Eyebrows and eyelashes

Features of eyelash correction after their extension


Beautiful eyes, as well as long and thick eyelashes attract the eye. A young lady with lush eyelashes, is able to fascinate the interlocutor. Therefore, many girls whom mother nature did not reward with such beauty turn to a beauty salon in order to build up artificial hairs. This procedure is gaining popularity every year and is in great demand not only among representatives of show business, but also ordinary girls.

Unfortunately, this beauty is not eternal, and therefore, over time, you need to visit the wizard again to correct the extended eyelashes. Such a manipulation allows the fair sex longer to enjoy luxurious eyelashes, and it costs much less than a complete update of the ciliary row.

Let's take a closer look at a similar procedure and see what its features are and after what period of time it needs to be carried out.

Step-by-step instruction

Correction of eyelash extensions is performed only in the office of a professional. If you decide to save and adjust them at home, it is better to give up this a priori hopeless idea. So you can not only save the extensions, but also damage your own eyelashes. The technology is very delicate, requires certain knowledge, experience, as well as tools and materials. So how is the correction process going?

  1. With the help of a special brush, the master combs the cilia, determining which ones hold tight and which ones will soon disappear.
  2. Eyelashes that need correction should be treated with a substance that dissolves the adhesive.
  3. The regrown artificial hairs are gently peeled off with tweezers; in their place, new ones should be attached at a distance of up to 1 mm from the base.

The master must adhere to certain rules, because the final result directly depends on it. Spliced ​​hairs can only be glued to long cilia that are already at rest. If you stick to the fluff, they will not hold, because young hairs do not have enough strength to keep the weight above their own. It is possible to glue to growing only if the woman is going to take off the extended eyelashes after 2-3 weeks or make a correction. During the procedure, sterilized or disposable instruments should be used. To begin with, it is recommended to ask the master what materials he uses, on what technology he does the work.

If the correction is made qualitatively, you get a fresh, updated look, the look will become more expressive and seductive, you can also achieve a visual increase in the eye. After the build-up will not even need to use mascara. The ciliated row already looks magnificent, beautiful. A sign of quality work is the ease, naturalness of the image. A woman should not feel discomfort, gravity.

Care Rules

Artificial cilia can quickly fall away, for example, if you sleep face down on a pillow or use oily or alcohol based cosmetics. To lashes retain their attractive appearance as long as possible, you should provide them with proper care. After recovery, you should not wash your face for the first three hours, rub your eyes, use waterproof mascara and a means to remove it.

To maintain the health of your own eyelashes, it is necessary to regularly nourish the hair follicles with special preparations. Castor oil is often used, it stimulates the growth of new cilia and strengthens those to which artificial hairs are glued.Useful are such tools: liquid vitamin E, grape seed oil, almond oil. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store. If you use mascara, you should prefer cosmetics containing keratin and vitamins, then you will be able to achieve two effects at once: cosmetic and health.

It is recommended to make a correction no more than 2-3 times after a build-up. Then give your eyes a rest, grow back and gain strength. Eyelashes look good and impressive, but if you carry out the procedure constantly, the appearance and condition of your own will greatly deteriorate.

How does and when correction of the extended eyelashes is needed

Correction of eyelash extensions is a monthly salon procedure that is done to restore and maintain appearance. An experienced master restores not less than 50% of hairs from the original volume. It is carried out regularly, since the lifespan of natural eyelashes is limited and it disappears with artificial.

How do eyelash correction and its features

Building and correction should be done by one specialist. Each master has an individual set of cosmetics, materials, and for a decent effect, it is desirable that they coincide by manufacturer and brand. Even the glue affects the quality of the correction, and the hairs should be of the same thickness.

With the help of a fat-based compound, broken and overgrown parts are removed. In their place are glued new.

To make it look natural, pre-stained beams. This is true for beam buildup.

With each procedure, your own hair is damaged and weakened. Let's rest your eyes, do not resort to such services too often. 3D eyelash correction is very thin. It should be used in the case of a noticeable thinning or when they are disheveled. Try a variety of build effects.

The time of eyelash correction and full-fledged building from scratch is about the same. This is due to the complexity of the process.

More time is spent preparing: removing the old material, combing, cleaning, degreasing. During the correction, it is difficult to clear the interspice space from accumulated cosmetics and sebum that are harmful to the health of the eyes.

Their inflammation and disease may occur. Then the perfect result will not work for the reason that the new cilia are fixed almost at the base, and the old - three or five millimeters from it. Because of this, when scrolling, they can be directed in different directions. The action of the adhesive also affects the destruction of the hair.

It has a certain service life and shelf life.

Types of correction

Depending on the quantity, length, thickness, there are three types of correction:

Artificial hairs of the same length but more natural are used.

Separately attached hairs from short to long, creating a fan effect.

The most common correction is the descendant. It differs from natural lashes in length.

How often to do the procedure

After how much time will have to visit the master again, you ask? For well-groomed eyelashes, it is recommended to adjust them in 2-3 weeks after application, and then carry it out preferably once every six weeks. The frequency of the procedure is affected by:

  • the right choice of makeup remover,
  • natural lash growth rate
  • thorough care
  • type of extension, quality of materials
  • the quality of the material used
  • features of the body.

The life of eyelashes (cycle of 90 days) consists of three phases:

  1. Anagen - active growth (2-3 weeks).
  2. Catagen - rest (lasts 4-7 weeks).
  3. Telogen - rejection.

Fallout is normal. 3-5 cilia are lost per day. Bundles fall out faster than single hairs. Oily skin will accelerate the wear of ciliary material, and dry will affect how often correction is needed.Acceptance of antibiotics, hormonal surges also lead to the rejection of the extended cilia.

After 2-3 corrections let's rest our eyes. These lashes should grow and gain strength.

Recovery will take two weeks (it will take three to four months).

For natural hairs need to care. Castor oil strengthens the roots. Vitamin E stimulates the growth of native eyelashes. For healing, use almond and grape seed oil.

Apply the product carefully, so as not to get into your eyes.

Herbs chamomile, yarrow, calendula, you can make an infusion, toning the skin of the eyelids, which is important for healthy eyelashes. Sometimes recovery requires a therapeutic massage of the eyelid area, which increases blood circulation, accelerating the growth of eyelashes.

How to prolong the effect without correction

Care for the extended cilia is easy. The main thing is not to wet the eyes within 24 hours after the procedure, and not to visit the pool or SPA within 48 hours. With a sauna, it is also worth being careful - at high temperatures there is a risk of losing the beauty of the cilia (the artificial bend straightens).

It is not advisable to sleep face in the pillow. From this occurs the fracture of the eyelashes, the duration of their socks is reduced. Mascara should only be water based. Apply it must be on the tips.

It is better to completely abandon this, as the mascara additionally weights them, reducing my service. In addition, applied to the eyelashes, it simply sticks them together and gives an ugly look. Remove makeup after building more difficult.

For the remains of the carcass will need a tool that does not contain oils and alcohol, which have a detrimental effect on the glue.

Having put yourself in order before the summer holidays for colorful pictures and videos, we must not forget that artificial eyelashes are afraid of sea and chlorinated water. Lovers will have to splash themselves indulge in this pleasure.

In order not to damage the hairs and not infect the infection, you can not rub your eyes. Wash with warm water, gently rinse the extended eyelashes.

Do not wipe your eyes, but blot them with a clean paper or cotton towel.

Avoiding tangling, you should brush the hair several times a day, not touching the roots, so as not to pull them together with the family. Wet eyelashes can not be combed.

Observing the rules, you can save most of the hairs and delay the correction.

What you need to know before correction

Make sure that the procedure is not contraindicated. Eyes should be healthy, without redness and excessive tearing.

