Work with hair

3 ways to lighten hair with chamomile: how a flower affects curls


Even burning brunettes sometimes want to try on the image of a blonde and see themselves with golden-blond curls. Lightening with chemical preparations helps to achieve this goal, but they severely damage the strands, making them dry, split and brittle. Qualified experts advise to prefer products of natural origin.

Is it possible to lighten the hair with chamomile?

To achieve an effect similar to the use of bleaching compositions, it is impossible by means of plants. If you ask the hairdressers whether the chamomile brightens the hair, experts will answer that blondes with its help can give the curls a soft glow and make them brighter by a maximum of one tone under the condition of regular use. Dark strands will simply acquire a golden sheen and shine in the sun.

How to lighten hair with chamomile at home?

To achieve noticeable results, it is important to constantly and systematically process the curls, preferably every day. There are two ways to lighten the hair with chamomile, one is suitable for blond women, the other is recommended for brunettes and brown-haired women. In the first case, it is necessary to rinse the strands with a special decoction after washing the head. The stronger the infusion is, the faster the effect will appear. The second option involves mixing plant materials with other bleaching products and applying such compounds as masks.

Women with blond strands love chamomile hair brightening - the photos before and after long-term regular procedures show that they become brighter and fill with a golden glow and brilliance. Additionally, the locks become stronger, cease to break and split at the ends. In winter, they are almost not electrified and protected from dehydration.

Chamomile hair rinsing for lightening

To prepare a natural bleaching solution will require environmentally friendly natural raw materials. Chamomile pharmacy is perfect - hair clarification will occur gently and without damage. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the described plant, irritation, dandruff and peeling will disappear. It is important to bleach chamomile hair every day — the effect will not be noticeable before and after one procedure. The expressed results will appear at least in a month.

Chamomile decoction for lightening hair

Both fresh flowers and dried raw materials are suitable for the manufacture of the presented product.

Chamomile for lightening hair - a recipe

  • Chamomile flowers - 30-40 g,
  • boiling water - 220-240 ml.

Washed vegetable raw material to fill with existing boiling water, quickly stir and cover the container with a lid. Wait until the decoction cools, strain it. Chamomile bleaching hair, rinsing them with the resulting solution after each shampooing. It is undesirable to dry the curls under a towel or by means of a hair dryer, it is better to let them dry naturally.

Brightening hair with chamomile and lemon

Citrus juice contains a lot of acid, which has pronounced bleaching properties. The option under consideration, how to lighten hair with camomile, will help to give a golden shine even to dark strands. It is necessary to apply such a mask frequently and for a long time, over several months, in order for the result of the procedures to be clearly visible.

The recipe for lightening hair with chamomile for brown-haired women and brunettes

  • boiling water - 220-230 ml,
  • flowers of plants - 7-8 st. spoons
  • lemon - 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil (any) - 35 ml.

Boil the herbal base in boiling water, then the solution on the steam bath for about 25 minutes. Cover the broth with a tight lid, wait for it to cool. Strain the mixture mixed with fresh juice, extruded from one lemon, and oil. Available means apply on the entire surface of the strands, wrap with cellophane. After half an hour, remove the cap, give the curls a little dry. Wash off the bleaching mask with a mild shampoo.

Lightening hair with chamomile and glycerin

The proposed drug makes blond or blond braids bright and shiny, gives them a healthy glossy shine. Such a chamomile hair lightening can serve as a way of washing them. A mixture of cosmetic glycerin and plant base gently cleanses the strands, often used instead of shampoo. It is recommended to apply it not daily, but in a day or less.

Chamomile mask for lightening hair

  • dried flowers of the plant - 150-160 g,
  • water - 500-650 ml,
  • highly purified glycerin - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Boil the water, pour it with a grass base. Until the solution has completely cooled, do not remove the cap from the container. Strain the chilled composition, mix it with cosmetic glycerin, shake for 8-9 minutes. This tool to wash your hair, carefully massaging the strands. After 1-1.5 months, the curls will get a yellow-golden hue and bright luster.

Lightening hair with chamomile and honey

The product of beekeeping, in addition to slight discoloration and shining of the strands, helps to cope with many problems of the epidermis of the head:

Brightening hair with chamomile honey and lemon

  • pharmaceutical flowers - 25-35 g,
  • water - 1.25 cups,
  • May honey - 45-55 g.

Boil clean water, steam it plant base. Allow the infusion to cool completely. Filter the solution, squeeze the precipitate in the form of swollen flowers. Mix the resulting liquid with honey. Apply the composition as a standard mask. Leave it on strands for 2-2.5 hours. From above, it is better to wear a warming cap. After the procedure, wash your hair thoroughly with a silicone-free shampoo.

Brightening hair with chamomile and peroxide

The latest technique of bleaching curls is very effective, it provides a change in the shade of even dark strands. It is important to use it carefully, such chamomile hair lightening can damage them, because the components of the treatment solution are aggressive chemicals. If you apply the liquid too often, the curls can become brittle, dry and lifeless, begin to split and fall out.

Chamomile and hydrogen peroxide hair lightening

  • vodka (or a mixture of water and alcohol) - 600 ml,
  • flowers (fresh or dry) - 150-160 g,
  • hydrogen peroxide concentration of 3% - 50-55 ml.

Vegetable raw materials washed under the tap. Let the water drain, put the flowers in a glass bottle. Fill the base with vodka, close the container tightly. Put it in a cool room without light. After 2 weeks shake, strain. Add hydrogen peroxide to the alcohol brew and mix the liquids. Saturate a cotton swab with a solution, smear it with strands. Leave on for 30-45 minutes.

After performing the bleaching need to wash your hair with shampoo. It is advisable to use organic hygienic cosmetics that will not damage the curls. Hairdressers are advised to additionally apply a nourishing or moisturizing balm. You can also compensate for the harm from the proposed method of clarification and homemade natural masks.

Consequences of hair lightening with chemical dyes

Many girls are eager to have beautiful blond curls. What are the only ways they do not go to achieve this goal! It would seem that it is enough just to visit the salon or buy paint in the store, and everything - the dream will become a reality ...

But in this case, the hair will certainly suffer, and not the fact that they can be restored quickly and without major expenses. The principle of action of chemical paints is the "burning out" of the natural pigment. Before staining is shown to hold a course of firming masks, and some experienced hairdressers advise to come to the procedure with a slightly dirty head, explaining this by the presence of a layer on the hair that will prevent the detrimental effect of the dye. But one thing is clear: no matter how dirty the hair, whatever masks it fueled before the “chemical attack”, the consequences cannot be avoided. Luxurious curls after such exposure lose their natural luster and thickness, become brittle and naughty, dryness is observed. After some time, they acquire an unpleasant yellow tint, which can only be eliminated by repeated clarification.

