Work with hair

Types of highlighting for blond hair


The invention of the new method of hair coloring by highlighting belongs to a French barber, who first presented his creation to the public in the form of Brigitte Bardot. From the moment of the first experiments to this day, more than a decade has passed, but the highlighting remains on the crest of a wave and does not lose its relevance.

Owners of blond hair never complain about the lack of interest from men. However, the features of female nature are constantly aimed at finding new ways of self-improvement. One of the ways to make your image brighter and more expressive is to highlight blondes.

And blondes want highlighting

Types of highlighting for blond beauties

Dyeing individual strands of blond hair can achieve a fantastic effect.

Using various techniques, stylists achieve their goals: be it a visual increase in volume, the creation of an extravagant image or the skillful disguise of early gray hair. The modern industry of hairdressing allows girls, by nature endowed with thin or sparse hair, to create a charming hairstyle that attracts the eyes of passersby. Among the latest developments of professional stylists to create a seductive image are the following options for partial hair coloring:

  • the combination of blond hair with dark strands,
  • Californian technology
  • combination with ginger color,
  • American style highlights,
  • back highlighting.

Having studied the features of each technique, it will be easier for you to navigate in the variety of methods of highlighting blond hair to select the most suitable one.

Dark strands on blond hair

Extravagant and stylish look melena blondes with dark strands. Most often, this option is used by fair-haired girls who are not suited to the base dark shade, but there is a desire to make their image mysterious, to show notes of a seductress. The technique of combining dark strands and the basic light base due to the contrast of subtle inclusions of shades of coffee or chocolate color forms a more expressive face and voluminous hairstyle. The technique of execution is based on the use of a special fine comb, called brushing. It is immersed in the dye mixture, and then carried through the hair. It is not forbidden to use traditional foil or cap to form dark strands.

Jennifer Lopez

California technique with light strands

The curls of residents of the California state, under the scorching sun, acquire a rich caramel color. This inspired stylists to develop a new coloring technique, called Californian by its birthplace. Proposal professionals instantly picked up Hollywood prima. Jennifer Lopez and JenniferEniston have been spotted among lovers of giving caramel tones to blond hair.

Jennifer Aniston

Encouraged by their example, the female audience happily included the California technique in the arsenal of highlighting light strands. The basic principle of the method is to preserve the maximum naturalness. This is achieved by dyeing without the use of thermal film or foil. The paint is applied to the strands chaotically, without a clear ordering, and then mixed with the base color. Such actions are aimed at achieving uniformity without clear transitions and boundaries of color. In addition to lightening, experts suggest using Californian technology to give hair natural tones:

  • honey,
  • cognac,
  • coffee,
  • shortbread,
  • walnut,
  • beige and others

A significant advantage of the California version is its sparing action due to the content in the preparations of natural coloring pigments and wax. The natural distribution of the straightened strands avoids the regular tinting of regrown roots.

Partial dyeing with red color

Since the earliest times, redhead hair has received increased attention from others, and many myths and legends are associated with it. Apparently, to characterize the red-haired woman beast, there were reasons. Not wanting to resort to drastic measures, to highlight the image of a playful and attractive seducer will help highlighting for blondes red hair. This is an easy way to stand out from the crowd and identify their individuality. But you should not cross the line and use contrasting shades, it casts the thought of vulgarity. Optimal for the preservation of naturalness to choose a palette of colors close to the blond.

American style

More recently, hair color blond began to highlight the American style. To create a unique image you will need a foil and various shades of colors from one palette. The use of several tones (most often choose from two to four shades) is the main highlight of the fashionable fashion. The use of the American style of highlighting contributes to the formation of non-traditional highlights and transitions, adds saturation and increases the volume of the hairstyle visually.

Tip! The more shades taken for highlighting, the brighter and more alive the main color looks.

This technique of coloring allows you to change the overall perception of hair, depending on the method of installation. The services of a professional stylist will help to achieve a high result after highlighting. From the procedure of dyeing blond hair at home is better to refuse.

Principle of reverse highlighting

At the services of backscaling, they resort to the case when the previously clarified ends have grown strongly enough, and natural roots stand out against the general background. Re-grounding allows you to give hair the color used for dyeing earlier. The basic principle of the method is to apply highlighting exclusively on the root length of the hair, the remaining part of the strands is subjected to coloring. When choosing a shade, consider the degree of clarification of the root. The lighter it is, the more golden it needs to be chosen. The remaining length is subjected to dyeing a tone darker than natural hair. Between applying the paint and washing it, observe the interval of 50 minutes.

Follow all staining rules.

The combination of dyed hair with highlighting

It is common for females to change their preferences frequently. Yesterday I wanted to be a classic blonde, and today the idea was born to add some zest to the image after the clarification was done. Now in the salons often conduct the process of highlighting on bleached hair.

To avoid annoying troubles and not to harm your appearance, it is important to remember some of the nuances of the procedure. If a little time has passed since the moment of the wave or the curls are too weak, it is better to move the highlighting process to a later period, allowing the hair to recover.

In the case of the use of natural dyes prior to highlighting, this must be reported to the master.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that highlighting is fashionable. However, thinking about this method of changing the image, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages and dangers that accompany this procedure.

  1. includes various strand staining techniques,
  2. in comparison with full coloring less aggressively affects hair due to their partial participation in the procedure,
  3. securely disguises gray hair,
  4. gives a chance to grow natural hair without a loss of aesthetic appearance,
  5. creates the effect of visual rejuvenation,
  6. there is no need for a monthly correction,
  7. provides a chance to change the image without cardinal actions,
  8. hair with highlight get extra shine, volume and saturation.