Trust eyelashes to lashmakers who have examples of their work in the portfolio in photo, video and in life. Incompetence, dishonest masters leads to the loss of natural eyelashes and eye disease.

For recycling tools, they do high-temperature processing and store them in an ultraviolet cabinet. Therefore, the use of disposable equipment is desirable. The use of cheap materials and glue is dangerous for the eyes.

Eyelashes are cleaned before correction from make-up and degreased.

How is eyelash correction done after extension?

To maintain an attractive appearance, after eyelash extensions, it is imperative that you regularly make corrections. Experienced girls know about its necessity, the newcomers will be advised by the master in the cabin.

Why do I need to make a correction?

For girls starting to build up, the question arises, how long do they have extended eyelashes and how often do you need to make a correction and why.

The need is due to the fact that natural hairs grow, they are updated every 2.5–3 months - the process is accompanied by a slight loss of cilia. Most often, eyelash extensions are performed on the upper eyelid.

If the procedure was done by an experienced master in compliance with all the rules, then the correction will be required in 20-22 days. When gluing fibers to the lower cilia, their life will be no more than a week.

There are several methods of correction.With the American method, all the hairs are the same size, but they are much longer than natural cilia. Japanese technology - thin mink fibers fasten separately, distributing them from short to more elongated eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions begin to fall out after 12–15 days — during this time, natural hairs are renewed, and they disappear along with artificial fibers.

Own cilia, which at the time of the procedure were in the growth stage, increase in length, which leads to the displacement of synthetic fibers far from the root.

The increase in the length of natural cilia, their renewal is very noticeable visually - the thickness and volume of the hairs are reduced, and bald spots appear. To eliminate these defects, eyelash correction is required, during which the master carefully removes old fibers and glues new ones. If you do not do it in time, you will have to remove all artificial cilia.

How often should I contact the master for correction? The optimal period is 2–4 weeks, for girls with a fat type of skin a lashmaker will have to visit more often. The periodicity of the procedure depends on the correct care of the extended eyelashes, the growth rate of natural hairs, the method of fixing the fibers.

But to constantly update the cilia will not work, because when building natural hairs become weak, their growth slows down - be sure to give them time to rest and recover every 3 months.

If the master is not a novice, then he knows that it is undesirable to make a correction of 3-D eyelashes or after the beam method of fixing the fibers.

Stages of correction

It is better to carry out the correction in the cabin of the same lashmaker who did the buildup; he will choose the optimal variant of the procedure, depending on the original method of fastening synthetic fibers.

If necessary, pre-paint the eyelashes.

In order not to waste time in vain, while the glue dries out, you can cut or pick out eyebrows - many craftsmen offer this service as a gift to regular customers.

How is the correction process:

  • It is necessary to remove contact lenses, remove makeup.
  • The master gently and carefully combs the cilia, marks all the hairs that are beginning to fall off.
  • Each eyelash is treated with a remuver to dissolve the glue, then degreased.
  • Removal of all synthetic fibers that are attached to regrown natural eyelashes. During the correction, approximately 50% of the hair extensions change.
  • Fastening new artificial cilia at a distance of 1 mm from the roots on the grown eyelashes.

When correcting, synthetic hairs should not be glued to the gun eyelashes - they are very short and weak, they cannot bear the weight of the extended eyelashes. Not all beginner masters follow this rule, which leads to rapid shedding of artificial fibers.

The skin is cleansed of makeup and dirt, after which you can proceed to the correction. Near each hair extension, you need to gently push the cilia to see the place of detachment. Fibers that begin to fall off, you must carefully pull the tweezers from the base to the edge.

You can apply a remuver with a cotton swab, wait a few minutes, repeat the procedure. During the correction, it is monitored to ensure that the remuver does not fall on the extended fibers that should not be removed.

When all the detached cilia will be removed from both eyes, you can begin to consolidate the new hairs.

How to properly care for eyelashes after correction?

If you care for the hairs incorrectly, the correction of the extended eyelashes will be required after 10 days. If you follow all the recommendations of the wizard, you can visit the salon again in a month. On the first day, one should not wash, touch and rub eyes, use waterproof eye makeup and means to remove it.

How to care for eyelash extensions:

  • Do not use oily and oil-based cosmetics for makeup removal, eyelid skin care,
  • try less to touch the eyes and cilia,
  • water, especially salty, quickly destroys the adhesive,
  • you can not sleep face in the pillow, the hairs break, fall away faster,
  • with frequent visits to the pool, sauna, correction will have to resort more often.

Even if the artificial hairs began to fall out strongly, then you should not try to tear them off yourself - this can cause irreparable harm to natural cilia. About what it is forbidden to do after the extension procedure, read this guide.

To own cilia were strong, could hold the weight of artificial hairs, they must be regularly fed. To do this, suitable castorca, vitamin E capsules, almond oil and grape seed. After the extension, it is not necessary to use mascara; for evening make-up, you can dye eyelashes with a product that contains keratin and a vitamin complex.

In addition to the oil masks after building you can do herbal compresses for the eyes of chamomile or calendula. In 100 ml of boiling water, brew 3 g of raw material, leave in a closed container for 10 minutes. In a warm broth moisten cotton pads, put on the eyelids, hold for half an hour. Such a procedure well nourishes and moisturizes the cilia, strengthens the roots.

Eyelash extension allows you to give the look depth and expressiveness. In order to preserve the effect obtained, it is necessary to regularly make corrections and observe the rules of care. All the nuances should be consulted with the master to avoid negative consequences.

Correction of extended eyelashes: everything you wanted to ask

Unfortunately, the eyelash extension service does not allow you to enjoy luxurious eyelashes indefinitely. Natural eyelashes grow and fall out all the time, so extended eyelashes have a certain lifespan, which averages 3-5 weeks. After this period, either withdrawal, or correction, or withdrawal and then a new build-up is required.

So, today I will answer in detail all the most common questions about correction, about when and why it is carried out, in what cases it is a good solution, and in which you need to choose another option.

Why need a correction?

I will touch this question very briefly, since I have already mentioned the cycles of growth of eyelashes and the features of the extension technology in more detail in other articles. When building on your natural cilia glued artificial. If the procedure is performed correctly, and you follow all the recommendations for the care of the extended eyelashes, then they will fall out only with natural ones.

The speed of the natural renewal of the eyelashes is individual, so some people lose their buildup after 3 weeks, and someone can safely walk with their eyelashes for 5 weeks. We will focus on the average duration of socks - 3-4 weeks.

So, after 3-4 weeks from the day when you have extended the eyelashes, their appearance has already changed significantly, part of the eyelashes fell out along with the natural ones, part of the eyelashes grew together with the natural ones. Accordingly, there is no longer an even beautiful row, of equal length and thickness. That is why the girls again go to the master.

What is it and when necessary?

Correction is the process of restoring the original appearance of the extended eyelashes, during which new hairs are stuck in place of the dropped out or damaged elements.

This procedure allows for a long time to wear artificial eyelashes without replacing them completely.

The main advantages of the correction of eyelashes include:

  • time saving - on average, the process takes about 40 minutes,
  • saving money - such a procedure costs almost two times less than a new build-up.

By the time of the first correction, about half or more of the extended cilia remain in the girls.By this time, artificial elements either had already fallen out or lost their original appearance. Therefore, girls go to a beauty salon approximately 2-3 weeks after the build-up, it all depends on the speed of hair growth and respect for them.

Factors affecting the frequency of the procedure

The extended eyelashes are a very fragile element, so they require careful attitude. There are many different factors that reduce the lifespan of an artificial appearance attribute and lead to frequent corrections.