In addition, the procedure in the cabin has its own contraindications:

  • Damaged, brittle, dehydrated hair in any case can not be lightened by chemical means, as this will only aggravate their condition.
  • Rare and thin from the nature of the curls after clarification will seem even thinner, and with the negative impact of chemistry in general will begin to fall.

Common grass, but how many properties

In ancient times, when women did not know such means as brighteners or hair-dyes, they used exclusively natural methods of maintaining and increasing beauty. One of these helpers was chamomile.

Healing herb

The herb has in its composition essential oils, resins, a number of vitamins, natural dyes, carotenoids, minerals. All this has a beneficial effect on the hair, so you can talk about the benefits for a long time.

Here is just a small list of the positive effects of chamomile:

  • preventing tangling of hair
  • prevention of hair loss due to the strengthening of the hair follicles,
  • anti-dandruff
  • giving your hair a healthy shine and light shade
  • growth acceleration
  • getting rid of fat
  • masking gray hair,
  • giving smoothness and tenderness to hair.

How to cook and use decoctions for clarification

Chamomile decoction not only contributes to an easy change in shade, but also gives the hair nutrition. This tool can be used by people with any hair color. For blonde ladies this is the way to healthy strands with a rich sun tint, brown-haired women and brunettes with it can give their hair a golden glare. It should be understood that the use of chamomile, like any other method, will not give instant results. The application should be included in the mandatory procedures, such as washing the head and brushing your teeth. So, how to lighten the hair with chamomile decoction?

Prepare a decoction of flowers in several ways:

  • 2 tablespoons of medicinal chamomile pour a glass of boiling water over it and let it stand under the lid for half an hour.
  • 4 tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for half an hour.
  • a glass of chamomile pharmaceutical pour liter of hot water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 5 minutes.

For more intense clarification, the number of flowers is increased, and the amount of water, on the contrary, is reduced.

Chamomile gives a great result

Important: after lightening, the strands should never be wiped with a towel, only propelling with light movements is allowed - so the pigment will remain on the hair longer. You should not also dry your hair with a hair dryer, you need to wait until they dry naturally.

Many people prefer to use a decoction of only one chamomile, but adding additional ingredients to it will give the agent special properties.. For example, blond hair will refresh camomile rosemary infusion:

  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile mixed with the same amount of rosemary, pour ¾ cup of vodka and leave in a bottle of dark glass for 2 weeks. After the infusion is ready, it must be drained and lubricated with the scalp 2 times a week. Visible results can be achieved after 3-4 applications.

Also, a chamomile decoction with nettles has become particularly popular, since these two plants are just a storehouse of nutrients and salvation for curls:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of raw materials, pour in a liter of water and boil for 5–10 minutes, cool and moisten the hair along the entire length with a mixture. Next, they tie a head with a handkerchief or towel and hold it for 20 minutes, after the prescribed time, they wet the hair with chamomile essence, which can be bought at any pharmacy, and after an hour, rinse the hair with chamomile broth. This procedure, although it takes a lot of time, but the result is already after the first application.

Chamomile masks: lightening and help curls at home

Glycerin can be used to strengthen the coloring pigment of chamomile, which holds hair flakes together and envelops it.. This mask is prepared as follows:

  • 100 g of chamomile pour a glass of boiling water, leave to brew for half an hour, then filter and add 50 g of glycerin. The composition is evenly applied to the entire mass of hair, the head is covered with polyethylene and wrapped. Exposure occurs within 1 hour. Using such a mask once a week for a month will give a lasting lightening effect.

For quick and effective clarification, use a camomile mask with honey and lemon. It has long been known that honey and lemon contribute very well to lightening, and in combination with chamomile this effect will be stronger and more durable:

  • 5 tablespoons of chamomile pour a glass of water, give the broth to infuse for 1 hour, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey. Such a mixture is quite thick, so it is distributed from the roots along the entire length. Long-haired ladies can gather strands in a bun and wrap a head with a towel. After 40–50 minutes, the head is washed with shampoo and allowed to curl to dry naturally. The result will be visible after the first application.
Lemon and honey will help your hair to get the desired shade of light

A good effect can be obtained when bleaching with chamomile in combination with only lemon:

  • 25 g of chamomile pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour. After the mixture is filtered, ½ lemon juice is added to it. The composition is applied to the entire mass of hair, wrapped and held for 2-3 hours, then washed off without the use of shampoo. One time is enough to make the curls have a pleasant sunny shade.


Be careful! Many people suffer from various types of allergies, including allergies to chamomile, and are not even aware of this.

Therefore, before starting the procedure, you need to put a ready strong broth on the elbow bend or wrist. If in the near future an allergic reaction is not manifested, then we can safely proceed.

  • It is also worth remembering that the mask with glycerin is contraindicated if there is noticeable damage to the skin. Until the wounds on the head have healed, wait a little with lightening.
  • Pregnant women are strongly advised to consult a doctor before the procedure, especially if the masks with rosemary, nettle or glycerin in the composition are selected.

Brightening hair with chamomile deserves people's love. This is evidenced by reviews of enthusiastic girls who have tried this wonderful tool.

My grandmother told me how to lighten hair with chamomile. It is worth noting that this method of lightening will only benefit your hair.


Miracle flower for lightening hair with a bonus in the form of care for them.


Hair remains healthy, the tips do not split from experiments with hairstyles and frequent repainting.


Why spend money and gradually kill hair chemistry? Chamomile flowers will lighten the hair and permanently retain their structure, brilliance, thickness and chic appearance. Among the varieties of recipes with chamomile choose the one that is pleasant and suitable, and then the substances contained in chamomile, will do everything themselves.

How to apply chamomile

To obtain a home brightener from the pharmaceutical chamomile flowers, a decoction is prepared. The intensity of the action depends on its strength. Dried inflorescences of this plant can be purchased ready-made in any pharmacy. Or independently collect flowers in the summer and dry them. In this case, it is necessary to store the inflorescences in a box or a bag of thick fabric no more than a year.

Flowers have long been known for their universal healing properties.Chamomile affects not only the hair itself, but also makes its roots as healthy as the scalp. But her dignity does not end there. Not every woman knows how to lighten her hair with chamomile. To make the curl color lighter by several tones, it is recommended to regularly use the decoction of this miraculous plant. Then brown hair gets a light shade of copper, and light brown becomes light and golden. For natural blondes, it is better to refuse such a procedure, otherwise their curls will have a dirty yellowish play. Burning brunettes chamomile for lightening hair also does not bring the desired results.

Precautions before brightening dark hair with chamomile

Allergic symptoms such as runny nose, skin rashes, asthma attacks can manifest on any plants, including healing ones. Knowing this, this begs the question: how can you dye your hair with chamomile without fear of allergies?

The answer is simple - it is recommended to test for possible intolerance of a component in advance.

