
How to get rid of lice on the eyelashes


The mere thought of lice leads to stupor and causes disgust. This is a rather unpleasant disease that can befall everyone. The parasites on the hair are very unpleasant, but sometimes pubic louses can occur on the eyelashes and eyebrows, which causes even more fear and disgust.

What to do

The fact is that lice on the eyelashes pose a particular danger to humans. They are able to carry various infections that can get into the eyes and lead to their inflammation.

At the first detection of these parasites on the eyelashes or eyebrows should immediately engage in their breeding.

How to get rid of them

Get rid of lice on the eyelashes in two ways:

The chemical method includes modern preparations for lice, which are produced in the form of ointments and emulsions. Some of them are allowed to use in the eye area, however, the concentration of the active substance is usually reduced several times.

This procedure is carried out only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, you risk doing something wrong and only exacerbate the disease.

The mechanical method in this case looks more preferable, since here chemicals are not used that are dangerous to the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Get rid of lice with ordinary tweezers. But there is a little trick. First, eyelashes or eyebrows should be smeared with petroleum jelly to loosen the lice and prevent them from escaping.

After treating the hair with petroleum jelly, adults and nits are carefully removed with tweezers. Conduct such a procedure regularly, until complete destruction of parasites.

Summing up

Getting rid of lice in the eye area is much more difficult than in other parts of the body. This is due to a certain risk to the organs of vision.

Do not use for these purposes traditional recipes and modern means (without prescription by a doctor), otherwise you risk getting irritated mucous eyes and short-term loss of vision.

The best method in this case would be mechanical removal of the lice with tweezers. Yes, it will take a lot of time, but it is safer, because the eyes do not have to come into contact with chemicals.


This type of parasite prefers to cling to the very base of the hair and, firmly adhered to it, to feed on human blood. But their negative impact on the body is not limited to this. Pubic lice living on the eyelashes can cause so-called palpebral lice, which can later affect the functioning of the eye.

The size of these parasites is extremely small. One louse does not exceed three millimeters, and sometimes it is even less. As a rule, lice are yellow or red in color and look similar to crabs. Unlike their fellows, pubic lice move very little, but the speed of their reproduction process is extremely high. Every day, parasites are able to lay new eggs, mastering new cilia. Their lifespan does not exceed an average of one month.


Thyriasis on the eyelashes appears very rarely, and there may be several reasons for infection with this unpleasant disease. In the first place - direct contact with the patient. Most often, these lice live on the hairline of the genital organs, and therefore sexual contact with the patient is enough to move the lice to a new host, and then spread to the armpits and eyelashes. Sometimes even a kiss, a hug, or a simple handshake is enough for the appearance of phthyriasis.

The fact is that the patient unconsciously and not even specifically can scratch itchy spots in the armpits or pubic hair. Louse in this case may fall under the nail, and later go to another person. The same thing happens when moving nits from the pubis to the eyelashes. The parasite lingers on the arm, and then settles on the eyebrows or eyelashes when a person touches these places.

The next opportunity to get Phthiasis - is to use the personal belongings of the patient. It is enough to wipe the patient off with a towel, put on his hat, lie down on the infected bedclothes. Nits - one of those parasites that are unable for a long time to remain without someone else's body. One day is enough for them to die being cut off from the human body.

That is why lice are often moved from body to body with the help of eggs (nits), which can fall onto certain things like towels or hats. Nits are able to remain in the embryo state for several days, awaiting possible contact with new hair zones. Accordingly, in the indoor pool, beach, sauna, solarium, water park, in public transport, you must be extremely attentive and do not use other people's hygiene items.

It is important to know that pubic lice can only live on the human body. They are not able to survive on the body of animals and move with the help of their hair.

