
How to make a chemical perm hair with large curls with photos and video


Curling with the help of curlers, curling, ironing, and even improvised means is of short duration. In an effort to get the long-lasting effect of wavy hair, many girls use “chemistry”. With proper care, beautiful curls stay for several months. They can turn out small, elastic or natural, a little curly - it all depends on your desire. Looks very impressive bulk hair perm large curls suitable owners of hair of different lengths. If you are going to perform the procedure at home, you need to take into account many important nuances and properly prepare.

Any perm using chemical. drugs changes the structure of the strands. If you compare under a microscope a section of straight and curly hairs, the difference is obvious: the first are round, the second is oval.

Such an artificial transformation is impossible without side effects, the main of which is damage to the outer layer of hair rods. But competent performance of "chemistry" and the further correct care of curls will help hair cope with stress.

Attention! Plays an important role. It must be chosen according to the type of hair.

Types and methods

There are several criteria by which the types of long-term perm are different:

Type of chemical reagent:

  • acidic - suitable for hard, thick, heavy, dyed hair,
  • alkaline - used on soft strands, normal and those that are prone to fat,
  • neutral - optimal for any curls, including weak.

Type of curlers for perm:

  • bobbins,
  • boomerangs,
  • vellaformery,
  • studs and others. The shape, size of the curl depends on the selected products.

The arrangement of the rollers on the head:

  • horizontal - the easiest, makes styling more voluminous,
  • vertical - forms beautiful flowing boules,
  • circular - allows you to get natural large curls and additional volume,
  • combined, combining vertical and horizontal ways.

Curling method:

  • first put on the hair composition, then twist curlers,
  • first of all make curls, then process curls with reagent.

The second option is optimal for home use, especially if the beginner does the perm.

What curlers are used

To create volumetric curls fit rollers of large diameters. This may be plastic files, including conical, or boomerangs. Also, girls who want to curl large curls should pay attention to Olivia Gаrdеn curlers that form natural curls.

Another non-standard solution is wavy plates that allow you to get styling in a retro style. They are used together with bobbins.

What is this procedure

The procedure is based on the traditional destruction of keratin bonds in the hair, the formation of a curl with the help of curlers and the fixation of its wavy effect with a lock. There are a lot of varieties of it, but for non-professionals it is worthwhile to clarify that the main types of chemical hair perm for creating large curls are classified mainly by chemical reagents of the composition used.

  • Amino Acid Curling - not very resistant, nourishing with amino acids and proteins.
  • Neutral - more resistant and forms a natural tight curl.
  • Alkaline - It is a curl of medium hardness.
  • Acid perm - the most resistant, up to six months, requires exposure to high temperature.
  • Biowave - does not contain harmful substances. Softer but not resistant

The quality of the procedure is determined by the mandatory fulfillment of a number of requirements:

  • Testing the condition of the scalp and hair strength.
  • Check the absence of allergy to the selected composition.
  • If these tests are successful, then you can wash your hair and start curling.
  • Strands must be screwed on the curlers, apply the composition, withstand the right time and rinse with warm water.
  • Apply the retainer for five minutes, and after removing the curlers again apply the retainer.
  • Follow all the recommendations of the wizard to restore the hair structure in accordance with the selected perm.
  • Immediately after curling, it is not recommended to wash hair, comb it and blow-dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Admiring photos of girls with luxurious large curls after permed hair, it is difficult to dispute the fact that they refresh the face, adding femininity and sexuality to it. But since any beauty requires sacrifice, it is necessary to know about the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.

Its advantages include:

  • Reduced time for styling curls.
  • Chemistry of greasy hair.
  • Increase the volume of fine hair.
  • The long effect of curled locks.

The disadvantages of this procedure:

  • Aggressive effects of chemistry on the hair structure.
  • Long recovery of damaged strands.
  • Resistant smell reagents.
  • Brighten hair in two tones.

How to make a chemical perm hair in large curls at home

To decorate the head with wavy natural curls with the help of a soft perm, there is no need to visit an expensive salon, it is quite possible to do it at home, and to buy everything you need for free sale. But the procedure itself requires a very serious and careful approach, therefore do not ignore the advice of a professional when choosing tools and materials.

In order to avoid annoying mistakes, we get acquainted in detail with the step-by-step instructions, save time and start curling:

1. Wash your head with a protective shampoo.

2. Apply a greasy cream and fix a protective bandage along the hairline.

3. We divide the hair into zones and fix them.

4. We twist the strands on the bobbins, not going beyond their width, wetting each means.

5. Quickly and gently apply the composition to the entire head, avoiding exposed skin.

6. We wrap the head with a towel and, after waiting 20 minutes, we check the quality of the curl in the back of the head, and, if necessary, we withstand more.

7. Then carefully wash off the composition, without removing the bobbins, and gently dry with a towel.

8. Carefully apply the retainer for five minutes, and after removing the bobbins for another same time.

9. Wash it off with warm water and rinse hair with an acidic solution.

10. After the restoration procedures we dry the hair in a natural way.

When it is justified to do it at home, and in which it is better to go to the salon

Before performing a perm procedure, it is necessary to decide where it is more profitable to do it, in the cabin or at home. Consciously choosing a more economical option at home, you need to know the following points:

  • If you want light chemistry, you should do it in the salon, because at home you risk not calculating the time of curling.
  • If you have repeatedly painted or damaged hair, contact your stylist. Hair can react to a perm unpredictably, and in the salon this can be avoided.
  • Hard, straight, unruly hair alone can be severely damaged by chemistry, they are difficult to curl, even in the salon.
  • Slightly curly hair also requires the hands of a master.

Precautionary measures

In the course of any perm, large curls on short, medium, long hair can mitigate the harmful effects of chemistry on the hair structure and preserve their healthy, natural effect for a long time, observing a number of simple measures and recommendations:

  • If there are scratches on the scalp, the procedure is postponed.
  • The test for durability of any hair must be performed.
  • To stop on a correct choice of a preparation, proceeding from a condition of hair.
  • Do not use metal tools.
  • You can not carry out the procedure: pregnant, with exacerbation of chronic diseases, taking hormones and antibiotics.
  • Hair dyeing not earlier than two weeks.
  • Do chemistry only on clean hair.
  • Choose a bobbin depending on the length and type of hair.
  • The exposure time is strictly within the instructions.

Reviews perm

There are many conflicting comments from girls who used a perm to adorn their hair with tempting large curls, and some of them should be listened to.


I have hard and straight hair, but I really wanted curls. On the advice of the master, we stopped at biowave. Curls are natural and lively, but not very steep, even when laying with a diffuser and laying.


I have always dreamed of curls, with thin and soft hair. I am for the perm, which for more than 12 years has been giving my hair volume and well-groomed appearance. I do twice a year on the average hair of a permanent master. For me, the usual care is enough shampoo, balm and masks.


I had long blond hair before delivery, but during pregnancy my hair became thinner and the volume went away. Chemistry did not do, but caught fire girlfriend experience. Agreed with the master in the cabin closer to home. Biowave was not affordable, I had to do the usual perm. Did two hours, it turned out not bad, but without dense curls.

Video on how to perm in large curls

This video shows how biowave is done by professional hands for medium, slightly damaged by the client's hair. The procedure begins traditionally with washing the head with a special shampoo. According to the stylist's advice, a helical biowave variant was selected using special bobbins.