Among the main reasons are the following:

  1. During sleep, bury your face in a pillow. After the extension procedure, you need to monitor your position in your sleep, try to sleep on your side or on your back, but in no case on your stomach. Improper posture can cause that all the extended eyelashes will disappear by the morning.
  2. The use of decorative cosmetics on a fat basis, the use of makeup removers, which contain alcohol, the application of a cream that has a greasy texture - all these procedures negatively affect the artificial hairs. Cosmetic preparations, which include alcohol or oils, corrode the sticky substance, due to which artificial eyelashes crumble.
  3. Hiking to the sauna or bath. High temperature conditions and the presence of steam also make the glue ductile. Therefore, during a visit to such an institution there is a risk that artificial elements may “float” or “slide”. In addition to all, the extended hairs can be straightened, disrupting the aesthetic appearance.
  4. Careless relationship with ciliated row. Elements do not like any mechanical action, for example, do not rub eyes. If you have an eye comb, you need to scratch it very carefully, without touching artificial hairs.
  5. Hiking in the pool. Chlorinated water adversely affects the condition of the glue, splitting it. Therefore, going to the pool, get special glasses for swimming.
  6. Water and hygiene procedures - A strong jet of water in the face can break down eyelashes. Wash and wash your hair should be carefully, not directing the shower in the face.
  7. Conducting capacity with gross errors and incompetence of the master. The process of lengthening eyelashes is a painstaking and time-consuming exercise that requires experience and skill from a specialist. If the procedure was done by a novice, then the probability is high that the eyelashes will fall out very quickly and soon a correction will have to be made.


This mandatory procedure is associated with the growth of cilia. On average, their hairs are updated every three months, then their invisible loss occurs, in large quantities they are showered only in case of a serious disease. As soon as the cilia leaves its place, a new hair soon appears on it, this happens regularly.

Typically, the extension is carried out only on the upper eyelashes, but the lower ones remain in most cases aside, although they can also be made artificially thicker, except that their socks last only a week, so few are interested in this.

The duration of wear of the upper hair extensions depends on the growth of these. If on the lower eyelid there are only 50-100, then on the upper number there are twice as many. The length of the hairs is not the same: some can grow only by 6 mm, while others reach 15. This spread leads to the conditional division of cilia into three groups:

  1. Down hairs (the shortest, they just appeared).
  2. Growing (they did not have time to reach their length at the time of the procedure).
  3. Long (adult cilia that have moved to the resting stage)

Visually, an experienced master immediately determines where the cilia are, and based on this, he performs his procedure.

There are two methods of cilia extension:

Artificial hair loss begins in two weeks.During this time, the natural lashes are renewed, and with them, artificial glued to them are lost. During this period, 2/3 of the hairs grow up and it turns out that the extended beams are displaced far from the root.

Visually changing hairs and increasing their length becomes noticeable, the density of hairs decreases, and to eliminate this visible defect correction is carried out. With her, the master removes old hair and builds up new ones; after this procedure, you can not worry about cilia for three weeks and not use cosmetics.


If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos and balms that you use. Scary figure - in 96% shampoos popular brands are components that poison our bodies. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products in which this chemistry is located.

Recently, the experts of our editorial office analyzed the sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

What is eyelash correction and why do it

Natural cilia have a time frame of the natural cycle of growth and loss. Within a few weeks after the procedure, the build-up begins to gradually disappear along with the real ones. The beams remaining on the eyelid are deformed - their elements twist, bend or break. This is due to the distance from the eyelid of the increased series in the process of natural growth of natural hairs. In most cases, careless care is additionally affected.

During the correction, the wizard removes the regrown, damaged artificial hairs, building up new areas on the formed empty areas. This makes it possible to restore the volume, fluffiness of the series without completely replacing it.

The frequency of the correction procedure

It is necessary to correct the appearance of the eyelashes regularly. A visit to the salon allows you to not harm their own.

Artificial material, glue base have expiration dates. The aesthetics of the expressive gaze is gradually lost, and re-correction is required for recovery.

Factors affecting the frequency with which you want to manipulate:

  1. The duration of the natural cycle of growth and hair loss. It usually grows within a month, then disappears with an artificial bundle glued to it. Masters advise to do the first correction in two or three weeks. With high-quality and careful care, the intervals between studio visits increase to 1.5 months.
  2. Volume of building. When the eyelash extensions hairs are held for centuries longer than when using beam technology.
  3. Sleep face in the pillow. Even when using a special glue with super-strong fixation, the extended elements will disappear on the first night, if the wrong position is chosen for sleep. It is allowed to sleep on the back or on the side to preserve the effect achieved during the procedure.
  4. Means of decorative cosmetics. The prohibitions apply to the use of cosmetic makeup remover containing alcohol and various oils. These components serve as solvents, which, upon contact with the adhesive base, destroy its structure, leading to immediate precipitation.
  5. Sauna access. High indoor temperatures, high humidity, steam soften the consistency of the adhesive substance, which leads to the sliding of the artificial row. These parameters negatively affect the material, contribute to the loss of the shape of eyelashes, their straightening.
  6. External influence. Any kind of mechanical impact on the eyelids, eyes is forbidden; you cannot rub them or scratch them with your hands.
  7. Swimming pool. High concentrations of chlorine in water lead to splitting of the glue base. To avoid problems, it is recommended to purchase accessories for swimming in advance.
  8. Washing and other hygiene procedures. To wash your hair, you need to wash very carefully. A jet of water sent to the face can damage the hairs.
  9. Mistakes, unprofessionalism of a lashmaker. Eyelashes actively fall out when using materials of poor quality, violation of the technique of extension and correction.

Correction and overriding: pros and cons

Repeated eyelash extension differs from correction in that it implies a complete renewal and is done under the condition of strong, almost 100% damage to the artificial hairs. The second option involves a partial replacement of the missing or regrown elements.

  • low cost - the procedure is twice cheaper than a full update,
  • duration - on average, a standard session lasts no more than 40 minutes,
  • change of form, volume - there is the possibility of correcting the initial parameters of the design of capacity.

  • the absence of a fixed price - the final cost is voiced by the master based on the amount of work done,
  • the rate of loss of the achieved effect - natural hairs grow quickly, which leads to a change in their appearance,
  • injury - frequent correction affects the health and structure of natural cilia.

  • hygiene - with a constant wearing of artificial there is no possibility of easy washing, after removing eyelash extensions you can perform the necessary hygiene procedures,
  • restoration - before a new hair extension, a respite is needed, for this, all artificial material is removed, a caring gel is applied to nourish and moisturize.

Methods and types of correction

There are several main types of extension and additional correction. General - the classic curtain and beam.

Classification by volume after modeling:

  1. American - the thickness and bend of the extensible elements coincide with the natural ones, the difference in length,
  2. Japanese - high-quality mink materials are used, which are arranged very densely,
  3. Hollywood - formed beams cling fully to the whole row or to the inner corners of the eyelids.

Correction of the extended eyelashes is recommended in a studio with cabinets adapted to the procedure, not at home.

Despite the apparent simplicity of technology, the process requires the skills and experience that professional masters possess.

  1. The procedure begins with an inspection by the master. It gently combs the hairs with a brush, determines which ones have lost their attractive appearance, are poorly maintained, are to be removed.
  2. Tweezers or a chemical tool - a remuver - damaged hairs are removed from the eyelids.
  3. The remaining natural eyelashes, the gaps between them are thoroughly degreased.
  4. New artificial materials are carefully glued to the place of the loose ones, processed with fixing gel.

