20 to 60 rubles. The most effective for density and growth is considered to be castor, and the result is burdock, olive oil. It is recommended to use a mixture of oils for better absorption, apply it before bedtime.
  • Gel for eyebrows. Manufacturers produce this tool of varying degrees of fixation. Gel strong fixation allows you to keep the shape for a long time, smoothing and securing the hairs in one position. Weak fixation is suitable for preserving the natural curvature, looks unnoticed and natural.
  • Eyebrow wax. This tool is often used by professionals to make hair removal in the salon.Suitable wax for home use, application is not difficult. You need to smear it very carefully, so that due to inexperience you don’t remove too many hairs.
  • Pencil or special paint to give the desired color. Particularly relevant are these cosmetic devices, if the edge is very light, merging with the skin of the face. Blondes are advised to use light brown shades, black and dark brown are suitable for brown-haired women and brunettes.

The use of oils to make brows thick

If the hairs are not too thick, look short or break, experts recommend applying daily therapeutic oil for eyelashes and eyebrows. Before this procedure, it is desirable to comb the edges with a special comb or brush, massage the forehead area, nose bridge. Movement should be soft, light, vibrating. It is advisable to move your fingers from the nose to the temples.

The most noticeable effect with regular use gives castor oil for eyebrows. In its absence, you can apply olive, burdock, almond, peach or any other.

Here are the basic methods of application and the rules for washing it off:

  • castor eyebrow oil should be applied to a cotton pad in a small amount, apply briefly to the hair,
  • keep cotton pads over closed eyes should be about 10-15 minutes, so that the mixture is absorbed into the skin,
  • after that you should brush the hairs with a brush or a brush washed from the remains of the carcass in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples,
  • residual oil should be removed with a dry or wet cloth,
  • Apply castor oil for eyebrows should be at least 2-3 weeks to achieve the desired effect and density.

It is recommended to combine oil blends using several different oils at the same time. At the same time you need to do self-massage, use decorative cosmetics less. It is advisable to drink vitamin complexes, monitor your diet, eat foods rich in vitamins, fruits, vegetables.

Eyebrow Wax Correction

Many use homemade tweezers to correct them at home, pulling out hairs one by one at the mirror. Recently, however, a special eyebrow wax has been widely used to remove unwanted hairs and give them the desired shape. This tool is often used salon craftsmen, professionals along with Indian threads and tweezers.

Read eyebrow corrections at home

You can purchase depilatory eyebrow wax at any cosmetic store, seeking advice from a consultant. The most popular brands are Face & Lip Wax, Brow Shapers, Surgi Wax, Microwaveable Eyebrow, Parissa Broe Shaper, Lumene Eyebrow. The price of funds from 300 d to about 400 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

There are 3 types of depilatory wax:

  1. Hot eyebrow wax. It is packed in the form of balls or small cubes, placed in small jars. Before applying the agent, it is necessary to heat it up to a plastic state, then apply it with a special device on the correction zone.
  2. Cold eyebrow wax. It is similar in consistency to hard clay, sold in all cosmetic stores. The tool is placed in the package between the two plates, which should be rubbed with palms. After that, you can begin to remove unwanted hairs.
  3. Low temperature wax. Located in a special cartridge, squeezed through a replaceable applicator. Before applying requires a little warm-up for better interaction with the skin and hairs.

The principle of working with wax is as follows:

  • it is necessary to degrease the skin with a tonic poured onto a cotton pad,
  • then the skin should be sprinkled with talcum powder or regular powder,
  • the tube should be heated according to the instructions and applied to a cotton swab or spatula,
  • the right amount is applied in the direction of hair growth, which you can tint in advance with a pencil (How to paint eyebrows with a pencil),
  • a strip of cloth is glued over the treated area until the wax has stiffened,
  • after it hardens, the strip comes off with unnecessary hairs,
  • residues are removed with a tissue or spatula.

Eyebrow shape modeling gel

A modeling gel for eyebrows and eyelashes is another means to help give the hairs the desired shape and direction. It can be colored or colorless, weak or strong fixation. Usually the product is produced in the form of a long tube with a brush inside. Eyebrow gel is applied very easily, dries quickly, securing the desired shape. Most often, a colorless or brown shade is sold in cosmetics stores in a bottle resembling a mascara familiar to many.