Then each strand is quickly treated with a tool that is aged on the head at the right time and washed off with water. The sticks remove and fix the locks with a fixative. As a result, after mild drying and styling with a diffuser using professional medicinal products, soft, natural curls were obtained.

Whatever the stylists tell us about the modern, milder means of perm, one thing to remember is that in exchange for luxurious and wavy curls, we get stress for the hair. Even with the participation in the procedure of a good master, you risk their beauty, structure and health. Do not forget about it.

Curling curling

This device allows you to create small curls. Homemade perm will last a longer time, if it is secured with any styling agent - sprinkle with varnish or treat with mousse. It should be done only on dry hair. Those strands that will be involved in the last turn, it is better to fasten hairpins, so that they do not interfere. First, you need to wind the hair on the back of his head, gradually moving to the facial strands. There are special hairdressing curling clips, which greatly simplifies the whole process. During the heat treatment, the twisted strand curling iron must be held parallel to the shoulders. You must ensure that the device does not touch the skin, otherwise you may get burned. Before you make home styling curling hair, it is recommended to process the hair with a special thermal protective agent.

Curler on curlers

There are many varieties of curlers that allow you to perform different variations of homemade curls depending on the desired end result. For example, large curls are obtained if the hair is screwed on velcro curlers with a large diameter. Curlers boomerangs allow you to create small curls. The material from which they are made may also vary - curlers are made of plastic and foam rubber. This may affect the time at which the perm is performed. In order to curl using curlers, you need to adhere to the following scheme:

  • The hair must be wet, but slightly dried,
  • They are applied to the styling,
  • The amount of hair in one winding strand should not exceed the length of the curler,
  • Twist the strand, slightly pulling it, holding the tip of two fingers, lift it slightly and wind it on the device,
  • The wave is done in the following order: first, if you need a bang, then hair on the back of the head and the top of the head, and last of all, the face
  • To speed up the process, hair can be dried with a hairdryer,
  • Wear hair curlers until the hair is completely dried.

Another kind of curlers - papilotki wound spiral method. Hair styling is also applied to the hair, but they need to be removed in one high tail or two on the sides, take a separate strand, securing it with a single file at the base. Further from it the plait is twisted and fixed below by another papilotka. This method allows you to give the curl an attractive look, without overdoing with curls - curls fall in soft waves downwards.


Resistant perm can be done at home. For this you need to know a few subtleties:

  • In addition to the means for biochemical curling, a special fixative is required. It is sold in cosmetic departments or is made independently of hydroperit tablets (7-8 pieces), diluted with shampoo and 1/3 cup of water.
  • For homemade curls are used only wooden devices, they are called bobbins.
  • Need to work in rubber gloves
  • There should be no damage to the scalp.
  • Before performing a home curl, it is necessary to carry out a small test, causing a chemical composition on the elbow bend.
  • During the exacerbation of any chronic or infectious diseases, as well as during menstruation and during pregnancy, you cannot do a homemade perm.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start curling, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary fixtures, fixative and special acetic water (with the calculation of 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per liter of water).

  1. First, you need to wash the hair with shampoo, but do not do it too thoroughly, so that a little protective layer remains on the skin.
  2. Wipe the curls with a towel, they should be wet. Carefully comb.
  3. Separate a thin strand from the total mass by a thin wooden or plastic comb and screw it onto the bobbin, fixing it with plastic clips if necessary.
  4. Lubricate the skin of the face along the hairline with a thick cream with a thick cream.
  5. After curling, take a foam sponge, dip it in the chemical composition and quickly walk over the entire surface of the hair.
  6. Cover the head with a film, warming with a towel.
  7. In accordance with the instructions, withstand half of the required time, then rinse the head with water - it should not be cold or hot.
  8. Treat the hair cover fixative. Hold another 10 minutes.
  9. Remove the bobbins and once again process the fixative. Wait 5 minutes.
  10. Rinse first with plain water, then vinegar again.
  11. Apply a special balm.

The video more clearly demonstrates the whole process.

Features of curling short hair

For short hair, you can do a homemade curling using curlers fixed with clips (but you can choose better devices with larger diameters, this will allow you to create a more modern and soft look), curling tongs or a straightener.

The latter allows you to create different hairstyles - if you direct the hair in different directions in the process of curling, the hair will look more natural and slightly sloppy. The opposite effect is created by ordered curls, strictly laid one on another.

Features of curling medium hair

For curls of medium length when performing home curling, you can use sticky curlers, hair curlers, boomerangs, tongs, or a straightener. Home-made perming with the help of a straightener is done according to this scheme: individual strands of hair are folded into an ordinary pigtail, with a heated device a braid is clamped between two surfaces of a hairdressing iron.You need to wait 3-4 minutes, remove the rectifier and braid spit. The result is unobtrusive and calm, slightly curly locks.

The second method resembles the first, but slightly modified - the hair is curled into tight braids, and not into a braid. This approach also gives an interesting result. Under the image or mood, you can alternate these two styles with each other.

Features curling long hair

Long hair, although it allows the use of numerous options and accessories for home styling, can still cause some difficulties. This is the main reason for the characteristics of the wave.

With any method chosen, it will be more convenient if the hair is fixed on the back of the head, gradually freeing one strand at a time and twisting it alternately.

If twisting occurs with the use of curling, then it should be done in rows, starting from the bottom (free and unused hair is fixed at the top with a hairpin), gradually moving up. Screw them need to curl spiral.

With curling tongs or a straightener, the wave is carried out according to the same scheme - from the nape to the temporal part. At the very end, it is recommended to turn the head down and beat the curls with your hands.

Long hair can also perform home styling with a special comb, which is called brushing. It is a fairly wide object in diameter with soft plastic teeth. This perm is performed with a wet head, twisting the strand on the brushing and acting on her hair dryer.

Photos of fashionable perms

Among the latest fashion trends, not the last niche is occupied by hairstyles with soft and large curls. You can enter curls little by little, resulting in interesting styling options. Decorated with hairpins, decorative flowers or bandages, they complement a single style and create an attractive image.

Homemade perm can be performed using different tools and devices, the choice of which depends on the length of the hair and the desired result. During the experiments, you can achieve the perfect hairstyle for yourself, but remember that they should not be abused in order to maintain healthy hair.

General concepts about chemical perm

  1. Alkaline - it is durable, but it acts on the head with a rather high degree of harm.
  2. Acid - a soft effect on the hair, but such a perm is very short-lived.
  3. Neutral - it is more resistant than acid.
  4. Amino acid - contained in the amino acids help in the regeneration of the hair.

All kinds of chemical perms are created with the help of curlers. These are big or large curlers, bobbins, spiral bobbins, wellforformers, papilotki. The chemical wave more difficultly is fixed on hair of natural red and black flowers.

Large perm

The most popular today is chemical perm hair large curls or American perm. It looks very beautiful on long curls. Owners of elongated face will go curls in rings, and chubby - curls spiral.

Large curls are obtained with the help of different curlers. Hair alternately spin on them. From the duration of exposure depends on the shape of curls. A light wave will be obtained with a brief exposure, large curls - with the greatest exposure.

To achieve the same curls, you need to do a wrap on curlers of different sizes. If you want your hairstyle to look more natural, strands are wound only on large curlers. In this case, only on the tips the hair will be curled into large curls, at the base they will remain slightly wavy. A large perm is preferable for owners of thick hair. Otherwise, after curling will not work the expected volume.