The vital activity of parasites

Pubic lice behave on the human body as well as any other similar parasites that cause pediculosis. First of all, they are tightly fixed on a hair, and having established themselves in a new place, they make a bite. They feed exclusively on human blood. The itchiness that appears from their presence on the body is not caused by bites, but by the fluid that they secrete after absorbing blood. After the louse is saturated, they open their own specific secret that prevents blood from clotting and healing to the wound. Therefore, very often after removal of the lice from the human body, many unhealed wounds remain after them, which can then cause pain.

After the parasites have settled on the body, they begin to mate and multiply. As a result, the female is able to lay up to seven new eggs every day. Each harmful organism is fixed on the cilium very tightly. As a result, even water treatments are not able to wash them off from the hair root.

  1. Severe itching. Eyelashes, upper eyelids, eyebrows begin to itch. Mostly itching increases and subsides depending on the time of day. Often, lice show nocturnal activity, while during the day the desire to itch subsides.
  2. Swelling of the eyelids. They become slightly swollen, in some cases it comes to the fact that the eyes can be difficult to open.
  3. In addition, it may become noticeable that the eyelashes are thickened or stuck together. This effect arises from the nits attached to the eyelashes. The eggs themselves are almost imperceptible - so small they are - well, and from this the eyelashes seem to be getting in thickness.
  4. If you try to push the eyelashes apart, you can see pustules and vesicles on the skin, such small pimples, within which fluid is accumulated. In addition to them, black or brown spots may form at the base of the eyelashes on the eyelids. Outwardly, they resemble traces of mascara or pencil. In fact, it is the excrement of parasites, long-lived on the human body.

It is worth remembering that all the symptoms are private in nature, in some people may not occur. Diagnosis of phthyriasis on the eyelashes can only a doctor who will conduct a qualified examination with a magnifying glass.


In order not to get such an unpleasant disease, you should follow a few rules:

  1. Daily hygiene procedures. Thoroughly insure against the appearance of phthyriasis is impossible. In this case, contacts will have to be limited to all people. However, daily inspection, regular washing and bathing will help identify the appearance of parasites at the beginning of their activities, which will help get rid of them faster.
  2. Be careful in public places. To establish who is sick and who is healthy right away is impossible. Therefore, after returning home, you must thoroughly wash your hands and handle areas of possible infection.
  3. Do not use other people's hygiene items.
  4. Avoid contact with potentially infected persons.
  5. Change bed linen regularly.

If, however, ftiriaz appeared on the eyelashes, then the main thing - it does not start to panic. Everyone can get sick of it, and no one has died from it yet. Treatment for phthyriasis is long-lasting, but at the moment there are preparations for getting rid of pubic lice on the eyelashes as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Causes of lice on the eyelashes

This disease is quite rare, so many do not attach importance to it in the presence of the first symptoms, which allows insects to develop rapidly. There are several causes of infection that are worth paying attention to.

  1. First of all, it is contact with a sick person. Since this type of lice infects with pubic lice, they quickly move to other parts of the body: armpits, eyelashes and eyebrows. Therefore, infection most often occurs during sexual intercourse.
  2. Enough with a sick man kiss, handshake, for infection to occur.
  3. When lice on the pubis, the patient begins to itch due to severe itching. Larvae and adults fall under the nails. They are so small that a person does not notice their presence. It is enough for a person to simply rub his eyes so that the parasites settle on the eyelashes.
  4. Infection can occur when use of personal hygiene of the patient: bed linen, towels, headgear.
  5. Infection can occur when visiting public places: pool, sauna, beach.

Since parasites feed on human blood, adult females can do without such food for about a day.

But the larvae are more tenacious and their viability can last more than a week.

Therefore, there is a high probability of infection through things that have been washed but not ironed.

It is impossible to wash off insects with water or combing, as they are strongly biting into the skin, attached to the hairs.

The larvae are also due to a special substance firmly attached to the eyelashes.

