Hair Growth

Which hair growth oil is better?


Wanting to get a luxurious head of hair, many women use various oils in hair care. The natural composition gently acts on damaged, weakened strands, accelerates growth, stops the loss. One of these universal remedies is Argaria oil. In the Russian market, it appeared not so long ago and has already earned a lot of positive feedback.

Rules of application

The action algorithm is very simple:

  1. The required number of drops is heated in the palms (usually 2-3, but depends on the length of the strands).
  2. Means applied on wet hair.
  3. Having sustained 10 minutes, wash off ordinary shampoo.

Some users note that they use Argaria after shower procedures, and then do not wash it off. You can also distribute the oil on the roots and wash off after half an hour. Medical masks do 2-3 times a week.

Another way is to apply a few drops over the entire length of the hair directly. before laying. Curls will be obedient, shiny. If the tips are strongly split, they should be given special attention. After about 1-2 weeks, the results of applying a cosmetic product will be noticeable. Full course recommended by the manufacturer - 4 weeks.

And you knew that you can speed up hair growth with a healthy diet. Eggs, cereals, nuts. - Read more about hair growth products on our website.

Effect of use

Even after a single application Argaria makes hair soft, silky, docile. To fix the result, requires regular use. Permanent procedures will give the expected effect. because butter:

  • restore the structure of the hair shaft, strengthen it,
  • will make your hair shine "like in advertising",
  • seals split ends,
  • eliminate dryness and brittleness
  • moisturize the scalp,
  • stop loss, including due to hormonal disruption (after pregnancy),
  • will accelerate the growth of strands. Some consumers notice this because of the fast growing bangs,
  • make curls thick, voluminous.

Laboratory studies, opinions of doctors and cosmetologists, user reviews - all testifies to the effectiveness of Argaria for strengthening, healing, growing hair. Even for a short period, the oil brings visible positive changes.In this case, the drug can be used for a long time, without fear of an overdose or the appearance of side effects.

Long and beautiful hair is easy if you have hair growth activators at hand:

Oil selection

One of the variants of the hair problem is alopecia. It is most pronounced in men, up to the complete loss of vegetation on the scalp. In a less pronounced form, it affects women.

Hair problems are also manifested by a violation of their structure, which leads to dryness, brittleness, tarnishing, and split ends. It can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • General health.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins from food.
  • Hormonal and age-related changes.

Color has an important influence, as well as aggressive cosmetics and hair drying. Do not forget about the effects of direct sunlight, precipitation and environmental conditions.

Alas, not all causes can be handled. But there are ways to provide all possible assistance. In order for the hair to be long, thick and with a healthy shine, you need to pay enough attention to it and take care of it regularly.

Among the many methods of strengthening the hair follicles a special place is occupied by the use of oils for hair growth. This option is one of the best. Cosmetic means allows to provide growth stimulation and proper care, to improve the condition of the scalp.

There are many oils that have a positive effect on strands that can be used at home. Women with long shiny hair often use a variety of plant and praise their properties. Is there a significant difference between them? This can be judged by reviewing the most used oils.


It has long been used to detoxify and cleanse the body. Castor oil is rich in vitamin E, proteins and minerals. It contains castor acid, which combats inflammatory diseases of the scalp, helping to maintain a healthy state. It is very sticky, it is difficult to wash it off, but this is the only drawback.

Castor oil is suitable for the treatment of dry scalp. In the field of cosmetology, it is valued for its moisturizing properties, as well as for the prevention of excessive hair loss and the stimulation of natural growth. In addition, this tool:

  • It has antibacterial properties.
  • Helps to get rid of dandruff.
  • It enhances blood circulation, thereby ensuring a better supply of nutrients to the roots and increasing local immunity.

It can be said castor oil works wonders for hair. It should be applied to the scalp and rubbed over the entire length of the hair. It is recommended not to wash it off for three hours. For the best effect, it is worth keeping all night. Washed off with a gentle shampoo the next day.

Regular application of castor oil will help to achieve healthy, thick, shiny and moisturized hair.