It is advisable to pre-cut haircut cascade.And one more thing: alkaline "chemistry" is recommended for those who want cool curls, and gentle curls will help create a biowave.

Who will fit the large curls?

Large curls, indeed look very feminine and spectacular. However, to make such a complex styling, remember a few rules.

Against the background of volumetric curls in this case, so-called “bald patches” may appear through, especially in the parting zone.

But on thick hair (even if they are quite thin), such styling will look great.

There are also certain limitations on hair length. Large curls will look advantageous only on long or medium strands. On too short haircuts, the effect of such styling will be simply invisible.

Otherwise large curls no longer have any "contraindications". This hairstyle always looks stylish and natural., does not require complex care and constant styling and lasts from 3 weeks to several months (depending on the selected products).

And if you put it in with special styling, you can achieve the effect of wet curls, which look very stylish in combination with large curls.

What curlers should I use?

Since our goal is not small curls, namely large and voluminous curls, curlers for their creation is to select the appropriate. They must be large enough.. As a rule, to create large curls, craftsmen in salons use curlers with a diameter of three centimeters or more.

It is possible to twist strands on them in a spiral, overlap, or simply with a traditional roll (depending on the desired effect).

Doing a perm at home

More often girls are afraid of doing such a complicated procedure, like a winding, on their own and prefer to apply for such styling in a beauty salon.

This is quite a reasonable decision. However, if you have enough experience in creating beautiful hairstyles and caring for your hair, you can take a chance and make a dry-cleaning yourself at home. The main thing is to approach this extremely responsibly and carefully.

To curl your hair in large curls yourself, you will need, first of all, suitable curlers (about what devices to choose, we have already written above). Besides, of course you You will need special formulations and cosmetic products to create a perm..

Follow them to a professional hair salon or a beauty salon selling cosmetics. Choose high-quality and reliable tools. Consult with specialists in the salon or consultants in the store of professional cosmetics. They will introduce you to the latest innovations and help you choose the most gentle chemical composition.

In addition, prepare in advance a few small but necessary accessories that will help in creating the curl: a bowl for breeding the product, a brush for application, special gloves, a warming cap, clamps or other fixings, towels, etc.

Step by step algorithm of action

So you bought everything you need and ready to start a homemade chemical bath. In order to do this as safely and accurately as possible, follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Divide hair into several parts. As a rule, masters advise to select at least three zones - the central and two side.
  2. It is better to lubricate the face, neck and ears before curling with a greasy moisturizer (you can use the most ordinary and affordable baby cream). This will protect delicate skin from possible damage if chemicals are injected.
  3. Prepare the necessary solution, clearly following the instructions on the package. This is the most important and crucial moment, so when diluting the product you should be careful and do not deviate from the instructions.
  4. Twist the strands on large bobbins or hair curlers, abundantly wetting each curl in the prepared solution. Wear a warming cap.
  5. Allow time for curling. Then, without removing the curlers, wash your head. Apply to the curlers fixing composition. Soak for another 5-10 minutes.
  6. Carefully dissolve the curls. Once again, handle curls fixative composition. Allow 5 minutes more, then rinse the hair thoroughly with water.

Of course, this is only an approximate technology.

Photos before and after the procedure

Price in the cabin and at home

The cost of a perm made by a professional master starts on average from 2 thousand rubles. The price is affected by the quality of the composition, the length of the hair, the type of "chemistry". To perform the procedure yourself, you need to buy a solution and fixative that will fix the result.

Depending on the manufacturer's company, the average price of each drug ranges from 200 to 900 rubles. There are trains for which you will have to pay about 1,000–1,600 rubles (LONDA, Schwarzkopf, Selective Professional, and others).

Some cosmetic companies produce curling kits. All necessary chemical solutions for creation of curls enter them. Their average cost ranges from 300 (ESTEL WAVEX) to 1200 rubles (Wella).

Council Add expenses for tools to expenses for the composition and fixative, if you do not find suitable ones at home or with friends.


You can not do "chemistry" in such cases:

  • there is an allergy to the composition (checked before the procedure),
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • menstruation,
  • hormonal drugs,
  • antibiotic treatment
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • state of stress, depression,
  • the presence of infectious diseases, complicated by temperature,
  • severe hair loss, more than the norm (about 100 pieces per day),
  • "Fresh" staining, since which did not pass 2-3 weeks. This also applies to toning curls with henna, basma,
  • there are abrasions, wounds, pimples and dandruff on the head,
  • hair strongly weakened, broken.

Proper hair care

Honest and professional master before doing chemical. perm, be sure to warn your client about the possible consequences.

Even the healthiest strands after such styling can become quite dry, thin and weak. Also, the master should certainly warn that do not do a perm immediately after dyeing hair.

If you really want to do chemistry on dyed hair, should wait a few weeks after the color change.

Large curls - rather unpretentious type of stylingwhich does not require complex care. These curls look natural and natural, so no complicated styling every day you do not need.

Home is your task after chemistry - nourish and restore your locks after such stress. To do this, include in your list of care products special masks, conditioners and balsams designed to care for hair after chemical waving. Use these products regularly.

How to care for hair after a perm?


Large curls - really very effective and stylish look stylingwhich will instantly set you apart from the crowd and make you brighter and more visible.

To rid yourself of the need to daily curl hair curling or curlers, prefer long-term salon curling. The main thing - entrust this job to experienced and proven professionals.

Benefits perm

Perm hair - large curls on medium hair (photo gives a visual representation), is to apply a special composition. The protein contained in the composition enters into a chemical reaction with the main component of the hair shaft - keratin, which softens as a result.

Under the influence of the substance, the hair becomes softer, more elastic, and docile, which makes it easy to change the shape of the hairstyle.

Modern permanent perm is a safe manipulation, but compliance with the rules and precautions is necessary.

The advantages of a perm include:

  1. The ability to create additional volume on thin sparse hair.
  2. For women living in areas with high humidity and loving curled locks, perm is the best long-term way to create a fashionable hairstyle.
  3. With a perm, styling can be done less frequently, the hairstyle is always neat, natural, hair is docile.
  4. For owners of oily hair is a way to dry them, to settle the lipid balance.
  5. Curls create a spectacular romantic image, give femininity, elegance to the facial features, hiding minor flaws.


The disadvantages of chemical manipulation include:

  • Stress for hair. Despite the relative safety of the composition, the structure is still stressful.
  • Hair requires more careful care with the use of special cosmetics.
  • For owners of straight hair with regrowth of curls, the transition boundary is clearly marked, which has an unaesthetic appearance.
  • When applying a chemical mixture, after dyeing or bleaching, the reaction can be unpredictable. Most likely, the color will require correction or full restoration.
  • If the owner of curls decides to change her hairstyle to a smoother one, you will have to resort to using ironing. This adversely affects the structure of the rod.
  • Owners of dry hair should carefully choose the chemical composition for waving, as hair can become even more brittle, lifeless and over-dried.
  • For people living in a dry and hot climate, a permanent is not the best choice, as this will result in damage and dehydration of the hair.