Symptoms and photos

It is rather difficult to get rid of phthyriasis quickly, so the earlier a patient see a doctor, the more effective the treatment will be. And for this you need to know all the symptoms of the disease. An infected person has:

  • near the roots of hairs and on the eyelids severe itching. It is most often manifested at night, since it is at this time that the parasites are more active.
  • The eyelids are swollen and it is difficult for the patient in the morning to open his eyes.
  • Since the nits are fixed on the eyelashes with a special substance, the patient has eyelashes glued together.
  • Bubbles appear around the eyes, inside of which is a liquid. They are similar to purulent discharge, which have a whitish-yellowish tint.
  • The eyelids may darken due to the fact that the lice have laid eggs. It is impossible to wash them off with plain water.

Therefore, he resorts to various manipulations in order to get rid of him.

Treatment rules

There are several methods of getting rid of parasites on the eyelashes: chemical and mechanical. But the safest method is full cutting eyelashes. The only drawback is that not everyone will risk doing it, because after cutting it will take a long time to grow hair, and it looks quite non-aesthetic.

    The mechanical method also refers to the safe disposal of phthyriasis. An infected person needs to comb the nits with a comb or comb. This is a rather lengthy process that needs to be carried out several times a day for 2-3 weeks until all adults and nits are removed.

You can also use tweezers. To do this, the hairs must be smeared with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly and slowly removed before the complete destruction of the parasites each larva or adult. It is very important that the parasites and their feces do not get into the eyes, since it is dangerous by the development of conjunctivitis. The chemical method involves the use of special pharmaceutical preparations. These may be creams, ointments or emulsions.

What means can be used?

Most often, drugs that are highly effective and safe are recommended. These include Pedilin, Knicks, Permethrin, Medifox, Nittifor.

These funds are applied with a brush or cotton swab. Withstand the required time, which is indicated in the instructions, and then washed off with water. These drugs will help get rid of parasites in 1-2 days.

For preventive purposes it is necessary carry out the procedure every week for a month.

When treating parasites on the eyelashes, doctors recommend making the solutions less concentrated. To do this, they must be diluted in water in a ratio of one to one. Only after breeding, they can be applied to the hairs.

You can also use mercury or sulfur ointment. The main thing before it to smear eyelashes with petroleum jelly. When using these tools should not wait for quick results. It is strictly forbidden to use vinegar, kerosene and dust.

The duration of the removal of parasites

If a mechanical method of removing parasites is chosen, the course of treatment can be long. Since the parasites do not die, and combed out, the procedure is carried out every day. It is almost impossible to comb the nits, as they are attached to the hairs with a special sticky substance.

Therefore, only adults are destroyed. In this case, they will not be able to lay eggs, and nits from the time they grow into adult insects will also be combed out, which will prevent the further appearance of parasites.

After chemical treatment most often insects disappear immediately. But as a preventive measure it is recommended to carry out the treatment for 2 weeks.

How lice look on eyelashes: photo

Three types of lice can live on a human body:

Specifically, on the eyelashes, as well as eyebrows, can live the second option.

The pubic louse is a small, 1 to 1.6 mm long, brown insect. Color and small size makes it inconspicuous, but with a large accumulation of parasites, especially on the eyelashes and eyebrows, you can find them. You can also find out that pubic lice are parasitic on the skin through red sore spots - lice bite the human body, after which bite marks, itching and peeling of the skin remain. This type of louse can live only on hard hair with a triangular cross section.. The hair on the head has a circular cross section, which makes it impossible for these insects to inhabit. So they can be found only on the genitals, armpits, eyebrows and eyelashes.

How can lice be cured on the eyelashes and eyebrows?

How many louses live on the head in children and adults, and whether it is possible to get rid of them without taking measures - you can not even think, and immediately begin to act. Such parasites themselves will not go anywhere, and if nothing is done, they will live exactly as long as their carrier lives.

