Tools and facilities

Argan oil for hair restoration and growth


A unique "drug", enriched with so many utilities, it turns out, is also the rarest by origin. The fact is that argan oil is obtained from the fruit of the tree, which is found only in the African semi-desert. It has been mined for centuries. The ancient inhabitants of northern Africa, the Berbers, used the fruits of the argan tree as food and, of course, knew about its medicinal properties. However, it was only in the 20th century that the secret of the benefits of medicinal oil reached Europe. Mostly argan tree grows in Morocco, occupying an area of ​​more than 8000 square meters. m. The locals call the plant Argania, which is translated from Latin - tree of life. Symbolic, right?

Composition and properties

Argan oil has a yellow color with a reddish tinge and a nutty smell after heat treatment.

This product is unique due to its chemical composition. It includes:

  1. Useful fatty acids (over 80%). They prevent the aging of skin cells, retaining moisture in them.
  2. Antioxidants, among which there is a rare substance squalene, which can slow the development of cancer. They slow down the aging of the skin and have a regenerating effect.
  3. Vitamins A, E, F, also contained in an increased amount, support the immunity of the skin, promote wound healing and hair growth.
  4. Fungicides that have anti-inflammatory effects.

What is argan oil

Argan oil - invaluable oil extracted from the core of the fruit of Argan. It is invaluable not only for its useful properties, but also for the cost of its production. The tree grows in a fairly dry area and when it does not rain for a long time, the fruits appear only once every couple of years. Fruits from which oil is squeezed out are similar to small plums, the size of which is slightly larger than olives. They are collected, dried, cleaned of husks and wood debris. Inside there are three cores, and which is mined liquid gold. By the way, this is one of the most traditional ways of extracting Argan oil.

Another method, more modern, mechanical, is used for mass consumption with preservation of all useful properties. Another way is chemical. It is used for industrial purposes for research and experimentation. The presence of at least three options for the extraction of oil suggests that the Moroccan treasure combines a unique amount of the desired properties. The most popular variations of its application are cosmetology, cooking, medicine. A pleasant nutty smell, and slightly honey transparent color attracts even more to the value of the product.

Beneficial features

Why same Argan oil called Moroccan gold treasure? As mentioned above, the fruits may not appear for a long time due to weather conditions. Therefore, each "berry" is important for production. The money spent is worth it to receive and send to the masses this product. Argan oil - the richest and most complex complex of chemicals necessary for human health. It contains a high concentration of vitamin E, even more than in the more affordable olive oil. Vitamin E is needed by the body to prevent aging of skin cells, as well as to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Also in agran oil There are vitamins A and F, which are also necessary to maintain the elasticity of the skin, nourishing it with fatty and non-fatty amino acids.

Oil "tree of life" has a healing and antiseptic effect. Trace elements of this miracle cure are absorbed by the cell membranes and heal minor abrasions, wounds. After using the oil, it becomes much easier to tolerate thermal burns. It moisturizes the skin of high quality, therefore it is used for making soap for the face, hands and body. In the cosmetic field ironwood oil used in creams and lotions, as it smoothes small wrinkles, tightening and toning the skin. Especially in problem areas.

Bottom line: Morocco's natural oil is a unique mix that has:

  • healing
  • antiseptic,
  • antibiotic
  • moisturizing
  • tonic
  • smoothing
  • feeding,
  • and strengthening effect on the human body.

The effect of oil on hair

The effect of Moroccan oil on hair is probably one of the most effective. Besides the fact that the oil nourishes the inside of each hair, making them shiny, it heals the bitten ends and prevents their further appearance. With constant use, hair looks much healthier. They are not so afraid of external influences: blow-drying, styling products, the weather. As a bonus, argan oil eliminates dandruff. With regular use, hair is easy to comb and lie naturally, not like a dried sheaf of hay.

Moroccan gold strengthens the hair follicles, if regularly rubbed into the scalp. The bulbs become stronger, stronger, which favorably promotes hair growth.

Hair Mask Recipes

Argan oil itself is a very useful product for hair restoration and prevention of harmful effects on them. However, you can apply it in the composition of the usual masks and emulsions, which already contain this ingredient. It is also extremely useful and effective to mix it with other natural products or other oils. Depending on the purpose of use, you can choose different masks for hair.

Mask to restore dry and damaged hair

Hair can be damaged by various factors, including ironing and dyeing. To restore them, you need several ingredients:

  • about 50 grams of argan oil (tablespoon),
  • same portion of olive oil,
  • yolk without protein,
  • three drops of lavender essential oil.

Oil must be mixed with each other, then add the yolk. After the mass becomes homogeneous, it must be applied to the hair along the entire length. Wrap your head with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then the mask can be washed off.

Mask for greasy hair

To make the hair look neat, and the work of the glands of the scalp has been normalized, the following list of oils is required:

  • Argan oil,
  • grape seed oil,
  • Burr oil,
  • a few drops of mint essential oil.

All listed in the list of oils must be mixed and applied to all hair for half an hour. After the time runs out, the mask can be washed off with the addition of a drop of shampoo.

Mask to maintain healthy hair

Even if all of the above problems do not affect, a preventive mask will never become redundant. It is easy to prepare. It will take 3 teaspoons of argan and burdock oils, they need to be mixed and left for 40 minutes on the hair, then wash your hair.