Types of perm

There are many types of permanent procedures:

  1. Acidic The composition is made on the basis of thioglycolic or mercaptoacetic acids, which penetrate deeply into the structure. The popularity lies in the long duration, the permanent lasts more than 6 months. It’s impossible to call it absolutely safe, women with thin dry hair are not recommended to make an acid perm.
  2. Alkaline. The activator-fixer in the composition is a mixture of ammonium and glycolic acid. The procedure is effective, but after it the curls can become more fragile, losing the natural shine. The hair shaft may break, fragility of the follicles increases.
  3. Neutral or gentle. It is characterized by the application of the least aggressive chemical composition, which affects only the upper layer. All substances used to create a permanent with a low pH. Also included is allantoin, which helps soften the stratum corneum and accelerate regeneration after a chemical procedure.
  4. Bio-perm. Manipulation is an alternative to acidic composition, having the least negative impact on the structure of the rod. The composition uses only two components - the fixer and the reducing agent. To model the curls, cysteamine and glycolic acid are used, which are present in the human body. The fixer contains vitamins, sea minerals, oils and amino acids, which has a beneficial effect on the hair reconstruction.
  5. Silk. Manipulation is characterized by the use of ammonia-free drugs and a delicate effect. One of the most delicate methods, as additionally included in the composition of collagen and raffinose. In the synthesis of protein and reserve carbohydrate help strengthen the stem and moisturize the curls.
  6. Carving An isolated type of light perm, as inherently is styling. The composition eliminates the presence of acids, enriched with nutrients, carnitines and vitamin complex.The technique is universal, can be used for any length of hair, but the minus of carving is fragility with frequent use of the method. For styling used diffuser and special cosmetics.
  7. Japanese, or lipid-protein. Less traumatic than silk, gives a lasting curling effect. Allows you to get rid of excess fat, as a permanent composition containing the matrix, betaine and cysteine, has a drying effect. The result of the procedure will be large, strong curls, the effect is observed 1-1.5 months.
  8. American Curling is done in a spiral, curls look natural, you can create a small, medium or large curl. A bio-composition or a light chemical permanent is used as a fixative. A separate subtype of the American technique is afro-perm. The creation of such a hairstyle is the most time-consuming process, the hair is divided into small strands and wound on a lot of files.

How to choose a perm

Perm hair on small or large curls on medium hair is selected individually. In the photo you can see various options, but this or that type is selected not only on the basis of aesthetics, but also on the individual characteristics of the hair.

General recommendations:

  • So, for thin weakened, prone to dry hair is not recommended to choose methods using aggressive chemical compounds. On the contrary, the fat dense hair the chemical composition is able to dry, and the duration of the effect can be observed up to 6 months or more,
  • If a long-term effect is not required, then it is better to give preference to more gentle methods with a bio-composition enriched with beneficial substances and a lipid-protein complex that do not injure the structure,
  • Based on the length, for short hair, stylists recommend choosing a large or medium curl in a spiral, and for creating additional volume - a radical version of the curl. For medium length - large or medium, for long hair - small or large curl. For an easy effect on thin sparse hair, you can create curls from the middle of the strand or on the tips.

Features of curling large curls on medium hair

Perm hair - large curls on medium hair (photo clearly explains) - has several features:

  • When choosing this method, you need to consider that a large curl "steals" the length by 2-6 cm,
  • Such curls should not be done on rare thin hair, since the desired shape will not stick and can open unaesthetic skins of the scalp,
  • Curling has a less lasting effect than fine curls, especially if a gentle composition is used.
  • This technique is suitable for owners of oily hair of sufficient thickness,
  • Large curls at medium length allow you to achieve the most natural effect, giving the image of romance,
  • Hairstyle requires additional care and styling to curls look neat, without creating the effect of "dandelion."

Size of bobbins

Koklushki - special devices in the form of a hollow stick with holes to create a permanent or biowave. They differ in the material of manufacture, length, diameter and shape.

Kokolyushki can be of several types, each of which allows you to create a special hairstyle:

  • Classic. Can be of different sizes to create a large, medium or small curl. The shape may be cylindrical, wavy or widening towards the edge.
  • American. Long sticks to create a tight curl on long and thin hair.
  • Japanese Long sticks with a rubber-clamp, suitable for creating a soft natural curl on a short or medium length. Most often used for biowave.
  • Waggers. The largest in size. Used to create maximum volume on medium and short hair, or a large curl on long.
  • Ordinary. Small wooden sticks for classic perm, allow you to create small curls.
  • Spiral. A spiral is applied along the contour of the wand to create an elastic vertical curl. Used also for African perm.

Preparation of hair for the procedure

Preparation for the procedure should be carried out in advance, assessing the condition of the hair and choosing a technique.

Preparations for:

  1. To carry out treatment and recovery. For 2-3 weeks it is necessary to actively use moisturizing and restoring structure means.
  2. 3-4 weeks before the procedure do not use shampoos and balms with silicone content.
  3. Dyeing hair is recommended no later than 2 weeks before the permanent.
  4. Do not lighten or dye with henna, it can prevent the penetration of the chemical composition.
  5. Be sure to test for the reaction of the skin and hair, causing a little mixture on the strand, as well as on the wrist or the area of ​​the elbow.

Immediately before the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hair, removing the remnants of styling products.

Stages perm

The procedure is performed in stages:

  1. Wash hair and carefully wipe out moisture with a towel.
  2. Choose the method and method of applying the chemical composition.
  3. Split into small strands, winding each into bobbins.
  4. Saturate the hair with a chemical composition, put a plastic cap on top and cover with a towel.
  5. Check on the clock hold time.
  6. After aging, wash off the drug from the hair without removing the bobbins.
  7. Perform the first fixation with the prepared compound, hold for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Remove the bobbins, perform a second fixation for 5-7 minutes.
  9. Wash off the fixative composition, carefully wring out the moisture with a towel.
  10. Rinse with an acidic neutralizer, apply a healing and restorative balm on the hair.

How long does the effect last

Perm hair “large curls on medium hair”, photos show beautiful images - an effective way to create volume and strong curls.

Such a wave is held differently, depending on the selected composition and individual characteristics:

  • The longest effect is observed after the use of acids - 5-7 months,
  • Neutral, Japanese, silk or amino acid-based chemistry lasts 2-4 months,
  • The effect of Japanese, or lipid-protein or silk perm with proper care lasts from 2 to 6 months.

Depending on the initial length, the duration of the result is as follows:

  • on short hair, the effect of a permanent without changes is the longest, not less than six months,
  • for medium length, the effect is less lasting, approximately 4 months, especially if the gentle method without acids is chosen,
  • for long, thick and heavy hairs, the effect lasts no more than 3 months, the permanent may last longer on thin hair.

Hair restoration after perm

After any of the methods of perming hair require complex restoration.

Hair after perm need special care

The methods are as follows:

  1. To restore the water balance and moisture in a set of care products, masks, oils and balms from the series “For severely damaged hair” should appear.
  2. Use professional series of products, such as PBX + provitamin B5 of the Italian company Natura House. Ingredients include pumpkin seed oil, royal jelly and honey.
  3. After washing the hair, apply balsams, sprays and conditioners with a high content of proteins, performing regular massage of the scalp.
  4. Make healing masks. You can mix castor oil, onion juice and honey, and then rinse the hair with chamomile decoction.
  5. Another effective method of recovery is a mixture of 1 yolk, 1 tsp. aloe juice and pepper tincture (you can replace 20 g of the ridge). This mask is regularly rubbed into the roots, which will help restore the hair's natural shine and elasticity.