What needs to be done to delay the correction procedure

The intervals between visits to the salon depend on the quality of daily care for the extended cilia. Masters formulated a few rules, following which allows you to wear artificial make-up elements longer:

  • a classic - before going to sleep from the face it is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics,
  • for make-up remover use tools designed for eyelash extensions,
  • read the formulations carefully before buying mascara, eye shadow or eyeliner, they should not contain alcohol and oils,
  • it is advised to make twenty-minute lotions daily for eyelids using decoctions of chamomile, calendula, nettle or black tea,
  • to restore after removing the extension should use medicinal oils - castor, almond, olive, grape seed oil, vitamins A and E, oil-based.

Strong strong hairs allow you to use regular correction for six months, weakened - no more than a couple of months. It should be understood: from time to time it is necessary to arrange a natural rest, a pause between build-ups for up to four weeks. This time is enough to restore the native ciliated row.

Why do eyelash correction?

This mandatory procedure is associated with the growth of cilia. On average, their hairs are updated every three months, then their invisible loss occurs, in large quantities they are showered only in case of a serious disease. As soon as the cilia leaves its place, a new hair soon appears on it, this happens regularly.

Typically, the extension is carried out only on the upper eyelashes, but the lower ones remain in most cases aside, although they can also be made artificially thicker, except that their socks last only a week, so few are interested in this.

The duration of wear of the upper hair extensions depends on the growth of these. If on the lower eyelid there are only 50-100, then on the upper number there are twice as many. The length of the hairs is not the same: some can grow only by 6 mm, while others reach 15. This spread leads to the conditional division of cilia into three groups:

  1. Down hairs (the shortest, they just appeared).
  2. Growing (they did not have time to reach their length at the time of the procedure).
  3. Long (adult cilia that have passed into the resting stage).

Visually, an experienced master immediately determines where the cilia are, and based on this, he performs his procedure.

Artificial hair loss begins in two weeks. During this time, the natural lashes are renewed, and with them, artificial glued to them are lost. During this period, 2/3 of the hairs grow up and it turns out that the extended beams are displaced far from the root.

Visually changing hairs and increasing their length becomes noticeable, the density of hairs decreases, and to eliminate this visible defect correction is carried out. With her, the master removes old hair and builds up new ones; after this procedure, you can not worry about cilia for three weeks and not use cosmetics.

What not to do with extended cilia?

The main rule is aging, even if a strong loss of cilia has begun, it is impossible to tear them off independently or to use tweezers ineptly;

It is better to take breaks when wearing artificial cilia, giving natural hairs rest and strengthening them. It is practiced wearing cilia for three months, and then they are given a rest for two weeks. It is better to carry out the procedure of building one master, then he will be able to say exactly when it will be necessary to take a break, given the past state of the cilia before the procedure of building.

When performing the correction, it is forbidden to glue artificial villi to the fluff hairs, because of their short length they are not yet able to withstand the considerable weight of the extension material. Under such a load, natural hairs will sag and can completely fall out.

Extension should be carried out on adult eyelashes, which are in the resting stage, and if you use their counterparts of medium length, you will need to remove artificial bundles after three weeks or carry out a planned correction.

What to choose: new growth or correction?

This decision is made by the master, he approaches each of his clients individually, for some it will be enough to correct the cilia, while other women of fashion will have to undergo a second extension procedure. In each of these two cases, there are pros and cons:

  • Correcting the lashes is cheaper than increasing them again.
  • For the duration of the procedure, the extension takes longer.
  • After the correction, it will be necessary to re-meet the master in three weeks, whereas after the buildup, you can stop using his services for 2 months.
  • During the correction, it is possible to choose cilia that are identical in shape and structure to those already previously glued.

Tips to help you learn more about eyelash correction:

How often do you need to make a correction?

Most often this occurs 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure. The owner of the eyelashes can independently determine the frequency of correction based on the experience of previously transferred procedures. Do you often need to hold it? The answer to this question depends on several factors:

  • The correct care of the extended cilia.
  • Use fatty creams or lotions for removing makeup, or oil-based products that dissolve the glue.
  • The rapid growth of natural eyelashes.
  • Frequent contact of the increased material with water, means not only washing, but also diving under water, frequent visiting of the pool, rest at the sea.
  • Method of eyelash extensions: artificial tufts fall out faster than single hair extensions.

There are two ways to make a correction:

  • Mascara method. When it is done, it is made by the eyelashes to the natural hairs as they grow. It is more in demand than the next species.
  • Bundle method. It is used when building beams: as soon as the cilia are grown, new artificial beams are glued to them.

The choice of one of the options depends on the method of building artificial fibers.

Technique correction eyelashes

The primary procedure is carried out one month after ciliary extension, and if the beam method is chosen, then two weeks later, at the latest three. After completing three, maximum four corrective procedures, the artificial hairs should be completely removed. It is better to make a rest in this period from 2 weeks to 2 months.

  • Combing eyelashes, during this procedure, the master identifies those cilia that will soon fall off.
  • Treatment of each cilium or bundle with a special agent to dissolve the cream. Then the eyelashes are degreased.
  • Elimination of all artificial hairs that are attached to markedly grown cilia.
  • Gluing on the released natural cilia of a new artificial material, hairs should be at a distance of 1 mm from the base.
  • Gluing of the extended beams to the newly grown cilia, which were previously considered to be fluffy.

After the procedure, the cilia will look perfect, even though some of their natural counterparts will be lost.

In order not to waste time and not to come to the master twice proposed to hold a series of related procedures. The fact is that such an event as a correction requires some staying calm after it, so that its glue base can dry completely. You can use this time to good advantage by combining the buildup with eyebrow plucking and shaping them. Sometimes there is a combination of these procedures with staining of eyebrows and eyelashes. Basically, the paint is applied only to the bunches located in the corners of the eyes, in order to make the look deeper it is required to use mascara, and if you immediately dye the hairs, you will not need other coloring agents.

It is interesting! Restoration of eyelashes after extension: basic methods and recommendations

How to care for your cilia after removing artificial?

During the rest period it is recommended to perform a number of procedures for the restoration of natural hairs, because for them the build-up does not pass without a trace. To restore their original beauty and make it thicker, several methods are used:

  • With the help of a washed brush from an old carcass, apply oil daily, for restoration purposes, olive, almond, castor and burdock are suitable. This oil keeps on the cilia for half an hour, it is not recommended to leave it overnight so as not to cause puffiness.

  • Periodically make compresses from decoctions of plants that have a beneficial effect on the growth of eyelashes and strengthen them. For these purposes, you can use chamomile, calendula, aloe juice.

It would be nice to take special vitamins for hair growth and eyelashes, it would noticeably improve their condition. Adhering to the simple rules of care and without neglecting the prohibitions, you can delay the time of the next correction of eyelashes in the salon. You should not often resort to such a procedure, it is better to periodically alternate it with a full capacity.

Correction or new build?

So, this period has passed, you come to the master and want to continue to wear beautiful fluffy eyelashes. In this case, there are two options: remove the remnants of the extended eyelashes and expand all the eyelashes in a new way, or make a correction.

Correction is a procedure in which the master delivers artificial eyelashes for natural, filling gaps in the ciliary row. This procedure is designed to restore the beauty, volume and length of your eyelashes.

When a girl comes to the correction procedure, the lash maker evaluates the condition of her eyelashes. Depending on the individual indicator of the rate of growth of eyelashes, and care for the extended cilia, the ciliary row may look completely different. Some girls have about 50% of extended cilia, while others - 20%.

Also, the appearance depends on which master did the building. So, after poor-quality work, the correction cannot be done; such an extension needs only to be removed and the eyelashes re-built.