All masks are recommended to repeat a couple of times a week. Those who have already tried, say that the effect of the application is already visible after two weeks. Hair is improved in quality. So, on the Internet there is a huge amount of video about how to use argan oil and what effects are expected after its use. For example, in the video on this link, a young and happy girl tells about the use of oil on dry hair to make them shine and easy to comb:

Application Methods

Impact on hair and skin can be not only external, but also internal. At the beginning of the article it was stated that Argan oil it is used not only in cosmetology, but also in cooking. It is worth noting that edible oil looks darker and is made using a slightly different technology. Therefore, do not eat "gold morocco"Bought in a cosmetic store. Oil is particularly well felt in salads, shading vegetables nutty flavor and aroma. Getting into the body with food, the oil is well absorbed and enriches with all necessary amino acids. You should not fry it because most of the vitamins are lost at high temperatures.

Argan oil - This is an ideal option for body care. Of course, this is an expensive tool, but its natural naturalness compensates for monetary losses. Do not forget that a truly serious care for health and beauty begins with a competent attitude to yourself. Argan oil will be a great helper in this endeavor.

The composition and use of argan oil

Argan oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (80%), mainly omega-6 and omega-9. These acids are necessary for the scalp, because it is the lack of fatty acids that leads to hair loss and impaired functioning of the skin.

In addition, it contains a high dose of vitamin E, tocopherols in the form of a complex and also phenolic compounds, including ferulic acid and carotenoids, in the form of a yellow xanthophyll. The amount of vitamin E in argan oil is higher than in olive oil.

What else is included:

  • sterols (help strengthen hair, their luster, rapid growth),
  • polyphenols (able to turn curls into silky and docile),
  • tocopherol (a vitamin for youthful hair, which prevents breakage and section),
  • organic acids (prevent dandruff).

All of these ingredients are healing and give the butter a soft yellow color and a floral aroma.

Want to know how to use argan hair oil to get shiny curls that make people stop and turn their heads in your direction? In addition, the oil is added to some shampoos, conditioners and masks, the tool is used in its pure form.

In order to moisturize and soak the hair, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Spread a few drops of essential oil on your palms.

As a result, the oil is heated to body temperature, which gives it a slight spread through the hair.

  • Apply oil can be dry curls or wet, ranging from the roots to the ends.

It is important to do it slowly, gently, but at the same time gently. Long, thick and thick hair should get the right amount of remedy. They should be carefully coated with oil.

  • Leave for a few hours.

It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening and leave the oil on the hair at night. Braid your hair in a braid or ponytail and cover with a towel (do not overdo it with the amount).

  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • This procedure should be repeated approximately every 4-7 days.

Need to remember! If the hair is highly porous, for example, damaged after dyeing, it should be applied to wet hair. For best results, argan oil can be mixed with castor, sage, lavender, as well as with infusions of medicinal plants.

The benefits of styling

Hairstyle for any girl is of great importance! Curling, ironing and hot hair dryer with each use violates the structure of the hair. In order to improve the appearance of each curl, many experts use argan oil in their salons.

At home, before you start to dry your hair or smooth out, you must apply thermal protection so that they maintain their health and beauty. Argan oil is great for any type of hair. After applying argan oil, you will get a long hold without stickiness and weighting.

How to use against hair loss?

In order for hair to stop falling out, argan oil is used, which is added to shampoos or conditioners.

But, if anyone wants to speed up the effect, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Apply a small amount of the product onto dry curls and spread it over the entire length using a comb.
  • 1 tbsp. l Heat the water bath to room temperature and with your fingertips begin to rub into the scalp,
  • keep under the cap, covering your head with a warm towel, 40-45 minutes,
  • Wash your head with warm water and shampoo.

The result can be seen in just a few applications. Hair will no longer be brittle, and the loss will gradually decrease.

How to apply for hair growth

To increase hair growth you need to follow these guidelines:

  • spread the oil on your palms in less than 3 drops,
  • massage the scalp with massage movements
  • cover your head with a warm towel and keep it for 1-2 hours,
  • no need to flush.

For fat curls

Before applying argan oil to the scalp, always remove excess sebum, dead cells and any other debris that clogs the pores (wash your hair).

Clogged pores contribute to hair loss and prevent oil from penetrating deep into the skin.

  • Wash your hair.
  • Spread the argan on your fingertips and massage the product deeply into the scalp for 10 minutes.
  • The treatment is repeated 2-3 times a week depending on how aggressively this problem bothers you.

Perform this procedure until you completely get rid of the oily hair.

For dry hair

Liquid gold in the form of argan oil is also suitable for alleviating irritation and dry scalp.

The tool not only moisturizes dry skin, but also, due to linoleic acid has anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the oil is often used as a remedy for dry and scaly scalp, as well as anti-dandruff.

So, what to do:

  • thoroughly wash the scalp with a mild shampoo in order to get rid of residual sebum and dead skin cells using an exfoliating clay mineral,
  • on moist scalp, apply a few drops of essential oil and gently massage the scalp for 10 minutes,
  • Wash off with shampoo and cool water.

The procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times a week to achieve improvement in the structure of the hair.