Ways of styling curls of medium length

The average length is universal, there are many ways to beautifully lay curled curls:

  1. For structured elastic curls. On wet hair, apply a foam, a structure-forming gel or mousse. Blow-dry hair with a diffuser. For additional volume to dry it is necessary, having lowered a head down or having inclined on one side.
  2. To get soft large curls, wash your hair, apply a little mousse or foam, and then lay it in large strands with a round brush - brushing.
  3. Laying with a wet effect. Apply a moisturizing spray to clean damp hair. Dropping the hair down, dry the nozzle-diffuser. As a striking stroke, draw a few individual strands, fixing them with a little varnish.

After completing the perm, you can give your hair a beautiful volume, and large curls on medium or long hair can make the image more feminine. In the photo you can clearly see the different ways of the permanent, as well as options for stylish styling.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video about hair perm

What is a perm hair, procedure description:

Technique of bio-and chemical hair perm:

Large chemistry for short hair

Perm on large diameter curlers suitable for different haircuts. Ideally, such a head of hair looks on bob-caret haircuts, classic bob or shortened cascade. For other short haircuts, the hair chemistry is also suitable - large curls will allow you to create a unique hairstyle, emphasizing your individuality and sense of style. On strands of short length, large curls look natural. It is important to choose the right diameter curlers. If you want to visually make the hair volume, use hair curlers of large diameter (as far as the length of hair allows).

It is not necessary to do chemistry for the entire length of the strands. Stylists recommend to make local chemistry to give a head of hair. For this, only the root zone is wound and treated with a special compound. Another option is to make a local perm at the tips of the strands. This procedure allows you to achieve the effect of naturally curly hair.

Bottom chemistry for short haircuts is a worthy alternative to conventional fleece. Curls will be invisible. At the roots will create additional volume. And you don’t have to do the everyday stuffing or styling with the help of pcheok, flute, etc. This option is suitable for girls whose hair grows slowly. As growth increases, the basal volume decreases, so the procedure should be repeated once every several months.

Curling at the tips will suit girls and women with an oval or triangular face shape. This waving option is relevant, including for fine hair. As this hair grows, such a hair changes much less than when the root zone is permed. How long curls will last, depends on the thickness of the hair and the composition used for fixing large curls.

As for the type of chemistry, acidic is best for oily hair. If you have dry hair, choose an alkaline composition. To minimize damage from exposure to active ingredients, consider curling options with gentle formulations. Here the main thing - to find a good master who will recommend the composition for your hair.

Large chemistry for medium hair

For owners of medium-length haircuts, curling on large curls will also be a good solution. If you make a perm on hair curlers of large diameter along the entire length of the strands, the hairstyle will look very natural, as if you have such curls from nature. Usually, either large plastic hair curlers or 3 bobbins per strand are used for this procedure. It should be borne in mind that even when creating large curls reduces the length of the haircut. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that after the procedure, the hairstyle will become much more voluminous, but at the same time much shorter.

If you want your hair to look natural, choose a light perm. This procedure will create curls that mimic the light wave. For long hair, large chemistry with the use of benign formulations should not be done, because the curls will straighten quickly. And for the average length of the strands such a waving just fit.

To give a feminine image, consider the option of vertical chemistry. This type of light curling is done using special large-diameter vertical curlers. After the procedure, the curls look elegant. But they will be held less in time than after conventional chemistry with the use of active components for fixation. Sparing formulations provide fixation for 4-8 weeks.

Large chemistry for long hair

Curling on large diameter curlers will create a light wave on long hair. Large chemistry for hair below the shoulder blades is a great hairstyle that emphasizes femininity. After this procedure, tight curls are formed, which visually make the hair more thick and voluminous. It should be borne in mind that due to the severity of large curls quickly straighten. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that after the first 2 months of curls or wave will remain only at the ends of the strands, and the basal volume will disappear. If you want to have the same large curls along the entire length, you must use curlers of different diameters. To achieve uniform identical curls that will last a long time is difficult. Only an experienced, skilled craftsman will be able to make the transition imperceptible, and the hairstyle will look natural.

For the effect to last for a long time, and the hair would look spectacular, it is better to make a cascading haircut first. If you have sparse thin hair below the shoulders, do not expect that large chemicals will create additional volume. For such hair is better to use curlers of smaller diameter.

Alkaline curling will be the best option for creating tight curls. The effect after such a procedure lasts up to 6 months. Biowave with the use of benign means will have to be repeated much more often due to the large weight of long strands.

How to care for large curls after chemistry

Regardless of how long the haircut is, after a perm it is necessary to follow a number of rules for the care of curls. This will allow you to minimize the damage from the effects of chemical composition and prevent premature straightening of curls. The rules for care are quite simple. Here are the main ones:

  • The first 2-3 days after the procedure, you can not wash your hair, blow-dry hair and use any styling products. At this time, large curls fix their shape.
  • After 3-4 shampoos, start using regenerating masks. You can cook them at home or buy ready-made ones.
  • In order not to face the problem of split ends, they must be cut immediately after the perm. And to the daily hair care products, add special oils or sprays that prevent this problem.
  • In the hot summer months, try as little as possible to expose the curls to ultraviolet rays. Use UV protection sprays.
  • Try to walk more often with loose hair. Tight horse tails, shells and other similar hairstyles contribute to the straightening of curls.

After a perm, curls will acquire an unpleasant pungent smell. He holds, as a rule, no more than 1 week. To eliminate it, use rosemary extract, lavender water, or lemon juice with water as a conditioner. After washing the head, do not pull out the curls with a towel. Gently dry hair with blotting movements. Do not go to bed with wet hair. To curls held for a long time, do not use a comb with frequent teeth. It is better to buy a wooden comb with rare teeth. It is necessary to comb hair, starting from the tips.It should not make special efforts to curls are not straightened. For styling, use tools designed for curly hair.

Hair chemistry large curls - reviews

If you are in doubt whether or not to do large-scale chemistry, read reviews of girls who have decided on such a procedure.

Alice, 31 years old

I had long red hair. One day I got tired of messing with papillokami and use curlers. Hairstyle took more than an hour a day. I realized that it was time to change it. I wanted to make such a haircut so that the hair would dry out and look beautiful, volume. In the end, I signed up for the salon perm. The master recommended making large curls to give volume. She showed me examples of photos of girls with a hairstyle like mine, before and after chemistry. I agreed. The result was very pleased. The only thing that did not like - the smell. The first time after each wash, the hair began to smell the very solution that was applied in the salon. But after a while, the smell disappeared. Chemistry is held for the 7th month. Laying takes 10 minutes!

Valeria, 28 years old

I did chemistry on large curlers 1 time. I do not regret it. Everyone said that such curls to me to face. And she herself was pleased to look at herself in the mirror. And most importantly - it is a practical installation. To make a beautiful haircut, you need to wash your hair, apply a special mousse and dry the curls with a hairdryer. After about 5 months, almost nothing was left of the curls. If you are ready to repeat this procedure (which, by the way, lasts about 2 hours) every six months, then go ahead. If you make chemistry one-time, then you will have to either wait until the hair grows out, or cut it “under the boy.”

Alexandra, 26 years old

I do a perm on large curls for 2 years. I am satisfied with the result. I have a square of medium length. The hair is not very thick, but thanks to the curls the hairstyle looks voluminous. Anyone who is looking for a good tool for volume, I advise you to make a large chemistry.


Radical perm is called so because of its specificity - the drug is applied to the roots of the hair, to give additional volume to the hair.

Long-term styling, carving, or a gentle curl is a way to give the hairstyle the desired shape without harming the structure of the hair shaft. The effect of this styling looks very natural - curls turn out soft and careless. If your target is well-defined spirals, choose something else.