From avocado

It is characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic. The ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 in avocado is 13: 1. This oil is a source of vitamins A, E (mainly alpha-tocopherol acetate), which nourish and strengthen hair, at the same time reducing their loss. It perfectly stimulates growth.

Avocado oil is a powerful tool that can stop the process of falling out. It can be used in a mixture with others. It is one of the components of many cosmetic products for the care of the scalp.

This is one of the best vegetable oils. In addition to the fact that it is often recommended for general body care, it is also an excellent ally for restoring hair. Coconut oil for hair growth is a natural conditioner that contains a lot of vitamin E and antioxidants.

The tool has the following properties:

  • Penetrating hair follicles stimulates growth.
  • Moisturizes too dry hair.
  • Makes hair soft and silky.
  • Helps to solve the split ends problem.

If you add other ingredients to the coconut oil, you get a wonderful mask that will help you with hair problems and make them grow faster in the shortest possible time.

If you want to improve the condition of the scalp, then a bottle of linseed oil can be an effective and much cheaper way than specialized cosmetics or procedures. It contains omega-3 acids that promote hair growth, enhances the regeneration of follicles. It also gives the hair a healthy shine and leaves it properly moisturized. It also helps to fight dandruff and solves the problem with other problems of the scalp.

Flaxseed oil is best suited for hair with high porosity, but remains effective for most other types. Its worth trying and waiting for results.

It is worth mentioning that flaxseed oil is not only effective as a mask. Eating also has a positive effect on the growth and appearance of the hair.

It also contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen the strands, skin, nails. Olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E, which prevents hair loss and naturally stimulates their growth. It has a high concentration of antioxidants that are beneficial to the scalp.

Olive oil is a highly moisturizing agent due to its consistency and the content of oleic acid, which easily penetrates the hair, locking moisture in them. It gives curls softness and smoothness to the touch.

Olive oil is a natural conditioner, available in almost every store.

It is often used as a base in many Indian preparations used for rapid hair growth. For example, this is the oil component Bringradzh.

Sesame oil nourishes both hair and scalp, effectively acts against dandruff. Vitamin E contained in this tool can work wonders to restore curls. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is recommended for the treatment of many skin fungal infections. It works best in a heated condition.

Argan oil is an excellent hair care product. It moisturizes the curls, penetrates and deeply nourishes them. The high content of vitamin E and vitamin F contributes to shine.

Argan oil for hair contains many antioxidants that repair damage, due to which it is primarily recommended for split ends. Also restores strands after damage when styling with the use of hot curlers and a hair dryer.

In traditional Asian medicine, it is known as "liquid gold." Recently, it has gained considerable popularity in the world of beauty. Cosmetic companies have appreciated the features of this product, and add it to many hair care products. So one can say that today everyone has heard about the positive effects of argan oil.

Jojoba oil

It is very useful for hair and skin due to its moisturizing and soothing properties. Regular use of jojoba oil will make your hair smooth and shiny.

This tool will help in removing excess sebum from the scalp, and will also facilitate the removal of all impurities that clog hair follicles. Effective against dandruff.

Jojoba oil is widely used in cosmetic preparations for skin care hair.


Rosemary oil is a component often used in cosmetics for hair care. It strengthens the hair follicles, stimulates their growth, activates the blood circulation of the head.

To make optimal use of its beneficial properties, you just need to add a few drops to a daily used shampoo.

It has pronounced warming properties, activates blood circulation. It has a very beneficial effect on the hair and scalp. Restores and nourishes the bulbs and especially intensively provides microcirculation. It also has an antiseptic, antibacterial effect, contains many vitamins A, K, P and carotene, which enhances the effect.

It has anti-inflammatory, warming effect, as well as:

  • Strongly stimulates blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth.
  • Prevents strand falling out.
  • Moisturizes hair.
  • Strengthens the bulbs.

Ginger, mustard and laurel oils are best used in combination with others. They are so strong that they can be annoying. They can be combined with coconut oil or avocado and jojoba oils in a proportion of 10-15%.