Professionals usually use eyebrow gel brand lumene blueberry. This tool does not spread, dries quickly, lasts all day. It can be washed off with plain warm water using a cotton pad or a damp cloth. Not bad gel for eyebrows and eyelashes of brands such as MAC Brow set, Essence, Art-Vizazh. Oriflame Giordani Gold, Pupa Eyebrow Fixing Gel, Avon Color Trend are also suitable for quality and price. All these tools help to smooth unruly hairs, sticking out in different directions, to emphasize the natural shape after correction.

And what should be the form, find out? The correct shape of the eyebrows on the type of person

The principle of applying the gel is as follows:

  • first you need to make a correction with tweezers or wax, give a beautiful shape to the eyebrows,
  • then you should outline the outline with a pencil, tint the blond hair, if the brow gel is transparent,
  • there should be a brush inside the tube, while unscrewing it, there remains a necessary amount of retainer on it,
  • it is necessary to apply the agent from the nose towards the temples, smoothing all the hairs,
  • wait for drying and final fixation.

High quality eyebrow gel has the following properties:

  • consistency is like a thick cream,
  • well applied, does not spread on the skin,
  • does not stick hairs, gives them a neat combed look,
  • makes brows well-groomed, shiny, natural,
  • it is easily washed off with water, washed with a damp cloth,
  • has a comfortable brush inside the tube for application,
  • dries quickly, has good fixation.

All these tools for correction and modeling are easy to use, even at home, in the absence of any skills. It is necessary only with the purchase to pay attention to quality, check the expiration date. The video instructions below will help to study the technology of application, will give answers to some questions about the use.

Correct Correction

Eyebrow correction, perhaps, is the main treatment. The shape of the eyebrows will be considered ideal only if the line looks as natural as possible and without hairs sticking out in different directions.

To achieve this result is easy. The main thing is to remove extra hairs in time. And since the red areas may remain after the plucking procedure, experts recommend doing this before applying makeup.

To view every extra hair, it is better to sit in the light part of the apartment (by the window).

To give the correct shape of the eyebrows, use a regular pencil. To do this, place it near the left nasal wing. Where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow, and there will be a starting point. If there are hairs behind this line, remove them. To identify the next point, attach the instrument to the left nostril and position it so that it passes through the center of the eye. The line of intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow will be a new point. Here is a bend area.

To preserve the naturalness, it is not necessary to narrow the eyebrow strongly, pulling out hairs from the starting point to the center.

So, there is a third coordinate, which will show the area of ​​the end of the line. To do this, the pencil is again applied to the nostril and a line is drawn through the outer eye corner. Where the tool and the intersection crossed, and there will be a final point.

Some important secrets when plucking unwanted hairs

  1. To make the procedure less painless, steam the area you need. Then the hairs will be removed without discomfort.
  2. If there is no time for stripping, dip sponge in hot water or in chamomile broth. It will also protect against pain.
  3. To make the hairs softer, apply a cream with fat content on the skin area.
  4. Try to keep the distance between the eyebrows not small, otherwise it will add age.
  5. To give the perfect shape, first draw a line with a pencil, and only then remove unwanted hairs.
  6. Try to pull out eyebrows only in the lower growth area.
  7. The lower part of the eyebrow should not be higher than the top, otherwise you will have a dull facial expression.
  8. Choose tweezers with narrowed and sharp ends.
  9. So you grab the inconspicuous hairs.

If you are unsure of your abilities - trust the professionals.

Daily care tips for eyebrows and eyelashes at home

Many women believe that when visiting a beauty salon, proper eyebrow care is completed. Unfortunately, this opinion is wrong. The wizard gives shape to your eyebrows, but does not carry out caring procedures. Therefore, you need to do it yourself. The time of the procedure will not take much (only 5 minutes), but the result in a few weeks will please you with a beautiful reflection in the mirror.

If the brush is not at hand, you can use a regular toothbrush with stiff bristles.

  • The second important rule is the combing of the eyebrow house. The morning procedure will affect the giving of a neat and natural shape, and the evening one will produce a massaging effect that promotes the accelerated growth of hairs.

It will be great if you use special nutrients when combing and massaging. This will saturate the hairs with all the necessary substances and vitamins. This procedure is recommended 2-3 times a week.

You can also massage your eyebrows with your fingers. To do this, lightly tap the required area with pads along the hairline, as well as a little higher and lower. This will help strengthen the hair due to the rapid influx of nutrients from the epidermis to the bulbs. Two sessions per week will be quite enough to achieve the desired result.

With the same periodicity, masks are applied to the hair area to nourish, moisturize and grow. There are a lot of such useful tools. It can be essential oils sold in any pharmacy, and a combination of different products that are in the fridge of each housewife.

