Tools and facilities

Shampoo "Neva Cosmetics" "Tar": customer reviews


Everything new is well forgotten old. This truth is largely true today in relation to modern cosmetics. More and more women are turning to old recipes and tools for help.

Perhaps, since the times of our grandmothers, tar shampoo has never been as popular as it is today. On the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets, it does not linger - it is snapped up like hot cakes. The feverish demand for tar shampoo also spurs manufacturers: an incredible variety of brands have appeared.

Useful properties of tar shampoo

The popularity of this product in women can be explained by the fact that its healing properties have become known to people for quite some time.

Benefits of tar shampoo:

  • anti-inflammatory effect

  • removes irritation on the skin, eliminates redness

  • helps against dandruff

  • makes hair shine and fluffiness

  • strengthens hair follicles

  • accelerates hair growth, reduces their loss.

Some professionals use tar shampoo in the fight against pediculosis. Beauticians especially recommend using this tool for people with oily hair.

Contraindications to the use of tar shampoo

However, despite all the positive properties of this hair product, it is better to contact a dermatologist or trichologist before regular use. After all, every medicine has a side effect and tar shampoo is no exception. And the doctor can either warn about the undesirable effects of the shampoo, or prescribe it in the course of treatment for diseases of the scalp (dandruff, peeling, etc.).

- dry hair and scalp

- some skin diseases

The use of tar shampoo

If you do not have obvious problems with the scalp, and tar shampoo you want to try for prevention, do not forget to alternate it with regular shampoo. With frequent use, tar can have the opposite effect - hair will look untidy and will not comb well.

The tool can not be applied directly to the skin - first you need to foam it in your hands. If after washing you feel stickiness on your hair, you can rinse them with regular shampoo with conditioner. Especially beneficial tar shampoo works in combination with a decoction of chamomile or acidified with water for rinsing. For therapeutic purposes, this tool is used in courses of 4-5 weeks followed by a break of several months.

Tar shampoo from pediculosis

Antiseptic properties of this tool help in solving another unpleasant problem - tar shampoo is used for lice. Already after the first hair wash, the parasites become much smaller. The foam is held on the hair for 5 minutes, then washed off and carefully comb the strands with a comb with thick teeth. It is worth remembering that the pediculosis treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, and shampoo is only an adjunct against parasites.

Reviews Finnish tar shampoo

Reviews of Finnish Tervapuun Tuoksu from Foxtel OY are also quite common on the Web. As already understood, the manufacturer of cosmetics is Finland. It is composed of tar Finnish pine and in some reviews noted, eliminates lice, dandruff. There is information that Tervapuun Tuoksu helps against hair loss. The cost of a 200 ml bottle is about 250 rubles.

Reviews of tar shampoo "Recipes grandmother Agafi"

It would be simply surprising if there was no place for tar shampoo in this cosmetic line. Recipes Siberian travnitsy contain only natural extracts and components. The price of cosmetics is very democratic, and tar shampoo from grandmother Agafya can be bought at all for a small amount of money - within 50 rubles. Customers write that the consistency of the shampoo is good, thick, but it is not very easy to wash it out of the hair. Color - dark brown. Standard bottle - 300 ml. Means does not smell of tar, has a pleasant smell. Shampoo foams well, this can be explained by the high content of soda laureth sulfate in the composition, which is not there in last place. Shampoo is perfect for those who are looking for a budget option for very oily hair - after use, they will stay clean longer and will literally flow down your back.

Active ingredients

The manufacturer indicates the two main active components of the composition of the shampoo "Tar" from "Nevskaya Cosmetics". These include a conditioning agent and natural birch tar. The first contributes to the relief of combing hair, gives them extra volume, and also makes it more docile and softens. Birch tar restores structure, disinfects (antiseptic), kills parasites, dries, reduces inflammation, and also soothes the scalp.

On the jar indicated that the shampoo no artificial fragrances and dyes. Also, many primarily use tar shampoo for dandruff. The active ingredients of the composition reduce the risk of its manifestation, and also eliminate desquamation and unpleasant itching.