The oil has anti-inflammatory, soothing effect and promotes healing, due to the presence of phytosterols. As a result, the oil is effective against aging, it nourishes and renews the cells of the scalp, and also facilitates inflammatory processes.

About the great benefits of expensive argan oil for hair can be found in the video.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Argan oil is a healing cosmetic that can restore beauty and youth to your hair.

However, like any remedy, it contains various components that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before you apply the oil on the scalp, it is worth checking the skin reaction to allergies.

To do this, put a drop on his wrist and wait about an hour. If during this time the skin has not reddened, itching and irritation have not appeared, then you can safely use the tool.

Recipe 1. We treat damaged tips.

Irons, hair dryers, curling irons, curling and frequent coloring strongly spoil the appearance of hair. Curls lose their healthy appearance, the ends are split, dryness and brittleness appear.

What you need for the mask:

Mix everything thoroughly, heat to room temperature in a water bath and apply over the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head with a towel and keep 50 minutes (and longer). Rinse with warm water and shampoo. Dry in a natural way after applying an indelible hair balsam.

Recipe 2. Eliminate dryness and brittleness

In certain seasons of the year, hair is exposed to temperature conditions. In order to protect each hair from negative effects, to give a healthy shine, softness and silkiness, you need to apply the product 2 times a week to your hair or use this mask 3-4 times a month.

What you need for the mask:

  • Argan oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • burdock - 2 tbsp.l.,
  • sage oil - 5 drops.

Mix all the oils and apply on the hair and scalp with massage movements. Keep the mask warm for 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. It is necessary to use regularly, without a long interruption for 5 weeks.

Recipe 3. Strengthen

In order to quickly grow your hair, do not break and delight you with its beauty, they need special care and respect. Masks based on argan oil infiltrate every cell, and all the nutrients get to the cortex and cuticle.

What you need for the mask:

  • Argan oil - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • lavender - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • sage - 5 drops,
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

Mix everything well and massage the hair roots. After the remaining oil spread over the entire length.

Where can I buy and how to store it?

Argan oil is quite expensive. Such prices for this tool are due to the fact that the raw materials (argan tree fruit) are imported to the producer from Morocco. The process of making argan itself is very complex and time consuming, takes a long time. But It is worth noting that once you buy this cosmetic product, you will never want to replace it with another.

Argan oil should be stored in a dark container (it carried falsely, as the manufacturer has already taken care of this). A great place to be a refrigerator, because it has a suitable temperature. Shelf life - no more than 2 years.

You can buy argan oil in any beauty salon, pharmacy, cosmetic shop and, of course, in the online store.

Christina Burda, 26 years old:

Argan oil began to use relatively recently, but I want to note that the result did not keep me waiting. I am very sorry about the time lost, because for quite a long time I was looking for a suitable tool for myself, but nothing came up. I advise all girls with damaged hair.

Olga Petrova, 24 years old:

This is the best tool I ever used. I have already forgotten what the split ends of the hair are. I use it very simply, I apply it after each washing of hair on the ends and a little along the length, then I dry it with a cool hair dryer.

Maria Sorochan, 19 years old:

I am delighted! Of course, a little expensive, but I had enough bottles for a month. Why I didn’t know about him before ((My hair acquired shine and softness, but I completely forgot about the fallout.

Yes, argan oil is not cheap, it was loved by many girls for its magical properties, as evidenced by the reviews. If you want to have healthy and strong hair, listen to our recommendations.

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The benefits of argan oil

Argan oil treats, restores dull and lifeless hair. Weekly application of oil changes their appearance.

Feedsand moisturizes

The skin of the head and bleached hair require special care. Dry skin leads to dandruff. The tips exposed to chemical and heat treatment break.

Argan oil nourishes the scalp with vitamins, softens hair.

Changeshair structure

Hair is subject to daily environmental influences - wind, dust, sun. Decorative cosmetics, therapeutic agents, heat exposure and coloring disturb the natural balance of hair.

Argan oil with vitamin E and polyphenols activates the entry of vitamins and oxygen into the hair structure. It restores elasticity - solders damaged tips and accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.

Warnsappearance of gray hair

Vitamin E fills the hair follicles structure with nutrients and oxygen. The development of antioxidants and sterols prevents early aging and the appearance of gray strands.

Activatesthe work of hair follicles

The death of vital processes in the hair follicles causes a lack of growth or hair loss. Argan oil activates the hair follicles, activates growth, protects against hair loss.

What is useful tool?

The combined effect of all the components that make up the composition provides a lasting healing and regenerating effect.

Argan oil:

  1. Moisturizes strands and scalp.
  2. It nourishes the root bulbs, therefore hair loss is significantly reduced.
  3. Promotes rapid growth of curls.
  4. Helps to restore damaged curl structure.
  5. Eliminates seborrhea.
  6. Provides UV protection.
  7. Helps protect hair from damage at high humidity.
  8. It gives hair a natural shine and makes it silky.

How to apply in its pure form?

African remedy differs from other natural oils in that its content of useful components is much higher in quantity, therefore it is considered concentrated.

Apply pure product as a mask should be given the high concentration of active substances, using its minimum amount.

Methods of its use for different purposes are different:

The method of restoring dry split ends

For each procedure, use 1 teaspoon of oil extract. Apply, starting from the roots, and gradually spreading along the length of the strands, on a clean head, when the curls have not completely dried out. It is not necessary to wash off the oil, it is quickly absorbed, and the hair becomes shiny.