How to find out if there is an allergy to chamomile?

This will require actions that are advised to perform the day before lightening hair.

  1. Boil chamomile decoction (infusion should be strong).
  2. Apply it on the skin, for example, behind the ear or on the wrist.

After 10-12 hours, you need to consider the area where the test was conducted. If the skin on it is calm, there are no signs of redness, inflammation, peeling and itching, then there are no contraindications to the use of this plant. In the event that there is at least one of the listed symptoms - you should not take the risk.

Useful recipes with chamomile: decoctions with lemon, honey, peroxide, glycerin

Chamomile hair lightening will have a significant effect if mixed with other ingredients: nettle, lemon juice, glycerin or honey. The following are some effective and simple recipes.

  • To prepare a decoction of chamomile and lemon juice will need:
  1. put chopped chamomile (50 g) in a bowl and pour boiling water (one glass), heat the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes,
  2. further it is necessary to strain the broth and squeeze lemon in it (1 pc.),
  3. apply broth to the washed head, wrap it and leave for an hour or one and a half,
  4. rinse hair.

  • To make a healing infusion of chamomile and nettle requires:
  1. chamomile flowers (1 tbsp. spoon) put in a suitable dish and add the nettle rhizome, pour boiling water (half a liter) and leave for 30 minutes,
  2. apply broth to clean curls and cover with a warm cloth for an hour,
  3. wash off and dry your head without a hairdryer.

Choose a suitable recipe and do not forget that natural products are very useful for your hair.

  • A simple way to lighten chamomile hair:

    Chamomile for hair is a natural source of their strength, health and beauty of color. Unlike chemical dyes in similar ways you can lighten your curls even during pregnancy, of course, after making sure that there are no allergic reactions.

    Features of the medicinal plant

    Since ancient times, it is known that lightening hair with chamomile is very effective. The plant, in addition to the brightening effect, strengthens and nourishes the strands, because it contains many such important components for this:

    Pharmaceutical chamomile inflorescences contain a large amount of carotene - a yellow-orange pigment, the presence of which accounts for the lightening properties of this plant.

    • essential oils,
    • various vitamins
    • minerals
    • acids,
    • dyes,
    • flavonoids,
    • polysaccharides,
    • coumarin compounds.

    The plant is actively used in the cosmetic industry, because, in addition to lightening the hair, it also has a positive effect on the roots and scalp and improves the general condition of the curls. With it you can:

    • restore the structure of the strands,
    • increase the thickness of the strands with chamomile and strengthen the roots,
    The plant is actively used in the cosmetic industry,
    • make it soft
    • restore elasticity
    • accelerate growth
    • reduce the loss
    • return shine
    • remove dandruff.

    You can prepare drugs with additional ingredients and chamomile in fresh and dried form.

    Homemade recipes for clarifying curls

    Modern women are increasingly choosing time-tested products based on natural ingredients. That is why today, more than ever, the question of how to lighten hair with chamomile, is quite relevant. To see if chamomile brightens the hair, it is recommended to pay attention to the photo before and after the procedure.

    In order to lighten the curls with chamomile, you need to start to prepare a decoction of the inflorescences of this plant, which can be used both in pure form and in combination with other components that enhance its action

    As a basis for homemade recipes, a decoction of flowers is needed, into which additional ingredients are added to enhance the effect. It is quite simple to make a decoction: 50–100 g of raw materials (depending on length), pour water (1 cup) and bring the solution to a boil in a water bath under the lid, then boil for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Use the solution for wetting clean strands. Keep on head 40-50 minutes, depending on the required degree of clarification. Rinse without shampoo. To do this, you can use ready-made concentrated product diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

    Chamomile lightening can be made more efficient by using masks made from basic raw materials. Flower broth (1 cup) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon) combine, add 50 g of glycerin to the liquid. For dry strands, you can add a spoonful of olive oil. Apply the mixture to clean wet curls, warm and hold for at least half an hour. It all depends on what result you want to get. This composition with glycerin and lemon will help the strands to acquire a deep golden hue and make them soft. The procedure should be repeated up to two times a week for a month.

    Using chamomile as a lightening agent for hair is a simple matter, and the result of such procedures can exceed all your expectations.

    The following recipe with lemon is prepared as follows: insist on a glass of boiling water, plant flowers (1 spoon) for 1 hour, strain, pour juice from half a lemon into the liquid. It is necessary to apply such broth on all length, maintaining not less than an hour.

    You can add turmeric to the blend with chamomile and lemon to add hair: the main raw material - 3 spoons, turmeric - a teaspoon and zest of one lemon pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for two hours. Strain the solution daily to process curls.

    Another recipe with lemon will tell you how to lighten the hair with chamomile. You need to take 4 lemons, squeeze the juice out of them and add it to the decoction from our flowers (for normal hair type) or to the conditioner (for the dry type) and leave for 15 minutes, then spread over the surface of the hair. Combine a glass of healing broth with honey (100 g) and add a spoonful of lemon juice. Moisten wet curls with liquid, warm and leave for an hour. After rinsing, dry naturally. The proposed composition with chamomile and honey will give a shade a golden hue and will additionally strengthen the roots.

    Burdock oil, honey and oil extract of the plant to take in equal proportions (1 spoon) and mix with the yolk. Use a mask with chamomile and honey as intended. About the effect of this recipe women leave only positive feedback.

    The chamomile lightening method with various additional ingredients is more often used for light brown hair in order to obtain a beautiful golden hue, but the chamomile brightening of dark hair will change color after a few treatments by just one tone.

    Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide, along with the use of herbal ingredients, remains one of the most popular methods, equally suitable for brunettes and blondes.

    The latest technique of bleaching curls is very effective, it provides a change in shade, even dark strands

    Recipes with hydrogen peroxide and the main raw materials help to get a wonderful shade and even eliminate gray hair. In addition to chamomile decoction, homemade recipes often use essential oil prepared from it. It is recommended to use it to solve problems:

    • slow growth
    • split ends
    • fine and dry strands
    • dandruff
    • fragility.

    If you add it to the mask, the essential oil lightens the hair by 1-2 tones, but to achieve this effect, you will have to use ether regularly:

    • add 2-3 drops to shampoo or mask,
    • carry out procedures every other day,
    • cover the head with polyethylene, additionally using a heated towel,
    • To avoid greasy residue, rinse off the oil very carefully.

    Flower picking rules

    For those who prefer not only to prepare homemade cosmetics, but also independently collect raw materials for them, you need to learn a few simple recommendations:

    • collect flowers only in late May or early June,
    • Chamomile is suitable for lightening hair exclusively healing (pharmacy),
    • it is desirable to collect plants away from the roads,

    In the manufacture of home remedies, it is necessary to take into account that ready-made decoctions are stored no more than a week, after which all their useful properties are lost. By following these simple recommendations, you can get high-quality raw materials that will show a positive result, and regular rinsing with chamomile with the addition of various ingredients is not inferior in efficiency to many salon procedures.