Instructions for use

It is quite simple and traditional for the use of any caring cosmetics. The bottle of shampoo is equipped with a convenient dispenser. For use, you need to squeeze a small amount of shampoo on the palm, apply to damp hair, lather by gently massaging. Then wash the strands thoroughly with warm water. Depending on the type of hair and their condition, you may need to apply a balm or conditioner. The manufacturer recommends the tool for frequent use, however, the active components of the composition dry enough strands, and this factor should be taken into account. For oily hair prone to dandruff, "Tar" shampoo fits perfectly. We can say that it is for this type that it is designed primarily. Tar cosmetics, reviews of which are quite popular in the network, are designed to cleanse and regulate the production of sebum, and shampoo copes well with the task.

Tar shampoo and hair health soap

Our distant ancestors knew about its healing properties, and now, owning modern technologies, manufacturers of cosmetic products make a healing liquid for washing their hair out of it. It heals, strengthens hair, recommended by doctors for the care, treatment, prevention of diseases.

Tar shampoo will make hair more healthy and beautiful

The power of nature at a low price that anyone can buy

Alexandra: “I have mixed-type hair - dry at the ends, greasy at the roots. My head is on average once every three days. I bought tar shampoo, because it is inexpensive and natural. I started to use it and noticed that the hair was no longer fat. I can not wash them now 4-5 days. Shampoo liked! "

Tar-based shampoo - ideal for mixed-type hair

Margarita: “I advise you to use tar shampoo for everyone who has oily hair”

Shampoo will help solve the problem of oily hair.

Svetlana: “I suffer from one problem - hair gets too dirty and too greasy. I bought a shampoo with tar - tar dries the skin, reduces the release of fat. I use it for two months, alternating with another natural remedy, I am satisfied with the result. ”

The product has a drying effect.

Natural Neva Cosmetics helps to preserve the health of the strands

As can be seen from the reviews - helps tar shampoo from hair loss, well washes away the fat, allows less headwash, curls retain a well-groomed appearance for a long time.

Tar shampoo will help to wash hair less often

The benefits and harms of the use of Tan

The shampoo has many positive qualities.

Experts recommend the use of tar shampoo for dandruff, seborrhea, baldness. And also for the treatment of skin diseases: folliculitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema ...

The use of tar shampoo should be alternated with the usual

It can be used for the prevention of disease, but then the tool must be alternated with a simple shampoo.

Features of the use of shampoo Psoril

The method of application of tar shampoo is the same as that of other products intended for washing the head, but there are points that should be noted. Do not apply the drug directly to the skin - pre-foam it in your hands. If you notice that the strands are sticky after rinsing - use the conditioner.

Chamomile decoction

The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the combination of means with chamomile broth or vinegar dissolved in water. Use them to rinse your head.

Composition Tervapuun Tuoksu for lice, psoriasis and seborrhea

The shampoo is medical, it contains many active organic substances: resins, benzene, xylene, cresol, phenol ... Because of their excess, the hair will lose its luster, elasticity, therefore this drug, like other healing agents, cannot be abused. Use it regularly for 4-7 weeks. After that, take a break: 3 months.

Dandruff and brittle hair - signs of disease

Birch tar

Since ancient times, Russia used birch tar to cleanse the body, body, disinfection, as well as glue. Our ancestors worshiped birch, and everything that it gave — wood, bark, leaves — was considered healing.

It was from birch bark that our ancestors learned, by dry distillation, to extract birch tar, having application not only in medicine, but also in everyday life: for lubricating rubbing parts of carts, carts, carriages, for imparting color, protection and shine to leather products.

Birch tar is obtained by dry distillation of birch bark (birch bark). This process is old. 40,000 years ago, people thus made the glue needed to make weapons (hunting). In addition, birch tar from antiquity was used externally to treat cuts, wounds, accelerate the healing process, i.e. as an antiseptic and disinfectant.

In addition to birch, there are juniper, pine and beech woody tar.