Curl “curl”

Means "curl" - a chemical basis for the implementation of permanent styling. It is very easy to use, so it is in demand among lovers of home experiments. The effect can last, but the hair from six months or more.

What tools are needed?

The list of required tools may vary depending on the method used perm. The general list includes the following items:

  • curlers or bobbins required diameter - from 20 to 80 pieces,
  • comb with narrow handle,
  • chemical foam sponge small,
  • fixer distribution sponge average,
  • disposable rubber gloves,
  • beaker,
  • glass or porcelain bowls for breeding - 2 pcs.,
  • peignoir or an old towel to protect the skin,
  • terry towel - 2-3 pieces.

Household perm products

  • Hair Curler - “Lokon”, “Londa”, “Wella”, etc.
  • Fixer - industrial or home production.
  • Balm conditioner for curly or dry hair.

How to make wet chemistry at home?

"Wet" chemistry creates a wet shine effect on hair - as if you just got out of the shower or fell under the rain. Such a result can be achieved through special chemical compositions marked "for wet chemistry" or with the help of styling tools.

The second option is preferable, as the styling gel is easy to apply and wash off. This will allow you to experiment with images much more often. For this:

  1. Get a wax or styling gel with the effect of "wet hair" choose products with an average or high degree of fixation.
  2. Wash your head and dry the curls with a hair dryer with a diffuser.
  3. Apply a little styling product on the palm of your hand and spread it over your hair, gently squeezing it bottom-up.

How to make large curls?

Large curls can be obtained with large-sized curlers. Keep in mind that the larger the curl, the faster it will straighten under its own weight. To create curls in the Hollywood style, select curlers with a diameter of 3 centimeters or more. For the embodiment of light and careless romantic hair, you can use a mix of curlers of different diameters and sizes.

Stages of the curl "curl"

“Lokon” is the most popular composition for self-permanent styling, so the step-by-step algorithm for homemade perm will be considered using his example:

  1. Test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a few drops of chemical composition on the palm or behind the ear. If redness has begun or you feel an itch, the remedy will have to be replaced with a similar one with a less aggressive compound.
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo - make sure that there is no trace of sebum, dandruff and styling products on the hair.
  3. Prepare the necessary tools - Pour the solution into the bowl, put a brush, a sponge and hair clips nearby, wear rubber gloves.
  4. Treat the hair with a solution. Separate the strand on the crown (its width should correspond to the width of the curler) sponge up the reagent and spread it generously over the entire length of the future curl. Scroll on the curlers. Repeat with each successive strand. After all the hair is twisted, go over the head with a damp sponge again to make sure that all the curls are evenly processed.
  5. Put on the plastic cap. The greenhouse effect will enhance the effect of chemical composition.
  6. Sustain the composition within 15-30 minutes. Strictly follow the instructions and vary the exposure time depending on what result you want to get. Toward the end of the period of exposure, remove one curler and check the degree of intensity of the curl. If he repeats the shape of the curler is not enough, then leave the composition on the hair for another 5 minutes. If the received curly completely satisfies you, then remove all the remaining curlers and rinse the hair with running water, without violating the integrity of the resulting styling.
  7. Apply retainer. For convenience, pour the product into a bowl and foil with a wide sponge. Distribute generously over each curl and leave for 5-10 minutes to affect. Rinse with warm running water.
  8. Apply an indelible hair conditioner. Sometimes he enters the set of tools. If there is none, use those designed for dry or frizzy hair.

Carrying out neutralization

Means to neutralize the "lock" can be made independently. For this you will need:

  1. citric acid - ½ tsp,
  2. hydroponic,
  3. shampoo - ½ tsp,
  4. water is half a glass.

Mix all the ingredients and apply on the hair half of the resulting substance. Hold for 10 minutes - this time is enough for exposure to chemicals on the cuticle. Remove the curlers and apply the rest of the neutralizer for another 5-7 minutes. Rinse the hair with running water and let it dry naturally, then comb it with a rare comb.

Fixation procedure

After the hair is given the desired shape, they need to be fixed. It is best to use ready-made fixative, however, if you wish, you can make it yourself from the following components:

  • hydroponite - from 2 to 6 tablets depending on the length and thickness of the hair,
  • shampoo - 15-30 ml,
  • water - 20-60 ml.

Apply it to the hair with a sponge, after protecting the face with a bandage from chemical reagents. Means is aged on the hair for 5-10 minutes and then washed off with warm water without shampoo.

How to wind strands on bobbins?

In winding hair on bobbins and curlers has its own rules, which should be followed to get a good result:

  • The strand should be two times thinner and a couple of centimeters already it.
  • When winding, pull the strand to the side of the cheekbones.
  • Make sure that the strand adjoins the bobbin over the entire length equally tightly - so you get neat coils.
  • If you want to get a mane of small curls - take twice the number of bobbins and wind the most thin strands on them. This will give a better effect than if you divide one wide curl into several smaller ones.
  • If you want to get the effect of natural curls - use curlers of different sizes.
  • If you want to get neat, uniform strands - make a markup on your head. There are 4 types of markings for the wave: brick, spiral brick, rectangular, oblong.

How to apply the composition?

Spread the chemical composition through the hair with a hair brush or a small sponge. Do not regret means, but do not immediately apply too much - so you can not control the degree of impregnation of hair rods. It is best to do this in 2-3 stages, stopping at the moment when the strands just stop absorbing moisture and it begins to flow over the skin.

After all the hair has been treated, put on a cellophane cap and warm it with a towel.

Curl without curling and curlers

If there are no bobbins or hair curlers on hand, you can use one of the following available tools:

  • Paper - twist small rolls of thick paper, if necessary, secure the edges with scotch tape. Twist wet hair on the improvised papilotki, tie the ends of the rolls together and leave until the hair is completely dry. This method is good because the paper quickly absorbs water and accelerates the drying of hair.
  • The pencils - With the help of pencils you can get a lot of small curls in the style of afro. Stick a pencil to the root of the hair and twist the strand evenly in a spiral. At the tip and root, secure with a rubber band or clamp. Sprinkle with water and leave until dry.
  • Socks - 10-15 long cotton socks will help you create soft curls for the night on your head, even without using water. Twist the sock into a bundle and wrap a strand around it, leaving some free space on the top and bottom of the knitwear. Tie both ends of the sock together by fixing the sock on the head. After all the hair is curled - go to sleep and the next morning you will get a great styling!
  • Cocktail Tubes - Another way to get small curls. Screw the thin strand on the tube and fix it with the help of two stealth - at the root and the tip. Spray the hair out of the spray bottle with water and leave to dry completely.
  • Bezel-gum. With the help of a round bezel for Greek styling, you can create soft curls at the very tips. To do this, put a bezel on your head and make a Greek hairstyle, wrapping the strands one by one around the bezel. After a few hours, remove the gum and enjoy the result.
  • Pigtails braided for the night, it is a method of a wave well familiar from the childhood. Braid need clean and wet hair. The smaller the pigtails, the better the result will be.
  • High beam. This styling method is good for long and straight hair. Making a high beam at night, you protect your hair from chafing and traumatization, and you get a beautiful styling with a volume at the root and curls at the tips.To do this, collect the high tail on the top, secure it with an elastic band and twist the free length of hair into a bundle and wrap around the base of the tail.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Often, non-compliance with instructions and inattention lead to the fact that the expectation of perm is too far from reality. The most common mistakes of home "chemistry" include:

  • Purchase of substandard or expired funds - from cheap unknown and overdue funds you can expect any effect. From the lack of results, in principle, to dry hair. Before buying a drug, always consult with a specialist or read reviews of people who have already used it. Pay attention to the date of manufacture printed on the package.
  • Wrong winding on curlers or bobbins - careless, weak or, on the contrary, too tight winding can affect the hair is not the best way (kinks, stretching, section). Twist hair pretty tight, but do not pull them at the root, and also make sure that there are no loops and sagging.
  • Neglect instructions and recommendations. Changing the order of action, the amount of chemical composition or time of exposure can lead to a change in hair color, damage to their quality, cross-section or even loss. Do not deviate from the manufacturer's instructions and always test for an allergic reaction.