    Useful properties of chamomile for the body

    Chamomile pharmacy has long been famous for its beneficial properties, because it has a positive effect on almost all processes in the body. For example:

    • high efficiency of the plant in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, spasms, flatulence),
    • relieves menstrual pain in women, is used for douching in diseases of the urogenital system,
    • fights against all sorts of cosmetic skin ailments (boils, acne, eczema),
    • helps to normalize sleep and sleep,
    • used in the treatment of SARS,
    • has anti-inflammatory properties, is prescribed for stomatitis,
    • used in case of eye diseases (conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, redness of the eyelids),
    • widely known in cosmetology for dandruff and hair loss,
    • raises appetite.

    This is not the whole list of healing properties of this plant.

    There are contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual component intolerance.

    Healing and cosmetic properties

    Most often, this unique flower is consumed inside, making a decoction or infusion. Decoction helps reduce intestinal irritation, relieve gastritis symptoms, and is often used for stomach disorders. The decoction has an absorbing effect and well removes toxins from the body.

    Chamomile tea helps relieve fatigue, calm the nervous system and improve sleep. Tea and drink in order to relieve sore throat with diseases like SARS, flu and sore throat. Infusion inflorescences are used for inhalation, with inflammation of the respiratory tract. And also infusion is used in conjunctivitis, rubbing the eyelids. Tincture is used for rinsing the head, it soothes the skin, making the hair well-groomed and strong. Infusion is often used in the fight against dandruff.

    Infusion can wipe the skin of the face, it will rejuvenate and give the skin a healthy glow. To this day, when bathing babies in water, a decoction of flowers is added so that sleep becomes calmer, and such a bath removes small inflammations and various rashes on delicate, childish skin, which needs gentle care and soft care.

    Fans of natural folk hair care products have long ago found out whether it is possible to lighten hair with chamomile. A decoction of chamomile to lighten hair can make the shade lighter softly and without damaging them.

    Keep in mind, that chamomile hair dyeing will get a maximum of 3-4 tone or less. For stronger bleaching, we recommend using other methods, such as Hydroperit.

    Chamomile recipes for lightening hair

    To find out how chamomile brightens hair, it is recommended to alternate several recipes. Let us examine several recipes and find out how to lighten or dye hair with chamomile at home:

    This recipe, which includes chamomile and lemon to lighten the hair came to us from the Ancient East. Despite the fact that the eastern girls mostly dark-haired, they never forgot about the use of lemon for cosmetic purposes. Lemon juice helps to achieve clarification due to its acid.

    1. 25 g of flowers, pour 1 tbsp. hot water and leave to infuse for 1 hour.
    2. Strain and add lemon juice half.
    3. Apply the composition at full length and wrap in a towel, leaving for 20-30 minutes.
    4. Wash your head with your favorite shampoo and apply any balsam.

    The mask recipe is not limited to chamomile and lemon, you can add turmeric and olive oil. The ingredients can be combined and combined, the result will be excellent, for example, the use of honey and lemon for clarification gives a good result.

    Many women note that the use of honey to brighten in combination with a decoction of chamomile brought them noticeable changes in the color of her hair. It would seem that some simple ingredients, but how much good! After all, honey not only brightens the hair, but also returns a natural look and bright shine.

    1. 1 pack of pharmaceutical chamomile Pour 2 tbsp. water.
    2. Bring to a boil, then cover and let stand for 30 minutes, then strain.
    3. Add lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of honey.
    4. Apply to a clean head, leaving for 1.5-2 hours.
    5. Rinse with warm water. Apply 1 time per week.

    There is a simplified version of the mask. 25 g of dried flowers pour 100 ml of water, bring to a boil and reduce heat. After 15 minutes, remove from heat, leaving to cool. Strain and add 1 tsp. honey Spread the mixture evenly on clean, wet curls, cover with a cap and wrap in a warm towel. Hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    With glycerin

    The recipe with the addition of glycerin is not in vain considered one of the most beloved by women. Glycerin has enveloping properties and is able to fix the coloring pigment inside the hair. Due to this clarification will keep its effect longer. To make a mask:

    1. Take 100 grams of chamomile and cover with 1 cup of boiling water.
    2. Insist 30 minutes after straining and add 50 grams of glycerin.
    3. Apply the mixture evenly on the strands and warm with a towel for 1 hour.
    4. Rinse with warm water.

    With saffron

    Spices are used not only in cooking, but also in hairdressing, in particular, to lighten the shade. Saffron, rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon - all these spices help to get a soft golden or honey tint.

    1. 2 tbsp. l inflorescences mix with a small pinch of saffron and pour 1 glass of hot water.
    2. After 30 minutes, strain and add lemon juice.
    3. Apply to clean, wet curls and after 25 minutes, rinse with cool water.

    Chamomile hair lightening photo before and after

    Homemade shampoo with chamomile

    In the cosmetic industry, the use of plant flowers is quite in demand. The flower contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, essential oils. It is often added to shampoos and anti-aging cream. Make shampoo with chamomile for lightening hair can be at home.

    1. 2 tbsp. l inflorescences pour half a glass of boiling water.
    2. The resulting composition wrap in a warm towel and leave to infuse for half an hour.
    3. Then strain and add the same amount of regular baby shampoo.

    This shampoo should be stored no more than a week, because the result depends on the period of freshness. With constant use, the effect does not make it difficult to wait for yourself - your curls will become shiny and obedient. Many cosmetic companies are ready to offer their own version of the brightening hair shampoo.

    Tip! To strengthen and give shine to hair, you can use just a decoction, rinsing your head with it after each wash.

    • If you decide to lighten up gray hair, before applying the lightening masks, you need to additionally process the strands with a thick cream or butter.
    • Hair can not be lightened at least a week after perm.
    • On the day of the procedure is not allowed to use the pool. Reagents in water may give an unexpected and undesired color.
    • If the hair is damaged, then a week before lightening, treat them with nourishing masks.
    • To use the mask with honey you need to buy floral, light honey, of good quality.
    • You should not wait for full clarification, but it is quite possible to count on 3-4 tones brighter. To achieve the desired effect is easier for fair-haired women, red and dark hair will have to do more procedures.
    • The procedures will be most successful if applied to damp hair.

    In addition to chamomile, there are a lot of folk remedies for home hair lightening:

    For those who want radical changes, we recommend using hydrogen peroxide or trying to brighten hair with soda. Before lightening previously painted curls, be sure to familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure, otherwise you risk damaging your hair.