In the case of severely damaged and brittle strands, a mask will be required using 2 tbsp. spoons of slightly warmed oil, which is intensively rubbed into the roots and strands. Then a polyethylene cap is put on the head, and additionally, in order to keep warm and enhance the effect of the mask, it is wrapped with a dry towel.

The mask is left overnight, then washed with a soft shampoo and smeared with balsam.

Mask recipes and instructions for use

Most often, Moroccan oil is used in conjunction with other useful components in the composition of masks for hair.

The most popular are the following mixtures:

  1. Classic mask. Mix in equal parts argan, burdock and castor oil. The mixture is applied to the roots of the curls with massaging movements for 15 minutes. Then the composition is distributed over the entire length of the hair, and aged for an hour on the head. After that, the mask can be washed off using shampoo.
  2. Recipe mask for split dry hair. Preparing a mixture of argan and burdock oil in a ratio of 1: 1 and evenly applied to the skin and strands over the entire length. Head wrapped and incubated for 30-40 minutes. After that, the composition is washed with warm water using a mild shampoo.
  3. Recipe masks from falling out strands. Take 1 tsp. argan and 3 tsp. olive oils, add the beaten yolk of one egg, 5-7 drops of essential oils of lavender and sage. Everything is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the skin of the head, then evenly distributed over all the strands. The mask should be kept on the head for 20 minutes and then rinsed with warm water using a shampoo.
  4. Recipe for a mixture of greasy hair. Mix one tsp. argan oil, avocado oil extract and grape seed oil, 3 drops of mint and cedar essential extracts are added to them. The composition is applied evenly over the entire head and kept for at least half an hour. Mint and cedar remedies normalize the hyperfunction of the sebaceous gland.

The high price of argan oil, due to the difficulties of obtaining, is more than paid for by the effectiveness of this agent. Due to the rich content of useful substances that have a regenerating, nourishing, strengthening effect on the scalp with a low consumption of this product, they completely cover all the costs of its purchase.

With regular use of this tool, dryness and fragility of the strands disappear, they acquire a living luster and silkiness, dandruff disappears.

Significantly accelerated hair growth. Moroccan remedy is a real find for damaged hair after dyeing. The effect is noticeable even after a single procedure using this tool.

Using it for the purpose of prevention, you can achieve a complete lack of hair loss within a couple of months after the start of procedures.

Contraindications and reviews

Experts warn against using an African product:

  1. In case of damage to the skin on the head: in the presence of scratches and small wounds.
  2. With allergic reactions to the components of this tool.
  3. In case of non-compliance with the term of use, which is 2 years.



“While doing the haircut in the hair salon, I noticed that the master at the end had smeared the ends of the strands with some means that was quickly absorbed, and the hair became silky and shiny. It turns out that it was argan oil. I liked the effect, so I bought a small bottle of this product and now regularly put a few drops on the strands. Surprisingly, the strands became so alive, the dryness was gone. ”


“I regularly make a mask with argan oil once a week. I mix it with olive, one tablespoon of both. I carefully rub into the roots and distribute them over all the strands, then put on the cellophane and wrap it with a warm towel. I keep about twenty minutes on my head, and then I wash it off. I got rid of dandruff and brittle hair, they became shiny and quickly grow. Now I can’t imagine how I did without such a wonderful tool before! ”


“Until now, the problem with split ends could not be solved. I tried many means, the effect was, but after a while everything became as before. After I stumbled upon Moroccan oil and began to make masks with this tool, the effect became noticeable after two procedures. I have been using it for the second month already, I am satisfied with the result. ”


“My hairdresser advised me to lubricate my hair after staining with argan oil. I do it regularly, my hair is always alive and shiny, despite the fact that I regularly paint them, getting rid of gray hair. "

Let goat in the garden ...

The method of extraction of this organic cosmetics is unique and very difficult. It's amazing that only women make it and ... goats. Animals adapted to hard work and learned to balance on tree branches up to 5 m. In height! And far from heavenly distance beckons them: the goats are still greedy and feed on the pulp of argan fruits, leaving their bones to their mistresses. Thanks to the greedy partners, the Moroccans get numerous argan cores. Total about 50-60 fruits are spent on the production of 1 l of oil, and in time this process takes up to two days. With the help of cold-pressed workers extract the oil itself. Due to the narrow growing area and laborious manufacturing process, the price of argan oil usually bites painfully.

What is so miraculous in him?

In argan oil, a whole palette of vitamins and minerals.

· Oligolinolic acids - prevent aging of the skin and hair.

· Unsaturated Fatty Acids - restore the cell membrane, promote hydration of the scalp, prevent hair loss.

· Vitamins A, E and F - nutrition and healthy strength.

· Phenolic compounds and tocopherols - These are the strongest natural antioxidants.

· Triglycerols - soften the scalp. Also restore lipid metabolism.

If your hair is sensitive to external factors: temperature extremes, climate change and weather conditions - go ahead with argan oil! This natural remedy helps protect the hair from aggressive environmental influences. It is universal. This is a cure for dandruff, and a complex of restoring damaged hair, what can we say about nutrition and moisturizing. But, like any medicine and any cosmetics, argan oil for hair implies a certain dosage and prescription. To get the most out of this tool, use “liquid gold” correctly.