What are the expected results after the procedure?

After perming your hair will be:

  • voluminous,
  • elastic,
  • ductile styling,
  • tougher.

How to care for a perm at home

Cosmetics for hair care after chemistry are aimed at eliminating the negative effects of the procedure - dryness, brittleness and section. Pay attention to the composition - such products most often contain panthenol, keratin, and proteins of vegetable origin. Ask a consultant to choose a tool for you considering the type of perm and the duration of socks.

If there are no specialized stores of professional cosmetics in your city, choose products marked “for dry”, “for brittle”, “for curling” “for damaged”, etc. Indelible masks and conditioners will not be superfluous.

Do not overload curled hair with excessive moisture - after permanent styling, they are too susceptible to moisture. Scales absorb too much for themselves, which will lead to gluing and weighting strands.

Hair shampoo after perm

Here it is necessary to adhere to the same rule as when choosing a care product - the shampoo should be designed to leave after a perm or be marked “for curly hair”.

During washing, pay more attention to the root zone, and try not to touch the curls - this will help preserve their shape and avoid premature deformation.

How to pack hair?

The main task when styling curly hair is to emphasize their spiral structure. The following types of styling products are suitable for this task:

Dry your hair with a hairdryer only in cold air mode. If you prefer, you can use a diffuser to give your hair more volume.

How to remove the perm?

If for any reason you need to get rid of the perm, then it can be done in several ways:

  1. Contact the salon for service straightening. A hairdresser will apply a chemical reagent to your hair that will make your hair straight. This procedure is fraught with damage and drying of the hair along the length, so it is necessary to resort to it only as a last resort.
  2. Stretching hair curling - the effect of curling will last until the first washing of the head, and after it the strands can twist no longer as before, becoming less accurate.
  3. Cut off. The most radical and effective method of getting rid of annoying curls.You can get rid of the length by making a fashionable short cut or cut the tips gradually.

Homemade masks

The following recipes will help you restore the health of your hair after a perm:


Heat the olive oil in a water bath or in a microwave to a comfortable temperature and distribute through the hair using a comb with rare teeth. Put on the top of the plastic cap and wind the turban out of the towel. The longer the exposure time, the better for the hair. If possible, leave the mask overnight. Rinse with a mild shampoo.


Mayonnaise is a rather oily product, which contains egg white and mustard, which is useful for the hair structure, stimulating hair follicles and the growth of new rods. Spread a little product on the hair, collect the beam and leave for an hour for exposure. Rinse with plenty of warm water and a mild shampoo.

Beer with burdock

Mix the burdock root with dark beer, heated to 60 degrees. Soak the hair with the liquid and leave for a few hours. Rinse with running water.

On short hair

  • Pin up and retro. Curly short hair in itself is good as a hairstyle. The image can be made more interesting if you put a bezel on your head, tie a scarf with a bow up or pin the bang on your face with a spectacular hairpin.
  • Wet hair - the classic "wet styling" is appropriate for any length. For short hair you need a little gel.

On medium hair

  • Bulk styling - immediately after washing, dry the hair with a hair dryer with a nozzle with a diffuser and fix the result with foam.
  • On the side - lay the hair on one side, and the hair on the free temple, fix it invisible or spike weaving.
  • Bundle - Collect the bundle on the back of the head with the help of a bagel and release a few curls to create the effect of careless and romantic styling.

Long hair

The variability of styling for long and curly hair is limited only by your imagination. You can adapt all the usual styling under curly hair and make spectacular high tails, bunches, braids and "Malvinki." The main thing - do not overtighten your hair with rubber bands and do not overload with styling products.

Frequently asked Questions

Perform a perm can be no earlier than 1-2 weeks after dyeing. It is extremely undesirable to carry out the procedures on the same day, since the hair shafts need time to restore their natural structure.

What is the difference between biowave and permed hair?

Link_webnavozBiozavivka / link_webnavoz is carried out with the help of herbal preparations. They do not damage the hair, but they do not curl them in a steep spiral. The effect of such styling is softer and less resistant.

Why not take a perm hair?

The reasons for this may be several: poor-quality composition, too hard hair or individual characteristics of the body.

How long does a perm hair hold?

On average, the effect of perm lasts from 3 to 5 months. As the roots grow, a correction can be made.

How much time is perm in the cabin and at home?

Permanent perm takes from 1.5 to 5 hours at the salon, depending on the method chosen, the means used, the length and thickness of the hair. If you are curling yourself - boldly multiply the estimated figure by 2.

Checking the reaction to the wave

In no case can you do a perm if there is even the smallest damage and disturbance of the skin on your head. As a precautionary measure, it is necessary to test your response to sensitivity to curling reagents. A cotton swab or bandage is moistened in a solution and applied to the inside of the arm or to the area behind the ear lobe. The tampon must be kept the same time as is required for the procedure itself. Then the test site is washed with water and fix solution is applied.In the absence of irritation, rash, redness, allergic rash, you can safely begin the process of curling.

Perm action

A large perm acts and changes the structure of the hair. The solution helps the hair scales to open. Thanks to this, the most beautiful curls are created. Fixer is required for fastening. After its application, the hair follicles are regenerated, the scales merge. Strands become durable, elastic.

Perm process

So, you decided to do a chemical curling of hair large curls. Now you need to find a cool master or a beauty salon where real professionals work. For it is the quality of your hair that directly depends on them. When the choice is made, you are already sitting in the chair of the master, have patience, because the whole process of perm is long, taking from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

The process begins with a thorough shampooing the head, suitable for your skin type. Then the master with great care should wind the curlers. The endeavor is that the ends of the hair are not knocked out and not bristled, but are completely wound on a bobbin. The thickness of the wound strands on the curlers should not exceed 0.5 cm. Otherwise, the reagent will not be able to fully act on the hair. When the whole head is twisted, a special chemical solution is applied to all the curlers. Apply very carefully and evenly.

A warming cap or any other means at hand is added to the head to create a warming effect for the hair. Then you need to patiently sit about 20-30 minutes. After that, the master will check how well and accurately the curling has occurred. To do this, unwind the curlers in different parts of the head. If the curls come from, the head is washed with warm water directly on the twisted curlers. After washing, the master applies a fixative to restore the hair structure.

After 5 minutes of exposure, the curlers are very carefully removed from the head, and the curls themselves cannot be spun. When the last bobbin is removed, the retainer is applied again for 5 minutes. Then the head is rinsed with a special solution to minimize the effect of the fixer. The resulting perm is gently dried with a towel and the head is treated with a preparation that will help in restoring their structure. It is recommended drying curls naturally. Thus, your curls better and stronger secured to the hair.