Oil extracts

In addition to the oils themselves, oil extracts have been widely used to stimulate hair growth. Their main difference in the use of oil as a basis for the extraction of active substances from herbs, and not as a primary active agent. In this capacity they use olive, linseed castor oil, about the beneficial properties of which have already been mentioned.

  • Burdock root oil extract. Contains natural inulins, proteins, essential, fatty oils, tannins, mineral salts, vitamins. Due to its composition it moisturizes and strengthens the hair follicles, stops hair loss, accelerates their growth, restores the damaged structure, works well in the fight against dandruff, dryness, irritation, itching.
  • Nettle extract oil. Contains a rich set of biologically active substances that stimulate carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases the tension of the walls of blood vessels, eliminates itchy scalp, provides prevention of dandruff and hair loss, as well as premature gray hair.
  • Clover oil extract. Includes tannins mucous substances, alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic acid. It is used for seborrhea. Promotes rapid regeneration of the skin epithelium.
  • Oil extract of horsetail. Contains alkaloids, organic substances, silicic and ascorbic acids, carotene. It speeds up the metabolism, is useful for getting rid of dandruff, irritation and itching of the scalp.

How to use?

Hair oil is best applied to dry, unwashed hair. With the help of a neat massage, a small amount is applied to the scalp and hair strands along the entire length. It is important that the use of oil is combined with a few minutes of massage to stimulate blood circulation.

Hair after applying the mask must be covered. Long strands are recommended to tie a rubber band and only then put on the film on top. For better impregnation of the cosmetic, wrap the head with a towel. The mask will act while it remains on the hair for 1-3 hours (maximum - all night).

The oil is washed off with a mild shampoo (preferably without silicones). To make it easier to wash the product out of the hair, you can use conditioner. For best results, repeat several times a week.

Masks from oils for hair growth

Although each of the above oils contributes to rapid growth, the best results are achieved by combining them together.

Home mask for hair growth, ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of organic coconut oil.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Heat coconut oil until smooth.
  2. Mix it with honey. Then add apple vinegar.
  3. Mix all ingredients to a smooth consistency.
  4. Apply the mask with a comb. It is better to start from the roots, then go to the ends.
  5. Massage the head for a few minutes.
  6. Wrap the strands with a towel and leave for 15–20 minutes.
  7. Wash with shampoo.

This procedure will eliminate the need for air conditioning. With dry hair, leave the mask a little longer than 20 minutes.

Mask with the use of several oils for hair growth:

  • Half a cup of castor oil.
  • 2 tsp of avocado oil.
  • 1 tsp rosemary essential oil.
  • 1 teaspoon lavender oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Mix all the ingredients together in a glass bowl, then apply to the strands.
  • In the process of applying to do a gentle massage.
  • Leave for one hour and then rinse thoroughly.

Beautiful and healthy hair is not an impossible dream. Modern cosmetology offers various means for their restoration. Try, experiment and select the hair oil that suits you best. But remember that these tools will not help solve the main problem that provoked the deterioration of the hair.

Origin and Composition

Argan oil is produced by squeezing cold seeds of argan fruit, a rare tree that grows only in Morocco and is a national treasure of this country.

The oil contains unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic), antioxidants, antibiotics, vitamins A, E, F. Thick golden or yellow liquid has almost no odor (argan kernels intended for the manufacture of cosmetic oils do not fry) .
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Properties of argan oil. Advantages and disadvantages

The components of the product determine its useful qualities:

  • revitalization of damaged hair, prevention of fragility, the return of natural softness and shine,
  • giving them elasticity and ease of installation,
  • when adding oil to natural dyes - prolongation of color retention of dyed hair,
  • strengthening the hair follicles,
  • anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp,
  • protect hair from UV radiation.

Negative sides of argan oil:

  • negative individual reaction in the form of skin rashes - before starting treatment, it is necessary to drop argan oil on the skin and check the condition of this area during the day,
  • high price is such a rare oil, if it is not a fake, it will not be possible to buy cheap.

How to apply argan oil for hair?

The drug is consumed in minimal quantities, often it is combined with other components - while its action does not weaken.

