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Terms of use shampoo Nizoral and instructions for use to achieve the desired effect



medicinal product for medical use


Registration number - P N011964 / 02

Tradename: NIZORAL ®

International non-proprietary name: ketoconazole

Dosage Form: shampoo

Forms of release

Shampoo 2%. On 25, 60 or 120 ml of a preparation in a bottle from high-density polyethylene with the screw-on cover. Each bottle together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antifungal agent

ATX code: D01AC08

Pharmacological properties

Ketoconazole, a synthetic imidazole-dioxolane derivative, has antifungal activity against dermatophytes such as Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton spp., Microsporum spp., And yeast, such as Candida spp. and Malassezia spp. (Pityrosporum spp.). Nizoral ® shampoo 2% quickly reduces flaking and itching, which usually accompany seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, scaby.

Concentrations of ketoconazole are not determined in the blood plasma after the topical application of Nizoral ® 2% shampoo on the hairy part of the scalp, but are determined after topical application of the whole body shampoo at a concentration of 11.2 ng / ml - 33.3 ng / ml. It is unlikely that such concentrations can cause any drug interactions, however, increased allergic reactions are possible.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not higher than 25 ° С. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years. Do not apply after the expiration date.

Vacation conditions


«Janssen Pharmaceutics NV, Belgium.


Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium /
Janssen Pharmaceuticals NV, Belgium, B-2340, Beers, Turnhoutseweg, 30.

Claims Authority

Johnson & Johnson LLC
Russia, 121614 Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17, p.2
Tel: (495) 726-55-55.

Treatment and prevention of infections caused by the yeast Malassezia spp. (Pityrosporum spp.), Such as pityriasis versicolor (local), seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.

Children from infancy, adolescents and adults.

Apply NIZORAL ® 2% shampoo to the affected areas for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with water.

−Chimportal versicolor: once a day for 5 days,

–Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: twice a week for 2-4 weeks.

−Chimportal versicolor: once a day for 3 days (single course of treatment before the onset of summer).

–Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: weekly or once in two weeks. Features of use in children is not available.


Active substance (per 1 g of shampoo): ketoconazole, 20 mg.

Excipients (per 1 g of shampoo): sodium lauryl sulfate 380 mg, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate 150 mg, diethanolamide of coconut oil fatty acids 20 mg, collagen hydrolyzate 10 mg, macrogol methydextrose dioleate 10 mg, 5% of sodium chloride, 5%, you can take 4 mg, 4%, you can take 4 mg, 4%, you can take 5 mg, 4%, you can use 4 mg, 4 mg, sodium chloride, 5 mg, 4 mg, 4 mg, 4 mg, 4 mg, 4 mg, 4 mg of sodium chloride, 5 mg, 4 mg of sodium hydrochloride; mg, flavoring agent 2 mg, sodium hydroxide 1 mg, dye “charming red” (E 129) 30 μg, water up to 1 g.


Known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the shampoo.

Pregnancy and lactation

Controlled studies on pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. There is no evidence that the drug NIZORAL ® 2% shampoo can be dangerous when used in pregnant and lactating women.

In pregnancy and lactation, apply only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child.

Side effects

According to clinical studies:

Undesirable reactions observed in ≥ 1% of patients after applying NIZORAL ® 2% shampoo on the scalp or skin, were not detected.

The adverse reactions observed in ≤ 1% of patients who applied NIZORAL ® 2% shampoo to the scalp or skin are listed below:

From the organs of vision:

Irritation of the eyes, increased tearing.

Systemic abnormalities and complications at the site of administration: erythema at the site of application, irritation at the site of application, hypersensitivity, pruritus, pustules, skin reactions.

On the part of the immune system: hypersensitivity Infections and invasions: folliculitis

From the nervous system: taste impairment From the skin and subcutaneous tissue: acne, alopecia, contact dermatitis, dry skin, impaired hair texture, burning sensation, skin rash, peeling of the skin.

According to post-marketing research:

The adverse effects are listed below according to the following classification:

Very often ≥ 1/10

Often ≥ 1/100, but shampoo ® 2% overdose development is not expected, as the drug is intended for external use only. In case of accidental ingestion, symptomatic and supportive therapy should be prescribed. To prevent aspiration, it is forbidden to induce vomiting or use gastric lavage.