As part of the tar, scientists were able to detect up to 10,000 useful elements, including cresols and phytoncides - natural disinfectants, antiseptic phenol, guaiacol with its disinfectant and anti-rotten effect.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. In medicine, birch tar is used as a disinfectant for the treatment of skin and other diseases. Birch tar essential oil is used in perfumery, also for SPA procedures.
  2. Birch tar has absorbed all the nutrients of birch bark. Because of this, it has healing properties: analgesic, absorbable, antimicrobial, antipruritic, regenerating. Typically, birch tar is used to treat psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, neurodermatitis, skin itching, with the help of tar, tuberculosis, otitis media, dropsy, tonsillitis, athlete's groin, hair loss, and pressure sores are effectively treated.
  3. Also, tar helps with frostbite, bleeding, mastitis of the mammary glands, urethritis, bronchial asthma.

Tar shampoo 911

Often you can see on the shelves in pharmacies dandruff shampoo 911 "Tar". Since the Internet has become popular sites where network users can leave their opinion about the purchased things and products, find reviews about this shampoo is not difficult. In general, tar tar shampoo 911 is quite positive. Among the negative qualities of this shampoo, users indicate only a sharp smell of tar.

“With the tar shampoo 911, I managed to get rid of dandruff. As the manufacturer himself indicated (Russian, by the way, which is nice), this shampoo should be used for psoriasis, dandruff and seborrhea. Hair shine and remain clean for several days. A little confused by the smell, but you can get rid of it, using toilet water. I am very pleased! Bought for only 75 rubles and buy more! " - Catherine writes from Astrakhan.

The price policy of the shampoo is more than pleasant, many say, because the cost ranges from 70 to 115 rubles per bottle of 150 ml. This can be explained by the fact that shampoo is made in Moscow, and Russian self-care cosmetics are often more affordable financially.

Alka Psoril

Such a remedy as Alka Psoril is positioned as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-dandruff and exfoliating.

The manufacturer indicates that the soft formula Psoriloma gently cleanses the hair, while not damaging the protective layer of the scalp. The shampoo contains birch tar, extracts of the succession, celandine, and St. John's wort, which provide the very same antiseptic and antifungal effect to the cosmetic product.

In contraindications to the application, only the increased sensitivity of the potential buyer to the components of the shampoo is listed. As can be seen from the reviews, from dandruff Psorilom relieve a bang.

Also, the manufacturer promises that the shampoo, although it does not contain dyes and fragrances, the smell of tar in the hair will not leave.

The producer is Russia, and for a standard volume of 200 ml you can pay from 140 to 350 rubles.

Foxtel OY Tervapuun Tuoksu

The next sample of tar shampoo is Finnish Tervapuun Tuoksu from Foxtel OY. As already understood, the manufacturer of cosmetics is Finland. It consists of tar of Finnish pine and on the Internet you can find promises that Finnish shampoo will save you from lice, dandruff.

The price in domestic supermarkets is not so high - you will have to pay from 150 to 200 rubles for a half-liter bottle. Although they say that in Finland this tool can be purchased for one and a half euros.

“The aroma of tar is a bit harsh and not completely washed out, but the hair still smells nice. The pH level of 5.5 is definitely a positive characteristic for me. Foams well, hair does not stick together - what else do I need? Will definitely buy again " - such a review about shampoo was written by Muscovite Tatyana.

There is also information that the Finnish Tervapuun Tuoksu is useful for hair loss. With such a positive characteristic, more people will want to buy Finnish Tervapuun Tuoksu. And if you do not become a regular customer, then at least try this cosmetic product.

Agafya First Aid Kit

Cosmetics brand "Recipes grandmother Agafi" has long won the location of the Russians. What can not be found among the numerous hair care products - even a balm-activator of hair growth is available. It is not surprising that grandmother Agafya knows the recipe for tar shampoo.

The price of cosmetics is very democratic, and this tool can be purchased at all for a small amount of money - about 50 rubles. Customers write that the consistency of the shampoo is good, thick, but it is not very easy to wash it out of the hair. Color - dark brown, even compared with Coca-Cola. Standard jar - a volume of 300 ml. Means does not smell of tar, has a pleasant smell. Shampoo foams well, this can be explained by the high level of Sodium Laureth Sulfate in the composition, which is far from the last place.