Why the master can recommend to make a new build, rather than a correction

  • The average shelf life of eyelash glue is on average 5-6 weeks, and if glue is used for sensitive eyes, then 3-4 weeks. Thus, when we make a correction, we leave part of the eyelashes (from the previous build-up), in which in 2 weeks the glue will start to lose its properties, and artificial cilia will simply be able to peel off. That is, after the correction, the natural eyelashes will grow and fall out along with the extended ones, and in addition, peeling may occur due to the end of the adhesive's shelf life.
  • Clean eyelashes are an important factor in the health of our eyes. While you are wearing extended eyelashes, you need to put more effort than usual to keep them clean. The fact is that when building up, it is more difficult to clean up the space between the slides. Therefore, it is also recommended to comb eyelashes using a special brush. In the space between the eyelashes, discharge from the eyes, dust, makeup residues, etc. accumulate. When you come to the new building, after removing the artificial eyelashes, you carefully wash your face, qualitatively cleansing the eyelids and the area between the pages, this is preferable from the point of view of hygiene.
  • The growth of eyelashes is a natural process, and it happens when an artificial one is pasted onto a natural eyelash. So, let's say, on the first extension you put artificial eyelashes 10 millimeters long, after 3 weeks the length of those eyelashes that did not fall out increased, and if you put the 10-mm eyelashes of an even row again, it will not work. And if you put the eyelashes, for example, 12 millimeters, then they can look in front of a particular girl is not so natural and beautiful.

In addition to these three main reasons, there are two more strong arguments in favor of a new build. New build will look perfect, ciliary row will be smooth and neat. In this case, the correction differs in price from the new build-up is not so significant (on average, the difference between the cost of correction and the cost of eyelash extension from scratch is 100-150 hryvnia).

If the build-up was carried out by an inexperienced master, the result of the work will not please either you or the lashmaker to whom you will come for correction. Therefore, if the follow-up extensions technique was not exactly observed, the master made mistakes, then such an increase simply does not make sense to correct, you can only correct the work that was originally properly done.

In which cases correction is preferable.

If after a build-up, for example, one and a half to two weeks has passed, and you have a photo session or a very important event in which every detail of your image should be perfect. In this case, there is no sense to remove the build-up, but it is worth growing the eyelashes that fell during this period.

How is the procedure of correction?

  1. To begin with, the master assesses the condition of your eyelashes, asks questions about the care, whether you use cosmetics, etc.
  2. Then the lashmaker removes all “bad” eyelashes. Bad lashes are those that are not firmly enough, stick out and get out of the ciliary row.
  3. Then, high-quality degreasing of natural eyelashes and interspice space is carried out.
  4. In addition, the interspace space is thoroughly cleaned (especially if the client uses make-up)
  5. Then there is a build-up - an artificial eyelash is attached to each eyelash with a special glue. Thus, the master delivers the entire ciliary row (in some cases this can be done with the lower eyelashes), until your eyes become bright, expressive and luxurious eyelashes again!

If you have any questions regarding the correction or any other aspects of the extension procedure, I can always help you and provide the necessary information by phone or email.

Correction or new build - what to choose?

A few weeks after eyelash extensions, it is advisable to contact the master again to make a correction. This procedure involves the replacement of lost or damaged artificial eyelashes - instead of them new hairs are glued. As a result, the extended eyelashes look perfect again, as on the first day after visiting the salon.

Description of the procedure

Natural eyelashes are constantly growing - and fall out at the end of the life cycle.

A few weeks after the extension, a part of artificial eyelashes falls out together with natural ones, another part moves away from the eyelid in the process of the growth of natural eyelashes, it is deformed, twists, and sags. As a result, the aesthetic effect of building is lost.

In the process of correction, the master removes the regrown and damaged artificial hairs and replaces them with new ones, and also adds the cilia to the place of the fallen out, restoring the original density.

What determines the period of wearing artificial eyelashes?

  • The rate of natural renewal of the eyelashes - artificial hairs fall out along with the natural ones to which they were glued.
  • The validity of the adhesive - each composition has its own rate of destruction.
  • Compliance with the rules of care - artificial eyelashes are easily damaged, if you rub your eyes, sleep with your face in a pillow, the glue with which they are attached is sensitive to high temperatures, alcohol and oils contained in some cosmetics are harmful to it.
  • The professionalism of the master, who did the build-up - if poor-quality materials were used or the technology was broken, artificial eyelashes can fall out very quickly.
  • Extension method - artificial bunches fall out faster than single hairs.

When should I go for a correction?

Natural eyelash "lives" on average from 30 to 40 days. The first correction is recommended 2–3 weeks after the build-up. The master will assess the state of the cilia and will tell you when to come again. The standard interval between follow-up procedures is 1–1.5 months.

You can see the need for a correction yourself, if the eyelashes have thinned and do not look very aesthetic, then it’s time to go to the salon.

Correction is not done if the natural lashes are abundantly falling out or are noticeably thinner, weakened. In this case, the extended hairs should be removed and the eyes should be allowed to rest.


  • Floating cost - some masters set the final price based on the amount of work completed, it is impossible to predict it in advance, and therefore evaluate the profitability of the proposal.
  • After the correction, even very successful, the eyelashes quickly lose their neat appearance - as natural hairs grow, with which the master did not work.
  • Frequent corrections can injure natural lashes.
  • It is necessary to apply to the same salon, besides the master who has been building up - most of the professionals do not correct the work of others.

If the eyelashes are badly damaged or noticeably sprung from the roots, the master will most likely not make a correction, but will suggest a retouch.

What to choose: a correction or a new build?

Some masters do not recommend making a correction, but offer to completely remove all artificial eyelashes (regardless of their condition) and to increase them again. Arguments in favor of a new build:

  • Hygiene - when wearing eyelashes, it is not always possible to wash, wash the space between the pages. After removing all artificial hairs, you can perform the necessary hygienic procedures.
  • Nutrition - after removing the extension, the eyelashes are soaked with a regenerating nutrient solution, which positively affects their condition.

It does not make sense to make a correction if the artificial eyelashes were worn carelessly or too long. When more than 60% of the hairs are to be replaced, the procedure becomes long and tedious, and after a short time, a new correction will be required for the remaining cilia. In this case, it is easier and more efficient to make a new build.

With 3D build-up correction is not performed.

In the video, the master, using the scheme, shows and tells how the eyelashes may look after a few weeks of socks, indicates the boundary conditions under which correction is possible and makes sense.

Technique, steps and duration of the procedure

In general, the procedure takes about 40 minutes. Before correction, the master talks with the client, is interested in sensations during the period of wearing artificial eyelashes, gives additional explanations and recommendations for caring for them.

  • Eyelashes are combed and inspected, those that require replacement are identified.
  • Master - mechanically or chemically - removes all damaged or regrown artificial eyelashes.
  • Interstitial space and the remaining natural eyelashes are degreased.
  • Matched - in color, thickness, length and bend - artificial eyelashes, which will be glued to the vacant space.
  • New eyelashes are glued to the place of the removed ones, as well as to the grown-up natural eyelashes, which did not participate in the initial extension, as they were still too short.

The wizard on the client shows how to remove individual eyelashes by chemical means - using a special remover.

How often can I repeat the procedure?

The correction should be repeated as necessary, focusing on the appearance of the eyelashes. The duration of the interval between treatments depends on the individual characteristics - and can range from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

After 2-3 corrections, it is recommended to remove the extended eyelashes to give a natural rest.

Is it possible to do at home?

Correction of extended eyelashes does not require special equipment and therefore can be carried out at home.

The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of the materials used (glue, artificial eyelashes). It is recommended to use a special cream remover, it will significantly simplify the procedure.

Do not allow the remuver into the eyes and on those extended eyelashes that are not planned to be removed.

Approximate cost in salons / from private masters

The cost of correction depends on a number of factors, the main of which is the state of the eyelashes, with which the client came to the master. On average, in the salons for the procedure take 2000 rubles.

Prices for the correction of private masters - from 1000 rubles.