The nuances in which it is worthwhile to delay the highlighting:

  • Split and brittle hair can not stand the additional aggressive effects,
  • a shag that has been recently chemically curled or bleached needs a recovery period,
  • the complexity, duration and cost of the procedure exceeds the traditional staining,
  • the consequences of using natural dyes may unpleasantly surprise after the highlighting procedure, in this case it is recommended to wait for their removal by natural means,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding changes the hormones of a woman, and the result of highlighting may differ from the expected effect.

Consult with the master about highlighting

After the procedure is recommended to take care of hair restoration. For this purpose, in addition to traditional rinses and balms, additional feeding masks are used.

# 1 Technique for contouring blond hair

This is truly an amazing technique for lightening individual strands, which will completely change both the look of your face and your image as a whole. In order to get the desired effect, the work should be done by a specialist in this type of dyeing, who can choose the right strands, so that they emphasize the shape of your face, and hide possible flaws, and visually increase the volume of the hairstyle. Correctly done hair constriction, can even make a figure visually slimmer!

The photo below shows a photo of girls with blond hair of different colors. See how the highlight made in the technique of contouring brightens the skin color and transforms each of them. By the way, actress Sarah Jessica Parker constantly uses this coloring.

On the first girl used the clarification of the usual clarification of the desired strands from the crown and temples.

On the second one, the brightening of the tips with a pile was added (balayazh). Hair combed over the entire length, and the brightening compound is applied to the longest ends.

# 2 Ombre on blond hair

Another very fashionable and convenient form of highlighting for blond hair. This type refers to the horizontal color, when the coloring composition is applied only on the lower part of the hair, which can be both brightened and darkened. Why did we call it comfortable? If you grow your natural color, the ombre technique will help to hide the border between previously painted and already grown hair. So you avoid the need to lighten the roots and grow a natural color. Properly made ombre, with a uniform color transition is suitable for both long hair and haircuts such as elongated bob.

# 3 Technique balayazh

It is for this technique that the second stage of contouring was performed in our first paragraph. This type of highlighting on blond hair creates the effect of naturally faded hair from a long stay in the sun. The hair is divided into strands, and each combed along the entire length to the roots. At the very hair sticking out of the pile, a brightening compound is applied, then the strand is wrapped in foil. Thus, we get chaotically located clarified ends. We would not be able to get such a spread of light highlights from ordinary highlighting.

# 4 Shatush - lightening with several shades

Shatush coloring is a more complex and professionally made version of the previous coloring. The technique of applying the dye is one, but the intensity of the clarification of different strands is different. There can also be a difference not only in the level of clarification, but also in an additional shade. Be prepared for the fact that for the execution of the shatush in the cabin you will need to pay a fairly significant amount.

# 5 Classic highlighting of blond hair

This option will never lose its relevance, since every master of painting is familiar with this technique. All that has changed in this technique over the past decade - they no longer use a cap to extract thin strands of hair, this technology is considered very outdated. So if you have been offered highlighting through a cap in the salon, keep in mind that this master has not attended refresher courses for a long time and is not familiar with modern coloring methods.

# 6 Dark or black highlights

Full analogue to the classic version of the technique of execution, but instead of the highlighted strands, we can get darker or just black locks. A convenient option for the transition to growing natural dark brown hair. Due to the strong contrast between the total light weight of the hair and the dark, highlighted hair, the hairstyle will make you stand out from the crowd very much. But just such a very dark version of highlighting on blond hair will not suit every woman. You will need the advice of a hair coloring specialist to evaluate all possible nuances for your color type and face shape.

# 7 Brazilian highlights on blond hair

Another bright and defiant coloring. Part of the hair is lightened according to the technique of classical highlighting, then this hair is tinted in several different shades contrasting with the main hair color. In due course toning is washed away, and it can be repeated, but already using other colors. This hairstyle is suitable for the summer period, and as time goes by, all the bright pigments from the tinting compound will be washed off, leaving traces of normal highlighting on the blond hair.

# 9 California highlights

Another type of design of blond hair, which appeared in this decade. In contrast to the classical version, after applying the dye, the hair is not wrapped in foil. The reaction takes place on the open strand, while it may concern non-colored hair. The result is a natural glare across the depth of the hair. We see no boundaries between painted and unpainted areas. The color change in Californian highlighting can be of different depths, and lighten by 1-3 tones.

Using all of the techniques listed above, you can change the look of the hairstyle without much damage to the hair, add brightness to it and make the curls more alive. The strands highlighted in color will accentuate the curl, become a tender framing of the face, or hide growing roots. Lightened hair scattered throughout the hair will give her extra volume. This type of dyeing on blond hair does not require regular adjustment, and can grow unnoticed.

But there is one thing - the correct selection of lightening agents. By using too strong an oxidizer or having the wrong time, you can make dyed hair porous, which means they will break off in the future. If you are going to perform one of the described techniques at home, select a dye from professional products so that it gently brightens your hair type by 1-3 tones. Also do not forget that now your curls require additional care with the use of funds for bleached hair.

Highlighting hair: "for" and "against"

To speak about the absolute harmlessness of such a procedure as highlighting, it would be, at least, unfair to our readers. After all, whatever one may say, but the lightening, though partial, is connected with the use of means far from the most friendly to the hair. Based on this, we consider it appropriate to mention both the pros and the disadvantages of the procedure. But on whose side the advantage is our sweet girls.

Benefits of highlighting

  • possesses many techniques
  • eliminates full shading, and therefore less harm to hair,
  • is a reliable disguise of gray hair,
  • gives you the opportunity to grow natural hair color with little or no damage to your appearance,
  • melirovanny hair get the additional volume, gloss and a saturation,
  • refreshes the complexion
  • on the background of highlighting, some hairstyles look much more advantageous,
  • visually rejuvenates a woman
  • does not require a monthly correction, as in the standard painting,
  • allows you to change the image without cardinal metamorphosis,
  • with some techniques of highlighting can be managed independently at home.