The mask based on argan oil is easily washed off, producing a weighting effect - this is especially valuable for owners of thin, weakened hair. Treatment in the form of a course of masks prevents or stops hair loss, stimulates their growth, improves the structure.
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Preventive care

For prophylactic purposes, argan oil is applied to the hair once a week, in general, 8 to 10 sessions are sufficient.

  • The tool is rubbed into the hair roots, massaged the surface of the head for 15 - 20 minutes, held for half an hour. Wash hair done with warm water.
  • Make a massage mixture of 1 tablespoon of argan oil and 2 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • To care for naughty hair, after washing they put a little argan oil on it, without washing it off. Hair styling will occur much faster, hair will get shine, but will not become greasy.

3 - 5 drops of argan oil added to your favorite shampoo or balm make them more effective.
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Healing Wrap with Argan Oil

If hair problems are serious, you should spend 10 - 15 wraps (three times a week) using argan oil. Then it is worth continuing them in the preventive purposes, spending once a week. At the same time, a full course of hair restoration with argan oil is 3 months.

  • Treatment with natural oil. A tablespoon of argan oil is heated on a water bath, rubbed into the roots of moist hair and make a 15-minute massage. Brush natural bristles to distribute the drug over the entire length of the hair. Put on a polyethylene cap, wrap a head with a towel. Hold the mask on your head for about an hour, then rinse.
  • Mask from a mixture of argan and burdock oils. The components combine in a ratio of 1: 1, heat, lubricate the scalp with oil, massaging the hair roots. Wrapping with a wrap and towel improves blood flow, making treatment more effective. An hour later, the mask is washed off with shampoo (a mixture of burdock oil is removed from the hair somewhat worse).
  • Treatment of brittle hair: a mask of yolk with argan oil. One egg yolk is whipped with a tablespoon of argan oil. The mixture is rubbed into the hair roots, cover the head for 15 minutes, then wash off. Along with argan oil (1 teaspoon), other oils are included in the egg mask: olive oil - 2 tsp, sage - 5 drops, lavender - 10 drops.

The right approach to the choice of oils

Only high-quality oil will give the desired effect. There are a number of rules that are worth remembering when buying base and essential oils:

  1. Natural oil can not cost "3 pennies", otherwise you have a synthetic product
  2. Quality oils must be sold in dark glass bottles.
  3. Read the information on the packaging, the manufacturer must be specified, the shelf life, properties and methods of application of oil
  4. Buy oils from proven manufacturers, there is a lot of information on the topic of aromatherapy on the Internet, where you can find a list of reliable suppliers of natural oils.
  5. The natural essential oil has a strong aroma and has several different shades.
  6. Buying oil at the pharmacy is not a guarantee of the quality of the goods

Base oils to thicken and accelerate hair growth

The leaders among the oils that accelerate hair growth are burdock, castor, argan, olive, coconut, sea buckthorn, almond and flax. These oils contain a rich composition and supply hair follicles with nutrients necessary for their growth.

Burdock oil is rich in mineral salts, protein, tannins and vitamins. This miracle remedy increases blood flow to the roots of hair, accelerates their growth, nourishes and treats dandruff.

The beneficial properties of castor oil have been known for a long time. It is easily applied and absorbed deep into the hair shaft, awakens sleeping roots and activates hair growth. Castor oil is often used in the treatment of baldness. The most useful in cosmetology is considered to be castor oil, obtained by cold pressing.

Argan oil is not familiar to many, but it is an excellent means of stimulating hair growth. This oil is 80% polyunsaturated fatty acids that help restore and strengthen curls. It also contains amino acids, vitamins and polyphenols, which also has a beneficial effect on the growth and general condition of the hair.

But many are familiar with sea buckthorn oil, it is obtained from yellow sea buckthorn berries and it is valuable not only for the hair, but also for the whole body. The main plus oil - a high content of vitamin A, which accelerates hair growth and stimulates the regeneration of the skin. Very popular cosmetics with the addition of sea buckthorn extract.

So beloved by many olive oil is not only suitable for culinary masterpieces, it is great for fighting for thick and long hair. The scalp and hair perfectly absorb oil, as a result, the hair grows faster and becomes more moisturized, smooth and shiny.