Fighting lice near the eyes does not apply to simple activities, since the eye is a rather fragile organ that is responsible for vision. The mucous membrane of the eye, it is the conjunctiva, is a surface with increased sensitivity. So you need to start treatment as soon as possible. The fact is that lice, sucking the blood, traumatize the skin, and thus infect the infection. Gradually, such wounds, foci of infection, become more and more, and the likelihood of infection of the eye and the appearance of conjunctivitis increases significantly. However, before proceeding to the destruction of parasites, it is necessary to choose the right means, because not everyone will be effective, and most importantly, safe for the eyes.

The safest, and at the same time, effective way to get rid of insects, as well as from their larvae, is combing, carried out by small combs. The hairs grow on a small area of ​​the skin, so that this procedure does not take much time. As an additional measure during combing you can apply eyelashes with Vaseline oil. Oil will weaken insects, and also facilitate sliding.

On the types and signs of depriving a person also does not hurt to learn.

If you are afraid to use a special comb in the immediate vicinity of the eyes, then an alternative combing option is to remove the parasites using tweezers with a thin end. To do this, in addition to the tweezers, you must have at your disposal a magnifying mirror. The disadvantage of this method is the duration, as well as the fact that it is impossible to get rid of lice in one or two times. This procedure must be carried out repeatedly until the insects disappear. You can also radically solve the problem by simply cutting off the eyelashes. This is the way to eliminate the problem in case of eyelashes for young children. However, not every woman will go for such a radical measure.

Preparations of permethrin can be used to eliminate the lice and eyebrows lice, but this should be done with extreme caution and only after prior consultation with a specialist. On the eyelashes you need to apply the drug in diluted concentration, pre-mixing it with water in the ratio of one to one. The list of permethrinum includes: Nike, Medifox, Pedilin and Nittifor. Apply the drug using a cotton swab in the line of growth of eyelashes. Keep the drug should be exactly as long as necessary according to the instructions.

You can also treat the eyelashes with mercury or sulfur ointment. To do this, you need to pre-lubricate the eyelashes with vaseline oil, and then apply the ointment itself. This procedure must be repeated four to five times over a long (up to one month) course.

It is necessary to process other areas of the body, covering hair. All bedding and underwear should be soaked in hot water or treated with special means. After drying, it is necessary to process the laundry with a hot iron on both sides. Daily care items must be treated with antiseptic solutions, and even better to throw them away and purchase new ones.

In addition, it is necessary to understand that pediculosis is not only unpleasant, but also a rather dangerous disease - lice can bite the body, which may well lead to infection, both with blood and other even more unpleasant and health-threatening diseases. So you need to regularly inspect yourself and carefully monitor your own hygiene. You need to use only your hairbrushes, towels and cosmetics. Such a measure will allow you to never know what lice on the eyelashes.

Read more about pubic lice that affect the eyelashes and eyebrows:

Direct contact

The most common method is through direct contact with an infected person. Most often this occurs during sexual intercourse. Such lice can move through the body quickly, moving higher, including the eyelashes and eyebrows. Infection can also occur during a handshake with a sick person.

If pediculosis occurs in the pubic area, the infected person suffers an unbearable itching, as a result of which the affected place is constantly scratched. This leads to the accumulation of eggs of lice and adult insects under the nails. After that, just rub your eyes to move the parasites on the eyelashes and eyebrows.

Using other people's things

Lice infestation is also possible when using items that are common with a sick person, such as a hat or bedding. In addition, you can become infected by using mascara testers at a cosmetics store. Infection also occurs in public places. For example, such places are swimming pool or sauna. Infection with lice of this nature is extremely rare, but care should be taken.

It's not easy to get rid of them.

Larvae of lice are characterized by a higher degree of viability than adult parasites. They are able to maintain vitality over a week. Infection can occur even through washed laundry. Parasites are attached to the hairs of the eyebrows and eyelashes due to the stickiness of the component, which they emit at the same time. Therefore, they can not even be washed under running water.

How to eliminate lice?