Shampoo is perfect for those who are looking for a budget option for very oily hair - after use, they will stay clean longer and will literally flow down your back. In general, this sample from the “Agafya First Aid Kit” series can be safely purchased.

One hundred beauty recipes

Remedy for the brand “Hundred recipes of beauty” also helps to get rid of dandruff. On the bottle and indicated. Also, the manufacturer notifies customers that birch tar, infusion of oak bark, lemon juice and mint oil are part of this shampoo.

The shampoo is thick enough, it does not need much to be washed. The problem of oily scalp, he probably will not solve, but will relieve hair loss. The smell has a very pleasant, fresh, according to reviews, it resembles the smell of Pepsi-Cola from childhood. The price is low, as with all funds from this manufacturer.

Hair shampoo washes well, faithful assistant in getting rid of dandruff, as well as shampoo from the collection of grandmother Agafi.

Golden silk

Shampoo "Golden Silk" is very useful for those who the doctor diagnosed seborrhea and dermatitis. The price of this shampoo is not too high - within 100 rubles, and the price does not change. The smell is again specific, but the shampoo fully justifies its purpose - it eliminates scabies, seborrhea, eliminates desquamation and prevents scalp inflammation. Also "Golden Silk" washes hair well.

In general, this shampoo will save you from dermatological diseases, including psoriasis.

Birch tar

"Birch tar" shampoo is designed for problem hair. Its manufacturer is Belita-Vitex - a highly respected brand in the Russian market. The standard volume of shampoo is 480 ml, its price is low - from 60 to 100 rubles.

The product contains not only birch tar, but also birch buds extract, lactic acid and natural protein. All these ingredients moisturize and nourish the hair. With it, you can get rid of dandruff and hair loss.

Tar shampoo knowingly won a place under the sun in the cosmetic market. It performs many functions - eliminates dermatological diseases, well washes hair, nourishes them and eliminates dandruff. This shampoo is a true healer who will certainly become a real lifesaver for a modern woman.

By the way, tar shampoo does not smell too much and the dried up hair does not smell of birch trees.

Benefits of tar shampoo

People have noticed the healing properties of tar, a long time ago. The dense substance produced from birch bark, when applied to wounds or sore skin, promotes rapid healing. The range of application of birch tar is quite wide: from the extraction of splinters to tuberculosis and psoriasis. Tar shampoo has all the beneficial properties of the active ingredient:

  • Doctors prescribe drugs with tar in dermatological diseases, including seborrhea and hair loss.
  • The active substances of birch tar relieve skin itching under the hair and stop dandruff.

Birch tar shampoo is produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. Stamps differ in intensity of smell, fragrances and concentration of active ingredient.

Harm and precautions

  • The use of birch tar shampoo extremely rarely leads to undesirable consequences, but for eczema, psoriasis, or the tendency to allergies, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist (trichologist).
  • You should not use this tool all the time, as it refers to the treatment, can cause tarnishing and hair stiffness. Usually the course lasts no more than six or seven weeks, then you need to stop for a couple of months.
  • If the hair after washing the shampoo seems sticky, wash it with a regular shampoo.
  • Pay attention to the probability of darkening of very light or gray hair.
  • Shampoo is great for oily hair, but with dry hair should be used moderately.

Interesting facts about tar.

In many languages, the original word “tar” meant only pine tar for tar shipping. In Russia, it was called pitch or pitch.

In some countries, such as the United States, it was customary to punish criminals with tar — smearing in tar and feathers. The criminal doused with tar was usually sprinkled with feathers and put in a visible place or chased along the street.

In Russia, tar smeared the gates and (or) doors of the home of lecherous women.

The coat of arms of the city of Velsk, approved on October 20, 1760, depicts a filled barrel in a gold field as a sign that the inhabitants of that city produce a notable bargain.