After a few weeks socks, extended eyelashes usually lose their perfect look. The correction will help return it for a while. The best effect gives the very first procedure, in the future everything depends on the state of the eyelashes. The decision that it is better to carry out in each particular case - a correction or a new buildup - is usually taken by the master, his opinion should be heeded.

When and how often to carry out correction of the extended eyelashes?

In the process of eyelash extension, each artificial hair is fixed to the native. For a certain period of their own cilia grow and fall out. The result is that the artificial hairs become more rare and begin to stick out in different directions.

The procedure of correction helps to restore the original appearance. How often do I need to carry out the correction of the extended eyelashes? How does this happen and what types of correction are there?

How often do you need to perform correction

The active growth of their own cilia lasts about 30 days. Throughout this period, the artificial hairs gradually move from the eyelid along the lash line and eventually begin to grow heavy and sag.

Experts recommend carrying out the correction procedure 3-4 weeks after the build-up, but these terms may vary depending on the characteristics of the organism. Also, the correction may be needed faster if the client violates the rules for wearing cilia, which are as follows:

  • During sleep, eyelashes should not come into contact with the pillow,
  • You can not use cosmetics with a fatty consistency and alcohol content (negative effect on glue, fixing cilia),
  • To exclude the first 2 days after the procedure, exposure to high temperatures (visits to the sauna),
  • To exclude mechanical impacts in the form of eye friction, curling of eyelashes by a curler and similar devices.

In some cases, artificial cilia may fall away due to unprofessional carrying out the procedure for building. Violation of these rules will lead to the fact that the correction will need to be carried out after a week.

How is the procedure of correction

At the beginning of the procedure, the master applies a special tool for eyelids that will help get rid of the glue and degrease the correction zone. After that, too-grown and broken eyelashes are removed.

Then for each mature natural cilia one or more artificial cilia is fixed (the quantity will depend on the chosen technology). The procedure takes about 1-2 hours and usually costs less than the first build.

When it is better to re-build instead of correction

Each subsequent correction procedure will be carried out all in less time.. If the first time it is possible to correct the extended cilia after a month, then the subsequent procedure may be needed after 3 weeks. And these terms will be constantly reduced.

Experts recommend correction only 1-2 times. Then remove the artificial hairs and give your eyes a rest. During this time, your cilia will be restored and the procedure for building can be repeated.


The main rule is aging, even if a strong loss of cilia has begun, it is impossible to tear them off independently or to use tweezers ineptly, in extreme cases, you can find a phased algorithm for removing artificial beams on the Internet.

It is better to take breaks when wearing artificial cilia, giving natural hairs rest and strengthening them. It is practiced wearing cilia for three months, and then they are given a rest for two weeks. It is better to carry out the procedure of building one master, then he will be able to say exactly when it will be necessary to take a break, given the past state of the cilia before the procedure of building.

When performing the correction, it is forbidden to glue artificial villi to the fluff hairs, because of their short length they are not yet able to withstand the considerable weight of the extension material. Under such a load, natural hairs will sag and can completely fall out.

Extension should be carried out on adult eyelashes, which are in the resting stage, and if you use their counterparts of medium length, you will need to remove artificial bundles after three weeks or carry out a planned correction.


This decision is made by the master, he approaches each of his clients individually, for some it will be enough to correct the cilia, while other women of fashion will have to undergo a second extension procedure. In each of these two cases, there are pros and cons:

  • Correcting the lashes is cheaper than increasing them again.
  • For the duration of the procedure, the extension takes longer.
  • After the correction, it will be necessary to re-meet the master in three weeks, whereas after the buildup, you can stop using his services for 2 months.
  • During the correction, it is possible to choose cilia that are identical in shape and structure to those already previously glued.


Most often this occurs 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure. The owner of the eyelashes can independently determine the frequency of correction based on the experience of previously transferred procedures. Do you often need to hold it? The answer to this question depends on several factors:

  • The correct care of the extended cilia.
  • Use fatty creams or lotions for removing makeup, or oil-based products that dissolve the glue.
  • The rapid growth of natural eyelashes.
  • Frequent contact of the increased material with water, means not only washing, but also diving under water, frequent visiting of the pool, rest at the sea.
  • Method of eyelash extensions: artificial tufts fall out faster than single hair extensions.

The influence of these factors may take root in 10 days or a month after the procedure.


There are two ways to make a correction:

  • Mascara method. When it is done, it is made by the eyelashes to the natural hairs as they grow. It is more in demand than the next species.
  • Bundle method. It is used when building beams: as soon as the cilia are grown, new artificial beams are glued to them.

The choice of one of the options depends on the method of building artificial fibers.

Which of the procedures is better to choose: a new extension or correction of eyelashes?

Why it is not recommended to make eyelash correction? - this topical question often arises among regular clients. And, unfortunately, there is a certain distrust of the masters, who suggest instead of correction to make a new build-up. The girls think that they came to an inexperienced specialist who does not know how to make a correction or decided to get rich at their expense, inclining them to a more expensive procedure - a new build-up. Therefore, today I would like to elaborate in more detail on the correction process and the expediency of its implementation.

Natural growth and renewal of eyelashes

Our eyelashes, like all the hair on our body, are renewed: they grow and fall out. Their life is divided into 3 phases: active growth - 2-3 weeks, rest - 4-7 weeks, the rest - rejection (Wikipedia).

One day we made a gift for ourselves - eyelashes were enlarged. At this point, some of our eyelashes were in the growth phase, that is, for the next 2 weeks they will grow, and then stop (for 4-7 weeks), some were in the rest phase - that is, their growth ceased and in the near future They must be updated - fall out.

After 3-4 weeks socks of extended eyelashes and it turns out, some fall out, new ones appear in their place, and the young ones, who were in the growth phase, grow by a few millimeters.
During the correction, part of the extended eyelashes remains, the rest is extended. It is necessary to understand that the ideal look, as with the new build-up, is unlikely to be obtained, since the new ones will be fixed practically at the base - 0.5 - 1 mm, and the old eyelashes at a distance - 3-5 mm.

All eyelashes will be of different lengths. Visually, perhaps, not everyone will notice this distance, but in a couple of days the girl herself will feel the difference - the old ones, fixed at a distance from the century - are not so rigidly fixed and therefore start to roll, which is why they can look at different sides.

Glue expiration date

Glue, depending on the type and manufacturer, has its own characteristics and service life. So, for example, a manufacturer of ultra-resistant glue, with an instant coupling speed, guarantees a wearing time of 5-8 weeks, while hypoallergenic glue lasts 2-3 weeks (due to its more benign formula).
Therefore, having come to the correction after 3 weeks, we will find still holding eyelashes, but the life of the glue that holds them comes to an end. It continues to collapse, and the eyelashes crumble, the maximum that remained for them is 1-2 weeks.
That is, in some cases, the correction is completely ineffective: you went for the procedure, you spent time and money, but the eyelashes continue to crumble and after 1-2 weeks you are without 50% of the eyelashes and again you need a correction.

Accordingly, the cost is formed - the correction costs a little cheaper, it attracts customers. But the benefits are uncertain. Since the correction assumes that the next time the client will come much earlier - in 2 weeks, and not in 4 - as when building up anew.

Time for correction

Unfortunately, time for correction is spent the same, as well as for full-fledged new building. Immediately before the procedure, a number of mandatory preparatory activities are carried out - they occupy a significant part of the time: removal of regrown eyelashes, combing, thorough cleaning of the intercellular space, drying, degreasing.

Allergic reactions

On how well the preparatory measures are carried out for the correction, depends not only the period of eyelash wear, but also the likelihood of irritation and an allergic reaction in the eye area. For girls with sensitive eyes, subject to allergic reactions, it is especially recommended to carry out a new build-up instead of corrective measures - this significantly reduces the risk of any irritation.