The process of eliminating lice when they occur on the eyelashes and eyebrows is very time consuming. After the parasites get on the body, they attach to the skin. At the same time, the insect begins to feed on the blood of a sick person and to secrete a special component that provokes the development of infection and the appearance of severe itching. After that, the secret remains in the wound, which prevents blood clotting, and therefore the bite does not heal for a long time. With an increase in the wound area, there is an increase in the number of infected foci that can lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva. A safe way to solve the problem of lice on the eyelashes and eyebrows - is a complete vystriganie hair. In addition, the treatment of phthyriasis occurs in the following ways.

Chemical method

The chemical method of treatment is carried out using special creams and ointments, the appointment of which is made by an ophthalmologist. The following drugs are used:

Drugs should be applied to the infected area with gentle movements. When treating eyelashes, it is necessary to avoid getting the medicinal product in the eyes, since such products are distinguished by their aggressiveness and dangerous to the eyes. Before starting the application procedure, the product should be diluted in warm boiled water in proportions of 1: 1.

Chemicals must be applied with a cotton swab. Drawing is made on growth of hairs. The average duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, after which the applied agent should be washed off under running water. These drugs contain one active ingredient and require re-treatment of the infected area after 7 days to consolidate the effect achieved.

In addition to aggressive drugs, mercurial and sulfuric ointments can be effective in combating ciliated lice.

Before you apply medicinal ointment, you need to pre-process hair coat with petroleum jelly. Next, with a cotton swab, the ointment is applied to the eyelid. To achieve the effect is required to carry out this procedure up to 5 times a day. Duration of treatment is 1 month. It is forbidden to use products containing vinegar or kerosene, due to the danger they pose to the eye area. To speed up the process of recovery, other areas of the hair on which the parasites live should be treated.

Mechanical way

The mechanical method of getting rid of lice is good because it is completely safe. To solve the problem of phthyriasis, a special comb is used with which the combing of parasites takes place. The disadvantage of this method is the duration of the combing process. The procedure must be performed daily for two weeks. Repeat combing should be done until complete removal of the eggs and adult parasites from the infected area of ​​the eyelashes and eyebrows is achieved. In addition to combing using a comb, tweezers can be used to combat lice.

Before proceeding to the beginning of the procedure, lubricate your eyebrows and eyelashes with petroleum jelly - this will slow down the insect. Then, using tweezers, each larva and parasite are removed. It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure on your own, it is better to ask for help from a loved one. When mechanically removing the parasites, make sure that the parasites or the fluid they release do not penetrate the eyes. Otherwise, the hit will contribute to the development of conjunctivitis.

Why do lice appear on eyebrows and eyelashes?

It is almost impossible to get infected with this disease. It happens very rarely when a person is faced with this. And yet it is better to find out how lice can get into the body of a healthy person:

  • contact with a person who already has the disease (for example, sexual intercourse with someone who has lice in an intimate place),
  • contact with the lice carrier through a handshake, a hug, a kiss,
  • if there are pubic lice, then when you touch the genitals, you should always wash your hands and not scratch other parts of the body, otherwise the lice will start there,
  • if you touch the personal hygiene of a person who has lice, you can easily get lice,
  • Places such as a sauna, beach, swimming pool, solarium or water park can be the main entertainment areas where you can pick up lice.

Additional measures

During the treatment of lice on the eyelashes, the photos of which are presented above, it is necessary to process the linen of an infected person: both bed and underwear. Soak it in hot water before washing for 1-2 hours. A subsequent wash should be done at maximum temperature with the addition of laundry detergent or detergent. When the washed laundry is dry, heat treatment should be done with an iron, ironing the laundry on both sides. Items of personal use that are found in an infected person in daily use should be treated with antiseptic agents. After the bedding and clothes are washed and ironed out, they can be further processed with any preparation whose action is aimed at destroying insect larvae (A-steam aerosol, etc.). In addition to treatment for lice on the eyelashes and eyebrows, you should also follow preventive measures.