Interaction with other drugs

Data on the interaction with other drugs are not available.

special instructions

When using shampoo, avoid contact with eyes. If shampoo gets into eyes, rinse them with water.

To prevent withdrawal with long-term topical treatment with corticosteroids, it is recommended to continue topical use of corticosteroids in combination with NIZORAL ® 2% shampoo followed by gradual withdrawal of corticosteroids for 2-3 weeks.

If the medicinal product has fallen into disrepair or the expiration date has expired - do not pour it into the waste water or throw it on the street! Place the medicine in a bag and place it in the trash. These measures will help protect the environment!

Impact on ability to drive and work with appliances

NIZORAL ® 2% shampoo does not affect the ability to drive and work with equipment.

Useful properties and indications for use

This therapeutic antifungal agent is available in 60 ml and 25 ml plastic bottles, which are packed in cardboard boxes. Inside enclosed instructions to the drug. Nizoral is economical to use because it has a high degree of foam formation. The price of Nizoral shampoo in a pharmacy is from 300 rubles for 25 ml and from 520 rubles for 60 ml.

Shampoo orange, rather thick consistency. Its effect on the scalp is different from the action of standard shampoo. Nizoral treats the skin, not the hair, so along with it you should simultaneously apply other means to your strands.

Using Nizoral, you can speed up the healing process of dermatological problems of the scalp that are triggered by the fungus. Systematic application of this shampoo facilitates the manifestations of the disease - relieves itching, reduces flaking.

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Indications for use:

  • varicolored and scaly,
  • dandruff of various etiologies,
  • seborrheic dermatitis and eczema,

The composition of the shampoo and active ingredients

The main active ingredient is ketoconazole - a substance to fight the fungus. It breaks its structure, not giving an opportunity to develop and spread further. The shell of the fungus produces ergosterol, which leads to a violation of the skin. Ketoconazole slows down this process and reduces the permeability of the cell membrane. The amount of this substance in the Nizoral preparation is 2%.

The active ingredient affects:

  • yeast fungi (Candida, Pityrosporum, etc.),
  • dermatophytes,
  • dimorphic mushrooms,
  • zumiceta.

In addition to ketonazole, Nizoral shampoo contains auxiliary components:

  • lauryl sulphate diethanolamide for foaming,
  • collagen hydrolyzate,
  • NaCl,
  • macrogol methyldextrose dioleate - has a calming effect, relieves itching and irritation,
  • HCl dissolves ketonazole (can sometimes cause an allergic reaction)
  • Imidomouchena - has an antimicrobial effect.

Chance of side effects

The only contraindication for Nizoral shampoo is individual intolerance to the individual ingredients of the product. Allergic reactions occur only occasionally. They can manifest in the form of itching, rash on the skin, swelling of the tongue, throat, dizziness.

The effect of Nizoral is quite soft on the skin. But sometimes you can watch:

  • changes in the texture of the strands and their shade (this is usually manifested in gray hair and chemical-damaged hair),
  • acne on the surface of the scalp,
  • excessive fat or dryness of the dermis and hair.

After the cessation of shampoo, these symptoms usually disappear.

Features and instructions for use

Therapy shampoo Nizoral is not particularly difficult. To achieve the result, it is necessary to use it systematically on the basis of indications for a certain type of problem.

Treatment regimen:

  • Pityriasis versicolor are treated by applying the composition once a day for 5 days.
  • Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis - 2 times a week for 2-4 weeks.
  • As a prophylactic treatment for pityriasis versicolor - 1 time per day for 3 days, for dandruff - 1 time per week or two.

Application procedure:

  • First, wash the strands and scalp thoroughly.
  • A bit of medicated shampoo lather in the hands.
  • Apply on the head, especially carefully treating problem areas.
  • Distribute the rest of all hair.
  • Leave for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water.

If to use a preparation for children, then it is necessary to observe all precautionary measures. The shampoo should not get into the eyes or inside the body. If signs of allergy appear on your skin, you should stop using the product and give the child an antihistamine (Fenistil, Erius, Suprastin, etc.).