1. Do not pull out eyebrows.

If you have never touched your eyebrows before, and now you have decided to correct their shape, then entrust this task to a professional - a master in eyebrow correction. It is not necessary to go to a beauty salon every time to remove excess hair: it is enough to adjust the eyebrows of the master once, which will give them the desired shape, show you how to do it correctly, in order to further maintain the beauty of the eyebrows on their own.

2. Choose a shape proportional to facial features.

Do not change the shape of the eyebrows only in pursuit of fashion - eyebrows will look harmonious only if they are proportional to your facial features. So, for thin features neat eyebrows of medium thickness are suitable, and for larger ones - wider ones. "By changing the shape of the eyebrows, you can adjust the features of your face- says international eyebrow specialist Maribeth Madron. - For example, if you need to visually reduce the cheeks and emphasize the cheekbones, then pull the tip of the eyebrow. If your natural eyebrows are short, draw a tip behind the outer corner of the eye and slightly lift it upwards. ”

Recommendations for eyebrow care

There are often cases when a client applies for the eyebrow correction service, having damaged eyebrows. The master should offer the client a number of recommendations of advice aimed at the care and restoration of eyebrows at home.

How to care for eyebrows?

Home eyebrow care begins with a simple and affordable method - combing eyebrows. What can comb your eyebrows: a special brush for eyebrows, a brush for combing eyelashes, a toothbrush.

purpose: clean the hairs, remove the horny scales, as well as weak hairs. It is important not to overdo it with pressure in order to avoid redness, peeling and irritation.

This is a very effective way. There are masters who include this procedure in the price list of services. The technique is simple, so the client can do it at home. Massage must be fingertips along the eyebrows from the nose to the temples. You can use light tingling, stroking, vibrating movements.

purpose: increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which contributes to better hair growth. Also, massage of the eyebrow area relieves eye fatigue and is a headache prevention.

It is recommended to recommend a scrubbing agent in accordance with the type of skin.

Daily care for eyebrows - a pledge of their beauty and health.

For oily skin use skarby with larger abrasive particles, for dry skin - with small abrasive particles (for example, sugar scrubs), and for sensitive skin it is better to use homage - cleansing due to the rolling of cornified skin. Gomazh is recommended for any type of skin in the winter, as any skin at this time needs careful care.

purpose: remove dead skin scales from the skin in the eyebrows. This will allow thin hairs to come to the surface.

Eyebrow hairs can be nourished with oils (castor, olive, burdock) or with the help of soft cosmetics (gels, serums) containing natural extracts of fruits and plants, complexes of microelements and vitamins.

purpose: to nourish hairs with nutrients, make them shiny, elastic and obedient.

Repair damaged eyebrows

The methods of restoring damaged eyebrows include folk methods, the use of specialized cosmetics, as well as hormonal activators.

The most accessible and simple recovery options are masks, warm oil compresses (on a cotton pad daily for a month, then 1-2 times a week).

Cosmetics with serious makeup

Gels, serums, emulsions, which due to the content in its composition (taurine, arginine, glycine, keratin, glucosamine) will work on the awakening of the bulb. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and duration of treatment.

Agents containing prostaglandins (synthetic hormone analogues) and biopeptides (possess hormonal activity) are hormonal activators. They are easily accessible and therefore they are often used. However, we would not recommend hormonal activators for uncontrolled use, because they have a number of side effects and contraindications.

3. For tinting eyebrows, choose a palette

Graphic eyebrows, drawn in pencil, have long been an irrelevant option. In a fashion natural eyebrows. Makeup artists are advised to use for tinting the palette, which include several pigments. Mixing colors and textures, you get the most natural result.

If you have broad, but not thick eyebrows, then use a modeling mascara for eyebrows. Such products are presented in black, brown and light brown shades. They give the eyebrows density and density, while the eyebrows look very natural.

4. Use gel or eyebrow wax

If you have naturally thin eyebrows, then before tinting them, comb the hairs with a special eyebrow brush and fix with wax, then the eyebrow even without a pencil or shadows will look more voluminous.If you have broad eyebrows, they can be shaped using a transparent gel. For light eyebrows, you can pick up a color gel, which is one or two tones darker than hairs.

Choose a good eyebrow brush - it is equally useful for both broad and thin eyebrows. Sometimes the brushes come with a palette of shadows, but such accessories are not the most comfortable. It is better to choose a special brush: on one side is a brush for combing and placing eyebrows, on the other - a beveled brush for painting.