Prevention rules

To prevent the development of lice on the eyelashes in a child and an adult, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:

  1. Hygiene. Regular taking of the shower and bath, washing allow you to notice the appearance of lice and promptly start treatment.
  2. When in public areas, heightened precautions must be observed.
  3. Washing hands and carrying out the treatment of areas of the body through which infection could occur upon contact with strangers.
  4. Prevent general use of hygiene items.
  5. Avoid contact with infected.

Description of the disease pubic pediculosis

Pubic lice is a specific parasitic skin disease caused by pubic lice.

The reason for this choice is that a significant amount of apocrine glands are located in such areas, and the smell of pubic lice is specifically targeted to them. Less often they are affected eyebrows, mustache, eyelashes, hair on the head of children.

Often, pubic lice are transmitted by sexual contact, then insects from one partner jump to another.

In addition, according to studies, a louse, detached from a person, lives only for no more than a day, but the larvae are able to maintain viability for about a week.

Thus, you can become infected with pubic lice through towels or bed linen, clothes. Infection is possible in baths, swimming pools, tanning beds and even toilets.

Pubic lice are so specific that they parasitize only on humans and cannot be infected by animals.

Initially, there is an incubation period when there are no symptoms, but pubic lice are already settling on the human body, lasting about a month.

Then there are several symptoms. The main one is pruritus in the habitat of lice. This is usually the itching of the pubic area, but other areas of the body are possible, such as the hips, torso (for example, in people with increased hair growth) or the beard and mustache.

Life cycle

In the nits (eggs) stage, the ploshchitsa stays for 5-7 days, then a larva (nymph) emerges from the eggs, which for 13-17 days experiences three molts and becomes an adult insect. The larva differs from the adult only in its smaller size and lack of the ability to reproduce, while it also bites its preserver.

After the third molt, the insect becomes sexually mature. Adult lasts half a day to feed on blood and mate with an individual of the opposite sex. Almost immediately after this, the fertilized females lay their first eggs. On average, an adult female lays 1-3 eggs per day, thus having time to lay 30-50 eggs in her life. An adult insect lives 20-30 days, sometimes more - up to 40 days.

Pubic lice: causes and treatment

Once on the body, the louse is fixed on the skin and begins to drink blood. It simultaneously emits a special substance that provokes severe itching and irritation. At the end of feeding, the parasite injects a wound into the wound, which prevents blood from clotting. As a result, bites do not heal for a long time. Then begins the breeding of insects. Over time, the female lays about 7 eggs.

Nits are attached to the base of the hair, and they hold it very tightly. Get rid of them can not even in the shower.

Ways of infection

In everyday life, as practice shows, it is easiest to pick up the pubic lice from another infected person, with direct contact. In almost all cases we are talking about sexual intercourse. But in some situations it is enough and:

This happens because an infected person experiences severe itching in lash-affected places and is often forced to scratch there. For this reason, the parasites are often under the nails and then move to a new victim or to other parts of the carrier's body.

In addition, lice often show up on:

  • towels,
  • headdresses
  • bed linen,
  • cosmetics.

Without food, parasites can survive for about a day. But their eggs remain viable for up to a week, and on occasion they can easily infect a healthy person. They withstand, among other things, quite large temperature differences, which means it is possible to pick up the head lice even through the washed clothes, if they have not been ironed after this.

Lice infestation is also quite easy in the following common areas:

A serious danger to human life is not borne by the infection of the ploshchitschiki. In rare cases, pubic pediculosis may be a provocateur of allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, and the population of insect parasites should be quite high.

Despite this, pubic pediculosis can bring many inconveniences and significantly degrade the quality of life. Lice feed on human blood, biting through the skin, which causes severe itching. Intensive scratching causes irritation, sores on the skin, which may be infected.

For infection with pubic lice, there is one reason - insects hit the hair of a healthy person. The disease is most often transmitted in areas of large concentrations of people. At the same time lice does not depend on how clean the person is. Then where do pubic lice come from a person? In order to understand this, you need to consider ways of infection.