Disadvantages of highlighting

  • in the case of brittle and splitting hair, highlighting should be rejected,
  • highlighting may aggravate the condition of dyed, bleached or damaged permed hair,
  • after highlighting unhealthy hair may appear untidy,
  • on the duration and complexity of the procedure highlighting exceeds the standard hair coloring.


It assumes a uniform staining of the strands over the entire length. The result of the application of the classical technology are clarified by 1-2 tones of curls of various widths and thicknesses. The most attractive is considered dense highlighting with the most thin strands.

French (Mazhimesh)

According to the degree of delicacy, French highlighting can give odds to all other technicians. It is characterized by the use of wax-based products that do not contain ammonia destructive to hair. The name of this type of highlighting ("French") is directly related to the manufacturer, because it is the French drugs that are most in demand in the technique of Mazhmesh. French highlighting is an ideal option for light-brown girls who are not striving for dramatic changes in appearance. The mild effect on the natural color and structure of the hair are the indisputable advantages of this technique. Mazhimesh allows for easy clarification with the effect of sunburned strand. The color palette used for coloring is based on light and delicate shades - from milky to light coffee. After the procedure, the hair is not only transformed, but also becomes very soft and silky.

Californian ("stretching colors")

Burning out under the rays of the bright Californian sun to a rich caramel color, the curls of American beauties "threw" the stylists the idea of ​​creating another fashionable highlighting technique - California. I must say that she immediately fell in love with the majority of Hollywood stars, and then further followed the massive recognition of a wide female audience. As in the case of French highlighting, the principle of maximum naturalness prevails here. In the course of Californian highlighting, the strands can not only be lightened, but also give them any natural shade - coffee, honey, nutty, brandy, wheat, beige, sand and others. Thanks to the wax and natural pigments that make up the preparations, this type of dyeing is also among the gentle. It is noteworthy that the technology of Californian melirovanie is implemented without the materials customary for such a procedure - foil or thermofilm. Having painted the strands in a rather chaotic manner, they are mixed with the rest of the hair mass, thus achieving color uniformity without clear boundaries and transitions. With this kind of highlighting, the need for further coloring of the roots, as a rule, is absent. Due to the fact that California highlighting differs rather complicated technique, it is better if an experienced master will be engaged in its implementation.


Brazilian highlights preferably for girls with light brown hair. The main technology is to lighten the individual strands, followed by toning the selected shade. The result is a combination of dyed and unpainted strands, i.e.
multi-colored highlighting. As for the roots, they are often not distinguished. Because of this, they do not look untidy and do not need tinting as they grow.

Highlight black strands

Some blond girls are afraid of this type of highlighting, considering it too catchy and challenging. In fact, thin black strands on blond hair look very stylish and extravagant. This option of highlighting is especially justified in the event that the blonde does not see her curls in black, but at the same time wants to bring something new and unexpected to the usual image. Highlighting with black strands is also considered successful because, due to contrasting threadlike strands of dark color (black, coffee, chocolate, dark blonde, etc.), the face becomes more expressive, and the hairstyle is more voluminous. The most common method of dyeing black strands is associated with the use of brushing - a thin comb, which is carried through the hair, after having dipped it into the coloring composition. With all this, the classic technique (with a cap or foil) is also practiced.

Even more photos on the topic of highlighting on blonde hair will be presented by our photo selection.

Varieties of Hair Coloring

Blond hair in itself looks quite impressive, attracting attention with naturalness and naturalness, but if the solid color does not please you anymore, you can bring small changes by choosing one of the most popular techniques of partial dyeing of hair today.

Further you can familiarize yourself with the options for highlighting blond hair, with their detailed description and demo photos.

Dark or light

Over time, with improper care, light strands may become dull and lifeless. To endow the curl with freshness and health, you can use bright highlights, as a result of which the hair will once again become shiny and bright. Classic light color involves the use of beige, walnut, honey, amber, light chestnut, wheat and pearl color.

Dark shading is less popular, but this technique, which has many positive aspects, should not be ignored. The technology involves the use of coffee, chocolate, copper-chestnut and natural dark-brown shades that looks advantageous on light strands.

Dark highlighting on blond hair involves dyeing hair at the very roots. The tips can be toned in a lighter tone. With this color your image will definitely become more fresh and creative.

You can stop your choice both on the classic version, and on more radical methods, suitable for girls who like to attract the attention of others with their unusual appearance.

In the photo a beautiful highlight of dark strands on blond hair:

Check out the photo highlights blond hair blond strands:

Dark and color highlights of blond hair in the photo:

Venetian hair styling

Very popular today is the Venetian technique of partial dyeing of hair, which is suitable for both owners of dark hair and women with blond curls.

If you are not afraid of experiments and cardinal changes in appearance, you can stop at burgundy, purple and blue colors. This technique of highlighting involves the application of the coloring matter from the end of the curls to their middle part, followed by soft shading using a special brush.

You can look at the photo:

California view

California highlighting has acquired this name due to the high popularity of this technique of coloring strands among Hollywood stars. For women with dark blond hair, when choosing this technique, stylists recommend stopping at soft golden and brown shades. It is about copper, cognac, wheat and honey tones.

By choosing California toning, you will be able to achieve an amazing game of shades that will smoothly flow between each other, blurring the boundaries. This technique involves the color of curls from darker to light shades.

In the following video, the master demonstrates the technique of performing Californian (melange) highlighting on blond hair with a detailed description:

American technology

Less popular among blondes is this type of painting strands, which is more suitable for dark-haired owners. This technique involves a combination of 3-4 tones on the curls.

Blondes in light highlights are encouraged to give preference to a soft caramel palette. The result of this color will be curls of different thickness and width. The transitions between them can be soft, sharp or contrasting.