    Useful videos

    Tips on lightening hair with chamomile you can look at the video:

    How chamomile brightens hair

    For therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, they use chamomile flowers, as they produce the most nutrients. Dried flower baskets contain 0.2-0.9% essential oil. Due to the high content of chamazulene, the oil obtained from the flower baskets has a thick consistency and a dark blue color. During storage, chamazulene is oxidized by oxygen, and the color of the oil becomes green first and then brown.

    The broth made from these inflorescences has color of saturated tea.

    Chamazulene in the essential oil is about 10%. According to scientific research, it has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulates the growth of connective tissue and the healing of ulcers. It is used in the manufacture of toothpastes, baby soap and other cosmetic products for skin care. Due to the content of chamazulene chamomile soothes the scalp, eliminates itching and dandruff.

    The clear advantage of chamomile, as a lightening agent, is a mild effect on the hair. She gradually nourishes them with natural dye, providing a golden shade and shine. Unlike chemical paints, chamomile does not harm the hair and does not dry the scalp.

    In folk medicine, chamomile has found very wide application. Including her attributed almost miraculous effect on the hair. It is said that it prevents loss, improves structure, accelerates growth and increases density. In fact, these properties are not proven by research and you should not rely on them.

    Chamomile contains a small amount of choline. Because of this, the effect of preventing hair loss and improving their structure is attributed to the plant. This is not entirely true. In 2007, scientists from Wickett R.R., Kossmann E. and co-authors conducted a study involving 48 volunteers with weak hair and alopecia. After 9 months of oral administration of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, participants received an improvement in the skin micro-relief, hair morphological and mechanical properties. Thus, choline in the composition of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid with long-term use is indeed a positive effect. However, when applied externally, chamomile is not observed.

    Simply put, to get a positive effect, chamomile should be consumed inside in the form of tea or broth. When applied topically - rinsing the hair - these effects are practically not manifested.

    In fact, such a decoction is nothing more than a light dye. It has practically no therapeutic effect.

    The proven properties of these wildflowers are only anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, choleretic and sedative actions. They are listed both in the instructions to the pharmacy collections, and in reference books of medicinal herbs. Due to these properties, chamomile, in addition to the brightening effect, also soothes the scalp, reduces peeling and dandruff.

    What type of hair is chamomile?

    Chamomile has a soft lightening and coloring effect. Most of all, it is suitable for women with natural blond or brown hair, easily susceptible to dyeing. Rate her properties can and blonde women with the appearance of the first gray hair. With regular use, chamomile provides almost monochromatic color and healthy shine. However, it does not prevent the appearance of gray hair and does not eliminate the existing gray hair.

    To obtain a brightening effect, home remedies should be used regularly for one to two months. In light-haired girls a light shade will appear in a couple of weeks, and the owners of dark and red women will have to show more patience. Gradually, chamomile provides clarification of three to four tones. It’s not worth waiting for a plant from a plant - it will not give a quick result and, after one or two uses, the hair color will not change.

    The photo below shows what result can be obtained with a long rinse hair chamomile. On the left - hair before applying chamomile, on the right - after:

    It can be seen that after a course of chamomile decoction, the hair roots were lightened and the intensity of the yellow color significantly decreased.

    This natural remedy can be used by women with any type of hair: normal, dry and oily. The flower will not significantly improve their condition, but it will not do even harm to the dry, which compares favorably with potent commercial preparations.

    Another chamomile is used to lighten hair on the body and hands. At the same time in all recipes there are other components, for example, lemon or hydrogen peroxide. To a greater degree it is they who have a bleaching effect, but only blond girls can count on it too. In addition, the same peroxide can severely burn the scalp, so it is sometimes dangerous to use it.

    In some cases, chamomile does not help lighten hair

    Sometimes the coloring property of chamomile is misunderstood. The plant is mistakenly expected to act as a light paint. However, it is not. When using this flower, dark hair will become slightly lighter, but they will not turn over into a light blond or golden color. Chamomile retains its natural color, making it a few shades lighter.

    With great care to use the flowers need on dyed hair. Although the plant has a mild effect, manifested with prolonged use, in this case, the effect may be unexpected. During dyeing, chemical dye molecules penetrate the hair structure. Chamomile also contains active biological substances and natural paints. During washing or rinsing the head, a chemical reaction and discoloration of the hair can occur.

    It is advisable to rinse dyed hair first times with diluted broth and monitor the result.

    On hair dyed with henna or Basmoa, chamomile products are also better not to apply. They will not help wash away the dyes, but only add a new shade.

    Chamomile recipes for lightening hair

    To lighten the hair at home, you can prepare masks, shampoos or rinses. Depending on the desired result, in addition to chamomile, you can add other ingredients. You can use the collection of chamomile, bought in a pharmacy, tea bags, essential oil or self-assembled flower baskets of pharmacy chamomile.

    Chamomile oil contains all the components that cause chamomile action, but it is also very expensive.

    The easiest way to prepare shampoo with chamomile. For its preparation will require:

    • 3 tablespoons dry inflorescences,
    • 1/4 piece of baby soap,
    • 400 ml of boiling water.
      The inflorescences are filled with boiling water and left for half an hour. After this infusion is filtered. While the flowers are steamed, a quarter of a piece of baby soap is cut and grated. To make it easier, before that soap can be briefly put in the freezer. Soap chips are also poured with boiling water and stirred well to make the product uniform. When the soap base and chamomile extract cool, they are mixed.

    A mask for lightening hair is usually made with lemon: its juice contains a lot of acid, which provides an additional lightening effect. This recipe can be used with normal or oily hair and no irritation on the scalp.

    Lemon in the mask enhances the brightening effect of chamomile.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 25 grams of dry chamomile inflorescences,
    • Half a fresh lemon,
    • 1 cup boiling water.
      The inflorescences are filled with boiling water and left for an hour, then filtered. The juice is squeezed out of the lemon directly into the cooled infusion. This juice can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of citric acid or apple cider vinegar.

    The resulting product should wet the hair, wrap them in cellophane (you can wear a bathing cap) and a warm towel. Half an hour later, the head is washed with shampoo. If there is a burning sensation due to citric acid, you can wash it off earlier.

    Partly due to undesirable effects caused by lemon juice, it is not added to the mask.

    A similar mask can be made with glycerin. He also has a slight lightening effect. Due to its structure, it envelops the hair and helps to keep the coloring pigment inside. It is used to speed up the process of staining. Glycerin slightly dries the scalp, so it can be used with oily hair type. On dry to use the tool should be careful not to overdry the skin.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 100 grams of pharmaceutical chamomile,
    • 50 grams of glycerin,
    • 1 cup boiling water.

    Pour boiling water over the flowers and leave for half an hour. When the liquid has cooled down a little, strain it and add glycerin. Apply the product to dry or slightly damp hair. Wrap your head with a film and a warm scarf. After 60 minutes, rinse with warm water, no need to wash with shampoo.

