
Keratin straightening at home is available to everyone: Ollin Keratin System


Ollin Keratin System - keratin complex for smoothing and straightening hair. Carefully levels the structure, smoothes hair. Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the structure and tips of the hair. Restores natural shine and silkiness. Hair can be easily combed, stacked and not pushed. The result of the procedure lasts up to 3 months.

Salon procedure. For professional use only.

Auxiliary tools:

  • hair dryer
  • hair straightener with ceramic plates (200C)
  • hair clips
  • silicone (rubber, vinyl or latex) gloves
  • bowl with brush
  • hairbrush
  • disposable towels, peignoirs

Step 1. Preliminary preparation.

Massaging apply Keratin shampoo with moist hair. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Wash off. Repeat 2-3 times. Dry hair to 90% moisture removal, comb using a comb with sparse teeth. Divide hair into 4 zones. The occipital part is left free.

The first stage of the procedure allows you to: deep clean the hair, slightly open the cuticular layer, saturate the hair with keratin.
The use of preparative shampoo with keratin Ollin Keratin Sistem for the procedure of hair straightening is strictly necessary!

Step 2. Applying straightening cream.

Apply a straightening cream with a brush on hair-dried hair strand by strand, departing from the root zone 1cm. Rubber gloves (silicone or latex) are used to protect hands. Spread evenly over hair, avoiding over-application. Straightening cream is applied to the occipital zone, then to the temporal-lateral zones. Bangs are handled last. First, the cream is applied to the middle part of the hair, then to the tips and root part of the strand, without touching the scalp. After applying the cream must be kept on the hair for 35 minutes. Proceed with blow dryer.

The second stage of the procedure allows: Smooth and straighten hair, remove excess volume, saturate hair with keratin.

Step 3. Using a hair dryer and iron.

To dry hair processed by the straightening cream with the hair dryer, alternating warm and cold air. Heat ceramic tongs to 200 ° C (for bleached and blond hair, -180 ° C). Start processing from the back of the head. Select strands 5 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick, work consecutively. Treat each strand by irons 5-7 times.
Alternately process the occipital zone, proceed to the temporal-lateral zones. After finishing the hair treatment with forceps, gently comb. Leave for 5 minutes to cool. Wash off with warm water without using shampoo! Dry with a towel.

The third stage of the procedure allows you to: seal keratin in hair scales, add shine to shine, restore hair structure.

Step 4. Fixing and conditioning.

Apply to the towel-dried hair fixing hair mask. Comb through for even distribution. Leave to act for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Dry hair with a hair dryer using brushing.

The fourth stage of the procedure allows you to: consolidate the results of smoothing, enhance the smoothness and shine, keep the color of colored hair.

Immediately after straightening, it is allowed to use the direct effect dye Ollin Matisse Color. After 48 hours, dyeing with Silk Touch or Performance dye with a low percentage of oxidizing emulsion is possible. Before dyeing it is necessary to rinse the hair with shampoo to maintain the effect of straightening. After 48 hours, you can collect hair in a ponytail, pin it up and use headbands. Guaranteed results up to 3 months.

Home care:

To extend the result of the straightening procedure, use home hair care products. Shampoo and conditioner for home care can extend the result of the procedure of straightening, maintain the density and color of hair. Maintain cool shades.

Precautionary measures:

Avoid application to the skin, may cause irritation, contains glyoxylic acid. Avoid eye contact. If the product is still ingested, immediately rinse with running water and consult your doctor. Be sure to wear protective gloves. Do not use heat ironing above 200C. When applying the cream it is imperative to retreat 1cm from the skin. Follow the instructions for use. Keep out of reach of children.

Operating principle

Do you know the feeling that even the hair that was just washed with conditioner looks dry and lifeless? Have you ever had to worry that even with constant scratching, there is still a constant “mess” on your head?

If yes, then keratin hair straightening is a great opportunity for you to forget about these problems forever!

The procedure is a biological straightening of hair under high temperature, during which each hair is saturated with concentrated protein. As a result, silkiness returns to them, unruly curls are smoothed by the cavity, the effects of the harmful effects of the sun, wind, temperature changes, and chlorinated water are eliminated.

Attention! One of the main advantages of the procedure is that keratin styling can keep “hair to hair” for up to several months!

Features of the procedure

Many beauty salons offer keratin straightening and hair restoration services - professionals are ready to please you with stunning results! However, one should not think that only a certified master can With the help of the Ollin Professional Keratin System line, everyone can perform the procedure at home.