Coconut oil is now at its peak. This is not just a tribute to fashion or longing for a beach holiday, coconut oil - just a godsend for weak and thin hair. It perfectly cares, moisturizes and stimulates the hair follicles, is used in the treatment of baldness. After a course of recovery masks with coconut oil, hair looks much better and grows much faster.

Another, familiar to many from childhood butter - flaxseed. From tiny seeds they get the most valuable remedy for restoring beauty and healthy hair. The oil is rich in vitamin F, as a result of the application, the sleeping follicles are stimulated, the hair grows much faster and becomes stronger and shinier.

We should also talk about amla oil. This wonderful product is home to India. Amla oil is obtained from the swamps (Indian gooseberry) by insisting it on base oils. Amla oil is used in medicine, cosmetology and ayurveda. It is rich in vitamin C and a variety of beneficial acids and trace elements.

Indian girls are obliged for their luxurious long shiny hair, including amla oil, which is actively used in their care procedures. If you regularly make hair masks with this oil, the curls will become stronger and thicker, hair growth will accelerate, dandruff will disappear and excess hair will disappear. You can buy it in the Indian shops or via the Internet.

Essential oils to accelerate hair growth

Not only base oils accelerate hair growth, essential oils also have a stimulating effect on the “lazy” hair follicles. In the list of the best essential oils for hair: bay, bergamot, lavender, cinnamon, citrus, fir, mint.

Important: essential oils are applied only as part of base oils, otherwise you can get a strong allergic reaction or even a burn.

Bay essential oil is obtained from the leaves of the myrtle tree. It is a strong stimulator of tissue metabolism, resulting in accelerated hair growth.

Also stimulate the hair follicles of lavender oil, bergamot, fir and mint.

Citrus oils clean the hair well, give it shine and tone up the hair roots. In addition, the essential oil of orange improves mood, and lemon oil protects against colds.

An interesting caveat: before using, be sure to smell the ethereal little, it should be done at a distance of 10-12 centimeters from the nose. The aroma of the oil should you like, otherwise the effect of its use will decrease significantly. This is one of the main rules of aromatherapy that really works.

Ways to use oils

Oil masks - one of the most effective ways to stimulate hair growth. Important condition: for the preparation of oil mixtures can not use iron utensils, it is better to take wood, ceramics or glass.

To activate hair growth, you need to act directly on their roots. For basic base take burdock, castor or coconut oil. To one tablespoon of vegetable oil, add two drops of rosemary, mint and lemon essential oils. Apply the oil mixture to the hair roots for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Silk Strands mask, recipe: add 2 drops of bay oil and tea tree to 3 tablespoons of castor oil. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, wrap your head and leave the mask for 1.5-2 hours. Then thoroughly wash the hair, the procedure should be carried out 2 times a week.

For enhanced hair growth, mix kefir and amla oil in the same proportions. Apply the mixture on all hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse.

With oils it is possible to strengthen ready-made cosmetic products. Do not add them to the bottle, it is better to do this before each use. For example, add 1 tablespoon of olive and linseed oil + 2 drops of ylang-ylang, orange and bay essential oils to your care product.

Do a brushing a couple of times a week. You will need a wooden comb. Apply 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil to it and carefully comb your hair in different directions. Thus, you strengthen the curls and hold a home session of aromatherapy.

A good effect gives a head massage with vegetable oil. It improves the nutrition of the hair roots, activates blood circulation, accelerates hair growth and reduces their loss.

The main thing - do not overload your hair with oil procedures, it is enough to do them 1-2 times a week.

Strong activators of hair growth are pepper and mustard. However, they must be applied very carefully.

Some oils are good for ingestion. For example, use cedar or flaxseed oil one tablespoon on an empty stomach. A great option is to fill vegetable salads with vegetable oil instead of fatty sauces or mayonnaise.

How to buy good quality argan oil?