Useful recommendations

  • You can’t get Nizoral in your eyes. Ketoconazole has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. If this happens, immediately rinse the eyes with clean water.
  • With this shampoo, you can use local corticosteroids in parallel. If the reception is long enough, then you can not cancel them abruptly. This should be a gradual process - about 2-3 weeks.
  • It is necessary to monitor the shelf life of the drug. If it came out, the shampoo can not be used.
  • Store the product at a temperature of 15-25 ° C no more than 3 years from the date of issue.
  • To protect the environment, residues in the vial should not be disposed of in sewage or outside. It must be wrapped in plastic and sent to the trash.

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At learn about the use of coconut oil for hair.

Effective analogues

Most of the analogues shampoo Nizoral cheaper. But there are means and more expensive. There are also partial analogues (for example, the Indian drug Keto Plus for about 390 rubles). The active substance in it is not only ketonazole, but also zinc pyrithione. The range of such agents is wider than Nizoral.

Analogs of Nizoral:

  • Mycozoral - the average cost is 150-190 rubles for 60 ml,
  • Perkhotal - 1% costs about 230 rubles for 60 ml, 2% - from 320 rubles,
  • Sebosol - 1% of the composition costs from 290 rubles per 100 ml.

All of these drugs have the same effect on the scalp. But the instructions for use they may differ.

Video review of shampoo Nizoral dandruff:

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Pharmacological properties

Shampoo Nizoral is used in dermatology externally and is intended for the treatment of dandruff and fungal diseases of the scalp. The active active ingredient of the drug Ketonazol exhibits a high therapeutic activity in relation to dermatophytes and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

When using Nizoral shampoo, the itching of the scalp is quickly neutralized in patients, the amount of dandruff is reduced.

Indications for use

The drug Nizoral 2% is used to wash hair and scalp for the treatment and prevention of fungal infections and is indicated for patients in the following conditions:

  • Excessive dryness of the scalp, which is accompanied by severe itching and the formation of scales,
  • Deprive the scalp,
  • Fungal lesions of the scalp.


Nizoral shampoo is contraindicated in patients with increased individual sensitivity to components.

The experience of using the shampoo in pediatric practice is very limited, therefore, before starting Nizoral, people under the age of 14 should consult a doctor. With care, this tool is used among nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Method of administration and dosing regimen of the drug

For pityriasis nizoral shampoo is used daily for 1 week. For dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, the drug is applied 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months.

The drug can be used for prevention, in this case, the dosage regimen of shampoo and the duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In the course of experimental studies, no negative effect was found when using Nizoral shampoo on fetal intrauterine development. Despite this, the drug should be prescribed to pregnant women only when the expected therapeutic effect is many times greater than the possible complications for the fetus.

The drug Nizoral can be used during breastfeeding of the child, however, persons with hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions should first consult with your doctor.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients. Individuals with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the shampoo during treatment had the following adverse reactions:

  • Increased itching of the scalp,
  • Redness and irritation of the scalp, rash,
  • Burning scalp when applying shampoo
  • Increased tearing and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes,
  • Alopecia,
  • Excessive dryness of the scalp, an increase in the amount of dandruff.

These adverse reactions are not dangerous and quickly pass on their own after the drug is discontinued.


Cases of overdose with shampoo Nizoral are not described even with prolonged use.

If you accidentally take the drug inside the patient should be immediately taken to the hospital, where he will undergo symptomatic treatment. To prevent aspiration of vomit, do not induce vomiting or flush the stomach at home.

special instructions

The drug should be applied only on the scalp. When applying the shampoo, care must be taken to prevent the product from getting into the eyes, if this happened by accident - flush the eyes with plenty of clean water and contact an ophthalmologist.

An expired product must not be disposed of in sewage to avoid contamination of the environment. Nizoral shampoo is disposed of by placing the vial in a plastic bag and a trash can.

