Dandruff treatment

Use of birch tar for hair - 3 effective recipe masks


One of the most common problems for girls is dandruff. It can cause many problems, including itching, tightness of the scalp, untidy appearance. The danger of dandruff is that it often leads to such a disease as seborrheic dermatitis, which is very difficult to get rid of.

To eliminate dandruff often use special shampoos, but there are folk remedies that will relieve dandruff faster than any shampoo and will not cause addiction. One of such means is tar.

About the wonderful properties of tar known for a long time, even our great-grandmothers actively used this substance to combat parasites, dandruff and hair loss.

Tar perfectly fights microbes and fungus, relieves inflammation and itching, has a healing and exfoliating effect on the skin. Tar helps even with such serious diseases as psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis, therefore, it will not be difficult for him to cope with dandruff.

How to use tar to heal the scalp?

Tar is an auxiliary component in various masks, mainly oil. For the treatment of dandruff most often use the following mask. In 20 ml burdock oil add 10 drops of birch tar. The mixture is carefully rubbed into the scalp. The exposure time of the mask is one hour. Then, wash your head a couple of times with regular shampoo.

It is necessary to use a mask no more than twice a week for two months. The result appears after the second application - the scalp is cleansed, dandruff becomes much less. As a preventive measure, and in order to strengthen the hair, it is enough to use tar every ten days.

It is worth noting that the tar has a specific and sharp smell that can be easily absorbed, therefore it is recommended to keep the bottle with this miracle remedy tightly closed, away from personal belongings, in a sufficiently ventilated room. The mask is forbidden to do people with individual intolerance to tar.

Buying birch tar will not result in an offensive amount for the budget, since it is quite inexpensive. At the same time it will help get rid of annoying dandruff quickly, without causing addiction and without harm to hair.

The magical benefits of birch tar and no harm

Tar soap for hair can be remembered from childhood memories by nose-nose smell, or by the stories of older relatives.

Even when reviewing photos of grandmothers, attention is drawn to the gorgeous natural braids, which with a meager outfit and without make-up made the girl a goddess. It has long been no secret that he helped in this tar.

This substance has beneficial properties that treat the hair and scalp:

  • it is a natural antiseptic, anti-parasitic and insecticidal substance,
  • it improves blood flow and accelerates skin cell regeneration,
  • Birch tar is excellent against oily hair because it normalizes the sebaceous glands,
  • activates the bulbs and hair growth,
  • components of the product are dried, relieve inflammation and itching.

This natural drug is prescribed to those who suffer from eczema on the scalp, seborrhea. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The use of birch tar for hair almost immediately gives a positive result, as evidenced by all who have experienced the substance. Birch tar for dandruff is not a secret for a long time, users have long replaced expensive chemicals with natural resin.

In addition to the smell of negative qualities, they did not notice.

How to use shampoo and masks with tar from hair loss and to strengthen hair

A tar mask for hair is the way to a luxurious shovel of hair. Those who are not afraid of sharp flavor and take risks always get the expected result.

For many centuries in folk medicine has accumulated a large number of recipes for useful mixtures based on birch tar. Among them are the masks of the main types:

  1. To stimulate hair growth.
  2. To combat dandruff.
  3. For smoothness and silkiness naughty strand.

How is birch tar for hair useful?

What is so useful this miraculous tar hair created by the forces of nature? It contains properties such as:

  • natural antiseptic is also anti-parasitic and insecticidal,
  • increases blood circulation in the affected tissue,
  • normalizes the sebaceous glands,
  • is an anti-inflammatory, drying and antipruritic agent.

Due to the above listed properties, birch tar helps to cope with dry and oily seborrhea, fights dandruff, relieves redness and irritation of the scalp, itching, helps to avoid hair loss and even the opposite accelerates their growth.

When using tar, blood circulation in the scalp is enhanced, due to this, the roots and the bulbs receive enhanced nutrition, which helps to accelerate growth and give them vitality and healthy strength.

This healing product is used not only in cosmetology, but is also widely used in medicine for such diseases as: fungal infections, lichen, inflammatory formations, corns, psoriasis difficult to treat, suppuration and other diseases. Tar can cope even with open wounds and burns. Using this natural product you can cope with urolithiasis, stomatitis and urethritis.