Reviews of shampoos 911 and Psoril

Thanks to my wife and tar shampoo with psoril, I very quickly got rid of terrible and greasy dandruff. He didn’t pay much attention to the smell. During disuse I did not experience any discomfort, only a positive result.

I also liked tar tar shampoo, it really helped with this problem. and, by the way, I smell the opposite; I like some kind of natural, fresh, though sharp!

I used tar shampoo psoril as well. Her hair was very fat, so she took it. It has become much better, the hair is now much longer stay fresh!

That is exactly tar shampoo psoryl and helped my husband to cure greasy dandruff. It really quickly soothes the skin and the itching disappears after the second wash. And after a couple of weeks and dandruff was not, and the hair began to keep clean longer.

The smell of him and the truth is harsh, but it is not resistant and quickly disappears.

Yana | 03/29/2016 4:26 pm

I was helped by Tar shampoo 911 (TwinStek). A good, effective shampoo, washed their heads on the strength of 5-6 times and dandruff disappeared, did not even expect that it would solve my problem so quickly. He famously moisturized the skin, and dandruff due to dryness and appeared, as I understood. I'm glad I bought it for a reason.

Larisa | 06/27/2016 6:17 PM

Itself bought in a pharmacy Tar shampoo 911, with dandruff coped with a bang, quickly, reliably. But for growth, and from falling out, I took Onion and Red Pepper 911, I am very pleased with it. True effect had to wait longer, but for the rehabilitation of hair naturally took time, now the problem with the hair decided and this is the merit of these shampoos.

Victoria | 10/13/2016 00:45

I'm not sure that Tar Tar shampoo 911 will help to completely solve such a problem as hair loss, but it helped me quickly and well from dandruff, the price is more than acceptable, one bottle is enough to avoid a reminder from dandruff. I read that onion shampoo and burdock are effective from falling out, I have not tried it myself, but my friend used Lukov 911 and was very pleased.

Impact Features

For owners of dry and damaged hair, as well as colored hair, the tool may be too aggressive. In this case, it is recommended to use it no more than once or twice a week, alternating with more gentle formulations. The use of masks, balsams and conditioners is also recommended to facilitate combing. Otherwise, the hair may be matted and overdried, requiring additional care.

Shampoo "Nevskaya Cosmetics" "Tar" for oily and normal hair, reviews of which quickly make it understand, fit just right. It removes excess fat, normalizes its secretion, affecting the scalp. Hair is thoroughly washed and maintains a fresh appearance for up to four days, which is almost unreal with oily strands when cared for by other means.

Dandruff and Itch Effectiveness

Regardless of the state of the strands, shampoo does not cause irritation and dryness of the scalp, normalizing its condition. It also contributes to the rapid elimination of dandruff caused by improperly chosen caring cosmetics or exposure to environmental factors.

If you carefully analyze the available reviews after using the tool, the majority notes its complete or significant elimination (depending on the initial state of the skin of the head). Only a few complain that dandruff is not gone. However, the factor of the internal state of the organism and its metabolic processes as a whole is always present here.

Owners of sensitive scalp should experiment with the use of shampoo "Degtyarny" from "Neva Cosmetics". According to customer reviews, it perfectly eliminates itching, peeling and dandruff, which appears as a result of drying out the skin.

How often can I use "tar" shampoo?

The tool perfectly cleans hair and keeps it clean longer than usual, up to three to four days. This allows it to be used less frequently, twice a week. It is this intensity that is recommended, according to customer reviews. More frequent use can greatly dry out hair. In general, there are two answers to the question about the intensity of the use of the "Tar" shampoo. One of them for owners of dry, and the second - greasy hair.

In the first case, it is better to use shampoo extremely rarely, rather as a prophylactic agent once a week or ten days, supplementing with masks, balms and conditioners.

In the second case, the shampoo can be used two and three times a week for high-quality cleansing and treatment of the scalp. Hair will look clean, smooth, and the skin will no longer itch. Shampoo "Neva Cosmetics" "Tar" (reviews give a good answer to this question) should be used with an eye to the original state and the type of strands. So you get the most effective result and you will not regret the use of the tool.