During sexual contact insects infect the groin area. When infected through common household items or by contact, lice can be located anywhere on the skin covered with hair other than the head.

What do pubic lice look like in a person? The adult insect has a size of about 2 mm and a gray color, due to which it is rarely visible on the skin. The average incubation period is 24 days, during which time the female has time to lay several dozen eggs.That is why pubic lice develops so quickly.

In children, the pubic louse starts up in rare cases. Most often, it can be transmitted from parents with close physical contact (hugs, kisses). In this case, children have the appearance of parasites on the eyebrows and eyelashes.

A healthy person is infected with pubic lice from a patient most often through sexual contact (lice crawl from body to body). But a household mode of transmission is possible: using one towel and bed linen, wearing infected clothes, as well as when visiting a sauna, bath or swimming pool (exposure to water does not harm ploschitschami, besides, they swim well).

Diagnosis and treatment of phthyriasis

There are several methods of getting rid of parasites on the eyelashes: chemical and mechanical. But the safest method is full cutting eyelashes. The only drawback is that not everyone will risk doing it, because after cutting it will take a long time to grow hair, and it looks quite non-aesthetic.

    The mechanical method also refers to the safe disposal of phthyriasis. An infected person needs to comb the nits with a comb or comb. This is a rather lengthy process that needs to be carried out several times a day for 2-3 weeks until all adults and nits are removed.

You can also use tweezers. To do this, the hairs must be smeared with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly and slowly removed before the complete destruction of the parasites each larva or adult. It is very important that the parasites and their feces do not get into the eyes, since it is dangerous by the development of conjunctivitis.

The chemical method involves the use of special pharmaceutical preparations. These may be creams, ointments or emulsions.

IMPORTANT: To avoid burns and do not harm the mucous membrane of the eyes, you should consult your doctor when choosing a drug.

Therapy methods

In order to effectively get rid of pubic lice and nits, doctors recommend starting treatment with hair removal on which insects keep. With this simple step, pubic lice are eliminated and treatment is aimed at overcoming the consequences of their vital activity (healing of bites, suppurations, skin dermatitis).

Unfortunately, the louse is designed in such a way that it can cling to the skin of the mouth apparatus and, as it were, bury itself in the skin. In this case, simple hair removal is indispensable, and the cure for pubic lice must be used.

In addition to aggressive drugs, mercurial and sulfuric ointments can be effective in combating ciliated lice.

Before you apply medicinal ointment, you need to pre-process hair coat with petroleum jelly. Next, with a cotton swab, the ointment is applied to the eyelid.

To achieve the effect is required to carry out this procedure up to 5 times a day. Duration of treatment is 1 month.

It is forbidden to use products containing vinegar or kerosene, due to the danger they pose to the eye area. To speed up the process of recovery, other areas of the hair on which the parasites live should be treated.

Why do lice appear on eyelashes?

Phthyriasis, which affects the eyelashes, is a rare disease, so not all people pay attention to its initial symptoms. This leads to the rapid spread of lice. There are some causes of parasitic infection. These include:

  1. Contact with an infected person. This type of lice is directly related to the pubic. They soon move through the body of a person. Usually, infection occurs through sexual intercourse.
  2. You can get nits through a handshake.
  3. If pediculosis was formed on the pubis, then the patient has intolerable itching. As a result, under the nails are eggs, adult parasites. Further, a person can only rub his eyes, and lice go to the eyelashes.
  4. Infection occurs through the general use of personal items, for example, through a towel, bedding, hat.
  5. You can get infected in public places. Such as sauna, beach, swimming pool.

For information, you can become infected when using a common carcass, a probe in the store.

Lice larvae are more resilient than the adult insect. They can remain viable for more than 7 days. Therefore, you can become infected even through washed, but not ironed things. Nits are not washed off under running water, as they are firmly attached to the hairs due to the adhesive component.