    For painting gray hair on blond hair, chamomile tincture with hydrogen peroxide is used. With regular use, it gives the hairstyle a uniform golden hue.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 150 grams of chamomile,
    • 500 ml of vodka
    • 50 ml peroxide.
      Fill the chamomile with vodka and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark cool place. Vodka can be replaced with 70% alcohol, then the ratio of flowers and alcohol should be 1: 1. It is desirable that the container was glass and dark in color. It must be closed with a lid so that the alcohol does not erode. After two weeks, the tincture must be filtered and pour peroxide into it. It is recommended to apply the product on dry or slightly damp hair and leave it for an hour, then rinse the head well with shampoo to remove the smell of alcohol. This recipe cannot be used with alcohol intolerance.

    The recipe for masks with honey and cinnamon is also very popular in folk cosmetology. Honey and cinnamon contain natural dyes and give the hair a golden hue. This recipe is used to obtain a more pronounced coloring effect.

    For example, in the photo below on the left - the hair before applying such a mask, on the right - after several sessions with it:

    For cooking you will need:

    • 50 grams of camomile pharmaceutical,
    • 3 tbsp. l liquid honey
    • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon,
    • 2 glasses of water.
      Put the flowers in a small container, cover with water and put on a slow fire. Immediately after boiling, move the container to another place and let the broth stand for 30 minutes, then strain it. Add honey and cinnamon. Apply the mixture on dry or slightly damp hair for an hour and a half, then rinse well with plain water.

    Separate form of means for clarification of hair - spray. The advantage of it - ease of use. It can be sprayed daily on dry hair and not rinsed. Also with the help of a spray, you can create the effect of burnt hair or light highlighting. To do this, apply it to the individual strands.

    This chamomile-based spray can be perfectly prepared by yourself at home.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 2 tablespoons of chamomile,
    • 1 lemon,
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon,
    • 1/4 teaspoon honey
    • 1 teaspoon coconut oil.
      Pour the chamomile with 2 cups of boiling water and hold on a water bath for a quarter of an hour. When the decoction has cooled, strain it and pour it into a deep container. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well; the product should be homogeneous. If honey or coconut oil have a firm consistency, they must be melted before adding. Pour the prepared tool into a bottle with a spray. Shake before use.

    What means with chamomile are more rational and more efficient - homemade, or store?

    Chamomile is a part of many cosmetics. It is in shampoos, masks and balms for rinsing. The description of most products speaks about its positive effect on the condition of the hair. Chamomile-based special bleaching agents are very few, most often this effect is indicated as an additional one. It is mainly only in some products, for example, in a lightening spray from the company Claire for light and brown hair. Its cost is approximately 1000 rubles. Prepare a similar spray at home will be much cheaper.

    Also, when choosing store supplies, one must take into account that, besides the natural components, they usually contain chemicals. If you want to use only natural products, most likely you will have to cook them at home. To speed up the manufacturing process, you can use chamomile tea bags or chamomile essential oil. The latter is more expensive than the herbal fee, but you need only a few drops to prepare a mask or rinse.

    Rules of application

    To lighten hair with home remedies, they should be used regularly: shampoos, masks and conditioners 3-4 times a week, and spray every day. On blond hair, the first result will be noticeable after 1-2 weeks, on dark ones - it will appear later. On average, to lighten the hair by 3-4 tones you need to process them for a half to two months. To hide gray hair and give the hair a honey tint, you can rinse them with chamomile after each shampooing.

    All homemade products should not be kept for long. Shampoo can be used within 1 week. Broth, infusion or mask at room temperature can be stored for 2 days, and in the refrigerator up to 4 days.

    The benefits of natural coloring

    Of course, homemade tools for lightening hair will not turn the stinging brunette into a bright blonde. But to lighten the hair on a few tones, they are quite capable.

    In addition, these tools have advantages over chemical analogues:

    • availability,
    • lack of chemicals in the composition,
    • security,
    • additional therapeutic effect.

    Home remedies do not have a negative impact on the hair structure. Homemade paints do not contain ammonia. They destroy the hair structure and make it fragile and dry.

    You can lighten hair several times a month. That is, constantly update the shade without harm to the hair. The components included in the folk remedies for lightening, not only color, but also help the hair to recover, give shine and strength.

    Home improvement products are always at hand, cheap and effective.

    Ways to lighten your hair at home

    There are so many ways to lighten hair without resorting to purchased, aggressive inks. Of course, changing the color radically will not work, but in most cases this is not necessary. For home lighting used:

    • Herbal decoctions.
    • Natural masks with whitening ingredients.
    • Less aggressive chemicals.

    Before using masks, shampoos and home paints need to conduct testing for allergic reactions. A little means to put on the elbow bend or behind the ears. Wait ten minutes. If during this time nothing has changed, then the product can be used without fear. If itching, redness, irritation, then the tool can not be used.

    Herbal Broths

    Lighten hair at home can be a variety of herbs. Chamomile, nettle, rhubarb and other plants will do.

    The most famous and simple method of lightening hair - regular daisy. It gives the hair a nice golden straw color. But women can use it only with blond hair. Daisy has no effect on brunettes. In addition, the plant copes with seborrhea, gives a firming and antibacterial effect. It can even slightly mask light gray hair. Decoction with chamomile: two spoons of flowers pour a liter of boiling water. Insist half an hour, drain and rinse clean hair. Do not flush.

    You can resort to clarification with chamomile and nettle. One tablespoon of dried nettle and chamomile mix and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes and filter. Broth rinse wet, washed hair and wrap in a terry towel. Walk like twenty minutes. An hour later, rinse the hair with chamomile broth.

    No less effective recipe with saffron. On a liter of boiling water two tablespoons of dry chamomile and a pinch of saffron. Cover and set aside for half an hour. Then squeeze a lemon into the composition and optionally two drops of lavender or mint oil. Apply the composition to the hair as usual paint. Wrap your head with a towel. And leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm, almost cool water.

    Homemade lightening products should be used at once.

    Rhubarb - This is a grass with long and fleshy stems. It is considered a vegetable, but is used in desserts. Rich in acids (malic, citric), beta-carotene, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, it not only lightens the hair, but also brings them significant benefits. To give your hair a golden hue, you should regularly rinse them with rhubarb decoction. How to cook: two tablespoons of dry root - 250 ml of boiling water. Put on the fire and simmer for half an hour. Remove, strain through cheesecloth and cool. The decoction should not be hot, but warm enough for the scalp to be comfortable. Rinse clean, slightly wet strands over the entire length. Squeeze curls with a towel and leave to air dry.

    If you want to double the effect you can cook rhubarb based on white wine. One hundred grams of roots - 400 ml of wine, 0.5 tsp. soda The composition to boil. Reduce the heat and put the mixture in a water bath until it is doubled. Filter and allow to cool. Rinse hair from root to tip. Do not wash with shampoo.