During the wearing of extended eyelashes - and this is almost a month, whether we like it or not, there are particles of cosmetics, make-up removers, tears glue fluid, and glue between the eyelashes. This can cause an allergic reaction. With the correction, old eyelashes remain and continue to be a “source of pollution” for new cilia. For hygienic reasons, it is recommended to remove all old eyelashes, to wash and to make a new perfect extension for dry, clean eyelashes.

Of course, everything is individual and depends on the rate of renewal and growth of your eyelashes.Many girls familiar with the rules of caring for extended eyelashes successfully go on correction for a long time, and some choose a new build-up. The choice is yours.

In any case, our professional master will cope with both tasks.

Categories Eyelash ExtensionTags Eyelash Extension, eyelashes

In the process of building artificial cilia stick to natural, which grow unevenly: some faster, others slower.

Growing your own eyelashes in half leads to the fact that artificial become visible to others.

The look becomes harder, the upper eyelid no longer holds them, they can break off or turn out (getting into the eyes). Using correction corrects deficiencies: instead of regrown cilia, new ones are stuck.

Stepwise correction technology

Eyelash correction takes place in four stages:

  1. Master carefully removes makeup.
  2. In the direction of the eyelash growth line is applied a special composition (having a fat base). With its help, strongly grown or broken hairs are removed.
  3. Century degreasing is underway.
  4. New cilia are growing instead of the remote ones (in bunches or by the eyelashes, depending on the method that was used initially).

Performing correction in recommended time preserves the volume, length and lushness of the eyelashes.

Correction at home saves time and money. The master arrives at the house and performs the procedure in compliance with the technology. For correction does not require special equipment, so there is no reason to fear for the quality of the procedure.

The cost of the correction should be specified in the cabin. It is affected by:

  • total cost of correction (in some stores, the cost of correction is equal to half the cost of building),
  • lash condition (if most of the cilia are broken or have disappeared, they need to be removed and in their place stick new ones, it will cost more)
  • what account is the correction (more expensive first procedures, subsequent ones will be cheaper, since own eyelashes become less thick and less material is required).

The price of eyelash correction in Russia is from 600 to 2000 rubles. Correction in Ukraine will cost from 100 hryvnia in Dnepropetrovsk, 150-250 in Lviv, from 150 to 300 in Kiev.

How often can lashes be corrected?

Correction is desirable. in 2-3 weeks after the build-up. If you ignore the correction, after one or one and a half months only your own eyelashes will remain.

Before correction cilia should be inspected: if they become much smaller, the master can take them off to provide their own rest.

After 2 or 3 weeks after the first correction, it is necessary to repeat.

Cilia grow in different ways, have different thickness and re-correction will not give such a good result. After four months, eyelashes need rest, during this period, care for them should be especially careful (not enough washing and applying cream around the eyes).

Correction for 3-D cilia is undesirable.. This method of extension involves the gluing of several (up to x) artificial eyelashes on one natural. Weak eyelashes will not be able to keep heavy cilia and there is a risk of losing your own.

Master class on the correction of eyelashes look at the video:

Unfortunately, the eyelash extension service does not allow you to enjoy luxurious eyelashes indefinitely. Natural eyelashes grow and fall out all the time, so extended eyelashes have a certain lifespan, which averages 3-5 weeks. After this period, either withdrawal, or correction, or withdrawal and then a new build-up is required.

So, today I will answer in detail all the most common questions about correction, about when and why it is carried out, in what cases it is a good solution, and in which you need to choose another option.

Why need a correction?

I will touch this question very briefly, since I have already mentioned the cycles of growth of eyelashes and the features of the extension technology in more detail in other articles. When building on your natural cilia glued artificial. If the procedure is performed correctly, and you follow all the recommendations for the care of the extended eyelashes, then they will fall out only with natural ones.

The speed of the natural renewal of the eyelashes is individual, so some people lose their buildup after 3 weeks, and someone can safely walk with their eyelashes for 5 weeks. We will focus on the average duration of socks - 3-4 weeks.

So, after 3-4 weeks from the day when you have extended the eyelashes, their appearance has already changed significantly, part of the eyelashes fell out along with the natural ones, part of the eyelashes grew together with the natural ones. Accordingly, there is no longer an even beautiful row, of equal length and thickness. That is why the girls again go to the master.

Correction or new build?

So, this period has passed, you come to the master and want to continue to wear beautiful fluffy eyelashes. In this case, there are two options: remove the remnants of the extended eyelashes and expand all the eyelashes in a new way, or make a correction.

Correction is a procedure in which the master delivers artificial eyelashes for natural, filling gaps in the ciliary row. This procedure is designed to restore the beauty, volume and length of your eyelashes.

When a girl comes to the correction procedure, the lash maker evaluates the condition of her eyelashes. Depending on the individual indicator of the rate of growth of eyelashes, and care for the extended cilia, the ciliary row may look completely different. Some girls have about 50% of extended cilia, while others - 20%.

Also, the appearance depends on which master did the building. So, after poor-quality work, the correction cannot be done; such an extension needs only to be removed and the eyelashes re-built.

Why the master can recommend to make a new build, rather than a correction

  • The average shelf life of eyelash glue is on average 5-6 weeks, and if glue is used for sensitive eyes, then 3-4 weeks. Thus, when we make a correction, we leave part of the eyelashes (from the previous build-up), in which in 2 weeks the glue will start to lose its properties, and artificial cilia will simply be able to peel off. That is, after the correction, the natural eyelashes will grow and fall out along with the extended ones, and in addition, peeling may occur due to the end of the adhesive's shelf life.
  • Clean eyelashes are an important factor in the health of our eyes. While you are wearing extended eyelashes, you need to put more effort than usual to keep them clean. The fact is that when building up, it is more difficult to clean up the space between the slides. Therefore, it is also recommended to comb eyelashes with a special brush.

In the space between the eyelashes accumulate discharge from the eyes, dust, remnants of decorative cosmetics, etc. When you come to the new building, after removing the artificial eyelashes, you carefully wash your face, qualitatively cleansing the eyelids and the area between the pages, this is preferable from the point of view of hygiene.

  • The growth of eyelashes is a natural process, and it happens when an artificial one is pasted onto a natural eyelash. So, let's say, on the first extension you put artificial eyelashes 10 millimeters long, after 3 weeks the length of those eyelashes that did not fall out increased, and if you put the 10-mm eyelashes of an even row again, it will not work. And if you put the eyelashes, for example, 12 millimeters, then they can look in front of a particular girl is not so natural and beautiful.
  • In addition to these three main reasons, there are two more strong arguments in favor of a new build.New build will look perfect, ciliary row will be smooth and neat. In this case, the correction differs in price from the new build-up is not so significant (on average, the difference between the cost of correction and the cost of eyelash extension from scratch is 100-150 hryvnia).

    If the build-up was carried out by an inexperienced master, the result of the work will not please either you or the lashmaker to whom you will come for correction. Therefore, if the follow-up extensions technique was not exactly observed, the master made mistakes, then such an increase simply does not make sense to correct, you can only correct the work that was originally properly done.

    In which cases correction is preferable.

    If after a build-up, for example, one and a half to two weeks has passed, and you have a photo session or a very important event in which every detail of your image should be perfect. In this case, there is no sense to remove the build-up, but it is worth growing the eyelashes that fell during this period.

    How is the procedure of correction?