Conditions of delivery from pharmacies and storage of the drug

Nizoral shampoo can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The bottle with the tool should be kept away from children, avoiding contact with water or sunlight on the drug.Do not allow heating or freezing, the optimal temperature for storing the shampoo is no more than 25 degrees. The shelf life is marked on the package, after which it ends, the bottle with the product is disposed of in the manner described above.

pharmachologic effect

Ketoconazole, a synthetic imidazole-dioxolane derivative, has antifungal activity against dermatophytes such as Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton spp., Microsporum spp., And yeast, such as Candida spp. and Malassezia spp. (Pityrosporum spp.). NIZORAL® shampoo 20 mg / g quickly reduces peeling and itching, which usually accompany seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, scaly deprive.


Ketoconazole concentrations are not detected in plasma after topical application of NIZORAL® shampoo 20 mg / g to the scalp, but determined after topical application of the whole body shampoo at a concentration of 11.2 ng / ml - 33.3 ng / ml. It is unlikely that such concentrations can cause any drug interactions, however, increased allergic reactions are possible.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Controlled studies on pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. However, the application of the drug NIZORAL® shampoo 20 mg / g (not during pregnancy) on the scalp does not lead to the appearance of distinct concentrations of ketoconazole in the blood plasma. There is no evidence that NIZORAL® shampoo 20 mg / g can be dangerous when used in pregnant and lactating women.

Dosage and administration

Apply NIZORAL® shampoo 20 mg / g to the affected areas for 5 minutes, then rinse with water. Treatment:

- pityriasis versicolor: once a day for 5 days,

- seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: twice a week for 2-4 weeks.

- pityriasis versicolor: once a day for 3 days (single use) before the onset of summer,

- seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: weekly or 1 time in two weeks.

Side effect

As with other shampoos, local irritation, or itching may occur. contact dermatitis (due to irritation or allergic reaction). Hair may become greasy or dry. However, when using NIZORAL® shampoo 20 mg / g, such phenomena are rarely observed.

In some cases, mainly in patients with chemically damaged or gray hair, a change in hair color was noted.

Adverse reactions identified during clinical trials: Undesirable reactions observed in> 1% of patients after applying NIZORAL® shampoo 20 mg / g to the scalp or skin were not detected. Adverse reactions observed in 1/10

Features shampoo Nizoral

Nizoral shampoo - therapeutic antifungal agent. Available in plastic bottles of 60 and 25 ml. Each is placed in a carton and has enclosed instructions. The drug is for external use only. The consistency is rather thick, orange. It has a pleasant cosmetic aroma.

Possible side effects: itching, irritation, allergic reactions. But they occur very rarely. It may also change the condition of the hair, they may become more dry or oily, depending on the individual characteristics and the reaction of the scalp to the product.

Indications for use:

  • Pityriasis versicolor
  • Seborrheic Eczema
  • Dandruff of various origin
  • Fungal skin lesions

When using the product on gray or bleached hair, a slight discoloration may appear, which comes after washing with regular shampoo.

Avoid contact with eyes, as it can cause severe irritation and tearing. If trouble has occurred, then you need to wash your eyes with plenty of water.

Nizoral: shampoo composition

The main active ingredient is ketoconazole, which has antifungal properties. It contains 2% shampoo.

Auxiliary composition of shampoo Nizoral:

  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Imido Urea
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Macrogola Methyldystrose
  • Sodium Lariyl Sulfate
  • Odorant
  • Water

All these components act externally and are not absorbed into the blood. What makes the shampoo quite safe and can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. At the plasma level, components can be detected, but only when the whole body is applied and the extract is exposed for some time, which does not correspond to the method of using the shampoo.

Can I use Nizoral shampoo for children?

In the instructions of the shampoo Nizoral indicated treatment regimen means children from infancy, therefore, you can apply. Only it is necessary to observe precautionary measures, to protect the child from hit of means in eyes or inside. Shampoo is not childish and does not have the formula "without tears".

It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the integument, since the agent can provoke flaking or irritation of tender baby skin. In the event of an allergic reaction, you should immediately stop the treatment and give the child an antihistamine (Zodak, Suprastin).

Nizoral shampoo: instructions for use

The end result of any treatment depends largely on its adequacy.