Use as intended

If you don’t have time for making masks for hair, and care is still needed, an excellent option is to apply it on clean, dry hair and leave it overnight. For convenience, the oil-impregnated hair is wrapped in a bun, you can “pack” your head in a plastic bag, and you can put a hat on top. In the warm effect will be even more noticeable. In the morning, just wash your hair with shampoo.

Do not be afraid to combine pure argan oil with other organic cosmetics: cedar, sea buckthorn or chamomile decoction essential oils. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities and apply a mask on the hair slightly warmed up.

In food - eat!

In addition to the thousands of recipes for beauty based on argan oil, there is also the option of its use in food. In cooking, argan oil appears with a pronounced taste, and its shade is slightly darker than cosmetic, since Before eating, argan seeds are fried.

Edible argan oil is used in the traditional way: it is filled with salads, added to dishes. By the way, frying in this oil is not recommended, because with strong heat, most of the beneficial properties disappear. To maintain the health of the whole body, doctors recommend consuming a tablespoon of argan oil daily on an empty stomach (but remember: first you need to know the opinion of the doctor!)

Properly choose argan oil for hair

Do not forget that this oil is mined in a single point of the world. Moreover, even the purchase and transportation of raw materials to other countries is strictly prohibited. This is both a plus and a minus, because due to the limited production area, a lot of low-quality goods and fakes are sold. Therefore, before choosing your version of this tool, check with manufacturers, read reviews on the Internet and thoroughly study the information.

What you should pay attention to when choosing argan oil:

· Price. As already mentioned, the cost of "liquid gold" a priori can not be low.

· Producing country. Everything is clear, because the choice here is particularly small - Morocco.

· Manufacturing firm. The most popular brands of argan oil - MoroccanOil, Keraplastic, Macadamia and L ’oreal can be found in specialized stores or ordered on official websites.

· Ratings and reviews. Do not trust the world wide web - consult with a specialist. This can be your hairdresser, cosmetologist or trichologist.

Search for a supplier and place of purchase of organic cosmetics responsibly. Because the price of this tool is high, there are a lot of people willing to make money on the delivery of argan oil. Do not trust questionable groups in social networks and one-day entrepreneurs, market stalls, etc. Focus on the reviews of other buyers, this rule most often works indisputably.

Hair cosmetics based on argan oil

If you are ready to trust in professional hair care products, feel free to purchase ready-made “drugs” on an organic basis. Some of the well-known brand manufacturers of products that include argan oil - Schwarzkopf professional, KAYPRO, KUROBARA, etc.

The average cost of one bottle of care products varies from 1000 r. This includes silicone-free shampoos, nourishing emulsions and hair balms. If you are already familiar with some manufacturer, it will be easier to make a choice. However, before buying a new line of funds for yourself, do not neglect the opinions of people who know a lot about “liquid gold”.

Against split ends

Split ends prevent healthy hair growth. Use argan oil is necessary to create shiny, smooth hair.

  1. Apply some oil to clean, dry hair.
  2. Treat the tips without touching the skin and healthy areas along the length.
  3. Dry and style your hair in the usual way.

Daily use will give your hair a well-groomed appearance in just a month.

Against fallout

Hair loss is not a sentence. Argan oil will strengthen the hair roots, return the former beauty and volume.

  1. Apply the required amount of oil on the crown.
  2. Apply the oil gently on the scalp with smooth kneading movements. Distribute residues in length.
  3. Wrap hair in a towel or put on a special film. Hold 50 minutes.
  4. Wash off with shampoo.

For hair growth

The mask with argan oil creates a comfortable environment for intensive growth.


  • argan oil - 16 ml,
  • castor oil - 16 ml,
  • lemon juice - 10 ml,
  • White honey - 11 ml.


  1. Mix castor oil and argan oil, heat it up.
  2. In a bowl, mix lemon juice, lime honey, add a mixture of heated oils.
  3. Bring to homogeneous mass.


  1. Mask for growth rub into the roots of the hair with smooth movements for 2 minutes.
  2. Distribute the mask with a comb with occasional teeth. The comb properly separates the hair, allows useful substances to penetrate evenly into each strand.
  3. Wrap your head in a warm towel or cap for 1 hour.
  4. Rinse hair with warm water and shampoo.

Apply home growth mask once a week.

Result: the hair is long and thick.


The regenerating mask is useful for dyed and bleached hair. Chemicals in the process of dyeing destroy the hair structure. The mask will protect and restore the useful layer.


  • argan oil - 10 ml,
  • aloe juice - 16 ml,
  • rye bran - 19 gr,
  • olive oil - 2 ml.


  1. Pour the rye bran with hot water, put it to swell. Bring to the state of gruel.
  2. Add aloe juice and oil to bran, mix. Let it brew for 1 minute.


  1. Wash hair with shampoo. Spread the mask over the entire length.
  2. Pack in a sack, wrap in a plastic bag to maintain heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash off at least 2 times with the addition of shampoo.
  4. Wash length with balsam.

The result: silkiness, softness, shine from the roots.

For damaged hair

It fills with vitamins, softens, eliminates fluffiness, prevents fragility.