    Brighten hair bow known to our grandmothers. In the bow many useful substances that are useful to hair. Onions give a pleasant golden-red shade, but it has a drawback - a strong smell. Therefore, it is used less often than analogs. Brightener with onion peel strengthens the hair, gives them shine and silkiness. Accelerates their growth. Ideal for light and chestnut curls. How to do at home: remove the husks from several bulbs of large size. Pour boiling water over. To simmer on the fire for about half an hour. Filter and cool to warm temperature. Rinse clean wet strands.

    If you need a bright copper color, then onion peel mixed with glycerin. In the ready onion decoction add 15-20 ml of glycerin. Stir well. Rinse hair daily. The course is ten days. It is advisable to prepare a fresh clarifier every day. So that there is no smell after rinsing the onions, the hair is rinsed with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

    Masks and shampoos

    In addition to decoctions on herbs, shampoos and masks prepared at home can lighten hair at home. They use spices and seasonings (cinnamon, cloves, saffron, black pepper, mustard, rosemary), honey, extracts, and various products.

    For brown-haired suited cinnamon clarifier. Cinnamon does not suit blondes - it gives a reddish dense shade. But the brown-haired women can easily lighten her strands. Cinnamon has an unusual persistent aroma, but not as nasty as ammoniac dyes. The most effective cinnamon in the sticks. It is more fragrant. Grind the sticks well in a mortar or grind through a coffee grinder. Once again, roll them with a rolling pin. And crush again. The powder can be used as an ingredient to lighten hair, accelerate growth, improve their appearance.

    Blonde recommended honey cinnamon clarifier. Take 50 grams of cinnamon powder, three tablespoons of honey, and a little hair conditioner with a moisturizing effect. How to do: Melt the honey in a water bath to a liquid state and leave to cool. In a warm composition pour cinnamon and conditioner. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Apply to hair the entire length for half an hour. The course is once in seven days. For eight weeks. After two weeks of use, the hair will be brighter in two tones.

    An effective recipe for brown-haired women and brunettes is made based on cinnamon and honey. You need cinnamon - two tablespoons, honey - the same amount, 50 ml of water. Mix all ingredients until smooth. To distribute honey-cinnamon mask on hair and to leave for the night. The head must be wrapped with plastic and a warm cloth. If you do this for the first time, it is better to leave her for two hours. The scalp can burn significantly. But you need to endure. If the burning is unbearable, then this is an individual reaction to the spice. In this case, the hair is washed under running water with detergent and rinsed with chamomile decoction. One use every thirty days is enough. With each procedure, the strands are lightened by one shade.

    Another option for lightening hair - cinnamon and lemon. Cinnamon - 40 grams, honey - four tablespoons, one lemon, half a glass of water, and half a glass of conditioner. Take warm water and carefully mix honey in it (it should be liquid). Squeeze citrus, cinnamon and conditioner. Keep on hair for at least three hours. Rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo. Mask applied every four weeks. Blond hair changes to 2 shades after the first application. Dark enough two procedures.

    Lemon A popular ingredient in lightening masks. Citrus juice or its essential oil is used. It fits even hot brunettes who want to lighten the strands. Although of course to become a bright blonde will not work, but you can get an olive shade. In addition, diluted lemon juice rinsed hair to consolidate the effect of other masks and shampoos. This enhances the straightening of the strands. Dark-haired with dense hair that want a golden hue for hair is enough to put on them pure lemon juice. And go out in the sun for about fifteen minutes. No more so as not to burn your hair. Lemon juice dries hair, so it is recommended to alternate it with moisturizing and nourishing agents.

    Effectively lighten hair lemon-honey remedy. Honey softens and nourishes the hair, and lemon strengthens them. Ideal for blondes. Suitable for dry and brittle hair. Acts carefully and efficiently. Soft brightens one to two tones. To prepare a mask is simple: mix lemon juice and liquid honey in the same proportions. Spread over the entire length of the strands. Cover the head with polyethylene and a warm scarf or towel on top. Rinse with warm water after an hour with regular shampoo.

    Easy to cook brightener with lemon for brunettes. Prepare half a liter of chamomile broth. Two tablespoons of rhubarb roots pour 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar. Warm up a little. Squeeze the composition of lemon juice from 4 citrus. Mix with chamomile. In the ready-made composition pour liquid honey - 3-4 tablespoons and 50 grams of alcohol. Shake well. Apply to wet clean strands. Minutes to thirty. Wrap your head to enhance the effect.

    Limonnaya mask for fair-haired Home cooking is also quite easy to make. Half a liter of vinegar from apples, two tablespoons of chamomile flowers, rhubarb and calendula. Juice of four lemons. Rhubarb combine with vinegar. Soak for about ten minutes, always under the hood. Pour herbs and squeezed juice from two citruses. Boil another five minutes. Do not remove the cover. Remove from heat and leave to cool. In the warm composition pour the juice of two more lemons. Use as usual. Masks can be kept in the cold for three weeks, but it is better to use them at one time. Use lemon after each shampooing to keep the result. If you do not have time to prepare the composition, you can use regular water with citrus juice.

    Another home brightener - lemon oil. It eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair roots. It gives hair a healthy shine. Therefore, lemon oil is often added to natural brightening compounds. It is enough to drop a few drops in kefir, honey, cinnamon mixture, so that the effect is amplified several times.

    Other blends

    Kefir no additives well brightens the strands. It can be used in pure form or mixed with other ingredients. The product is suitable for dark-haired and fair-haired women. For girls with dark hair, it is better to mix kefir with something. Blondes, it is suitable and in its pure form. Recipe: kefir - 100 ml, egg yolk, lemon juice (one citrus), 30 ml of brandy. All components to connect. Lubricate dry curls. Keep all night or two hours, if not at all time. Lemon and kefir has a double lightening effect. Two or three times a month is enough.

    You can resort to the use of brightening home paint with chamomile and glycerin. Half a liter of water, a quarter cup of glycerin and half a cup of dry chamomile flowers. Roast the grass on medium heat for about fifteen minutes. Cool to normal temperature and add glycerol. Spread over the entire length of wet hair. Hold 45 minutes. Rinse with shampoo. Home paint softens, nourishes and gives curls a pleasant shine and vitality. If you want to clarify the curls quite a bit, then it is enough to add two tablespoons of the mixture to the water.

    Means with brewing and rhubarb root will help not only lighten the hair, but also makes the curls shiny and soft. A glass of water, five or six tablespoons of rhubarb, a pinch of black tea. Mix the brew with the root of the plant and pour boiling water. Cover and leave for an hour. To filter And can be used on clean hair. Wrap your head. Hold for half an hour. Wash off.


    In addition to herbs and masks, there are other homemade methods of bleaching. They are also often used if you want to quickly lighten curls at home. You can purchase the necessary components at any pharmacy or store.