5. Try toning agents.

If you have thin or rare eyebrows, and you have to tint them every day to make the eyebrow visually more dense, it makes sense to try toning agents - they will fill the voids, make the eyebrow more voluminous, will give the desired shape. "At home, you can use vegetable paints for eyebrows, but it is better to trust the masters - a competent make-up artist-cosmetologist can use the paint to paint the desired eyebrow shape", - He speaks Marybeth Madron.

6. Do not pluck the beginning of the eyebrow growth line.

If you have thick close eyebrows, and you are afraid of the effect of "mono-brows", then carefully watch the area between the eyebrows, trying not to let excess hair grow there. But do not touch the line of the beginning of the eyebrow growth - you can accidentally remove more hair than you need, and this will distort your facial features. In addition, the hairs in the beginning of the growth of eyebrows regain their growth much longer than the rest. “In order not to touch the line of the beginning of the growth of the eyebrow, put a finger between the eyebrow, draw it with a pencil on both sides, pull out only those hairs that are inside the outlined zone”, - He speaks Marybeth Madron.

If you adjust your eyebrows by yourself, then before taking up the tweezers, draw the desired eyebrow line with a pencil. Remove only those hairs that go beyond the line.

7. Use eyebrow cosmetics

The modern range of cosmetics designed specifically for the eyebrows, is very diverse. If earlier they were mainly represented by luxury cosmetics brands, now you can find decent products from budget brands. Many ladies still use only pencil to make their eyebrows beautiful, while the means are much more.

For example, eyebrow mascaras. If you see Brow Filler on the mascara, it means that the product is intended to underline the natural shape. These carcasses differ from the usual ones in that they contain silicones, which smooth the hairs and give a matte finish.

Instead of traditional eyebrow pencils, you can use pencils on the basis of pressed powder: they help to correct the line and fill the gaps. After drawing the eyebrow, blend the contours with a beveled brush, and you will get the most natural effect. Pencils creams are convenient for drawing eyebrows after fixing hairs with wax or gel.

Transparent gels, which come with a brush, help to lay the hairs and fix the shape you gave them. If you pick up the gel with vitamins in the composition, it will further strengthen the eyebrows.

Eyebrow palette is a universal product, which, in addition to the shadows themselves, may include wax and a double-sided brush for combing hairs and applying shadows.

Lipstick is one of the new eyebrow products. They have a dense texture, help to emphasize the shape of the broad eyebrows and fix the hairs, while not gluing them. Also lipstick fill the gaps between the hairs.

8. Carefully remove eyebrow makeup

Eyebrows and the skin under them need the same thorough removal of makeup as the entire face. Use a milk or other alcohol-free makeup remover, wiping your eyebrows with a damp cotton pad in the direction of hair growth until they are completely cleansed.

On the other hand, what is good for the skin is not always good for the eyebrows, so do not put nourishing creams on the eyebrows: they can penetrate the follicle, clog it and loosen it.

9. Correctly remove excess hair.

Choose high-quality tweezers with beveled edges - so you will remove the hairs, not tearing them, and gently pulling. If you have a low threshold of sensitivity, then adjust the eyebrows after a shower when the skin is steamed: this way you will reduce pain. Pluck out hairs only in the direction of hair growth, to prevent them from growing.

10. Do not use magnifying glasses.

A magnifying mirror is a risk to remove more hair than necessary and make eyebrows. Any manipulations with eyebrows spend only a large mirror in which you see all your face.

When correcting eyebrows, it is important not to argue with nature - you should not make straight eyebrows out of straight lines or try to give an unusual shape to straight eyebrows: work with the natural form, filling gaps and giving them a neat shape.

Marybeth Madron, international eyebrow correction master

If you adjust your eyebrows at home, then do it in good light. Ideally, in daylight. Before you take the tweezers and begin to pull out the hairs, think about what shape you want to give your eyebrows. Find a photo where you have your natural eyebrows, evaluate your face shape, determine which eyebrow shape will be most harmonious for you. If you have small facial features, then your eyebrows should not be wide. If large, then eyebrows should be more expressive.

Use at bedtime gel conditioners for eyebrows and eyelashes to strengthen hair and return the density of eyebrows. Take dietary supplements to enhance hair growth.

Factors affecting eyebrow growth

Nutrition. A balanced diet has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the eyebrows, but also on the general well-being. Products that promote rapid growth:

  • dairy and dairy products, liver and eggs (vitamin B),
  • nuts, cereals, vegetable oil, cabbage (vitamin E),
  • meat, fish, cheese, legumes (proteins),
  • carrots, butter, citrus (vitamin A).