The photo shows the American highlights of light long hair:

Ash color

This type of highlighting of light hair was invented in the near 2015 and immediately gained unprecedented popularity not only among determined young people, but also among more mature women in the beautiful part of the population who are not afraid of painting in such an interesting tone, similar to gray hair.

Ashy shade can be applied as a separate strand or distributed over the entire length of the hair with a gradient.

Interesting ash highlights of blond hair in the photo:

Ginger colour

Reddish highlighting is perfect for blondes who want to give their hair brightness and saturation and are not afraid of fundamental changes in appearance.

This photo shows red highlights on blond hair:

Reverse selection

Owners of light-brown hair are also perfect for the reverse coloring technique, which is most often used to correct unsuccessful experiments with changing the color of the strands and smoothly returning to the natural color.

The following photo clearly demonstrates the reverse highlights technique on blonde hair:

The advantage of highlighting the feathers of blond hair is the ease of execution, so that staining can be carried out at home. The technique of highlighting involves the gradual staining of thin strands. Such a dyeing on short hair will look the most impressive, giving it a larger volume.

To your attention a photo of spectacular highlighting with feathers on light short hair:

Contrast paint

Contrast highlighting on blonde hair involves dyeing the hair, divided into strands with a separate width. For these purposes, they often use different, contrasting shades, which will make them more expressive against the background of a common hairstyle. It is better to give preference to darker tones.

Will look ombra on short hair, read our article.

If you have red hair and you dream about highlighting, here you will find all the necessary information about it.

Small or large

Partial staining can be performed using fine or coarse highlighting techniques. Small - involves the staining of thin strands in order to create a background. If you want to achieve a contrast of shades, it is recommended to give preference to large highlights.

Thanks to this coloring, you can achieve a visual volume, make the curls luxurious and velvety. You can combine large and small strands - bold experiments for modern girls.

In this photo, small highlights on blonde hair:

Tone Selection

The result of highlighting brown hair depends largely on the correctness of the choice of shade. For this you need to evaluate the initial color type. So, women with dark blond strands should opt for brown and golden hues, represented by wheat, copper, amber, honey.

Owners of bright colors better think about their combination with white tones. We are talking about cream, milk, platinum and ivory. A tandem of light-brown curls with cold metallic shades, namely, ashen, silver and platinum, will look quite impressive.

Procedure at home

As already noted, many dyeing techniques require professional performance of the procedure, therefore they cannot be used at home.

Simplicity of performance is characterized by classic dark and light highlights. To do this, it is only necessary to determine the appropriate shade of the coloring matter and apply it to the hair, guided by the finished step-by-step instructions.

This method is the easiest and most accessible, and for a better understanding of it you can use the step-by-step instruction:

  • Determining the length and width of the strips, guided by the following recommendations: the width of the strips should be equal to the width of the strands multiplied by 4, and the indicators of their length more than the length of the strands by 2 cm.
  • The division of the hair into four equal areas with the allocation of the occipital, parietal, right and left. Fastening the strands with clips.
  • Highlighting strands located on the back of my head, retreating from the roots by 5 mm. Placement of dyed strands on the dye-treated foil. “Sealed” strands should be fastened with clips.
  • Coloring the remaining curls.
  • Keeping the paint for the recommended time.
  • Thorough shampooing.

We decided to change the image? Who is red hair, read in this publication.

About the very popular lately coconut oil, its use for hair, the rules of application and flushing outlined here.

The following video describes how to conduct hair highlights at home:

To facilitate the task of self-highlighting blond hair at home, you can use a special cap with holes for the strands. This device will become a real helper if it is necessary to perform highlighting on medium and long hair.

In the photo you can see how the highlighting of medium-sized blonde hair occurs using a cap:

Highlighting blond hair has opened up many opportunities to change appearance without making major changes. Not only light, but also dark shades are perfectly combined with brown curls, so do not be afraid to experiment on the way to your dream image.

Thanks to the right technique and high-quality dyeing, your hair will begin to play in a new way. This is a great option to refresh the image and give a touch of irresistible to the hair.

The essence and technology of highlighting

Translated from English, "highlighting" means "mixing." This technique involves changing the color of individual strands, while most of the hair is not affected. With the help of highlighting, you can update your image without major changes and emphasize your merits. Such staining solves some problems:

  • improves the structure of soft and unruly curls,
  • removes oily hair.

Highlighting fits almost everyone. It can be done on the hair of any color. In addition, it:

  • refreshes and rejuvenates the face
  • makes richer the color palette of any hair, both dyed and natural.

Such a staining technique should be discarded if:

  • strands are colored with henna or in any red shades,
  • hair color is black or dark brown,
  • a perm was previously done,
  • a woman is breastfeeding or pregnant (hormonal changes make the result of staining unpredictable).
  • Curls are dried out with a hair dryer and frequent staining.

Highlighting technique

Highlighting can be performed on the hair of any color, but light (especially natural) shades are an ideal base for such coloring.

If you decide to change your image using highlights, make sure your hair is healthy.

Damaged and dried hair should be restored with a series of masks (home or salon), and the split ends should be cut off.

It is better not to lighten the strands dyed with henna or Basma, but wait until the natural ones grow.

It is better to entrust the selection of shades for highlighting to a professional, otherwise the face may look tired, and the curls will not be in harmony with the skin and eye color.

The highlighting technique is a lot, but the following are considered basic:

  • Through a rubber or plastic cap.

This method is suitable for short and medium length hair. You can even do at home. A special rubber or plastic shower cap is put on the head. There are already holes in the rubber through which you need to pull out the individual strands and cover them with a brightening compound. From polyethylene they are pulled crocheted in random order.

The brightening compound is applied to individual strands that are wrapped in foil. The technique is suitable for long-haired girls.

Hairdressers have a special device - a styyper, which facilitates coloring. This is a double-sided comb, on one side of which there are cavities filled with dyeing composition.