The price of a unique oil is high, as argans grow only in a limited area and require careful maintenance. In addition, all operations for the manufacture of the product are carried out manually, and it is long and expensive. To avoid fakes, it is worth examining customer reviews, purchase products of well-known companies.

The price of argan oil from the best manufacturers

1. Melvita, 50 ml - 1300 rub.

3. Kapous, 200 ml - 625 rubles.

3. Magic Glance, 100 ml - 1726 rub.
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Svetlana, 24 years old:

“Though my hair is thick, but thin and brittle after repainting, the tips split off despite regular cutting. I decided to buy argan oil from the company Kapus. I am very pleased - the hair just came to life. I've been using it for three weeks already - I just put it on my hair, I walk for half an hour, wash off shampoo. ”

“The best producer of argan oil is the company Melvita. I advise you to buy the drug on its corporate website, so as not to overpay in the store. The price is certainly high, but the quality is excellent. ”

“The product from Magic Glance is no worse. Argan oil is used for warm masks. I pour it into a spoon, heat it on the fire, rub it into my hair. The shower cap and towel should also be warm. I recommend buying an argan product - I haven’t yet seen the best medicine for hair. ”

Choosing the right oil

The main selection criterion is the naturalness of the product. The greatest benefit will bring unrefined, undiluted cold-pressed oil. The composition should not be perfumes, preservatives and artificial colors.

Among the oils worthy of our hair, there are both 100% natural and cosmetic. Their difference is that the latter contain additional components. The cost of cosmetic oils is lower, however, the beneficial properties are partially reduced. 100% natural can be eaten. They will give a head of hair a maximum of nutrients.

When buying, be sure to check the expiration date: there is a risk to give money for a product with an unpleasant smell and lost qualities. In addition, pay attention to the packaging. It is advisable to choose oil in a dark-colored glass container.

The best essential oils for hair

Essential oil for hair is too rich to apply it solo, but how an additive to the base will work perfectly. At 30 ml of base, on average, is 5 drops of ethereal. To know which essential oil is better, let's look at the most popular ones, and analyze what they are for.

Tea tree essential oil for hair

When you are disturbed by itching, dandruff and rash, buy tea tree oil for hair. Only 4 drops of ether per 10 ml of base, and after a few applications there will be no problem.

Ylang Ylang essential oil for hair

Decent oil in hair care. A wide range of action, rapid effect with regular use and cost-effectiveness (2 drops per 30 ml of base).

Lavender essential oil for hair

Lavender oil eliminates dandruff, increases blood flow and stimulates enhanced growth. 3 tablespoons of base - 3 drops of essential.

Professional hair products based on oils

Science does not stand still, so you can not go past some professional tools. Judging by the reviews, the most effective products in which the healing properties of the oils are supplemented with vitamin complexes and plant components are: Matrix oil, L'Oreal Elseev, Kerastase elixir ultime mask, Garnier Fructis elixir ), Oil Reflections from Wella, Elixir of Curex Therapy from Estel.

Matrix Hair Oil

Oil from Matrix is ​​one of the most effective tools in the fight for luxurious curls. It solves the problem of broken ends, brittleness and damaged hair. Also, the oil from the matrix creates a protective barrier for mechanical and thermal damage.

Elseus Extraordinary Oil by L'oreal

In the extraordinary hair oil, L'Oreal has included 6 types of essential oils that make the curls moisturized and shiny. Elsev oil prevents drying of hair by hot styling, coloring and styling products.

The manufacturer offers to choose Elsev from L'Oreal to your taste.

Mask for hair Kerastase elixir ultime

Kerastase elixir ultime is a series of products with a complex of precious oils. Mask Kerastase elixir ultime, according to the manufacturer, with long-term use completely restores hair.

Oil Elixir from Garnier Fructis (Garnier Fructis)

Oil from Garnier is suitable for all hair types. It contains argan oil, which nourishes the hair and treats it. You can apply at any time.

Judging by the reviews, the oil is really good.

Oil Reflections by Wella

Oil Reflections from Wella (Wella) - a product that includes macadamia oil, avocado and vitamin E. It gives the hair a dazzling shine and keeps the color of colored hair.