Treatment of the disease

The fight against lice on the eyebrows and eyelashes is not an easy task. Since the parasites, feeding on blood, cause injury to the epithelium, causing infection. As wounds grow, the number of infected lesions increases, leading to inflammation of the conjunctiva. At the slightest suspicion of phthyriasis, one should consult a doctor to prescribe the optimal treatment method.

The fastest and safest way is to remove eyelashes completely. However, not everyone will risk to carry out this manipulation. Most often, eyebrows and eyelashes are cut off to young children, since their disease is the most difficult to cure.

Phthyriasis is treated in the following ways:

  • Mechanical, implying the removal of lice and their larvae manually.
  • Chemicalwhich is carried out with special ointments, creams. It must be remembered that all appointments must be made by a doctor.

Useful videos

How to get lice.

Lice. Causes and treatment.

Main symptoms if lice are inflamed

Once on the human body, where there were no lice before, these parasites are very tightly sealed to the hair and their roots. After that, we can assume that the nits live on the body, as they gradually drink blood, due to which they survive. When lice bite the body, it does not feel. But everyone can pay attention to the terrible itching and irritation, and all this increases every time. After the louse eats up with blood, it releases a special fluid that does not allow the wounds to drag on. That is why a person may have permanent bleeding points on the body. Moreover, lice can breed and lay eggs on the body. Removing the nits is not so easy, because even ordinary water procedures will not help in this matter. But, for starters, it is worthwhile to understand a few hundred percent symptoms that will definitely indicate that you have lice on your eyelashes and eyebrows.

  1. Terrible itching in the eyelids and at the base of the eyelashes This symptom will be particularly active at night, as it is during this period that lice are very active. In the daytime, on the contrary, eyebrows and eyelashes will not itch so much, although there may be urges.
  2. Eyelids may swell up. Often, after sleeping, a person cannot fully open his eyes. This is a clear sign that lice may be present.
  3. If there are lice on the eyelashes, then there will be a feeling that the hair has stuck together, has become a little thicker. Many even believe that it is growing eyelashes. In fact, the hair does not grow stronger, but, on the contrary, weakens, as the eyelashes have already laid eggs, through which the seal occurs.
  4. If pustules form on the skin around the eyes, it means that there are lice, as if it is bitten, liquid from parasites is poured into these areas, which leads to the formation of permanent acne.
  5. The black-brown tint of the eyelids indicates that there may be lice. This is not the remnants of cosmetics, if a person can not wash it off with ordinary warm water. Spots may be evidence that small eggs of lice are laid on the eyes and eyelashes.

Considering the consequences of such a disease, the conclusion is disappointing. A person will feel not only constant discomfort, but also an eternal itch. Do not help get rid of lice pills against allergies and other means. Do not try to scratch your eyes in the hope that all lice brush off the hair at once.

Lice treatment

As a rule, lice can expel tar soap or kerosene. But since these funds can not be brought to the eyes, as this is a delicate mucous membrane, then there are other more benign methods of treatment.

Combing nits with a special comb for eyebrows and eyelashes. Yes, such a thing exists. But you have to devote a lot of time to this, since it will not work to remove all the lice at once. It is necessary to be extremely careful with the eggs on the eyes - this will cause aggravated conjunctivitis.

  • Tweezers - a risky method of removing lice, but effective. The procedure takes a lot of time to remove everyone from the hair.
  • Complete hair removal from eyes and eyebrows. The procedure is not pleasant, as it is necessary to say goodbye to what was, and then constantly lubricate the skin so that the scalp appears as soon as possible.
  • If the lice are small, then petrolatum will help, which must be rubbed until it is completely cured every day.
  • Permethrin also helps, but before applying it is important to consult a doctor. The drug is very aggressive, especially in contact with the eyes.
  • If it happened that a louse infection occurred - no need to panic. While the disease has not grown, you should immediately visit a doctor, and then immediately be treated. The main thing is not to start the disease, otherwise it will be more difficult to get rid of it.


    Watch the video: 360 Scalp with Head Lice demo (July 2024).