The master selects a curl with this side, and then evenly distributes the paint that fell on him with the other side with frequent teeth. This method is suitable for hairstyles of any length.

This method is used for curly and short hair. In the first case, the lightening compound is applied to the moist hair ends in several approaches with a small interval (the “frost” technique). Short hair is pre-treated with mousse and then paint is applied to the tips of the strands (“glazing” technique).

Advantages and disadvantages of highlighting on light brown strands

Highlighting has many advantages over conventional staining or clarification. And here are the main ones:

  • ideal for those who want to become blonde, but afraid to harm their hair,
  • makes hair more voluminous, emphasizes its shape,
  • hides gray hair, makes the face fresh and young,
  • significantly saves time. After the classic highlighting, you can not tint the roots for 2-3 months, and after Californian - up to six months,

Any staining has "weak" sides. Highlighting is no exception. Here are the main disadvantages of this procedure:

  • even the most gentle highlighting damages the curls,
  • the event lasts several hours (depending on the length of the strands),
  • This is an expensive procedure.

Classic option

This is the first technique of highlighting. Curls evenly covered with dye from roots to ends. Depending on the desires of the client, the master can color thick or thin strands.

In the first case, a rather extravagant hairstyle with brightly highlighted strands is obtained. In the second case - elegant coloring.

The virtue of classic highlighting - hair becomes more voluminous.

California or American highlights

This coloring technique involves creating the effect of curls, naturally burned out under the sun. Its feature is the use of several very close shades, and the color smoothly stretches from light tips to dark roots.

Advantages: makes the hair more voluminous, does not require frequent painting of regrown roots. Ideal for those who want to return to natural color and grow hair, keeping it healthy.

Dark or reverse highlighting

Fair-haired girls sometimes want to make their hair a little darker, without repainting completely brunette.

The ideal option for them is dark highlighting. In this dyeing, the composition is applied to the hair 2-3 tones darker than the base color so that the hairstyle is natural.

Advantages: changes the image, allows you to gradually return to the natural color.

This is a very gentle way of staining. An ammonia-free paint mixed with wax is applied to the individual strands. Suitable for light and heavily damaged curls, gives them beautiful wheat or honey tones.

Dignity: changes the color of the curls with minimal harm to them.

French technology

This type of coloring is suitable only for blondes or light-haired girls. Its feature is the change of the base color by 2-3 tones. Selected strands are not striking, creating a slight effect of sun-bleached hair.

Another option for such staining is light highlighting. Separate curls lighten up to 1-2 tones.

Advantages: the most gentle coloring, the bulk of the hair remains intact, using soft dyes with a large number of caring components.

Double highlighting

This type of highlighting is performed in two contrasting colors. Strands are selectively painted in a light and dark shade of the same type. At the request of the client, the master can select individual zones (side strands, crown or tips).

The result of such coloring can turn out to be rather extravagant, therefore it suits young or very courageous girls. Dignity: creates a bold image.

Color staining

Color highlighting becomes more popular every year. With it, you can create a very original image, it looks good on blond and light brown hair.

For girls who regularly color their curls in blond, we can recommend to add a few strands close to the natural color or slightly darker (caramel, milk chocolate, walnut).

This will not only refresh the image and make the younger image of the girl, but will allow less frequent exposure of the curls to chemical compounds.

Crazy colors are popular among young girls. In this case, the strands can be absolutely any shade (red, orange, green). You can use only one color or several.

Strawberry highlights are becoming popular. Individual curls or only the tips are painted in pale pink color. Suitable for teenage girls or creative people.

Short haircuts

Make highlighting for short hair is easiest, even at home. To dye such strands, open highlighting is used manually or with a cap.

In the first case, the lightening compound is applied selectively on the strands. In the second case, a rubber or cellophane cap is put on the head and the individual strands are carefully removed. Coloring composition should be thick.

Coloring haircuts with bangs

Bangs - an important element of hair, it can hide flaws, and sometimes it is the highlight of the entire haircut.

Regardless of its shape, it is always painted separately.

The master selects several strands, puts them on the foil and puts paint. Highlighting bangs emphasizes its shape and refreshes the face.

How to make highlighting at home?

Any girl wants to look fresh and beautiful, but not everyone can afford to highlight a professional.

Before you start painting, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  1. paint and oxidizer (it is advisable to use a professional line and a gentle oxidizer in order not to damage the curls),
  2. mixing container (glass or plastic only),
  3. brush,
  4. thin comb,
  5. gloves,
  6. rubber / polyethylene foil, thermal paper or cap,
  7. towel,
  8. shampoo, balm,
  9. in case you get a yellowish tint, make a purple tonic.

Coloring through the cap

This method is suitable if you have a short haircut. Get down to staining:

  1. put the cap on as tightly as possible on your head,
  2. take the hook and gently pull a few strands of hair from under it,
  3. paint each paint, trying not to reach the holes a little so that there are no stains,
  4. Hold the allotted time and wash off the composition without removing the cap. Then remove it and wash your head with a special shampoo.

Coloring with foil or thermal paper

This method can be used if the curls are long or medium length. In this case, it is advisable to ask someone to help, since such strands are difficult to paint over evenly without help. During the procedure:

  1. divide the hair into several parts, begin to dye from the back of the head,
  2. select a wide strand and separate from it thin curls (comb or hands). Put them on foil or thermal paper, apply paint and wrap,
  3. miss a strand of hair. With the next repeat the previous step,
  4. After a certain time, remove the foil and wash your head.

Highlighting with a comb

Such staining will create the effect of burnt hair, since the strands are lightened unevenly along the entire length.

During dyeing:

  1. select several narrow strands (about 1.5-2 cm) and secure them with a clip,
  2. Take a comb with frequent teeth and add selected curls,
  3. on the remaining hair, apply the paint, moving from the ends of the hair, shading to the roots,
  4. allow time and wash your hair.