Have you decided to restore your hair with keratin yourself? Wonderful! But before you begin the process, carefully examine all the nuances. Lack of preparation and incorrectly performed steps of the procedure can cause great harm, so read in detail the instructions to the means and read the recommendations of the professionals.

A good option is to ask for advice from those girls who have already performed keratin hair straightening themselves and were satisfied with the result.

Let's see what tools you need:

  • special iron with ceramic plates
  • hair dryer
  • clips or hairpins,
  • barber brush bowl
  • towel,
  • hairbrush,
  • protective gloves.

We have prepared for you A list of Ollin cosmetics that you will need, with their prices:

  • preparing shampoo Ollin - 850 p.,
  • cream for straightening Ollin Megapolis Keratin Plus - 820 r.,
  • mask for fixing Ollin - 970 p.,
  • direct effect dye Ollin Matisse Color - 250 r.,
  • supporting shampoo Ollin Home Shampoo - 670 r.,
  • supporting conditioner Ollin Home Conditioner - 670 r.

In total, it turns out that performing the procedure yourself at home will cost you about 4 thousand rubles. However, keep in mind that the amount will be more if you want to use a dye or will additionally purchase the necessary tools.

The price for the service in the cabin varies depending on the region and the materials used by the master. On average, the price in Russia for various lengths is as follows: up to 6500 r. (short), up to 8500 p. (average length), up to 15 000 r. (below the shoulder blades).

Instructions for use

Be sure to use protective gloves to prevent skin damage to your hands!

Carrying out the procedure with the help of a complex of drugs at home:

  1. Preparation of hair before the procedure is a very crucial stage on which success depends. Rinse the head thoroughly using a special conditioning shampoo: apply it with soft massage movements, then leave it for a few minutes. Wash off the composition and re-apply another 2-3 times, depending on the degree of contamination. Use a comb and a hair dryer to dry the hair well, they should not contain more than 10% moisture. Distribute them into four parts.
  2. Stepping back from the roots about a centimeter, carefully apply a cream for straightening each strand using a special brush. Make sure that the composition does not fall on the hair in excess, distribute it evenly. On each strand should begin from its middle, after smoothly go to the ends and the radical part. Leave the cream for 35–40 minutes.
  3. Without washing away the straightening cream, dry hair, alternating cold and hot modes at the hair dryer. Process dried strands with a flat iron, heated to 200 degrees, each strand should not be thicker than half a centimeter. Ironing 5–7 times, starting from the occipital zone and gradually moving to the side. At last, strands of the face are processed. After processing, carefully comb. After the hair has cooled, gently rinse it with warm water (not using shampoo or conditioner) and dry with a towel.
  4. Evenly distribute a special mask on the hair to fix the result. Hold it for about 15 minutes, then gently wash and blow-dry your hair using brushing.
  5. The effect of the procedure must be constantly maintained: for home care, you should use a special shampoo and conditioner. Do not wash your hair more than once every three days.

Attention! Only for colored hair! To maintain or update the color you can use a special dye Ollin Matisse Color immediately after straightening with keratin. Coloring them no different from the usual to you, except for the fact that before starting the process, you need to wash your hair using a shampoo that supports the effect (it is also presented in the professional Allin lineup).


Keratin hair straightening has a lot of advantages, but also He has contraindications in which it is categorically impossible to carry out the procedure. These include:

  • diseases or damage to the skin of the head,
  • pregnancy, lactation,
  • permanent hair loss
  • allergy,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • oncological and previous oncological diseases.

Effect of the procedure

What do you get after you carry out the procedure in full compliance with the instructions:

  • your hair looks completely smooth, it shines and shines,
  • fluffiness is gone, individual hairs no longer stick in different directions,
  • keratin additionally protects against harmful external influences,
  • your strands always look well groomed and do not require frequent combing,
  • the effect lasts up to six months (depending on the initial state of your hair and the characteristics of the preparations used).

Advantages and disadvantages

In order for you to familiarize yourself with the consequences of this procedure as much as possible, we want to highlight all the pros and cons of keratin straightening, compiled on the basis of feedback from Internet users.

Benefits include the following factors:

  • do not need daily styling, always well-groomed appearance,
  • Suitable for all hair types,
  • additional protection from the external environment
  • The effect persists for a long time.

