
How does hair color affect your character?


Hair color tells about the fate ...

It has long been thought that hair carries important information about a person. Hair color determines the character and also affects the fate. There is a huge number of the most diverse signs that are associated with hair. In ancient times, it was believed that long hair can protect against evil.

Today, the hair is easier. They are sheared, increased, painted. And of course it affects our destiny. For example, if you want to get rid of sore memories, then you should cut your hair. And if you want to change your destiny, then you need to change the hair color or drastically change the hairstyle.

Today I invite you to find out what your hair color means. If you change the color, it means that at a subconscious level you want to change your destiny. You acquire new qualities with changing colors.

Hair color can be divided into main groups, with which it will be easier to navigate in a variety of shades.

Black hair give their owners inflexible will power, prudence and the ability to go over their heads to their goal. Brunettes and brunettes are punctual, freedom-loving and capricious. Owners of the darkest hair create strong families and are able to protect their households from any adversity.

Chestnut hair color characterizes insightful people and with a fine mental organization. Holders of such a head of hair inherent balance and composure. They are not subject to panic and are able to find a way out of any difficult situation. Chestnut hair color is most common in people who choose psychology as their profession.

Platinum and light ash shades of hair will point you to energetic people who have the ability to foresee and heal. The extraordinary mind of the owners of such hair allows them to remain mysterious and inaccessible. They are most often engaged in the exact sciences, refuting stereotypes about the stupidity of the owners of blond hair.

Blond curls distinguished poetic personalities. Fair-haired are able to subtly feel the beauty of the world and express it through creativity. Their paths often turns out to be writing, art craft or the art of a designer.

Light blond hair point to open and sociable people, benevolently disposed towards the world. They are wonderful family men, able to support the home and take care of loved ones. Compassion and love for others often leads blondes in the sphere of medicine.

White color Curls points to calm and peace-loving people, who, however, are able to show willpower and fight back their offenders. It is a mistake to consider these people cold and incapable of strong emotions. Under the mask of indifference, they hide bright feelings.

Redheads people are optimistic and fearless, but often subject to mood swings, quick-tempered and unpredictable. Their energy is so strong that they can ignite anyone. People with this hair color are always a sea of ​​ideas that they want to bring to life, but because of their restlessness, they do not always bring things to the end. Their path is leadership, since in the role of a performer they are unlikely to succeed.

Golden curls point to extremely sociable people. They are able to speak anyone and incline others to their side. Owners of this shade, it is important to use their abilities that can best be applied in politics or art.

A source

Light colors

They associate with others with cleanliness, ease, sometimes with carelessness. but owners of blond hair, as a rule, strong-willed personality, who are well aware of their needs and goals, as well as how to implement them - and, not always by their own efforts.

Change of any hair color to blond due desire to add yourself through the external image of tenderness, lightness, softness and femininity. And if we are talking about a cardinal change from a dark and even black color to the lightest, almost white color, then this indicates a desire to start life from scratch.

Light Brown

Perceived as neutral and associated with others with peace and harmony, what inspires confidence in its owner. Such individuals are most often characterized by emotional stability, attention to their spiritual comfort, the ability to make decisions without hesitation and without hesitation.

The desire to dye your hair in blond color will tell about the desire for stability. If we are talking about a cardinal change, for example, from black or light to light brown, this means that a person subconsciously tries to become less noticeable, but at the same time, make a pleasant impression, create a harmonious image.

Brown shades

Owners of such tones are perceived as active, self-sufficient and responsible people. Such an association arises because of the similarity with the shades of nature - the earth, the branches and the trunk of a tree, which, in turn, suggest the thought of a solid support, fertility. Researches of scientists also confirm that women with brown shades are active, purposeful, self-confident and flexible. They can also be described as excellent performers who know how to work in multitasking.

Coloring in brown shades indicates instability, lack of support in life or fear of losing it, difficulties in relationships with significant and close people. That is why women are looking for ways to gain self-confidence, to strengthen their personal boundaries.

Red and red shades

Red-haired women from others associated with movement, dynamics, changeability, mystery. Red strands attract attention, distinguish their possessor from the crowd and are remembered for a long time. From my own observations, I can say that the red-haired beauties are characterized by a change of mood, dreaminess, waywardness, reminiscent of a game without rules. In most cases, these are active people capable of creating movement in any space from any resources.

Changing your natural hair color to red indicates a desire to attract attention, about the desire and even the need to start a new activity or to revive something in your life - for example, to refresh your relationship with a partner.

Black color

Burning brunettes make others stand with them on their guard, because their hair color is unconsciously perceived as a signal of danger. But at the same time with the opposite sex, such women always cause interest. Purposeful brunettes, sometimes prone to risky behavior and passion for extreme sports. Often they are stubborn, insist on their own, so it is not always possible to agree with them. They are characterized by a change of mood: today they are self-confident and are ready to challenge society, and suddenly they become weak, lost and may even become depressed.

Those who repainted brunette, thus want to emphasize the strength of his character, tend to become more attractive to the opposite sex. And sometimes to protest to a beloved man, parents, society.