Recommendations for the care of melirovanny hair

Any, even the most gentle highlighting harms curls, so they require special care:

  1. get a special shampoo and a balm for colored hair (some manufacturers produce a line for blondes, it contains special pigments that neutralize yellowness),
  2. rinse can be replaced with herbal broth - nettle strengthens, chamomile retains a light shade,
  3. regularly use masks from improvised products - yolk, kefir, honey, various oils will strengthen and moisturize the curls,
  4. after highlighting, hair ends are very affected, lubricate them with olive or castor oil for the night (try to use a transparent or slightly yellowish product, since dark oils can stain the strands),
  5. Try not to use a hairdryer and styling tongs.

If you want to make highlighting yourself, then you should study the rules for performing this procedure. From the following video you can learn how to properly highlight the foil, using a special comb. Tips from a professional hairdresser.

Reviews from owners of light colored hair

For several years I was a pure blonde, but then I decided to add some dark strands. In the barbershop I picked up a color close to my roots. The master put paint on the foil in a checkerboard pattern. The result impressed me. I looked much fresher and more natural.

After 2 months, the dyeing had to be repeated, because the paint was washed from the discolored strands. This time, the hairdresser applied a lightening powder to a part of the roots, and light brown paint to dark curls. I paint this way for more than a year in 3-4 months, I am very pleased with the result!

  • Pluses: part of the hair is not damaged, it turns out naturally.
  • Disadvantages: expensive.

Olga Arakcheeva, 33 years

I have long wanted to change the image, but did not dare, I was afraid to ruin my hair. Before the wedding of a friend, I wanted to change and I decided to make highlights. The procedure was quite long (more than two hours), but I am pleased with the result.

White strands mixed with my blond hair turned out a nice blond, I even became younger for a couple of years. I think this staining will go all. I advise.

  • Pluses: looks beautiful and natural.
  • Disadvantages: a very long procedure.

Yana Klimenko, 27 years old

With the help of highlighting, you can change the image with minimal harm to hair. Choosing a certain technique, their natural data and the state of curls are taken into account. Reading the reviews, it is immediately obvious that it is easy to transform a short haircut even at home, but it is better to entrust long hair to a professional.

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How dark highlights look on blond hair

A new trend in dyeing blond hair emphasizes the girl's individuality, her originality and originality. Dark strands due to the contrast of colors visually give hair volume. It is possible to experiment with several similar shades at once.

Highlighting on light hair with dark strands can be performed with smooth transitions from one strand to another. It is important that the result of dyeing looks natural, in harmony with the natural hair color.

Other staining techniques can be used:

  • begin staining at the roots and advance to the tips,
  • dye several strands dark
  • make a darkening around the head.

What types of staining are suitable for blonde?

Blond hair is an absolute advantage in choosing the type of highlighting. They will look good as a light color transitions, the type of Californian melirovaniya and contrasting colors (rainbow color). As for colors, there are no restrictions. The only thing worth paying attention to is its own color type.

  1. If a girl has dark skin, it is better to rely on warm colors: golden, caramel, and chestnut.
  2. For white-faced beauties suitable ashy, pearl, light brown shades.

The length of the curls does not matter.

  • Highlighting can be done even on short haircuts, by type of pixie or asymmetry.
  • Classical dyeing is best of all it looks on long and medium hair that curls.
  • But the transverse, partial or hidden preferably for even haircuts, such as a square.

Let us consider the details of the melioration:

  1. Californian (Venetian). The most popular technique for blond hair. It suggests a smooth color transition from light to darker shades. The roots are not stained, and the paint itself is applied in chaotic strokes. This creates the look of natural hair, slightly burned out in the sun. The preference is given to wheat, copper, gold and coffee shades. Favorably looks at any length of curls, except for too short (less than 15 cm).
  2. American This view involves the use of from 2 to 5 colors of paint. Such a number of colors needed to achieve contrast and freshness. Shades can be very different: from a palette of the same color (light blond, ashen, dark brown) to the most unexpected tones: red, mauve, ashen and yellow. Looks amazing on slightly curly locks of medium length.
  3. The reverse. This technology is used for curls that have been repeatedly highlighted and the primary pattern has long been lost. To prevent the strands from merging in a single color, they are painted with more contrasting shades, in most cases the tone is selected on the basis of its natural color. Reverse highlighting will also help get rid of the annoying color and return to the natural, for example, blond.
  4. Zonal. It involves highlighting a separate area, for example, bangs. So the girl does not lose its natural color, but at the same time it acquires some kind of zest. Color for zonal staining will suit any. If you just want to give a lightness and freshness to your hairstyle, a shade of a couple of tones is lighter or darker than your natural one, but for brave young ladies you can try all the colors of the rainbow.
  5. Hidden (internal). It is combined with coloring hair. But it is not the upper layer of curls that is subjected to staining, but the lower one. Thus, you can achieve the effect of a double hairstyle: it is necessary to dissolve the curls and they will be the same color, but if you collect the top in a high tail or a bun, completely different shades will seem.

We offer to watch a video lesson of one of the coloring techniques: "California milirovanie":

You will see a photo of beautiful variations of the colorings, such as Venetian, American, Brazilian and others, and also you will understand which one is better for the blond:

Highlight dark strands on white hair

The blond diluted with dark strands visually looks more saturated and bright. Contrast in combination of colors allows you to focus on a separate part of the haircut, emphasizing it and forcing play in a new way.

Experts recommend when choosing a dark tint on white hair to opt for dark blonde, natural brown, chocolate, honey, light chestnut, coffee shades.

These tones are well combined with each other and especially advantageously emphasize the natural naturalness of blond hair. Strands look more structured and crisp. The image becomes fresher and younger.