In the modern world, this tool still retains its popularity, as it is very effective in different areas, but only began to apply it not in its pure form, as was done before, but as part of all kinds of cosmetics: shampoos, soaps, creams, ointments.

Pure tar is a very dark liquid obtained from birch bark, which has an unusual specific smell, thereby “scaring off” a significant number of people from using it.

By the way, birch tar face masks are also very effective, which are not difficult to prepare at home.

Benefits of tar soap

In modern society, it is unusual to hear that people wash their hair with tar soap. After all, there are many cosmetics that are suitable for the care of curls. But still, the benefit of this soap is difficult to overestimate, especially for those who have such a disease as eczema. It has a positive effect on the scalp, solving many problems, such as: helping to get rid of dandruff, oily hair, improves the condition and structure of curls, and also accelerates their growth.

In order for the use of tar soap not to disappoint and not have the opposite effect, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for its use:

  • if from the first use of this soap the result didn’t impress you, then you shouldn’t give up using it, you need to get used to the scalp, then the result will pleasantly surprise you
  • if you wash your hair with tar soap, you can’t use hot water, because it is this water that can leave a greasy shine on your hair,
  • it is not recommended to wash your head with a solid piece, it is best to lather your hands and lather the hair and scalp. Soaking soap on the head should be no more than 10 minutes
  • in order to minimize the smell from the soap, use a balm-conditioner,
  • tar soap dries hair and skin, so do not use it often, you need to observe breaks.

Use this healing soap properly, following the recommendations, and very soon you will notice amazing results.

Recipes hair masks with birch tar

In order to achieve the result of beautiful and healthy hair it is necessary to use not only tar soap, but also face masks for curls with the use of tar. This product in its pure form can be purchased at the pharmacy. Independently prepare masks very easily and quickly. Below are the recipes of the most simple but effective hair masks using tar.

Hair mask with birch tar to strengthen the roots. It will require: tar, calendula tincture, castor oil.

Take 100 ml. Tincture alcohol calendula, add one teaspoon of tar and add 50 ml. castor oil Mix well. The mask is ready.

Rub into the hair roots and distribute over the entire length. Wrap cellophane film and a towel. We stand for one hour and rinse under lightly warm running water using shampoo or rinse. It is best to rinse the curls with a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile.

The mask should be applied 1-2 times a week, at least two months, then take a break for 5-6 months and continue to apply.

Tar mask for hair loss. Required: tar, pepper tincture.

Take a teaspoon of tar, add 250 ml. pepper spirit tincture. Stir well. The mask is ready.

Apply with light massage movements using a cotton pad on the hair roots. We sustain one hour. Wash off under slightly warm running water using shampoo.

This procedure must be repeated 2 times a week for a month, then take a break of 3 months and continue again until a consistent result appears.

Mask with tar for hair growth. Required: burdock oil, tar, vitamin A.

We take half a teaspoon of tar, add four teaspoons of burdock oil and 2 capsules of vitamin A. Mix well. The mask is ready.

We distribute along the entire length of the hair, including the roots. Wrap cellophane wrap and towel. Withstand at least one hour. Then wash off with slightly warm water using shampoo and conditioner.

Mask is used at least twice a week. The course is 1-2 months with a break of six months.

Dandruff Hair Mask. Required: tar water, eggs, kefir.

Pour 50 ml. tar water, add two yolks and 200 ml. kefir. Mix well the composition. The mask is ready.

Apply with light massaging movements on the scalp, carefully rub into the roots. Wrap your head with cling film and a warm towel. Withstand at least one hour and rinse with warm water using shampoo.

We apply this mask 2 times a week for two months, then a break for 5–6 months and the mask is repeated until complete cure of dandruff.

Birch tar mask to eliminate itchy scalp. Required: tar, castor oil, alcohol.

We take one teaspoon of tar, two teaspoons of castor oil and 100 ml. alcohol. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The mask is ready.

Apply to the scalp with light massage movements. Dress polyethylene cap and towel. We sustain one hour and wash off under running water with shampoo and conditioner.