Shampoo treatment courses:

  • When depriving means applied once a day for 5 days.
  • For the treatment of seborrhea shampoo is applied 2 times a week with a course of up to 4 weeks.

For the prevention of depriving it is necessary to apply the tool 1 every 3-4 days. If there is contact with a sick person or there is another risk of infection, you should immediately wash your head. For the prevention of seborrhea, it is enough to use the drug once a week.

Proper use of shampoo Nizoral:

  1. Hair and scalp are moistened with water.
  2. A small amount of shampoo foams in the palms.
  3. The tool is applied to the head, special attention is paid to problem areas, the remnants are distributed through the hair.
  4. Aged for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Washed off with water.

If the hair after Nizoral becomes dry and hard, then conditioner can be applied to the tips and length. On the scalp during the course of treatment to apply cosmetics is not recommended.

If at the end of treatment courses the desired result is not achieved, then you can extend the use of shampoo.

Analogs Shampoo Nizoral

Most Nizoral shampoo products are cheaper, but there are more expensive products. Generics are purchased in order to reduce the cost of treatment or if the pharmacy does not have the right drug.

There are also incomplete analogues, for example, Keto Plus shampoo, except for ketoconazole it contains zinc pyrithione, therefore, the scope of use of the tool is more extensive.

Analogs of Nizoral:

  1. Mycozoral Also contains 2% of the active substance, the cost of 190 rubles for 60 ml.
  2. Dandruff May contain 1 or 2% ketoconazole. The cost of 350 rubles per bottle of 60 ml.
  3. Sebasol. Contains 1% of the active substance, the cost of 320 rubles per 100 ml.

Despite the fact that these tools are similar in action, they may differ instructions for use and treatment time. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with it before use.

Nizoral shampoo: reviews

When dandruff appeared, I read the positive reviews of Nizoral shampoo and without hesitation purchased it. The drug is fully justified. The problem went away after 3 applications. Recommend!

Good and very effective tool. And cope with the problems of any origin. Once Nizoral helped his son cope with oily teenage seborrhea, but we used it for a long time, about 2 months. And recently, the same problem appeared to me, and I immediately remembered about this tool.

Nizoral did not help me. Used for 4 weeks, dandruff became a little less, itching passed through. And that's all. Until the end he did not cure my scalp. And my hair after him is kind of greasy, on the second day I have to wash them again. Most likely, the remedy simply does not suit me, today I purchased another drug with ketoconazole. Let's see what will happen.

Bought Nizoral, an effective anti-dandruff drug. But it is no different from Sebosol or Perhotal. Acts the same way. I see no reason to pay several times more. Itching passes instantly, dandruff through 5-6 applications. But I never treated according to the instructions. I wanted a faster result, and I washed my head instead of 2 times a week every other day.

Dandruff was my constant companion and appeared several times a year. About Nizoral learned about 5 years ago, and first he helped me. But then, once again, I did not see any result. He relieved only from the itch, and the snow on the head was left. I do not know why this happened, maybe dandruff had a different origin, or I got to sham forgery.

Used Nizoral for the treatment of crusts in the child's head. At first they appeared in infancy and combed out with a comb. It's all over. Then we noticed new growths, when the baby was already a year old, and the crusts were very dense and firmly held on the skin. Diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. When washing, foam shampoo was applied to problem areas, held for a few minutes and washed off. Everything went for a month.

Nizoral is very good! I used to drink these pills to cope with the lichen I picked up at the camp. Now he helped me for 5 applications to cope with dandruff, which covered my dark hair with snow. Now this is my magic wand and keep it always at hand.

Shampoo Nizoral - an effective treatment for fungal diseases, which acts in 90% of cases. There are many analogues on the current component. If the remedies with ketoconazole do not help, then the reason may be hiding in the wrong application or in the origin of the disease.

Release form and composition

The active substance in Nizoral is ketoconazole (its amount in the drug is 20 mg / g). To the auxiliary components in the preparation include the following substances:

  • fatty acid diethanolamide - 22 mg,
  • methyldextrose dioleate -20 mg,
  • collagen hydrolyzate - 11 mg,
  • sodium lauryl sulfate - 39 mg,
  • disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, which is the main foaming agent in the capun, is 180 mg,
  • hydrochloric acid - 110 mg
  • sodium chloride,
  • an anti-urea antimicrobial
  • dye,
  • flavoring,
  • purified water.