  • argan oil - 10 ml,
  • olive oil - 10 ml,
  • lavender oil - 10 ml,
  • egg yolk - 1 pc,
  • sage essential oil - 2 ml,
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon - to flush.


  1. All oils mix in a cup, heat up.
  2. Add yolk, bring to a uniform state.


  1. Apply a mask along the length, massage the scalp.
  2. Wrap hair in a warm towel for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water and lemon. Acidified water will remove residual fatty layer.

Result: the hair is smooth, docile, shiny.

Argan Oil Shampoos

Shampoos with the incorporation of argan oil are easy to use - the effect of the oil in them is similar to the benefits of masks.

  1. Kapous - the producer Italy. Argan oil and keratin create a double effect of brilliance, smoothness and well-groomed.
  2. Al-Hourra - Morocco manufacturer. Gilauronic acid and argan oil eliminate the signs of oily hair dandruff and also eliminate seborrhea.
  3. Confume Argan - produced in Korea. Argan oil shampoo is effective in combating dry, brittle tips. Nourishes, smoothes hair. Suitable for sensitive, allergenic skin.

The benefits of argan oil for hair

The benefits of argan oil for hair is very large. It helps to deal with various problems directly related to the scalp and hair. The tool has a very large range properties, which once again proves its great benefit, namely:

    Argan oil not only moisturizes the hair and scalp, but also provides good nutrition with vitamins. Each hair gets a lot of vitamins and minerals,

Argan tree oil has a large number of useful properties. Therefore, it must be in the arsenal of every woman.

How often can you use

Argan tree oil should be used regularly. during three monthsto get tangible results.

Learn from our article, what masks from peach seeds can be done.

Moreover, its frequency of use, both in pure form and in the composition of masks and shampoos, should not exceed 1-2 times a week. This is due to the fact that the oil nourishes the hair with nutrients, which is enough for a whole week.

How to apply oil on hair

Argan oil in cosmetology is used both in pure form and in the composition of various creams, shampoos, masks. But it will bring more benefit to hair exactly in pure form.

Oil application steps:

  1. Apply a small amount on the palm of the product and rub it into the skin with smooth massaging movements. This action should be repeated until the oil is distributed throughout the skin of the head,
  2. Then gently rub it over the entire length of the hair, especially paying attention to the root zone and the tips of the hair,
  3. From above it is necessary to wind the hair with a plastic film and additionally wrap with a terry towel,
  4. Argan oil on the hair should be kept for at least 1 hour. You can leave the tool at night. In this case, the effect will be better.

Regular use of argan oil will help your hair gain health and strength. The main thing to do the procedure regularly.


Argan oil can be safely added to your usual shampoo or hair balm. It is enough to take 2 tbsp. shop cosmetics and connect it with 1 tbsp. argan oil. In this way, you increase the benefit of the purchased product twice.

For normal hair

A mask based on three oils is perfect for a normal hair type:

These components should be taken in equal proportions, put together and immediately applied to the roots of the curls with massaging movements. It is advisable to make a light massage within 15 minutes so that the product is well absorbed into the roots. Then distribute the mask on the hair and leave for 1 hour, wrapped the hair with a towel. Then rinse under running water.

For greasy hair

If your hair has oily shine, then you should use a mask that includes such components:

  • 1 tsp. argan, avocado and grape seed oil,
  • on 3 to. cedar and mint essential oil.

In our article you will learn how to choose the right shampoo for hair - about the types and composition.

All components of the mask must be combined and stirred until smooth. Then apply on the scalp and leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water using shampoo.

For colored hair

After painting, hair needs constant care. Therefore, for them you can prepare just such a mask:
Connect 1 tsp. argan, olive and camellia oilStir and warm to room temperature in a water bath. To add 7 drops of lavender oil. The resulting composition is distributed in curls. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo.

For tips

The ideal mask for the ends of the hair will be such a mask, based on such ingredients:

  • 2 tsp. argan oils,
  • 1 tsp almond oil
  • 10 drops of patchouli ether.

All components must be connected and rubbed into the tips of the curls. The remains of the mask to distribute the hair. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Wash off the product from the hair with warm water.

For the roots

In order to strengthen the hair well, you should prepare a mask like this: in a deep bowl we combine argan oil - 1 tsp, olive oil - 3 tsp, we mix everything. Then add 1 yolk and oil of lavender and sage - 8 drops.

All thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the scalp. Remains of funds applied to the curls. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.


To get rid of dandruff in many ways. But the most effective is considered a tool based on such oils - argan, burdock, almond and castorwhich should be taken in equal proportions.

All the components of the mask are connected and heated in a water bath to a warm state.

Then distribute the hair and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo.

Where can I buy, how much does it cost

You can buy argan oil at the pharmacy kiosks or in the relevant stores, for example, where essential oils are sold. In addition, this tool is very popular in cosmetic stores. You can also order it online.

Read in our article how to make hair polishing at home - what you need for this, tips and tricks.

The cost of the product is acceptable, so every girl can indulge her hair.

Argan Oil Grades

In addition to pure oil, there are also complex hair care products based on argan oil. Among the large number of such funds, I would like to single out several copies at once. It is impossible to say which argan oil is better for hair - each of them is valuable in its own way.