We use the mask at least twice a week for two months, then a six-month break will follow and it is recommended to continue the application for a stable result.

Using regular masks and tools containing tar, you can easily get rid of many problems. Your hair will be noticeably transformed, will gain health and strength.

Pros and cons means

The advantages of such a cosmetic lot. It consists of components of natural origin, so the soap rarely causes allergic reactions. Does tar dandruff soap help? Yes, it helps to cope with seborrhea, allows you to make the hair more lush, strong. After washing, they will remain clean for a long time.

The main disadvantage of soap is its smell. It is caustic, weathered for quite some time. This tool can not be used continuously, as this will lead to excessive drying of hair and scalp.

This cosmetic product consists of 10% birch tar and 90% ordinary soap..

It contains no flavors, dyes and other chemicals.

It is tar that gives it a specific aroma and helps to fight dandruff.

This component has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and drying effect.

It is known that the cause of dandruff is a fungus that parasitizes the scalp. Tar acts detrimental to it.

Tar Dandruff Soap: Terms of Use

Bar of soap should not be in contact with the hair. To defeat dandruff, you need to wash your hair in a special way.

Tar soap from dandruff, method of application:

  1. thoroughly wet your hair, lather your hands.
  2. Spread the foam on the curls, paying particular attention to the scalp. Foam should be sufficient, wash your hands as many times as necessary.
  3. Massage the scalp for 5-7 minutes. This will help to improve blood circulation, as a result of the tar will have more benefits.
  4. Wash off the foam with cool or warm water. Hot will lead to the fact that the soap is curtailed, then the hair will remain an ugly bloom. He will make them dull.

Duration of treatment

To combat the dandruff fungus, it will take some time. To see the result, you will need to wash your hair with this soap for a month.. After that, take a break for a couple of months.

If dandruff no longer appears, use a cosmetic occasionally as a preventive measure.

Replace them with the usual shampoo once a week for a month, then again take a break.

People who are prone to severe allergic reactions, as well as those who have kidney disease, do not recommend using tar soap against dandruff.

If the doctor does not see your contraindications, try to apply foam on the elbow bend and leave for a few hours. In the absence of a negative reaction, soap can be used to combat dandruff.

What is permissible to supplement?

Tar soap for hair dandruff can be used not only in its pure form. To quickly achieve the desired effect, add it to the mask, useful not only for the scalp, but also for hair:

  • Mix 20 grams of grated soap with a glass of sour cream, add a spoonful of honey. This mask will save from oily seborrhea. It must be kept for 15 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.
  • The same amount of grated soap can be mixed with honey and 100 g of yogurt, add a few drops of liquid vitamins E and D, rub the product into the hair roots and leave for 10 minutes. The mask will nourish the scalp, fight against seborrhea, which has a fungal origin.

Leave it for half an hour, and then wash your hair with soap containing birch tar. Curls will be shiny, lively and resilient. Remember that birch tar dandruff helps very well, not only in the soap.

Tar soap can successfully replace pharmaceutical agents to combat dandruff. If correctly used tar soap - dandruff will disappear, and the result will surely please. The effect will remain for a long time.

Watch a useful video about applying tar soap for hair:

How does birch tar

Birch tar has high healing properties, it is used for skin diseases, atherosclerosis and colds, to thin the blood, normalize the bowels and even in the fight against cancer. Get the tool from the top layer of birch bark (bark) through the method of steam distillation.

Birch tar is an excellent antiseptic. It relieves inflammation and irritation of the integument, and also creates an unfavorable background for the development of fungal infections and harmful bacteria. This quality is used in the fight against dandruff, various dermatitis of the skin, including seborrheic.

Naturalness, availability, along with high medicinal properties are the main advantages of the folk remedy, thanks to them the popularity of tar products does not fade. If you correctly use the gifts of nature, dandruff, seborrhea will retreat and do not disturb your curls for a long time. Plus, the tar has a rich composition, with its help you strengthen the hair, reduce their fat content.

An important point! Tar products have a drying effect, so if used improperly, you run the risk of dry hair and scalp. Listen to the recommendations of experts, add to the care moisturizing balms, natural oils, to mitigate the side effect.