Representing a bright orange liquid, Nizoral is presented in pharmacies in several dosage forms that have a similar effect on the skin damaged by fungi and yeast. The mechanism of their action is based on the active component - ketoconazole, which neutralizes the causative agent of the disease and eliminates negative manifestations.

Pharmacological effect

The activity of Nizoral products is based on their component ketoconazole, which has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect against yeast and dimorphic fungi, lichen-colored, eumycetes, triphytoxy, dermatophytes, cryptococci, epidermophytes, streptococci and staphylococci, dermatophytes, cryptococci, epidermophytes, streptococci and staphylococci, dermatophytes, cryptococci, epidermophytes, streptococci, and staphylococci, stremtococci, dermatophytes, cryptococci, epidermophytes, streptococci, and staphylococci, streftococci and staphylococci.

Nizore is effective in the treatment of seborrhea caused by Pityrosporum ovate strains. The active substance of Nizoral when applied externally is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Remedy for seborrhea, hair loss and depriving

The presence of dandruff is associated with a disease called seborrheic dermatitis, and the flakes themselves are a fungus that appears most often due to disorders in the human immune system.

Today, there are many cosmetic shampoos that affect the symptoms of the fungus. Nizoral destroys the infection itself and is used as a prophylactic against hair loss. In addition, it is used against skin diseases such as eczema and pityriasis versicolor.

The composition of antifungal Nizoral: release form

Outwardly, Nizoral resembles an ordinary cosmetic, but its mechanism of action is somewhat different: it treats the scalp, not the hair. To restore brittle and dry curls used other drugs, including herbs and decoctions.

The composition of the shampoo Nizoral is organic matter ketoconazole, which affects the following types of fungi:

  • yeast,
  • dimorphic,
  • dermatophytes,
  • zumiceta,
  • streptococci
  • staphylococcus.

In addition, medicated shampoo contains:

  1. Foaming detergent.
  2. Collagen, strengthening hair.
  3. A special ingredient that soothes itching.
  4. Imidomouchea substance with antimicrobial action.
  5. Hydrochloric acid, which is a solvent for ketoconazole, can cause allergies.

The concentration of the active substance (ketoconazole) in the tool is 2%. Under the action of ketoconazole, the fungal pathogen loses its ability to form colonies.

Nisoral shampoo in the pharmacy is sold without a prescription in 60 ml and 120 ml bottles.

The price of packs in 60 and 120 ml in Russian pharmacies: cheap analogues

Of course, the most beneficial material is the packaging in 120 ml.

For comparison, the average cost of shampoo Nizoral in a package of 60 ml is 10 dollars. The average price of Nizoral shampoo in a package is 120 ml 13 dollars.

At one time, Nizoral shampoo was the only antifungal agent that could be purchased. Now a large number of drug analogues have appeared. In terms of properties and composition, they differ little from Nizoral, but the price for them is more affordable.

The prices for a large package (100 ml) of analogs with a 2% ketoconazole content, as in Nizoral, are as follows:

  • dermazole - $ 4.5,
  • dermazole plus - $ 5.2,
  • Kenazol - $ 5.4,
  • dandruff - from $ 6 to $ 8,
  • Ebersept - $ 5.8.

Instructions for use for the scalp and body

The necessary information about the use of shampoo contains instructions for applying shampoo Nizoral, which is in the packaging of the drug.

The sequence of treatment can be divided into the following steps:

  1. First you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  2. Rinse your hair with a balm or mask.
  3. Apply the product to wet hair, lather by massaging the scalp and hold for no more than five minutes. The latter is very important, as the skin must absorb anti-fungal substances.

Nizoral dandruff shampoo is also used against eczema, they do it twice a week for two to four weeks. With pityriasis versicolor, the remedy is used daily for five days.