Predisposition. Genetics plays an important role in determining the basic problem of poor eyebrow condition. In this case, you can give a beautiful appearance with the help of tattoo. This service is provided in beauty salons, using the latest technology and talented craftsmen.

Bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol adversely affect the condition of hair, eyebrows and nails.

Putting henna or paint. Coloring eyebrows leads to the destruction of hairs, as well as their loss.

Care. Lack of or lack of care leads to deterioration of the hair. To make the edge beautiful and healthy, you should follow several rules:

  • removing makeup from the face, do not forget about eyebrows. Accurate, careful treatment can be made as a special means for makeup removal, and a more natural method. One such method is the use of olive oil. To do this, you need a wet cotton pad to dip into the oil, and then wipe the edge. As a result, there will be no trace of the cosmetics. In addition, olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that beneficially affect the condition of the skin and hair.
  • daily combing eyebrows with special brushes promotes active hair growth.
  • hairline throughout the body has the same structure, and also needs regular care. Therefore, applying a balm to the hair after washing your hair, pay the same attention to eyebrows. As a result, they will become softer, more brilliant, and also ready to meet with negative external factors.

Ecology. Severe environmental pollution is bad for eyebrows. Therefore, a walk in the park will bring more benefits than a trip in a stuffy, dusty transport.

Method number 2. Essential oils

The most effective oils:

  • Castor - softens, whitens the skin, strengthens hair and eyebrows, contributes to their rapid growth,
  • burdock - makes hair shine, restores their structure and strength,
  • peach seed oil - promotes hair saturation with vitamins such as P, A, E, C, group B,
  • Usma oil is very popular in the East. It gives hairs elasticity, smoothness, stimulates their growth. The effect of oil is noticeable after a few weeks of regular use.

Apply oil should be soft movements with the help of the ring finger. A small drop of the product is gently rubbed into the hair, then the eyebrows are brushed to evenly distribute the oil. To carry out the procedure should be at night, and in the morning to remove the remnants.

Method number 3. Professional cosmetics

Today, the cosmetic market is filled with a large number of products that can strengthen eyebrows, give them a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Balsams and serums, as a rule, include natural ingredients in their composition, however there may be contraindications. Eyebrow care products can be of various types. The most common are drops, mascaras, and balms.

Method number 5. Masks

Folk cosmetology stores in its arsenal a large number of useful tips and recipes for the preservation of the health of eyebrows. The most effective means:

  • Mask of carrots. To prepare the mask, rub the carrots and add vegetable or olive oil. Apply the mixture to the edge for 20 minutes, rinse off with water.
  • Mask of calendula. Dried calendula flowers (2 tbsp. Spoons) should be poured with hot water, let it brew for 30 minutes. Ready decoction must be applied to the eyebrows several times a day.
  • Mask from aloe and cream. The first step is to get the juice from the aloe leaf. Then cream and vegetable oil are added to the juice in the same proportions (1 tbsp). The resulting mixture should be carefully applied to the edge, cover with small paper sheets. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off. It is best suited for this decoction of chamomile or mint.
  • Mask of pepper tincture. For the preparation of funds should be taken in equal amounts of tincture and water. After mixing, moisten cotton pads in the liquid and leave on the eyebrows for 2 hours. Avoid contact with eyes. This mask can be done 3-4 times a week.
  • Cognac mask. To obtain funds, mix brandy (2 tablespoons), chicken yolk and olive oil. Apply to hair, soak for 40 minutes.

The benefits or harm of eyebrow shaving

To be sure of the benefits of advice, you should check it for yourself. However, it is worth refraining from checking some recommendations.

It is a well-known fact that in order to give the baby’s hair its thickness and strength, it should be shaved off. Some hold the same opinion about eyebrows. The appearance of such an assumption arose on the basis of the fact that when shaving hair, two hairs grow from one hair bulb. Such active hair growth leads to an increase in density. However, along with the density, the coarseness of the hairs increases. They become prickly, naughty. This means that, after shaving, eyebrows can grow unevenly and stick out in bunches. Therefore, it is better to carefully care for the edges, to maintain their natural shape.

Constant work and the desire to become better able to work wonders. Armed with helpful tips, start caring for your eyebrows and enjoy the result.


Watch the video: HOW TO GROOM + SHAPE YOUR EYEBROWS! super easy (July 2024).