A large perm will last on the head for 6 months.

Hair Care Tips

  1. It is undesirable to paint the head before you decide to do the procedure.
  2. The painting procedure is preferably carried out after 2 weeks after curling.
  3. Chemistry should not be done if you feel unwell or sick.
  4. Split ends need to be trimmed with hot scissors.
  5. To avoid the harmful effects of chemicals after the procedure, try to use special hair care products: shampoos, conditioners, and balsams.
  6. Carefully read the composition of these funds. There must be present: vitamins A, E, D, herbal supplements, keratin, etc. There are also tools that help to restore the structure of the tips. Moisturizing masks will also help very well.
  7. With further styling, do not use too much hairspray, its overabundance will give the hairstyle a non-natural glass look. A small bouffant at the base of the hair will create a voluminous look to the hairstyle. After the term of the curling can be done basal chemistry on regrown hair roots.

The negative effects of a perm can be mitigated. For this, it is necessary to use sparing drugs, carefully observe the recommendations of the chemical perm process, create the appropriate hair care after the perm.

Another tip: to find out if you can already repeat the perm, lower a small cut strand into a glass with chilled boiled water. If it remains on the surface of the water - your hair is considered damaged, strand floats at an average level of a glass - hair has not recovered enough, strand has gone to the bottom - the hair is fully prepared for the new procedure.

Dependence on hair length

Voluminous curls will be a wonderful decoration of any image, because they are good not only by themselves, but also as a basis for various hairstyles. You can do the chemistry on large curls not the entire length.

Additional volume without stranding the strands is a way to get a fluffy, long-term styling. In this case, the big curlers curl only the root zone. The curling of the tips alone looks most natural.

Stages of the procedure

To independently make large chemistry at home,You will need such tools and materials:

  • chemical composition. The main element, without which the curls will not work. Choose according to your hair type,
  • lock - will help fix the result. Optimally, if it is from the same series as the composition. You can prepare the tool yourself, but only immediately before use,
  • bobbins, hair curlers of large diameter. Their number depends on the length, thickness of hair, size of curls,
  • 2 foam sponges or 2 applicators - for applying and distributing the composition and fixing,
  • 2 small containers for preparations (made of glass, porcelain or plastic),
  • shampoo. May be special, to prepare hair for perm, or ordinary. Alternative - economic or tar soap,
  • balm to restore curls,
  • Rinsing vinegar,
  • comb for combing and comb with a tail to separate the strands,
  • rubber or polyethylene gloves
  • waterproof cover to protect clothes,
  • special bowl for the neck, where they will drain the excess drug,
  • cotton band, which will prevent the compound from getting into the eyes,
  • a special bandage or fat cream, petroleum jelly to protect against chem. skin reagents along the hairline,
  • warming cap or plastic cap and towel - to create a thermoelectric effect,
  • curling paper - useful to protect the ends of the strands from damage,
  • Crab hairpins - will hold the hair, which is prepared for winding,
  • measuring cup to pour the right amount of drug
  • timer - will help not to be mistaken with the exposure time,
  • towel for drying hair.

Attention! Metal tools and accessories can not be used, otherwise they will enter into a chemical reaction with drugs.

How to make a perm on large curls at home. Stages:

  1. Skin testing. Make sure that there are no cuts, abrasions, acne, dandruff. Apply 1-2 drops of the composition for chemical. Curling into place behind the ear. If there are no allergic manifestations in 10–15 minutes, proceed to the next stage.
  2. Check the interaction of the composition and hair. Spread some of the drug on the thin strands on the back of your head. Make sure that after 2-3 minutes the hairs do not become brittle or gray, do not tear. Otherwise, change the concentration of the composition, buy another product, or discard long-term styling.
  3. Washing head. Try not to massage the skin so that the greasy deposits protect it from chemical attack. A little dry the strands with a towel, comb.
  4. The division of the head into several zones. As a rule, it is a nape, a crown, sides.
  5. Twisting the strands. For large curls, you can use this technique:
    separate the thin strand in the parietal zone,
    comb it,
    pull perpendicular to the head,
    if you are using paper - before you put the edge of hair between a folded leaf in half,
    screw the tip, wrap the roller inside. Curl is not tight,
    as close as possible the curlers to the roots, fix,
    Repeat with the rest of the strands, moving from the crown to the sides, then to the back of the head.
  6. Scalp and eye protection. Lubricate the area in the hairline with cream or wrap with a special bandage. Wind the harness from above. Ahead it can be fixed, having fixed for hair curlers on a forehead.
  7. Preparation and application of the composition. At first put on a protective waterproof peignoir, gloves. Pour the solution into one of the containers. For short strands, you will need about 50 milliliters, for the medium one, twice, and for the long ones, three times more. Spread the preparation with a sponge or applicator. Move from the nape to the crown, then to the sides. Apply the solution quickly but gently. When finished, wear a warming cap or plastic hat with a towel over your hair.
  8. Check the readiness of curls. After 15 minutes, unwind 4 curlers from different parts of the head. Hands should still be wearing gloves. If the degree of curl twist does not suit you, return the curler in place, again wrap your head. Periodically check the curls, but do not exceed the maximum specified in the instructions for the composition.
  9. Drawing a clamp in 2 steps. After sustaining the allotted time, rinse the composition with warm water. All curlers should stay in place. Dab your head with a towel. If you bought a foam retainer, pour half into a clean bowl, beat the foam and distribute it in curls. Do not foam from the bottle (you will also need 1/2 of the total). After 7–10 minutes, remove the curlers, process the hair with the second half of the fixative.
  10. Rinsing and styling. After 5 minutes, wash off the drug, and then rinse your head with warm acetic water (4 liters - 130 milliliters of essence, if the hair is long. Otherwise, reduce the proportions by 2 times). Slightly remember curls with your fingers, dry with a towel, but not a hair dryer. Apply balm and put hair on curlers.

Council You can make a large perm with the help of vellaformer - latex sacks that tighten the strand, forming a curl. But there are two minuses: at the roots the hair will remain straight, and the method is good only with the length below the shoulders.

Effects and hair care after

The chemical perm weakens hair, deprives of its shine, makes it more vulnerable, brittle, and dry. They may begin to fall out more intensely than before. Review the range of cosmetic products at home.

Curling products should contain collagen, silk proteins, collagen, panthenol. The tips are particularly affected, so it is best to regularly trim them, as well as use serums and sprays that prevent cross-section.

3-4 days after the procedure, you can not wash your hair.

In the future, too, you need to do this infrequently, using mild shampoos, conditioners for frizzy hair, and finally - rinses based on decoction of nettle, hops, chamomile. The hair should be slightly blotted with a towel and left to dry naturally. When using a hair dryer, only cold air is suitable in combination with a diffuser.

Attention! Going to bed with wet curls can not.

Combing large curls need comb with rare teeth, immediately giving curls correct shape. On the massage brush will have to forget, because from her hair will become even more fluffy.

A nourishing regenerating mask once a week will help to reconstruct the structure of the hair shafts. Drugs made at home from honey or aloe juice will do. The positive effect will be the use of peach, almond, burdock oils to strengthen and grow hair.

  • protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage with metal hairpins, hairbrushes,
  • walk more often with loose curls, avoid tight braids and tails,
  • Eat more fish (helps strengthen hair, prevents hair loss).


Watch the video: I GOT A CURLY PERM. BEFORE AND AFTER (July 2024).