However The procedure also has disadvantages:

  • significant reduction in volume
  • risk of allergic reactions
  • complex aftercare to preserve the effect,
  • duration and side effects during the procedure (with irritant odor means, they can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin).

Keratin straightening is a wonderful procedure that has a wonderful effect on your hair, but it is not suitable for every girl. If you decide that you definitely want to spend it - Funds from the professional Ollin Keratin line of systems, if used correctly, not only guarantee you excellent results, but also reduce the risks of all possible side effects.

What tools will help smooth the curls at home:

Useful videos

How is the procedure of keratin straightening and hair treatment Marcia Teixeria.

Keratin hair straightening from Inoar, the composition of Moroccan Hair Keratin.

Ollin keratin hair straightening

All girls want to feel irresistible - that is why they spend a lot of time on their appearance, attend salon procedures and buy cosmetics. Well-groomed hair is an integral part of the image, which emphasizes beauty and gives gloss. In the modern world, such a procedure as keratin hair straightening is gaining great popularity - with its help, hair is smoothed and its structure is restored. In this article we will talk in detail about keratin straightening using the tools of Allin Professional Keratin System, go through all stages of the procedure in detail, and also consider its advantages and disadvantages.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Apply a keratin cleansing shampoo to wet hair. Leave for 1-2 minutes. Wash off. Dry hair with a towel. Repeat if necessary.
2. Apply serum for instant hair restoration, moving from the occipital to the parietal zone. Treat the temporal-lateral zones and the frontal-parietal zone. Leave for 3-5 minutes. Do not flush.
3. Apply to the hair enriching balm with keratin. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Wash off. Dry your hair with a towel.
4. Apply absolute shine to hair with keratin. Do not rinse.

  • hair is instantly restored,
  • acquire smoothness and elasticity
  • they are given volume and radiant shine.

The procedure is performed in the salon or at home 1 time per month for six months.

What is the complex Ollin Keratin System

The procedure of keratin straightening involves 4 stages of curl treatment:

1. Cleansing with shampoo, which is called preparatory. The substances that make up the hair make it more manageable for subsequent exposures.
2. Air conditioning. The tool must be applied after each shampooing, which will support the systematic saturation of hair with keratin.
3. Mask. Apply several times a week to enhance the effect, additional hair nutrition.
4. Smoothing mousse is applied to clean hair. It helps not only to smooth, but also protect the hair from external factors, as well as the thermal effects of a hair dryer, curling iron, and ironing.

Using the Ollin Keratin System system in a complex, you can quickly give your locks a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

What effect can be obtained

It should be noted that this procedure not only straightens hair, but also heals them by saturation with keratin, which the hair consists of. The Ollin Keratin System is designed primarily for blond hair that has been exposed to chemical compounds during the dyeing process. As a result of the home procedure using the Ollin Keratin System, it is possible to:

• Save hair density.
• Smooth curls.
• Feed and moisturize hair.
• Facilitate styling and combing.

After a course of home straightening, you can admire the effect up to 3 months.

How does the Ollin Keratin System

The keratin in the composition of the complex means saturates the hair, filling up the damaged areas, and also forms a protective layer, which makes the curls smoother, silky and shiny. D-panthenol and nalidone additionally moisturize, and Olivem 300 conditions hair. Included in the corn starch contributes to the fact that hair stays clean for a long time and is easy to style.

Already want to try out the new Ollin Keratin System? Then we invite you to make an order.

Properties and composition of the tools included in the Ollin Keratin System kit

  • The system includes 3 tools necessary for the salon procedure (shampoo, smoothing cream, fixing mask).
  • Safe use: all formulations do not contain formaldehyde.
  • Formula with glyoxalic acid, which fixes keratin in the hair structure, covering it with microfilm.
  • You can dye your hair after 48 hours: Silk Touch dye or any other dye without ammonia, with a low% oxidative emulsion. The result of the procedure lasts up to 3 months.

Means included in the set

  1. Prep shampoo 500 ml - article 391753
  2. Keratin Smoothing Cream 250 ml (for your choice: for normal or blond-colored hair) - article 391760/391777
  3. Keratin Fixation Mask 500 ml (at choice: for normal or hair dyed in blond) - article 391784/391791

All funds included in this set can be purchased separately on our online store.

Active composition: Hydrolyzed keratin, Olive 300, D-panthenol, Nalidon, Mirustyle MFP PE.


Watch the video: Бразилско Кератиново изправянеBrazilian Keratin Treatment (June 2024).