Londa velvet oil

This tool helps you quickly restore damaged hair and gives them shine and beauty. After applying the curls instantly smooths the hair. Apply it to a wet hair coat.

This is a professional line of shampoos for the care of different types of hair - KAPOUS series "ARGANOIL". One of the main ingredients in the composition of these funds is argan oil. At cost, such tools are inexpensive and will help to provide you with full hair care.

This is a natural argan oil from their Marroko. Among all the brands on the cosmetic market, this tool is the most effective and consists only of the natural component of the argan tree. With regular use, your hair will become beautiful.

Manufacturer of professional cosmetics, which has a special line for hair care. Almost every caregiver contains argan oil.

Application Reviews

Many girls on the use of this tool speak only with positive emotions. After all, argan oil is really an indispensable tool.

“I have been using argan oil for more than two years. Mostly used for hair. After completing the three-month course, my hair regained a healthy shine and became silky. I am very pleased with this result. Now this tool has become a basic care for curls. "

“About the benefits of argan oil heard recently. Began to search the Internet for information on how to restore damaged hair. And everywhere they recommended this particular oil. I decided to try it and did not regret it. A month later, the condition of the hair improved, at least twice. "

Useful tips

Argan oil is best applied to clean, pre-washed hair. In this case, the tool can fully penetrate the scalp and hair structure. And, of course, the result will be very good.

It is not recommended to use argan oil for longer than the specified time to use the mask or based on it means. This can adversely affect the hair and dry it out a bit. As a result, the hairline will lose its luster, and instead it will become dull.

Argan oil for hair is an indispensable tool that can quickly and efficiently restore your hair. So if you decide to properly care for your curls, then you should purchase this miracle tool in your arsenal. And believe me, you will not regret it, and soon you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

Mode of application

A unique product, unlike other oils, does not make the strands fat. Therefore, it is allowed to rub into the hair in its pure form. To enhance the beneficial properties, the tool is combined with other components. And if they want to simplify the procedure, they simply add a few drops to the makeup cosmetics. But regardless of the method of application, it is necessary to consider the following recommendations of cosmetologists.

  • Allergy Testing. Like any substance, oil can be a source of extremely undesirable reactions. Therefore, before applying the product to your hair, it is important to conduct an individual sensitivity test. A few drops dripping on your wrist. The soft product is easily rubbed into the skin. You must wait at least two hours. If during this time there is no allergic reaction (redness, rash or severe itching), then the product can be used for cosmetic purposes.
  • Application Moroccan product can be applied to clean hair and dirty. Depending on the problem, the oil is used only for hair follicles, curled tips, or distributed throughout the hair.
  • Activation of useful components. To enhance the impact of the Moroccan hair product, it is necessary to preheat the product slightly before use.
  • Hair features. Argan oil will be most useful for dry, brittle and weakened strands. It will help restore the curls, survived aggressive staining. Although suitable "Moroccan gold" for all types of hair. That's just for oily hair is undesirable to use the product in its pure form. If the strands are very fat, cosmetologists advise to combine the oil with drying ingredients (egg white, alcohol, lemon juice).
  • Flushing. Easily remove the following mask from the hair mask or oil. Initially, put a little shampoo in your hands and carefully, without adding water, foaming the detergent on your head. This will allow the shampoo molecules to bond with the remaining argan oil molecules. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to wash off the product If this procedure is not enough, and the strands are a bit oily, then it is recommended to prepare a lemon rinse (a glass of water - half a glass of lemon juice).

Full length

Features That is how it is recommended to apply the tool for dry, brittle, damaged hair.

  1. Argan oil is initially applied to the hair roots.
  2. To evenly distribute the valuable product in curls, use the comb.
  3. Leave the agent on the strands for two or three hours or overnight.


Argan oil is used not only in cosmetology. It is used in cooking. Moreover, a special product is used for cooking, which is pressed by a special method. Edible oil has a rich yellow color with a slight reddish tinge. It tastes a bit like pumpkin seeds. And the smell of food is quite complex. It feels nutty notes mixed with spices.

Natural cosmetic oil has a light yellow color and a rather unpleasant smell. The “flavor” of the product is somewhat similar to manure. Of course, such an "odorous" remedy is unlikely to appeal to women. Therefore, cosmetic companies have slightly improved the aroma of the oil and offered the following products to modern beauties.

  • Organic Argan Oil. This is the most suitable product for colored hair. The natural product provides strands of obedience, silkiness. It helps to keep the color of the curls for a long time and makes them glossy.
  • Proffs. Means, produced in Sweden, can qualitatively moisten the strands, eliminate excessive dryness. The product will return natural shine to hair. The manufacturer especially recommends this tool to improve and restore thin, curly curls.
  • Planeta Organica. Natural remedy, without silicones. Able to stop hair loss. It is recommended to restore dry, thin and damaged strands.
  • Kapous. This cosmetics contains such additional components as flaxseed, coconut oil, tocopherol, cyclopentasiloxane. The tool effectively restores dull strands, fills them with moisture and life. The product is able to cure split ends with high quality.

Dyed hair protection

Features The mask will help restore the structure of strands subjected to aggressive thermal or chemical effects. It will improve the appearance of dyed hair, return them to the natural structure, provide a healthy shine. After this means the curls are much easier to comb and less tangled. To enhance the positive impact, it is recommended not only to roll the head with cellophane, but also to warm it with a hot towel. But in this case, the effect of the mask is reduced to 15 minutes.