Elixir Curex Therapy by Estelle

Curex is a professional Estelle line that includes oil and fluids. The composition of the elixir from Estelle includes argan oil and vitamin E. No need to flush. After use, the manufacturer Estelle promises softness, smoothness and shine.

Curex Therapy Elixir from Estelle restores and protects hair from the effects of hot styling.

There are many tools that allow for any source data look gorgeous. Self-care works wonders, especially when it comes to hair. The use of oils for the beauty of hair - the fastest and most pleasant way to a luxurious head of hair.The main thing is to start, and when the first results appear, you will not be stopped.

Argan oil for hair: properties of magic liquid

To the average consumer, the product name says little, which is completely unsurprising. The oil is obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the tree, the growing area of ​​which is limited to the territory of modern Morocco. Given the extremely limited distribution and small yield of the product, its high cost is understandable. The benefits of argan oil for hair becomes clear when considering its composition:

  • Tocopherol. A powerful antioxidant, known to us under the name Vit. E stimulates regeneration processes. Due to this, all the tissues that are saturated with tocopherol are actively restored, which means that thin, weakened, damaged curls become healthy again.
  • Polyphenols. These substances of plant origin are widely used in anti-age cosmetology and trichology. The magical ability to remove metabolic products and accelerate the rate of biochemical reactions stimulates hair growth, making them softer and more docile.
  • Organic acids. Natural anti-inflammatory components eliminate the itching and burning sensation associated with dry skin. Due to the removal of inflammation, concomitant peeling of the epidermis and dandruff are eliminated.
  • Fatty acid. The irreplaceable substances forming the thinnest protective film on the hair shaft. This glues the scales and eliminates the problem of splitting hair, protects against the direct influence of damaging factors and prevents moisture loss by evaporation.
  • Sterols. Necessary for the awakening of sleeping follicles and the formation of a healthy strong hair shaft. If you regularly use argan oil for hair care, customer reviews say that the density of hairstyles increases markedly.

The limited annual production volume makes argan oil in the literal sense of the word precious. At the same time, in stores, the cost of a product of various trademarks differs tenfold. Do not be attracted by the low price, so as not to buy a fake, but pay attention to the country of origin. Real argan oil is produced only in Morocco (country bar code 611).

How to use argan oil for hair: general rules

The ways of using this unique product are in many ways similar to traditional oils used to restore the beauty of curls (burdock, castor, flax and others). If you plan to use argan oil for hair, the benefits and harms should be compared, and the rules of use should be followed:

  • The exotic product is completely unfamiliar to our immune system, and has the potential to cause allergies. Be sure to perform a sensitivity test, putting a couple of drops of oil on the flexor surface of the forearm, lightly rub it into the skin and wait 12 hours, then evaluate the reaction. Even a slight redness, itching or rash suggests that you should choose another way to care.
  • You can use it for clean, just washed hair, and not quite fresh. In the first case, the composition plays the role of a light, indelible oil, and in the second, an intensive nourishing mask.
  • If you are concerned about the excessive fat content of the strands, apply argan oil for hair care only on the tips. To feed the scalp and hair roots, prepare a mask with the addition of drying components: egg white, alcohol or lemon juice.
  • On the dry and normal hair should be applied healing composition starting from the scalp. Massage it with circular movements of the fingertips, then add a little more money on the palm and spread it along the length, paying special attention to the tips.
  • To enhance the penetration of useful components, add heat factor: heat the oil before applying to 40 ° C, and then wrap the head with cling film or cellophane, and wrap a towel over the top.
  • If the selected recipe contains drying components, the exposure time of the mask should not exceed 40 minutes. In other cases, a longer period of action is preferred, and argan oil can be applied to the hair for a period of 2 to 8 hours.
  • The oil is very light, and problems with flushing does not deliver. For the first time, lather hair without soaking, rinse and repeat lathering again.
  • The best way to use - courses. At the stage of active treatment, use oil 2-3 times a week for 2 months, after which sufficient maintenance care 1 time per week is sufficient.