Nizoral is used for prophylaxis. In this case, wash your head once a week or once every two weeks. You can take a course of treatment before the onset of summer, while you need to wash your hair with a product for three days every day.

Nizoral can be used to treat spots on the body of a fungal nature, which sometimes appear after a course of treatment with antibiotics. To do this, use the foam from the shampoo. She is washed with stained areas of the body and wait ten minutes.

Such a procedure in two days 10-12 times. To clarify the nature of the spots, it is best to first consult a dermatologist for research and diagnosis.

Dosage Form

Shampoo 2%, 60 ml

1 g of shampoo contains

active substance - ketoconazole, 20 mg / g

excipients: sodium lauryl sulfate, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, coconut oil diethanolamide fatty acids, collagen hydrolyzate, macrodextrose dioleate, hydrochloric acid, flavoring agent, imidocarb, dye red charming (E 129), sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, sodium chloride, flavoring agent, imido urea, charming red dye (E 129), sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, sodium chloride, aromatizer, imido urea, charming red dye (E 129), sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium chloride, flavoring agent, imido urea, dye red charming (E 129), sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, aromatizer, imidocarbide

Liquid red-orange color, with a characteristic perfume smell.

Side effects

The safety of Nizoral® shampoo was evaluated in 2,890 patients in 22 clinical studies, during which Nizoral® was applied topically to the scalp and / or skin.

Based on the summary data obtained in the studies, not a single adverse event with a development frequency of ≥ 1% was detected when using Nizoral® shampoo.

The following are undesirable effects that have been identified with the use of Nizoral® shampoo during clinical studies or in the framework of post-registration use of the drug. The frequency of adverse events is determined as follows:

very often (≥1 / 10), often: (from ≥1 / 100 to

Dosage and method of use

The instructions for use indicate that children from infancy, adolescents and adults: apply Nizoral 2% shampoo to the affected areas for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with water.


  • pityriasis versicolor: once a day for 5 days,
  • seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: 2 times a week for 2-4 weeks.


  • pityriasis versicolor: 1 time per day for 3 days (single course of treatment before the onset of summer),
  • seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: weekly or 1 time in 2 weeks.

Features of use in children is not available.

Side effects

The use may cause the following side effects:

  1. Eye contact may cause irritation and tearing.
  2. In patients with damaged or gray hair, color change or increased hair loss is possible.
  3. On the part of the skin and skin tissue, there may be such reactions as: acne, contact dermatitis, dryness and burning of the skin, changes in the structure of the hair, pustular rash at the site of application, irritation, and increased peeling of the skin.

Drug interactions

Data on the interaction with other drugs are not available.

We picked up some reviews of people who used Nizoral shampoo:

  1. Yana Used Nizoral for the treatment of crusts in the child's head. At first they appeared in infancy and combed out with a comb. It's all over. Then we noticed new growths, when the baby was already a year old, and the crusts were very dense and firmly held on the skin. Diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. When washing, foam shampoo was applied to problem areas, held for a few minutes and washed off. Everything went for a month.
  2. Masha. And nizoral helped me only for a while. But this is not surprising, when she went to the doctor, she told me why it happened to me. It turns out that nizoral contains only one component in the composition, which helps to get rid of dandruff, this is ketoconazole, and therefore treatment is not effective. They assigned me a keto plus. It includes ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione, which provide a greater effect in the treatment, as they affect both causes of dandruff. and he really helped me. And now I do not use keto plus, but I do not have dandruff.
  3. Olga Problems with dandruff have always been. Tried a lot of different shampoos, did not help. A dermatologist advised to try Nizoral. Three days in a row you wash only with them, and then for prophylaxis every two weeks. The result appeared after the second day, itching disappeared and the amount of dandruff decreased. A week later, she disappeared altogether. For two years now, I don’t remember about it. The result was very pleased. The price is much more acceptable than buying constantly expensive dandruff shampoos.

Analogs of Nizoral shampoo: Mycozoral, Perhohot, Sebozol, Kenazole, Ketodine, Orazol, Ebersept.

Before using analogues consult your doctor.


Watch the video: Instructions to use Ketoconazole shampoo - Dr. Rasya Dixit (July 2024).