Highlighting dark hair with blond hair

Popular among young owners of blond hair toning in the "pink quartz". Gentle pink tint on white hair adds romance and tenderness, emphasizes the youth of fashion.

Straightening options strands

There are 4 types of melodies by strands: frequent, rare, large, small. As the name implies, here the fundamental factor will be the width of the colored strands.

    So, frequent coloring for blond involves dyeing half of the hair. The procedure is carried out with the help of tinting agents or full clarification. This technology is suitable for girls who want to give ease hair, avoiding clear lines and sharp transitions.

The dyeing procedure is carried out with the help of a hat for melirovka. It has special openings through which small strands are released and subjected to staining. The great advantage of this type is the absence of the need to tint the roots, because the technology does not involve the application of paint on them. Rare highlighting - This is a painting method in which only a few curls change color. A distinctive feature of such highlighting is contrasting shades and clear boundaries. The colored strands are at a rather large distance from each other.

This coloring affects the minimum amount of hair, so it does not cause any harm to their health. Independently making wide strands symmetrical is very difficult, so at home it is better not to resort to such highlighting.

  • Large Suitable for long hair. In addition, each strand is separated from the rest with a comb handle, and then covered with a prepared mixture for dyeing. Large highlighting involves the use of foil. But it covers not painted strands, but natural, so that the result was as spectacular as possible. With a large melirovanie, you can apply tones that are 3-5 shades darker than natural, so that your strands are clearly visible.
  • Small highlights looks extremely elegant. This is the most profitable way of coloring for those girls who want to look natural. After such painting, toning of curls is performed so that the effect is harmonious, smooth and soft. To create a fine highlighting fit a special cap, through the holes which you can pass the thinnest strands. Their width should not be more than 3-5 mm.
  • Dark strands on light blond hair

    Brown-haired girls often believe that their natural hair color does not have the desired brightness. However, it is this hair shade that is best dyed and is combined with a huge palette of shades. Without changing dramatically, you can easily change the image, giving the image a new note.

    Highlighting on dark hair with dark strands with a natural tone deviation in light brown is recommended to be done using shades per tone or 2 darker than natural. Dark brown, honey, light chestnut, caramel shades work well.

    You can use several tones at once, creating smooth color transitions. Optimally selected combination of shades only emphasize the beauty of natural color.

    Dark strands on dark blond hair

    Chocolate and coffee colors, chestnut and warm shades of cinnamon and caramel are well suited to emphasize the dark blonde hair. On the caramel background dark and light strands are wonderfully combined. Especially well these harmonious colors of play emphasize the haircut cascade.

    The shades of cinnamon include a range of tones from copper to golden and blend beautifully with dark brown curls.

    Dark strands on red hair

    The structure of red hair is somewhat different from the rest. Red hair is thicker; nevertheless, it remains rather fragile and porous. Highlighting on red hair will give them shine.

    It is recommended to use warm coffee shades, cognac, auburn, walnut tones, deep copper to darken the reddish strands. For a brighter extraordinary result, scarlet, copper and bright red shades are suitable.

    When choosing a shade should take into account the complexion and shape of hair. The main thing for red-haired girls is to preserve an unusual golden shade when coloring, so that the natural tone of the hair, so beautiful from nature, does not turn into a dull, rust-giving color. It is also necessary to correctly select the right care for dyed hair.

    On the grown roots with the addition of dark strands

    With any hair coloring, after some time, you will need to make a correction. The growth rate of hair is individual: someone needs a correction after 3-4 weeks, for others the hairstyle is maintained up to 8-10 weeks. Highlighting on the grown roots is a great opportunity to refresh your hair, avoiding applying paint over the entire length of the strand.

    Radical correction should repeat the color of the previous coloring and not go more than 1 cm beyond its border. To make the hairstyle look natural, and the border of the new coloring is not clearly traced, the transition line does not need to be made even. Asymmetry gives hair naturalness.

    Haircut bob with highlight dark strands

    Highlighting can easily revive a haircut, give originality and individuality to an ordinary hairstyle. But for each hairstyle fit different highlighting options.

    Asymmetrical bob is well combined with contrast highlighting. Dark strands at the roots and bleached hair ends will make your hair look pomp. Also on a short bob car with torn ends, black and white highlighting looks wonderful.

    Stylists recommend that you use the Ombre technique to refresh the car.

    Highlighting with dark strands underneath

    A distinctive feature of highlighting “Peek-a-Boo” is that the lower part of the hairstyle is colored in dark or bright colors. Selected shades contrast with the main hair color and give volume to the hairstyle. When toning secrete bangs and temporal part. This technique is suitable for short haircuts.

    Large or thin strands choose

    Before you begin to highlight, you should decide which type to prefer: rare or frequent, to paint thin strands or larger ones.

    The final result of painting depends on it:

    1. If the strands are thin, they should be painted as often as possible, so the result will be clearly visible and more natural.
    2. Large strands contrasted more sharply with the main mass. This coloring allows you to achieve the desired visual volume for thin hair.
    3. The most courageous, experimentally inclined girls can try an interesting combination of large and small strands.

    What technique to choose

    Highlighting dark hair with blond hair can be performed using one of the existing techniques.

    Each species has its own characteristics and distinctive features:

    • “French” blonding has a natural visual result. The edges of the color transition are smooth, since the shading is done on 1 or maximum 3 tones.

    • When dyeing ombre, the gradation of shades is pronounced and goes from darkening at the roots to a natural color in the middle of the hairstyle and bleached hair at the ends.
    • With the "classic" highlighting there is a consistent alternation of light and dark curls.
    • Highlighting with dark roots is carried out by dyeing fine strands with a distance of 1-3 cm from the roots. This technique differs from ombra in that individual strands are dyed, and in ombra all hair is colored in several shades.
    • Highlighting with the consistent use of two similar shades of the same color, for example, a cold and warm spectrum.
    • Veil highlighting is interesting because for staining a layer of hair is highlighted not on the top, but on the inner layer of the hairstyle. This technique looks good on haircuts that have a clear outline.
    • When choosing the technique of "glare", the effect is very interesting and especially suitable for girls with curly hair. An experienced stylist palms with dye holds on uncombed wavy hair, barely touching them.