Composition and useful properties

Birch tar in its pure form is a liquid, oily substance of a dark color (from dark brown to black). It has a specific odor, which is absorbed into the hair after washing. Rinsing with lemon water or a weak vinegar solution will help to get rid of the sharp aroma of the hair.

The composition of the tool has a high variety of organic acids. Birch tar also contains phenols, benzene, toluene, cresol and a number of resinous components. In the complex, they determine the benefit of a tar product for hair:

  • dries problem areas of the scalp,
  • prevents the development of fungi, bacteria, leads to their death,
  • improves blood circulation in damaged integuments and accelerates their recovery,
  • stimulates hair growth,
  • deeply cleanses the scalp of fat and dandruff scales, accompanies saturation of cells with nutrients and oxygen,
  • relieves inflammation, relieves itching,
  • stabilizes the sebaceous glands, thereby preventing the development of seborrhea,
  • reduces excessive greasiness of hair,
  • strengthens hair follicles and curls along the entire length.

Tar therapy helps to get rid of oily, dry seborrhea and various dermatitis of the scalp, itching and discomfort disappear, hair becomes less fat and grows faster. Cosmetic products with the addition of tar are also used to prevent dandruff and hair loss.

Forms of tar products

Cosmetic companies are surprised by the variety of products based on the therapeutic component.

Buy tar can be in its pure form. It is an oily liquid color close to black, with a pungent odor. If you mix tar with water, you get tar water, which treats infected skin, acne and eczema.

The tool is also used in the preparation of masks against dandruff and hair loss, to strengthen and stimulate their growth. Pure tar is sold in a dark glass vial with a volume of 20 to 100 ml. The cost of the drug - 50-150 rubles per pack.

Many cosmetic companies, in particular, “PhytoCosmetics”, offer tar oil with extracts of juniper, thyme, red pepper. The preparation contains almond, olive oil, natural birch tar and a complex of herbal supplements.

Oil infused with natural tar from birch bark, relieves dandruff, strengthens and nourishes the curls, promotes their growth and prevents loss. The oil has a light pleasant aroma and a light brown tint, is easy to apply and quickly washed off. Buying money will cost about 60 rubles for 20 ml.

Tar soap - perhaps the most popular form of folk medicine. As part of it, you will find 10% tar of birch and 90% of ordinary soap. For the treatment of soap it is necessary to foam and apply foam. Rubbing soap bar is not recommended, you risk injuring damaged integument. Soap shavings are also used in the preparation of homemade hair masks. The cost of one bar is an average of 45 rubles per 100 g.

No less effective and easy to use option - tar shampoo. You can buy it ready or cook yourself. In the ranking of the best tar shampoos, according to users, there is recognized Tar Tar Shampoo 911, Finnish Tar Shampoo Tervapuun Tuoksu, Agafya Grandma's remedy and Tana Tar Tar Shampoo. Their cost varies, the purchase will cost 70-300 rubles, depending on the selected manufacturer.

It is not difficult to prepare tar shampoo yourself. Take as a basis the usual shampoo, add to it pure tar at the rate of 2 tbsp. l tar per 100 ml of cosmetic. Complete the composition with 20 ml of your favorite essential oil.


Birch tar and tools based on it not recommended for use with increased dryness and irritability of the hair.

Patients with individual intolerance to the natural component and in the presence of open wounds, abrasions, cuts on the head will have to refuse tar treatment. Before using the product, be sure to take an allergy test.

Pregnant and lactating means also will not work. Hormonal changes can make their adjustments to the result of therapy, sometimes even disappointing.

10 rules for successful therapy

Products made of tar, despite their naturalness and usefulness, if used improperly, can significantly worsen the condition of the hair. Therefore, before using birch tar from dandruff, be sure to study subtleties and rules for its use:

  1. Do not exceed the recommended frequency of use of the tool, with particular seriousness consider contraindications.
  2. If, after applying the product, the skin is covered with a rash, itching, severe burning, appear, immediately wash off the composition from the hair. In the future, abandon its use.
  3. Make sure that the validity of the drug has not expired.
  4. Do not wash your head with hot water, only warm. It will save from unpleasant greasy film on the curls.
  5. Concentrated tar do not apply to curls and covers of the head, only in diluted form.
  6. To use tar soap, whisk well into foam with a piece of bandage or other improvised means. Lather hair bar is prohibited.
  7. Weak and brittle hair is better to heal before tar therapy. If there is no time for this, then do not apply the product on the tips, only at the roots.
  8. When performing a mask with a natural component, it is recommended to supplement its action with a thermal effect. To do this, after applying the mixture on the curls wrap them with polyethylene and a towel.
  9. After the tar mask is recommended to apply a moisturizing balm, serum. First, cleansed skin easily absorbs beneficial components from cosmetics, and secondly, prevent dry skin.
  10. Tar is a very active component, therefore Compositions with its addition are not recommended to stand on the head for longer than the term.specified by the manufacturer, for home masks is not more than 10 minutes.

Council Consultation of the trichologist will help to avoid unpleasant consequences of the use of tar detergent. He will advise on the appropriate form of the drug to solve your problem.

Application of birch tar

Tar shampoo, oil and masks are the most favorite forms of birch tar compounds. How to use them correctly, we consider further.

It is simple to apply tar oil. The manufacturer has already taken care of your hair and supplemented the composition with nourishing oils, plant extracts and husks. You only need:

  1. To test the purchased product for the presence of an allergic reaction of the body.
  2. Apply the composition to dry hair and scalp.
  3. Put on a shower cap on the head of hair and wrap a warm towel.
  4. After 15 minutes, rinse hair with shampoo several times.
  5. Dry your hair in the usual way.

It is recommended to apply the oil 1-2 times a week, depending on the type of hair. Procedures repeat for 2 months.

Despite the wide variety of shampoos with birch medicine, The technology of application is the same for everyone:

  1. Foam a little bit of the drug in your palms.
  2. Spread the foam on the scalp, then on the curls.
  3. Massage the basal area for a few minutes, as with a regular wash.
  4. Wash off with warm but not hot water.

Important! Do not need every shampoo to apply tar shampoo, you are very likely to overdry curls. It is recommended to alternate between regular and medicinal product.

Homemade masks

Masks, prepared at home, with the use of special oil, soap or concentrated tar - a great option quickly and without harm to get rid of annoying dandruff, speed up the cure of seborrhea and other dermatological diseases.

We offer the 5 most popular and effective therapeutic mask recipes:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l castor oil with 1 tbsp. l concentrated birch tar and 100 ml of vodka or pure alcohol. Stir the mixture well and massage into the scalp with massage movements. It is better not to apply the product to the length of the hair so as not to overdry it. Wrap the hair with plastic and a towel. After 2-3 hours, rinse off the residue with water and regular shampoo. The mask is suitable for any type of hair.
  2. Dilute slightly colorless henna with water until a slurry is obtained. Add to it 1 tbsp. l concentrated tar or soap tar chips. Mix again and apply on hair and scalp. Wrap curls in heat and leave for 1 hour. Wash hair several times with shampoo. Such The recipe is useful for all types of hair.
  3. In 300 ml of pepper tincture, which you can easily buy at the pharmacy, add 1 tbsp. l tar. Stir until smooth. Rub the mixture into the skin, wrap it in heat. After 1-2 hours, wash off the remnants of the mask with warm water, if necessary, use shampoo. The mask will not only relieve dandruff, but also strengthen hair, stop hair loss and accelerate their growth.
  4. In equal proportions (1 tbsp), mix burdock and castor oil, add 50 ml of vodka to the mixture. Rub the composition into integuments, it is recommended to warm the hair. Wash off the mask after 1–2 hours with warm water. The mask is perfect for patients with oily seborrhea.
  5. Melt in a water bath 2 tbsp. l natural honey, add to it 1 tsp. tar and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Stir the mixture and massage into the head, massage, pay special attention to problem areas. Wrap in heat. It is necessary to wash off a mask in 1 hour, not less. The mask is suitable for all types of hair, especially it will turn out to be a time of weakened curls and patients with psoriasis.

Dandruff, seborrhea, psoriasis do not tolerate errors in the treatment, the presence in the medicinal composition of preservatives, parabens, so modern women of fashion are increasingly resorting to popular beauty recipes.