    Hydrogen peroxide - an effective way to lighten strands well. About four tones. But you need to use it carefully, if you overdo the hair will be dried out and very difficult to restore. So it is better to lighten the strands with peroxide gradually. That they do not deteriorate and keep a healthy look

    Hydroperitone tablets no less effective method that has received relevance in Soviet times. Tablets can be bought without a prescription and they are inexpensive. Excellent alternative to expensive chemical paints. This is a chemical drug, so you need to handle it very carefully. This is especially true for brunettes. If you overdo the composition of the hair will be hard, dry and faded.

    Baking soda known to all. She is in the kitchen at every hostess. Soda has a softer effect than peroxide or hydroponic. It cleans hair and scalp well from any impurities. Fights manifestations of scalp fungus and increases the amount of hair

    Hair lightening can be done with henna white. White henna is a product of synthetic origin, unlike other types of henna. There are no ammonia substances, metallic oxides and other chemicals. They destroy the hair from the inside, changing its pigment. Painted blondie is not recommended to use it, so as not to spoil the hair. Henna can give a greyish-green shade, which is almost impossible to remove. How to paint henna curls: mix white henna with very hot, but not boiling water. And put in a water bath for five minutes. Cool and apply the mixture on wet strands.

    It is recommended to pour a little shampoo into the mixture to make it easier to apply. Put on a plastic cap and roll on top with a towel. Walking for half an hour, but not longer. Rinse well under warm running water to wash off all residues. Afterwards, be sure to use a little balm to soften the hair, and ease combing. Do not wash the head for three days, so that the action of henna stuck

    Home lighting rules

    Each of the above methods has its advantages. However, for greater effect, it is important to follow the simple rules and subtleties of home brightening the hair. Special attention should be paid to:

    • homemade recipes
    • allergies to components of the mask or decoction,
    • natural color frequency,
    • hair care after the procedures
    • original hair color.

    So blonde and redheads cope with the discoloration faster than dark-haired.
    And on thin hair, the impact is faster and more efficient. With tight hard strands will have to tinker.

    After lightening, you need to nourish and strengthen hair with various household formulations.
    You need to start with soft lightening agents, you should not experiment with hydrogen peroxide and similar drugs - they are more harmful.

    To achieve a greater effect, you need to alternate capable home brightening.

    Do not exceed the dosage of ingredients in recipes. This can trigger allergies.
    For those who have never used straining staining, it is better to start bleaching with herbal decoctions and lemon juice.

    After a perm, hair does not bleach well. Therefore, it is recommended to withstand a three-week break. After clarification with light agents, staining can be carried out in about a week. If strong clarifiers, then you need to wait two weeks, so as not to injure the hair.

    It is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide, hydroponic and other similar means - less often. They act faster and more efficiently, although not as aggressively as paints, but they bring more harm to hair. Hair becomes tougher, does not comb, split and fall out if they were previously painted with synthetic dyes.


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    Folk remedies for lightening hair

    Chamomile is used as a natural dye, it is able to lighten dark curls and give a golden radiant shade - light. It consists of the following components:

    • vitamins
    • essential oils,
    • trace elements
    • amino acids
    • dyes,
    • flavonoids,
    • polysaccharides,
    • coumarin compounds
    • resin.

    But the action of this plant is directed not only on the strands, but also on the scalp. It perfectly improves the blood circulation process, disinfects and moisturizes the skin.

    With it you can:

    • restore the structure of the strands,
    • increase the thickness of the strands with chamomile and strengthen the roots,
    • make it soft
    • restore elasticity
    • accelerate growth
    • reduce the loss
    • return shine
    • remove dandruff.

    There are several basic recipes for traditional medicine to lighten curls.

    Chamomile flowers decoction

    It helps to get a golden hue, has no lightening effect. For cooking you will need:

    • camomile flowers - 5 tbsp. l.,
    • 0.5 l. clean water.

    How to use: Pour the flowers with water, boil for 5 minutes, cool to a pleasant temperature, strain with gauze. Rinse the hair with this decoction after the usual washing of the head, do not rinse. The effect is noticeable after several uses.

    Chamomile and glycerin

    Suitable for women with light blond hair color, lightening by 1 tone. Glycerin - a more gentle means of mild exposure. For the preparation of this mask are required following ingredients:

    • 50 g of flowers
    • 60 ml. glycerol,
    • 200 ml. water.

    Prepare the infusion (pour boiling water over the flowers, wrap a towel and insist 3 hours). After cool and strain the resulting composition, enter the glycerin. Stir gently and apply on hair, spreading over the entire length. Cover the curls with polyethylene, wrap with a towel. Hold for an hour. After rinse with warm water without shampoo. Dry naturally.

    Mix is ​​not subject to storage, ingredients are calculated on single use.

    In addition to the presented lightening agents, various camomile-based masks and rinses are very successful, which also give the hair a soft shade of gold. Below are some of them.

    Mask with honey and lemon

    To prepare the mask will need:

    • Chamomile decoction - 1 tbsp. l (25 g flowers per 200 ml of water),
    • liquid honey - 3 tbsp. lt
    • juice of half a lemon.

    25 g of dried flowers pour boiling water and let stand for at least 40 minutes. Then strain, add honey and lemon juice, mix, apply over the entire length of the hair. To put on a shower cap, on top of a turban from a towel. To sustain one and a half - two hours. Wash off in the usual way with the help of shampoo.

    Mask with olive oil and lemon juice


    • 5 tbsp. l camomile flowers,
    • 250 ml. water,
    • 2 tbsp. l burdock (castor) oil,
    • 1 lemon

    Prepare a decoction, cool, strain through a sieve. Add lemon juice and burdock to it. Apply the mixture to the entire head of hair, kept for half an hour, washed off with shampoo water.

    Rinse with turmeric, chamomile and lemon


    • Chamomile inflorescences - 3 tbsp. l.,
    • lemon - 1 pc,
    • turmeric - 1 tsp,
    • water - 0.5l.

    Cooking method: mix turmeric with dry chamomile flowers and lemon peel, pour hot water. Leave on for 3 hours, wrapped the mixture with a towel. Strain, apply on pre-washed hair, does not require rinsing. Suitable for daily use. Perfectly stored in the refrigerator or dark cool place for a week.


    It is not necessary to expect an obvious result from the clarification with chamomile, it may well give shade and freshness to color. In the presented recipes, the lightening effect is achieved more due to lemon and honey, which are able to make the curls healthy and radiant, provided they are regularly used. You should also pay attention to the shelf life of pharmacy chamomile, because using an expired product, you can not get any result.


    Watch the video: 3 WAYS TO LIGHTEN YOUR HAIR NATURALLY + DIY Hair Lightening Spray (June 2024).