    Staining sequence

    1. At the first stage, the root zone and some separate strands are colored with the darkest of the selected shades.
    2. Then, evenly selected some strands over the entire head are tinted with a hint of tone.
    3. The lightest of the selected shades is applied to the rest of the hair mass.

    Depending on what end result it is desirable to achieve, the coloring of the selected strands is carried out in strict order or randomly.

    How to do at home

    There are several ways to highlight dark hair on blond hair. And they can be used at home. Having decided in favor of self-highlighting, you need to choose a method based on the length of the hair and the desired effect of the procedure.

    This coloring technique is simple and convenient, suitable for highlighting for long hair. Before you start coloring, you need to prepare strips of foil with a width of 10 cm and a length of at least 4 cm longer than the hair. You can also purchase a special foil for highlighting, already cut into strips of the desired width and 30 cm long.

    Highlighting technology:

    • The hair is divided into 6-8 parts and fastened with a clip so as not to interfere.
    • It is necessary to begin coloring from the central lower part, moving up.
    • When the central zone is colored, it is necessary to treat the side zones.
    • Strands of desired width are selected and placed on top of the foil.
    • The dye is gently applied with a brush, 1 cm back from the roots.
    • The foil is wrapped around the edges and fixed.
    • The dye is aged on the hair for the time needed for a particular shade and is washed off.
    • At the end of the procedure, a curl should be applied to the curls.

    Through the cap

    This option is recommended to owners of short haircuts and is convenient for execution at home highlighting. The colored locks are smooth, it is possible to vary the frequency of the locks. A special hat is put on the head and with the help of a hook or a comb with a thin tail, through the holes, push the hair strands out.

    Given the desired result, the strands are passed through one, several, or all holes.

    The paint is applied using a brush, kept for a specified time and washed off. Rinse off without removing the cap. The cap should be removed only after the removal of residual composition from the hair. To make the transition more smooth, it is recommended to rinse the hair with a tonic of the desired shade and apply a balm.

    With the help of gum

    The technique is good for curls of medium length. Due to the fact that the roots tone is darker than at the tips, this technique allows you to create the effect of "regrown roots" and play with colors and concentration of shades.

    The hair partings are divided into uniform zones and collected in the tails. It is necessary to stock up in advance the necessary number of gum. To be painted tips of each tail. The dwell time of the paint is determined in accordance with the recommended instructions.

    Using a comb

    The method is simple, but requires a certain skill, otherwise the result will be uneven.

    The technology is as follows:

    1. Dry hair should be carefully combed to allow the comb to slide freely along the strands.
    2. The coloring composition is applied directly to the plastic comb (note that the result depends on the thickness of the comb).
    3. Hold them through the hair, not looking up, from root to tip.
    4. After a while, wash off the paint from the hair and treat the hair with a balm.

    How to make highlights on short hair

    There are special highlighting techniques suitable for extremely short haircuts.

    They are as follows:

    1. On cascading haircuts it is best to make a diagonal highlighting. For coloring are selected contrasting, but in harmony with each other shades.
    2. Coloring short strands can be done with a cap, foil or an open method. Depends on the technique of highlighting and the number of shades.
    3. Reverse toning will give lightness to short hair and add visual volume.

    Highlighting dark hair with blond hair

    Advantages of dark highlighting of light hair:

    • adds depth to the image and adds volume to the base color,
    • does not require frequent correction
    • not all hair is exposed to dye,
    • due to dark strands, the hairstyle becomes more structured and you can focus on a separate part of the haircut.

    An unusual way of highlighting - dark strands - allows girls with blond hair to give a lively, individuality hairstyle. The advantage of this technique (which looks particularly advantageous on blond hair) is the ability to disguise gray strands.

    Varieties depending on tone

    Regarding the color solution, highlighting knows no bounds. There is something for every woman. There are plenty of natural options that are suitable for office and everyday life, but just as no one has canceled contrasting and bold colors for the most courageous and desperate.

    • In the case of light hair, for example, golden or light blond, suitable as cold: pearl, milky, and warm: honey, nut, caramel tone. The best solution for light strands would be French highlighting on long curly curls.
    • As for highlighting dark strands, there is no limit to the flight of fancy. You can safely use black, chestnut, burgund, red, red, coffee or dark blonde. Boldly and defiantly dark strands on a light base look at the American or Brazilian form of staining.
    • Light strands gleam all light shades, except for blond. After all, if you clarify the latter, you can not get any result, except for the burnt hair.
    • For amber or wheat natural hair is suitable light or normal blond. If you paint curls in such a color scheme, you can get a real Californian highlighting.
    • Color looks very impressive on blond hair. At what you can immediately use several colors: blue, blue, green, red and orange - you get a rainbow. Or take as a basis for one color, such as purple. If they paint the tips at the base blonde - it will turn out extremely unusual and bright. Color coloring is suitable for hidden highlighting. In this situation, it is worth twisting the curls and voila - a contrasting hairstyle provided.
    • Contrast highlighting in combination with the cross will look like a true reverse ombre. The main thing is to choose the right colors: light curls in the root zone and chestnut, ashy or black - at the ends.

    Variations of highlighting a huge variety. All of them have the right to life, for every one there is a girl who will give him his preference. Highlighting is an ideal method of coloring, after changing a little technique and shades, you can achieve radically different results on the same basic color!


    Watch the video: How To Get Sandy Blonde Highlights. Hair Tutorial (July 2024).