  • "Moroccan gold" - 27 drops,
  • rye bran - 20 g,
  • lime decoction - three tablespoons,
  • olive oil - half a teaspoon,
  • Aloe juice - one tablespoon.

  1. Linden broth steamed bran. When the product is softened, it is ground in a blender.
  2. Add butter to aromatic mush.
  3. Next pour aloe juice.

Increased growth

Features This tool is designed to enhance hair growth. The components that make up the mask enhance follicle nutrition, speed up metabolism. Thereby activating the growth of strands. According to reviews, with regular use of the mask for a month, you can grow curls by 2-3 cm. The tool is distributed only in the root zone. Thanks to the mustard, the mask has a burning sensation. Therefore, keep it no more than 10-15 minutes. And with strong discomfort, wash off early.

  • argan oil - 23 drops,
  • mustard - one tablespoon (without top),
  • milk - one and a half tablespoons.

  1. Milk is slightly heated.
  2. Warm the mixture with diluted mustard.
  3. In the mixture injected oil and mix well.

From falling out

Features With strong hair loss will help the combination of Moroccan butter with ginger and cocoa. This tool will strengthen and strengthen the power bulbs. This mask is allowed to use the seven-day course in case of excessive loss of strands.

  • "Moroccan gold" - 28 drops,
  • ginger - 6 g,
  • cocoa - tablespoon,
  • decoction of nettle - as needed.

  1. Eastern spice crushed.
  2. Fragrant ginger is mixed with cocoa.
  3. Oil is introduced into the mixture and mixed.
  4. To mask acquired the necessary consistency, add a decoction of nettle.


Features Problems such as brittleness, dandruff are often dictated by excessive dryness of the skin. Hair does not get the necessary moisture, resulting in a look lifeless and unhealthy. To restore the water balance, it is recommended that a mask combines the three strongest components.

  • argan - two tablespoons,
  • burdock - two tablespoons,
  • almond - two tablespoons.

  1. Initially, the components are slightly warmed up.
  2. Then they are combined and mixed.

Restoring brittle strands

Features The remedy allows you to glue each hair and restore its damaged structure. It is important to complete a ten-day course. This mask is recommended to keep no more than 20 minutes, since the composition of the tool includes an egg. If you overdo the mixture, the process of washing will become much more complicated.

  • argan oil - one teaspoon,
  • sage oil - five drops,
  • olive oil - two teaspoons,
  • lavender oil - ten drops,
  • egg yolk - one.

  1. Whisk the yolk gently.
  2. Lavender oil and sage are added to it.
  3. Next, an olive is introduced into the mixture and the preparation of the mask is completed by adding a Moroccan product.

Powerful food

Features This product is recommended for dry, dehydrated hair. The mask effectively moisturizes the strands and provides good nutrition. It protects the curls during the winter temperature drops, restores vitamin deficiency in the spring and carefully protects the strands from the aggression of the summer sun. This mask is recommended to keep about half an hour. After it, the hair is rinsed with a decoction of grapefruit zest (for 2 liters of liquid - the rind of one fruit).

  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - one ampoule,
  • argan oil - 28 drops,
  • honey - one tablespoon,
  • wheat oil - 11 drops.

  1. A moroccan product is added to liquid honey (if necessary, it is first melted).
  2. Then the vitamin is introduced into the mixture in liquid form.
  3. Wheat oil is added to the mask.

Gluing "tips

Features Split hair looks unkempt and ugly. The mixture of oils allows you to make the curls alive and shiny. The mask glues the tips and provides the strands elasticity.

  • Argan - 16 drops,
  • shea - 3 g,
  • grape - nine drops,
  • pink - three drops.

  1. Initially melt shea butter.
  2. To this component add the remaining ingredients.

Cosmetologists advise using "Moroccan gold" also for the face. Products containing argan oil can smooth wrinkles, moisturize the skin and cleanse the face of acne.

Responses: “Instead of the„ small demon “a beautiful wave has gone”

At one time my hair was very hard to climb - well, just horror. So argan oil is the only remedy that really helped for a long time. Somewhere about two months actively used it.

Several times I heard reviews of Moroccan oil. Recently met a friend who uses it. Hair really looks shiny. In general, I am thinking of buying it.

Used for the hair of Moroccan oil. The expectations were not met. No, of course there is a shine, and the hair somehow becomes softer, but such that the IVC is not. The same as from any mask, more or less professional. Hair is not fat, but here only 4 times are washed off.

Yuki Da Costa,

I bought argan, macadamia, jojoba and avocado oils. I used to torture my hair with masks with mustard, kefir, etc. And now I just rub my scalp from the evening and comb my hair well. Apply the oil in turn to not very bold, and in the morning I wash it off. The hair is dry naturally (rarely with a hair dryer I will help a little). Result: grow much faster and the hair itself became thicker and thicker, began to make very different hairstyles (it used to be somehow not comme il faut), by nature hair is fluffy and curly. Now they began to push less and instead of the “little devil” a beautiful wave began. I really like the effect! I will always use!


Watch the video: ARGAN OIL VS HAIR LOSS - How to use it the right way to prevent baldness (July 2024).