Natural color

Indicates self-sufficiency, self-acceptance, harmony with itself. And it is beautiful! But sometimes such stability speaks of the reluctance for one reason or another to change anything in one’s life, to develop, to move on.

But if you suddenly have a desire to do the coloring, ask yourself the question: “What is really not enough for me now? I want to become more attractive, more self-confident? ” Try to understand how you feel, what emotional state you are in, what is happening inside you. After all, the external is always a reflection of the internal.

! Of course, one should not judge a person - about his character, condition, desires - and try to predict his actions only by what color he dyed his hair. This is only a small stroke in the overall picture of the individual. After all Each of us is a whole universe consisting of millions of shades.

Planning to change the image, be careful! simple hair coloring is capable of influencing fate. Therefore, its selection is treated with caution so as not to impair your life.

Many factors in life can affect a person’s fate, and hair color is no exception. Be careful, experimenting with the image, so that changing the image does not change your fate for the worse.

The appearance of a person creates a first impression about him and says a lot about his character. This applies to appearance in general, clothing and, of course, hairstyles. Your haircut and hair color are not only part of the image, but also reflect your nature.

Each person is born with a certain color type and makes changes to it during his life. First of all it concerns hair color.

Not only women, but many men sometimes want to radically change their image and think about a new hair color. But do not forget that any changes in appearance are fraught with consequences.

Whether they are positive or not depends on you. If you are still determined to dye your hair, find out how such changes will affect your destiny. Let's help you to decide on the choice of hair color, which will positively affect your destiny.

Light hair shades

For most blondes are characterized by openness and carelessness. People with this natural hair color is much less than the brunet or brown-haired. If a person decides to give his hair a light shade, most likely he wants to add elegance and lightness to his image.

This hair color is ruled by Mercury, which completely destroys the stereotype about the stupidity and naivety of blondes. On the contrary, under the influence of this planet their curiosity, friendliness and sociability are manifested.

They always easily find contact with any people, they like to learn something new and unusual, they prefer not to sit still, but to relax actively, traveling to different cities and countries.

By giving your hair a light shade, you will increase the influence of Mercury. This will help you to open up, express yourself, contribute to self-development and the achievement of goals. But do not forget about the negative features of this planet.

Many people, getting under the influence of Mercury, become not so much sociable as talkative and deceitful. The sense of responsibility for the words spoken disappears, which can simply offend others and thereby turn away even the closest people from you.

Your thoughts may become erratic, and it will be very difficult to focus on a particular case. Therefore, think carefully before lightening hair. Perhaps excessive confidence and openness will harm you and adversely affect your future fate.

Dark hair shades

For brunettes characterized by stamina, the ability to stand up for themselves and determination. However, it is often attributed to people with dark hair color to excessive stiffness and calculating. Having decided to repaint in a dark color, you will be able to give your image a mystery, and thanks to the energy of this shade, it will be easier for you to achieve your goals.

The dark hair color is ruled by Pluto, whose influence gives even more sensuality and mystery to these people. Under the influence of this planet such qualities as confidence, charisma and masculinity appear.

Dark-haired people are not afraid of problems and difficulties, they are always ready to repel provocateurs, while they themselves are not inveterate brawlers. Even on the contrary: brunettes prefer a peaceful atmosphere around them, and any conflicts only draw out vital energy from them.

If you repaint in dark color, Pluto will take you under its auspices. You will feel an extraordinary surge of energy, courage, it will seem to you that there are no such problems in the world that you could not overcome.

However, the planet can awaken negative qualities in you: jealousy, temper, desire to control everything and everyone. You will often try to take risks, sometimes unreasonable, which may cause problems at work and in your personal life. This is especially true of the fair sex.

Powerful and strong woman simply begins to suppress a man, and more often it ends in the collapse of family life. After giving your hair a dark shade, try to control your emotions and do not forget to be yourself.

How red hair color influences fate

Auburn color is a favorite for many women. Red-haired people have a strong character, and they can be very groovy. Since childhood, they have shown courage and perseverance. It is no wonder that this particular hair color is often associated with fire. Undoubtedly, there is a certain spark in these people.

It is not surprising that the sun rules this color. Thanks to his influence, the already bright owners of red hair emit even more light around them. Communicating with such people is enjoyable and improves mood. They can be called unique people both externally and internally.

Their main feature is that they are less likely than other people to suffer from depression or loneliness. Children's immediacy is their main feature, therefore people with red hair have a well-developed imagination, they are creative and most often connect their lives with creative professions.

If you decide to give your hair a bright reddish tint, you will feel an extraordinary inner burst of energy. The influence of the Sun in this case will strengthen your sense of responsibility, which can be well reflected both in work and in the love sphere.

Do not forget about the negative influence of the sun. As a rule, solar people have such traits as arrogance, selfishness and pride.

Not every person will be easy to come to terms with such features of the character of his partner, so it is sometimes very easy for red-haired people to fall in love and get reciprocity, but it is difficult to keep warm relations forever.

To prevent the negative impact of the Sun on your destiny, try to avoid conflicts with other people and excessive temper.

Having decided to repaint, try to take a responsible approach to the choice of color, because any changes in appearance can significantly affect your fate.

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Watch the video: What Does Your Hair Color Say About You? (June 2024).