Hair damaged as a result of perming, thermal styling or dyeing requires intensive restoration. In this case, a thick layer of the mask can be applied at night. Wrap a plastic wrap on top and put on a hat with a thick elastic band. Just in case, do not forget to put on the pillow an old pillowcase.

Argan oil for hair: a method of application for every taste

The uniqueness of this product is in its particularly light structure. Unlike many vegetable oils, it does not oxidize in air and does not form a thick, greasy hair film. Due to this, the curls after it become soft and flowing, without a typical weighting. Apply argan oil for hair can be in different ways, which allows you to choose the most comfortable for you.

Classic mask

The method is suitable for any type of hair, and gives an excellent moisturizing and firming effect. In this embodiment, the product is used according to all the rules of oil masks:

  • Heat it to a temperature of 40⁰, which corresponds well to hot, but not scalding oil. Do not wash your head beforehand.
  • Apply to the roots and massage your scalp with your fingertips. The standard massage time is 10-15 minutes, so if you have enough patience, stick to this length.
  • Wrap your head with cellophane and a towel and leave for an hour or more, then rinse your hair thoroughly.

When you put a mask on your hair, an oil film will cover your hands. Do not rush to wash it off, it is better to lubricate your face, arms and neck, because the healing properties of argan will be useful to your skin and nails.

Tip Recovery

Dry, split ends of hair after standard washing and styling do not look the best way. In order to moisturize them, and to fasten the scales of the hair shaft, Moroccan argan oil for hair is used as follows:

  • Put on the palm 3-4 drops of oil, and hold for a moment to warm up.
  • Pound the product on the palms and smooth the ends of the hair between them, soaking them with moisturizing substances.
  • Comb and use your favorite way of laying, do not need to wash off the product.

This method can be used after each washing of hair, because the natural structure is not inferior in ease of cosmetic oils, the formula of which was created specifically for these purposes.

Against fallout

If the hair falls off intensively, you need to act as quickly as possible to stop this unpleasant process. To preserve the density of hair, use the following recipe:

  • Mix in equal proportions argan and burdock oil.
  • Lightly heat the composition and apply it in a standard way.
  • Duration of action - from 3 to 8 hours.

Burdock-argan masks do daily until the fallout does not weaken, and then switch to supporting weekly use.

Nourishing mask

Curls that have lost their beauty and faded, require additional nutrients. In this case, argan oil for hair application is in this form:

  • In 4 tbsp. slightly warmed product, add 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp. sage essential oil.
  • Whisk until smooth.
  • Immediately proceed with the application, since after a short standing the mask will exfoliate.

Rinse the mask with cool water to keep the yolk liquid. If the hairstyle is prone to quickly become dirty, use a whole egg without separating the white from the yolk.


This procedure combines care and pleasure, so that it has the potential to become a daily ritual.

  • Add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to argan. For oily hair, use citrus or coniferous varieties, for dry hair - lavender or sage.
  • Apply the resulting compound to the comb. The most convenient way to do this from the bottle with a spray.
  • Carefully and slowly, strand by strand comb through your hair, periodically adding oil, if necessary.

This method can be applied both in the morning and in the evening, before bedtime. In addition to the direct application of beneficial substances, you also get a massage, which has a positive effect on hair growth.

Growth stimulation

Irritants are known for their ability to stimulate hair growth and awaken dormant hair follicles. This is due to the expansion of capillaries and the activation of local blood flow, which ensures the supply of nutrients to the bulbs. To prepare such a hair mask will be easy:

  • 2 tbsp. Warm up the argan oil with 2 tsp. vodka and 0.5 tsp. pepper.
  • Immediately, avoiding delamination, apply the mixture to the hair and skin, wrap them to keep warm.
  • Soak the mask for 30-40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

During the procedure, there will be a slight burning sensation, it is completely normal and should not confuse you. The results of increased growth can be seen after a couple of months of regular use.

Now you know exactly how to use argan oil for hair, and it remains only to put this knowledge into practice. Pamper curls with magical care, and they will thank you for their obedience and gorgeous views!


Watch the video: 5 Easy Ways To Reverse Hair Loss & Promote Hair Growth (June 2024).