Birch tar for dandruff is a great chance without harm and risk to correct the problem with the hair, improve their condition, make it strong and silky. A little patience, a minimum of waste - and you expect luxurious, long and, most importantly, healthy curls!

Useful videos

The best dandruff remedy.

Tar birch from dandruff.

Application area

Tar is used for rapid healing of wounds, inflammatory formations, suppurations, fungal and parasitic skin lesions, corns, neurodermatitis, skin cancer, demodicosis, in complex treatment of seborrhea and baldness.

It is used in many medicinal preparations, such as ointments of Vishnevsky, Wilkinson, Konkov, antrasulfonic and tar ointments, soap-tar lotion, alfozyl-lotion, lokakortentar, etc., in various medicinal pastes, talkers, and also in pure form.

Tar birch is used for:

  • Scalp eczema. Rubbed into the affected skin for 4-6 hours, 2 times a day until the symptoms disappear. Do not flush during the day!
  • Focal hair loss and seborrhea. Dilute to 50% with alcohol or glycerin. The procedure is carried out for 1 month every other day. Do not flush during the day!


  • The use of tar for therapeutic purposes is possible only after consulting a doctor.
  • Use with caution during exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • For acute conditions such as eczema, exudative psoriasis, folliculitis and dermatitis, use with caution.

For large areas of the skin, it is not recommended to use tar for more than 4 hours, since the active substances contained in it have a cumulative effect, and acute poisoning (nausea, vomiting and weakness) may develop if abused excessively.

Side effects:

As with any natural product, a number of inconveniences arise when using birch tar:

  • It has a strong, sharp smell, unpleasant for most people. Depending on the thickness and degree of damage to the hair structure, the smell weakens or disappears completely after the first wash.
  • It is a fairly strong allergen, a skin test must be performed before use. To this end, a few drops of tar are applied to the wrist and are not washed off for two hours. In the absence of redness, rash, itching, it can be safely used. You may feel a slight burning sensation for 15 minutes, but there is no itching.
  • Hair tangle after the first two uses. With further use strands acquire a healthy sheen and strength, a pronounced effect is achieved after the fifth procedure.

Recipes for home use

On the basis of birch tar produced a variety of cosmetics for the hair. It can be added to any shampoos and masks of factory production, at the rate of half a spoon on a tablespoon of base. But the most pronounced effect will have shampoos and masks, made independently.

Dandruff Shampoo

  • 50 ml of tar water,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 250 ml of kefir.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Use courses 2 times a week for 2 months every six months.

If you do not have ready tar water, you can also make it yourself. To do this, take 100 grams of tar per liter of distilled water. Mix everything thoroughly, using only a wooden stick, put in a dark place for two days. After that, gently drain the clear liquid without agitating the sediment. Use for the preparation of therapeutic masks and shampoos.

Mask to accelerate hair growth

  • 4 tsp. burdock oil,
  • 7 drops of birch tar,
  • 2 capsules of vitamin A.

Squeeze vitamin A from the capsule and mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting mass is applied to wet hair, wrapping his head with a shower cap. After an hour, rinse hair thoroughly. To eliminate the smell, you can rinse with lemon juice diluted in water. Use the tool 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months.

Mask to eliminate dandruff and itching

  • 1 tsp tar,
  • 2 tsp castor oil
  • half a glass of alcohol.

Stir, apply to dry hair and leave for three hours. You can use a mask no more than twice a week, provided that the body is well tolerated. After two months of use, you need to take a break. The next course of treatment is not earlier than 5-6 months.

Mask for baldness and enhanced hair loss

  • 2.5 tsp castor oil
  • 2.5 tsp calendula tincture
  • 1 tbsp. tar.

Mix all ingredients until smooth. The mixture is applied to the centers of hair loss, or on the hair roots. Leave for 2-3 hours and then rinse thoroughly with water. Use the tool every six months in courses for 2 months.

Where can one buy?

If you have a desire to make your own cosmetic product for problem hair, birch tar can be easily found in pharmacies. The average cost of a bottle with an agent in 40 ml. will be 115 rubles.


Watch the video: How to Make DIY Midnight Coffee Beard Oil (June 2024).