    1. To begin with, the master assesses the condition of your eyelashes, asks questions about the care, whether you use cosmetics, etc.
    2. Then the lashmaker removes all “bad” eyelashes. Bad lashes are those that are not firmly enough, stick out and get out of the ciliary row.
    3. Then, high-quality degreasing of natural eyelashes and interspice space is carried out.
    4. In addition, the interspace space is thoroughly cleaned (especially if the client uses make-up)
    5. Then there is a build-up - an artificial eyelash is attached to each eyelash with a special glue. Thus, the master delivers the entire ciliary row (in some cases this can be done with the lower eyelashes), until your eyes become bright, expressive and luxurious eyelashes again!

    If you have any questions regarding the correction or any other aspects of the extension procedure, I can always help you and provide the necessary information by phone or email.

    What girl does not dream of long and fluffy eyelashes? However, not everyone by nature gets such wealth. But is it a reason to despair, when you can become the owner of a charming look in just a couple of hours, just by growing eyelashes? About what you need to know before going on this popular procedure, says Leshmaker, CEO of the School of Beautiful Business and the author of techniques for building and decorating eyelashes - Eva Bond.

    Eyelash extensions: pros and cons

    We can talk endlessly about the advantages of eyelashes: they make the look more expressive and do not require additional staining with mascara. As a rule, if a girl has increased eyelashes, then she does makeup much less often - her appearance is already effective. Artificial eyelashes save during the holidays - when you want to look at all 100, and there is no desire to be painted. Technologies have advanced so far that people around you won't even notice that you don't have your eyelashes. To abandon this truly miraculous invention is only if you are allergic to drugs that are used in the process - glue, for example, or are used to sleeping face down in a pillow - then there will be no trace of new eyelashes in a week.

    Types of extended eyelashes

    Artificial eyelashes are made of synthetic monofilament and have a number of characteristics depending on their length, thickness, bend and color. The most popular length of the extended eyelashes is 7-12 mm.

    Artificial eyelashes come in different colors, but the main ones are black and brown. Also artificial eyelashes differ in types: mink (matte, very soft and thin), silk (glossy, black saturated color), sable (dense with the effect of painted eyelashes).

    The choice of length and shape

    The length of the eyelashes is a parameter that is selected individually. Here, like a tailor, you need to ask for “try on” the desired length in front of the mirror and approve it. When selecting a form, you should be guided by very clear rules, one of which says - you can not glue eyelashes of maximum length in the outer corners of the eyes. Eyelashes can sag, and this automatically weights the look. It is best to focus on the shape of the eyebrows and glue the eyelashes of maximum length under the highest point of the eyebrow.


    The black color of eyelashes, as a rule, is suitable for brunettes and dark blond, brown for blondes and red (it softens facial features and looks very tender). Also, there are colored eyelashes. They can be added to the base color in proportions of 70:30. For example, the following combination will suit green eyes: 70% of black eyelashes and 30% of green. This type of work is called coloring.

    There is another type - zoning, which implies a color selection of one particular zone, for example, the outer corner of the eye. Colored eyelashes look very beautiful and attract attention.

    The bending of the eyelashes is also different and is usually denoted by letters. There are 6 types. The choice of the bend that suits you depends on your desire as well as on the anatomical structure of the eye.

    The most natural result is given by bends, which are labeled J and B, the effect of “doll eyes” - D and CC. If your natural eyelashes are curved by nature, then the most popular bend is recommended for them - C. The bolder girls can try the L-bend - the most extravagant.

    Types of eyelash extensions and volume

    To create the “a la naturel” effect, you need to choose the technique of classical extension, when one artificial glue is glued to one native eyelash. For girls who prefer to get a more expressive look, they need to choose a 2D eyelash eyelash extension technique: here are the 2 to 1 parameters.

    Well, if at some holiday or event you want to hit everyone with thick and fluffy eyelashes, a velvety mega-volume will be perfect. Eyelash extensions bundles will suit you in the event that you want to “open up” the look not for long: the time they wear is a week at most.

    Duration and pain of the procedure

    Eyelash extension lasts from one and a half to three hours, depending on the complexity of the work and the density of natural eyelashes.

    The procedure for eyelash extensions is absolutely painless, rather the opposite, very pleasant and relaxing to sleep. All that the client should feel is the light touch of the hands of the master in the eye area. If you feel discomfort - even a slight tingling or rubbing - you need to report this to the leshmeiker.

    Correction of extended eyelashes

    On average, extended eyelashes are worn for one month, but if you follow all the rules of care, you can extend this time.

    As a rule, once a month you need to make a correction. If the skin is oily, then most likely it will have to be done earlier - once every three weeks. If the extended eyelashes tint with ink or draw arrows regularly, then one correction is indispensable. Every time you have to remove old eyelashes and make new extensions. This is due to the fact that cosmetics is clogged in the roots of eyelashes and it is extremely difficult to clean it from there. If the extension is done on poorly cleaned eyelashes, then they will quickly crumble.

    Risk of infection

    The possibility of eye diseases during eyelash extensions is excluded, but some difficulties may be possible. After eyelash extension, nasal congestion may appear (reaction of the body to glue evaporation), allergic skin reaction around the eyes (on gel pads, insulating lower lashes during extension), corneal chemical burn (if eyes open during the procedure), souring of the eyes (according to reason for the lack of eyelash hygiene).

    Break between build

    At observance of technology of building and the correct loading natural eyelashes do not spoil. They remain as healthy, shiny and retain their natural density. And therefore, they do not need a pause for restoration. You can take a break of your own free will or if you didn’t get a correction in time - in this case, artificial cilia almost completely fall out in 2 months and only natural cilia remain.

    Effects of eyelash extensions

    Eyelashes can be thinned only if an excessive load on natural eyelashes was selected - the wrong diameter of artificial eyelashes (0.20 or 0.25) or “very heavy” volume (7D and more) was chosen.

    If this happens, then natural lashes really need to take a breather. To restore them, you can buy the most common burdock oil at the pharmacy and rub it into your eyelashes for 2-4 weeks. And then, if you wish, you can increase it again, but by correcting the mistakes made earlier.

    Eyelash removal

    Remove artificial eyelashes need only professional preparations. The best tool is a cream paste for removing eyelashes. The method of application is very simple: rub paste into the root zone of the eyelashes and leave for 15 minutes. Carefully “pull” artificial eyelashes, remove excess drug, wash with warm water and soap.

    The first day after the extension, it is worthwhile to avoid exposure to high temperatures and water entering the eyelashes: a sauna, a bath, a solarium, a swimming pool, and the sea are not recommended. Should be excluded fatty cosmetics for care. Apply eye and face cream gently, avoiding the eyelashes.

    Replace oily makeup removers with foam, gel or micellar water, because oily and oily products destroy glue.

    Avoid mechanical impact on the eyelashes - do not wipe your face with a towel, sleep face in the pillow, rub your eyes with your hands. Wear clothes with a tight neck carefully, holding the gate with your hands. You can not pull out the lashes - this leads to damage to the bulb and the formation of bald spots.

    Makeup for eyelash extensions

    If you need to make up the eyelashes, you should use a special silicone mascara. Artificial eyelashes need to be brushed in the morning and during the day as needed. At bedtime, wash your eyelashes with facial wash, make sure that no sweat and sebaceous glands and residues of cosmetics are accumulated in the root zone.

    To increase the duration of wearing artificial eyelashes it is necessary to use fixers, which are represented in the assortment of many cosmetic brands. Their goal is to extend the life of extended eyelashes and prevent them from twisting and gluing together.

    Now you know all the details of the extension procedure, you can correctly choose the length, shape, bend and color of artificial eyelashes. With special care, compliance with certain restrictions and timely correction, the extended eyelashes will delight you longer. Do not be afraid to bring the infection during the procedure, because with its proper conduct, the risk of infection is reduced to zero.

    But wear artificial eyelashes or give preference to natural - you decide!


    Watch the video: What Redheads Need to Know About Eyelash Extensions (June 2024).