Reviews: advantages

After analyzing the reviews of customers in the network, you can come to the following conclusions about the merits of shampoo:

- well washes hair and maintains the effect of purity up to three to four days,

- increases the volume (possibly due to the fact that the strands become more fluffy),

- partially or completely eliminates dandruff,

- relieves itchy scalp,

- economical, has a convenient packaging of 250 ml,

- well foams, quite a small amount of funds

- hair becomes obedient in styling, silky and soft.

Shampoo "Nevskaya Cosmetics" "Tar" (customer reviews confirm this more than once) is an excellent option for an economical means to care for oily and normal hair. It also eliminates itchy scalp and dandruff.

Reviews: disadvantages

Of the minuses, buyers list the following factors:

- dries hair (especially dry initially and dyed),

- has a characteristic smell that can last up to several days,

- requires the use of a balm or conditioner after use to facilitate scratching,

- some buyers dandruff persists, despite the use of shampoo,

- judging by the composition specified by the manufacturer, the tool is by no means organic or even close to it.

Shampoo "Neva Cosmetics" "Tar", reviews of which range from neutral to satisfactory, most users recommend for short-term use for owners of oily hair to solve the problem of dandruff and eliminate itching. With prolonged use, the condition of normal and dry hair may deteriorate.

When selecting a shampoo that is economical and proven by numerous buyers, pay attention to the remedy for Nevskaya Cosmetics. Cleansing, care, elimination of dandruff and itching for the minimum price you are guaranteed. Shampoo "Neva Cosmetics" with birch tar may be a favorite in your makeup bag. It remains only to try and make your own opinion.

Re: Tar shampoo

Tone Jan 30, 2006 10:10

Re: Tar shampoo

Gavryusha Jan 30 2006, 13:29

At first I thought that advertising (characteristic features are a little-known authentic on the forum, "I tried everything and everything was bad, and then I bought a miracle vehicle and everything became excellent" + characteristic intonation of advertising agents)
But it does not seem to be - all the more confusing to advertise a tool for 125 r

so. Question to the studio - does it really help against seborrhea? Seborrhea tortured uzho, nothing helps from her!

Even changed the diet, lost 6 kg (a side positive effect, however), and seborrhea as it was.

we can try this shampoo - it wasn’t, it won’t be worse, for sale in St. Petersburg?

Re: Tar shampoo

Dream Jan 30, 2006, 2:02 pm

Re: Tar shampoo

Oracle Jan 30, 2006, 2:37 pm

Re: Tar shampoo

Ars Jan 30, 2006 4:27 pm

comrades! what I wrote is not an advertisement, it is an option to help us all.
as I heard from some acquaintances, the effect of the shampoo is there, they become less falling out (they said), and I heard about soap too.
Yesterday I washed them (does not burn, does not cut), the smell is normal ("not nasty").
I will wait for the effect and I will inform you.

Let's help each other!
good luck to all!

Re: Tar shampoo

os Jan 30, 2006 5:43 pm

Here again, two or two.

And just take the Tar natural and wash their heads they did not try.
It is worth a penny.

I can only say that in everything there is a normal salicylic acid, not acetylsalecyl.

Salicylic acid first of all has the ability to snap off (dead cells).

Re: Tar shampoo

Oracle Jan 30, 2006 at 6:48 pm

Re: Tar shampoo

Ars Jan 31, 2006, 3:04 pm

Re: Tar shampoo

Chief physician 08 Feb 2006, 04:43

better not try. Natural tar has a very persistent odor and, moreover, it contains more active impurities that can cause a burn or a strong allergic reaction. It is advisable to use cosmetic products that have been tested and have a certificate of conformity.

Re: Tar shampoo

Ars 09 Feb 2006, 19:36

Re: Tar shampoo

Dream February 10, 2006, 23:22

Re: Tar shampoo

Oracle February 11, 2006, 01:12

Re: Tar shampoo

Dream February 12, 2006, 12:05

Re: Tar shampoo

Forget-me-not February 14, 2006, 12:21


Watch the video: iyla - Shampoo Official Music Video (July 2024).